urrnu lo lull IL The mm In lruu ha hill1 and an be rrgnrded cer My 1110 him In nomelhhu at flylnl eleclrunlc clruul hndyln III the lulu devlcr TIII llnnl mnIInrlly ll um mnrhlnu emlvody 00d deal nnllvml prldo Cunn lllml nlrmrn um lrrmcmlmuly prvud he Arrownd ll wu uw mm In Thfll wm or art romldcred oulxlnndlnu of their kind Al on Iludenl nlnllon put ll my 11th hrndrd lhe Ilnla nl the Art mmnlnl um lhcy led he mm In Ihtlr plrllculnr um lolh me 0001100 000 Mlnlner Julllm Ame how our lay he lhlnlu leaky exnuculln by Mint 01 The TSHZ like the Arrow cxpnrlenclnz rcpcnled dclnyl In coming HI produtllnn an Orlzlnnlly Ichcduled Ia lly lhll ytar Iu dcbul now de tinq mm 1964 In the cm Ihe Amw the roll mnunllnu Labor puny Ipoknmnn Deni Haley warm but ha whale prolram may co H000 conflict lerll nboul lhe McdlMaxod illhoueflc In LMmlanrhour TSRL Iheu nlmllnrlllu mm nppnrenl nm mm on or Tncflcnl Strike Reconnaissance dupflu wlmlnxl 1mm pallllcal appen ent and mm Hrlllsh newly lll hat It ulll turn out lo he fun nnolhrr Aupcrwnlc whlte elephInL C981 MOUNTING Thur ll na lndlcallonru yd hat the flrllhh zovemmtnl ll camldcrinl doing no name wllh Former prime minlncr DM enbnker or Canada reluclnntly IcrlppLd he Am Arrow cl fighter 1n Fahruary 1959 alter month wulmrchlnz By ALAN HARVEY Clnldiln Pro Stall Wriler Parallel btlnx painted be tween Britainl controverllal TSM llrcrafl and Canndla III Ilcd Armw thin lesson we begin at Pnull second letter In Chrlulunl In the ma cek maltopolla Curlnlh was wrmen manly alter the in wulbly In 51 yr 58 AD The relallng pamga Iram Acll record he hezInnInz ol the great would mInlslry In Europe III Hrs man than dlrl not even take place In Iynngague burbelore low women unmeredJonelher phce ol prayer by the men Thll Iden Vern men caucth In mm treasuro in oarthm vmeln reltrence no doubt In tho ancient prac lIce nonInt gold Lllver Ind Mlle precious Items in earthen wm Jan Paul probably refer nuls Involvement of Marin II Herald In Ihe concluding well in the hezlnnlng par uon ol todayn lesson Cor lnlhlans VI13 The power to wlthsland Iuflerlng camel 1mm God It because we preach Chm and not omelm nyl Fan Corlnlhlana 4256 that we hnve the power which lran sounds the weakness and em porn quamy or our bodlem quuLor British Newspapers Knock Supersonic White Elephant The Inc Ihat ha Waa lortnrcd and lmprhaned 1n lhh passage In many other Instances ll lualralel hat Paul wax able In low in MI mlnlalry In thelaca gm hardship not because he received acclaim This loo 1a evidence he dcdlcmd Chrlnlan aplrn Here and again we no cvif dence of Ihe Christian teaching that power not Always found in the auppoiedly powerful placejlhc pvwer oi Paule dedicated me was Inch ihai Lydia and her whole househnid immediately became converil So too was lhe jailer influ enced by power from least likely source prlwn Am 1629547 rhul Paul dedl caled Christian wal able to exercise his power fur Christ even when lmprixanzd Myyuys Shell Pail Was Bhle 10Exexcise Hig VPower For Christ Always MrlnturcMl mwm ll Cummirm lL Hy SPEE JONES mm MW GLASSES WITH EVERY s25061 Purchase or over Arrnw mu lha Britain Ilka Canada may uvrnlunlly ï¬nd lhnl delenu In Ihe nuclear are ll omcthlnl in Ihl Ml bamnanl cm or One he unumenu In favor he TSRI II that will 11 the up or year or pend In the coming lnla crvlce at the mu Palm ml Ta Thu Guardian Munchuler his mom dubloun return or web to upendilure llrlmln mult moanlu My In an edltoml Ihal lo mad he cell of In lndrpcndtn dzlcmnk mean wrlllnz blank chcqpez ml