Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1963, p. 16

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mt Ilnm Ind mun mndlrn lhlpl In In world Mm which In do To mln hm Ihlpl Ind mm um my mm mm Nulnlnam III vay ll laoklnl or ken yum Cuudlhm who wlll wk mm um Xurn qultkly 0flyognl gun gyw enggnnl 1n Royll cmmn rm Jo ASK Mm lbmfl Lyell fin enlllrmlnl ntw ndu mvl lnlnlnl Iylllm Ind other lulu ol Clnld modem nlvy may Clnldlln vay that nzw mm or Met naw um mm mm mm opponmuu plul mh mm ma mm prlde 1n mun unllurm or nur coumryl lwlnl llrvlca If ya In ram 17 lo ye In MVI Gr eduullnn or heuer and knaw About In vay urnfioxfilofi nunbu shori mq amtn cm 71mm lanuunAnlzn mienIn nos lull in mm mum am and momma mum nmn Dun mu um Excellrm benemm My pmonm mmxmm DIV om cma le lflLHIlCANADMPL mlddll and would Ilka wnrk an mm mm or bu mum Im Inlormnunn mwnon PA 3954 Mmunnu In mm COWANI II COL HT IA mum Mr Xmfiwfifi nunm human my mm Ann url on Naum nmm comum Owl1 NW IA um luluvino mums wmen up IvIMma um Av luunnl ar phone in lor uppemr mun WM HINTON BA GLADSTONE CURRIE QC Mnmurzl murmm Lu mum VIIIm Mum um Ilnnl um an Imm rmnnnm Nutu ll THE BMHUE 35 Locating in Barrie OGood sninry as day week OFuii company bcnciiil lGDod personality ONcnt nppmmncc must All enquiries strictly cpnfidential ygmber Picasg WILSON MOORBY nAlUlISIHIl SOLICITOR IO HELP WANTED l1 OWEN K1 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Mnuurrlu 13 Collier 5L About FullTime Career In The Royal Canadian Navy RCN RECRUITING OFFICER TORONTO AREA CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 51 CLAIR AVE EAST TORONTD oNTAmo II um 01 Corner Collier aid Owen um at Mum urllmln um um LIVINGSTON MYERS COCKBURN STECKlEY FUNERAl HOME mnmsnu wuttnon Nnmuu rnnuc Nlllfl IA mm mm Dunlou In ml cnul Mlmn ILA MI Laml nnmm flallrflull osz IT Hall CLERK TYPIST mum flolkuan am mum DnL 0mm than El mm um mu llawlQC mum400 Ilthh CONDER SUGG GO PLACES GO NAVY Get The Facts ASSOCIATE FINANCE CO novs saAcnfiiT nowa VTUTE BOX 35 1mm EXAMINER COWN COWAN CHAIMIE wnsoi FUNERAL HOME IIVINIIUI IIIVMI AI Alumni rm nun Inm NOW Bumsch SoSLcAiar and Notary Public PA MM 35 Own Required by the FEMALE HELP MALE HELP PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Limited PA 616 LEGAL Ilrrnnn vA oMon Ill l0 an FRIDAY NOVEMBER ENGINEER Slltlnnl dell Inllllnn Ellclflflln numnymn In mnlmemncu Vlll my wnrk fillers conlldu Ivflllhlm TlIchom PA lllfl SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF Writ of Flerl Faclas Issued out of The County Court of Iha Counly York whereln arriann Plulntlfl nnd Jo eph Cirruson the Defendant and to me directed against Iha goods and malluls and lands and tenements JOSEPH CAR SO HAVE SEIZED and lnkcn In xuculion all the right mm In Ieres andlgqully rgdcmpuqn the aaldJoiefifi VCniuébflln and ha allowing that In luilCAL MAI Mil IIKRMY IIMKHMI UVNNAITICI II nAINu nudum vumlko Callun Ind Phnlul Th lb 4111th ll PA I1II PAIRTlNfl AND lully upulmced Rulunlhh me Mm Ill me ALL AND SINGULAR that cer tnln puree or true oI land nnd prcmlse IItunte lying and be In In tho CIty at Borrlc tn the County 51mm and betng composed of part Lot Slxty seven 51 on the North side oI CoIIler Street In the sold my oI BanIo occordtng to real tcrod Plnn Number No NOTE Complcln Iegnl descrIp tIan may be seen at tho Sher IIIs OIIIce Court House Bor rte ALL OF WHICH sold 3th Lluc Interest and equtty or re demptIon ol the aaId Joseph Contso In and to tho ould lands and lenamcnu shall oIIcr or late by Puhllc Auctton on Wed ncsdny the 27m dny oI Novnm bcr AD 1933 at my otIIcu In the Court House Guy at Bar rIe at lhe hour of 130 ocIock In the otternoan DATED at tho Clty oI Burrlc In the County oI simcoc tIIII 1th day at August AD 1m nossin IIUGIIES ShelIII TENDERS will be received of lhe management Gulhrlo Amm with or wllhaut booth All lundm to be In by pm NOVEMBER 15 I001 Lowest or My tendcr not new cuurily accepted MEL JAMIESON Phona Om amzz RR 0m Slnllou Onlnrlo 707M mmm an no MAIIll IUIIIKI mmqu ur unuulmu 7nd hm EIIM narm 0mm Mumm um vnmm myzumnuc mu MinAL erIINchTNI ma Ind 11v um pouuou In 4mm arm mepnon annnln 1mm nu Ilaan MUIIP Toranln MICT MIMI Imlhol 11 numm II um THE DAVIES OF CANADA my Mum Ilon rum 1mm thrnInI mRJA th1 Man II ml II In nu Ilmh IA Noel Slcphunuon 10 ummrmn Dunlap II In In llmno FA um am Div cm In my own in lflulpurmlun mum mm sma findm PA mm QINIIGNIMCA UnflImHLCA lluldlnl Pnlnlrl Amununu In MIN non IA II Callr IL PM PA EXAMINKH WAN ADI PHONE IA um EMPLOYMENT wANrTD LEGAL NOTICES I1 TENDERS IO HELP WANTED GUTHRIE COMMUNITY ARENA VOICI PIANO DRAMA NAPIER IT IIMUIII Chmma Account Tornnlo In Illnli Irrh om WIton IN my JESSIE BRYSON HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT ROSE HARRISON Maya 11051 MEDICAL MASSAGE MUSIC lESSONS ACCOUNTANTS céinnly Slmiac OPTOMETRY OSIEOPKTHS Irvulnlmml Prion IA NI mm film In munm 11mm 23 15 AuEtION sfllas Department 01 Highway 0mm AUCTION SALE OF BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE NO rorm storey Irnrne combination rtoro and dwelling car Irma Karma car um and con crete guru and Irnme thud alluntcd an Part Lot Con union Township of Welt Gwllllmbury County 51mm located an lhe mth ride the Rand Allowance between Can couiom and an the well IIdU or Highwny Nut 11 approx mawly mile north of Brad 5ro to ho held on the properly 11 must obtain Jnlormaelon regard lng permllu mm 019 Dllulct Olflco noted below PRIOR TO THE SALE For mnhcr information plus conlacl Tho Auctioneer Mr Vcrl Coulis Holland SlreM Bradford omnrlo Telephone 7752070 AUCTION SALE Sat Nov 91 at 130 pm or MR 301 JAMIESON La 88 Can Mtdonle Highway DJ Orr Lula of LIVESTOCK HAY Ind IMPLEMENT Hereford Cow yam call at loot plume bred Holstein Cow yum cal tool pu ture bred Holmln Cow yearn cal at not pm bred Durham Cam cal out putura bred Holueln xmrm due Denny bar llonleln mile yearn Herclord Hemn In ycnn Red and Whlu llcllm riaan yum 25m your Stern Yuri Elem monlhs Calm Aberdetn Angul Hull you 1500 Bnlu May Implcmcnll and mu nnlclu