ould um wllh he wry Ilnlemnnl once mad by lormcr prime mlnlner Harold Mncmlllnn lhal In the realm nuclear mIlltnry cnlerprlu II mm ulmoll rue any new development that work Its obsclcl But here II men under low of lcepllclsm The Brllhh publlc remembcrl lhe hula mm money last when It was decldcd that the Blue Streak and Ekyholt missile lwo nlher 2x pcmlvu mumIn nationl de 1990 had lqhe written Ialnly um the Brillah lovmJ man will do all It can In pre vcnl tolnz lhe loamy way of the Arrow CtUï¬E FOR SCEPIICISM Thanh be an God which llllyl culth an to Irlumph cmm Ind mkelh mul lm the nu ll haul ed In In ln evcry plum Corlnthlnnl 1m Chapier mm Hi deal with 50mm in the Carinihian church whn in Asked in Yon givenm The airender may have been the one reierred to in the iiiih Chapter oi Paull iirlt ieuer Paul now pleadsiar ihil mnna reiteration lo their love leri he be driven in dosplir And Saimn caun mum nil in the int two chlplerl oi lhll mm Paul in defending Ml ministry in Corinth anninll eh inainceri hm not only to hll body but to an humanfeellnn Th thhm mn lam MI present lullerlnl lnd permu llon he thing mean to mm Honest II the virtue Ic clnlmed in in Int our verse of the fourth chnpler The god nu world at no Sean mm to Allrimkn verm out the dc um mInIster true accredmnl mm In th heart MI congrelauun Tho IIth veru mentianl the din ence In the new covenant llnca ChrIsI II III with not the IEIIEI In the Mpulc cnv cnant ThIn Iplrflull qunllty at tho Christian mInIItry ll Iul ther emphasle In yum 7IB mum 44 word save or aroma or IruaranceW hark blck In the Old Testament eon cep burn aflerlnmelng meet Jam the Lord What lhc apostle XI laying II Ihnt mlnlnry Chm bring the comequénce ol duth lo thq unbellevlnz Ind Ill 10 lbs beypvmn other Chlllfllfllml oi um Christian ministry or iiedlcliod ill are outlined in ii Corinthi nns 21GM Vmu 1441 are an inierrumi nnrmlvl la the Corinth my abrupt and un remedlmed cry 01 Jay In mldu of hi worriua over in ministry In Cnrlnih and 114 Authorized Duln hr HAROLD JORY MOTORS IM nuumiii VANGUARD lTll IIOMI CARI om AAA cM qoymm mn PA 60 0A0 IEIWICI Wllber Brucker Re ubflcnn governor Michigan 1931 and 1m nld Intematlannl lallonshlpu must he Itrcnglh ened by work and not merely by lllk He nld or right can humu In Kuwnll Brlrul and Londnn but only one wlle All Ill and no Income tax woulnl uxchnmze hr any olhtr place InId Dn tr External nixI Minister Martin laid to keep iriclinn lo minimum mu two countriel mun talk and negotiate and communicate with on another unraii luuui Badzr wan lecrclnry mm the Illlle allrich klnldam al he an 19 but qull lwo yun no lo handle hll lmllyl buslncu 51min lncludlnl cancmlom or lev ergl bl US firml WINDSOR DnL CWTwo my cemenzlnl Canadlam United State rclnllmu were Inflexled Thurlday mu bar on relations halween he two countries Lounzlnz In umnAdny bungalow at Beverly Hills hole the 27ycnr411d ahclk explained The wenllh II beyond lm lulnullon beyond belief Iqulre loo Kuwnil can as much your Manhat tun BEVERLY HILLS Calll MP Shelk Ender Mulll lhlnkl Kuwal la wonderuL SHEIK LOVES KUWAIT HOME Armln Bernauar Thompson Mm and his In ther also named Armin were among the TCA passengers USCanadct Harmony Sdid Based On Talks IPA is generous ale with the satislging flavour efa truly great brew Not too strangennever tee landlPA is brewed just right like evstrike In every frame seï¬sgylng my IT ONLYVLOST HIS KNIFE IN CRASH Ila laid MI dtpunmenl wan to raptrule wllh manageman and unlann In anllclplllnl Iuch dlwlnumcnu