loo numerom to AUCTION SALE Snlurdny Nov 10 at 1230 limp or ALLEN Cancmlon lnnllfll Tawmlulp mm Mll lo 000 Highway Huh cl came ply Implemcnll min Ind mm haulchold db cm Includmg unllquu Term ml Na rmrvc Iho mm In mid JEflllY C0UHILIN TUESDAY NOV mm 1968 TERMS Cash or mulled cheque lchequu made payable to the lrealurcr oi Dnlurlol plus 0mm Pcriarmnncu Bond in gunrnnlee that wark will completed in accordance wilh DH0 regulations NOTICE permit ll rcqulrud in mm building along across or over Provincial Highway andor Municipal Band or Street Perm who may be lnlemled in purclm in lime building or the pur pole ol moving horn intact On Central Regional ofllco nghlolWny Dlvlslon Department or Hllhwnyl Dowmvlew Ontario Telephony 1484415 AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov pm sharp or the mats the 1m ROBERT GRAHAM In Lo 10 Conmllan ll Tec umulh Towmhlp mm wu and mllo wulh Coohtown Vlllum all lmhwny Sale llcrdord ulllc pm Implcmmlt hay umln Ilrnw and mm houuhold cflecll Mm 1056 Matter Sedan ham mu mlll Ind an rollrr Trnclor antique cullm Ind bum 1000 bulhell mlud zrnln nnd mm 11er nllclu on numeraul to llll Term mm Na mam In nlnlc mm ha mm JEHR COUOHLIN OR Toronto Dklrlc Ofllce Depnrlmem ol llinhwayl anmvlew Ontarla Tclnphonc 2483335 AUCTION SALE Monday November 18 pm nharp or DAVID KENT Al Lat faunaIon Noll Inlnn Tovmlhlv lnawn II tqu hllml llne um mil novlh Mummy lum ll llvc 5n uml fluver Mullen on Ibo mt cnlrnu of 51mm Rule hud llmfvrd Durham and HalMn Game 11 Ill lmludu can I1 ulm lloIltln Ilollm mm punum brnl Ind Ilrwlm 1000 mm rlom hay um qulnllly of hllod ulna Tum Huh Na mom Mr Ken hu bun In In nummn and Im lo Imrl In Main flul Vol mm JIIIUW OIHHILIN Autllnmr mr nummfuifiln mm mm 1100 AM LOCAL TIME TERMS CASH cunnLgs INORNTON DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Autlianiefl Autlionm Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 29 at For ALEER SMITH Lot Con Medomc Town mu mllu can and mite Itth Hillduh on mile 11lo 111400 Hiahwuy Sale head bl rexllltrcd and nude Pulled Anlul Hohleln Cam Pm Hay Grain and Imyle menu Tornu am No mom CHARLES THORNTON Auctioneer Mu Greer Mr Drury Clcrkl Dll SPROH ll CAMPBELLS WAREHOUSE as 1mm St 139th 01 John Sale of valuable humanoid fur nlture Indudlnu men an llquu TermI cull Na nurve II lhe mm mm in tiled Auctioneer JERRY COUOHLIN mum MI Iocllm Includlnl Toronto po llca olflcllln hlva docllned to dlulm the nature at the Val Ichl Interview lxctp lo My thuy wm useful Ind helplul In daveloplnl poulblev new lend which guild lmprova crime do ecltlon And prevanllon lnOn Ir AUCTION SALE Sat November 23 pm grim am lb Into AUCTION SALE Saturday Nov 30 1280 sharp For J0 000 Lot 27 CantuIon Noun wamn Towmhlp miles uruighl well Slnynar and mile north the Dunlroon Road turn mm In Iha um dds md Sale ol arm clock Implement hny alraw mule try and name household clmu Term cnlh No rtum tho Arm la Iold mm qoucuuu I3 AUCTION SALES WASHINGTON iCP Oll lnria crime invaliizllau lpeni Inolhrr 30minuiu with mob liar lniormnni Joleph Vninchl Thursday obtaining ciariiica ion of lame earlier miemenil irlnrcripljoi tho Judge Mnedanaid chairman aiiile Ontario Poilce Commiuianlnid In In inm viaw ihai mvnaw palm devel oued inlhia mend union co duciogi Wall on Wednel day In ihehmaximummuriiy Dillrici oi Coiumbini ilil ihl Wadnudly iniarview continued ior haililrpl Valachi Testimony Helpful Say Ontario Polige pificials ffYJimW SNAPPA CAPPA RED CPP CARLING RED CAP ALE4 Auctiuneer The Ive elderly wilneuel lnld that ha present 17 pan Ilan puld to all Canadian 70 you or age and over in com plutcly Inadequate They mid was lmpoulhla lo enjoy even mInImum standard living wllh lass hnn 1125 manlh Scnnlor Mllslcr Gronrt PC Ontnrla nnld one he mam palntl made by tho wllneuel wnl lhnt many sons and daught er nro unwllllnn to help Ihelr pnrcnu one may arc no longer able to wnrk nnd earn an In comm OTMWA CF speclnl Sonnlu commlllee Thursday questloned Hvo eldurly pmunl cloned mccllnu Io learn llmhand tome or tho Jim lama laced byvuzcd Cana Aflcr lho mnollng mcmbm the committee told rcpartm they had heard some harrow lnn Ilarlcn at prlvnllon nmonz elderly pmons whose only In com In tho federal nldvpxu pul alon of $75 month Thu meeting was held In nrl vnlu In ardcr that the wllneucl wauld 1M In place lhclr all lluriu before the commit cc The wilnmca nald Um per mm on old age penslan should receive no mcdlcnl nnd holpl lnl cure and drugs FREEZE flERMS Refrigerate cooked menu man poulblnu hccnm buc lerln multiply qulckly at room lcmpgrmurc The mnrlo Pollen Commll ulnn Imcmh to make recum mandnllam to Improve polch protection ln or to be com vw by 910 en Damn jJuduu Mncdannld Inld hll urau nlxn upon 90 minute d1 cuun Inn International narcm In Huntlnn wllh lederul en forcement ochm Thu min wnx extremely helplul and use lul but he would not lulu flclnlla annchlhnn mulled hefm Sennln subcommittee Ihat II can Noahn crimu mclclf ha branches or amlllu Inc udinl one ghnl cover lhe Duflnlwrar any LII9n Senate Studies Elderly WATERLOO Onl CW Sa clul Crcdll Lender Thompson Thurldny ulxht called on n11 anndlnnl of good will In Thompson Calls For New Approach In Politics Hermann Luobke 384 mm on Ilrelcher tor mcuc Thursday wilhw other men narrate Roam lounge QUEENS HOTEL nmum VISIT GERMAN MINER AFTER RESCUE pnrlin the lwo your hnva shnwn how com plLloly Inndequalc party poll llca have been In provid lnn xnund and stable admin Islrnnon the Milans nflaln he snld In an address at Water Inc LulhcrnnHUnh Ally hr new mnlyrltx Camp ram flooded Iron mlna Erolatcdl Germany The men were rapped 163 lecl below lhe xurlnce when dll For sum stunlo Owen PA H176 Commercial Or Industrial Photos Passport Porlraits CALL lm Devciopjnz 121er knovn Es he lem aster slruck Oct and had been Elven up or dead AP Wlmrhato vln table mm Brnlstddl exgerqted nlo whnl luvIn VALL mun 04 Turn st PA Hm SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODY SHOP Specialzlva BODYUWORK ls paw

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