cupccinlly when they no dun to Automation Ve hnva propoml bolero ha Home Common dcallnu wllh lhll yrohlem dllplnccï¬ monl We uugh to have recog nlzed mrlhnd deallnz wllh Ihew lnynm In vanqu rum the caunlry when Imp oymcnl II avnllnblo cluwherc he laid commenting on tho Oct lny offdue lo pmducllan cutback al 530 wnrkm by Falcnn brldzo Nlckd MIMI SUDBURY CPDLabor Min later MncEnchcn mld Thursday hll depnrlmcnl In pre nrlng prolrnm or dealan wh mark an dlaplnccd by laynlll He was hen to nddresl he Sudbury branch at the Cnnndlnn Inululo Mining and Metallurzy Because of the extent to which our economies our loci file and our daily personal Hvu are lnlenwlned great many problems are bound to ho permanent feature 01 our re lallonshlp and cemln amount Irictlun unavaldlblc The lormer aecrclnry of the United Stntu Amy said you learn iriendship union and lo idnrity by doing Mr Martin laid many lune exist have existed or decades and will continue to exist which gnu considerable iriclion elw Labor Dept Prepares Program To Handle Displaced Workers brouth Io Canada by Ilr alter escaping unhurt from the crash of D04 In London Young Armin lost his pocket We want la Iueu iuiurn The vernmenl hopca lo provldo mnhllily lnum Ives In hclp men move In other job whm hora are no par tunlnu lucully or dhpnccd wurkcrl ho explnlnnd 12163me In Vhrloul plant and work out program to cope wllh this problem ha Inldl So 129 blown up lgddcnlyl Work dune In rectifying flu erosion ymblcm al the Hom Ihua Falls at Nlngnrn Fall Will an txumple even nhn er of cawmflan belween to two countries Mr Brucker hailed ho Lawrence Seaway Um but exam International wark and real dawnlaearlh unity be sween Canada and the mind tale rank dlnlozue lhould ever cease and we should begin to deal arms Iho border at nmu length real concern would de ve STEVENSON knlfeI present from dad on his ninth birthday Wednes dnywhlla escaping from Du plane CP Wimpholo mnTmLor 51 THURSDAY Nov ma Health Mlnlmr LaMaxah anld the government In con nlderlnu new system for Ihred con program with me provinces Henidn ND Koalenny was criticized Ihe record federal lreaiment of human And resource in in north He hid load during 3+ hour ardonl HI wan men to hosplul or checkup Sennlar Wallace Me Cnlcheon PCOntario lald lha govunmenl naedl emer oncy powers lo halt luddan run on tho dollar the war soaking wet attu cllmblnl out the water In lreeunx lempernlurea ha 1le the creek hack to the Abttlhl River Ind wnlked Allen the river to Gardiner Creek Ha oflwed the creek Io hrdiner and was driven to rCochrano when ha related the elory to prgvincta police Smith father Mr and Lloyd Wilton mm found thorn IMxï¬oon Mr Pelarmun only ur vlvor me threeman hununl expedition led watcher to tho lcgae He told the lroup was hmk hi ice to make way or their Ianlib hon along anbonl Creek at lho Abmhl River when the man sprung leak Ingllganqumandl No opposition ntlemyu to amend Income ux measure deï¬ned aid depreued mu wen rejected Com mnnl vum man llumbled Inlanlrdiner about 20 mile north of here enrly Thursday Alter anur hlke through the push 9nd reported the accl Parliament At Glance Howard Graliley PC Bronla Mlulaquol llld the federal plan to aid depremd areas will lop because the municipalities wen not con auited COCHRANE Ont CHPo llca ungchan Thurme pov ered thahbodlu 1er Cach rm men who drowned In boathu accident Tuesday night whlla on hunting trip 15 01 of here By CANADIAN pm BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Jemima Samples Free Enlmnel mm PICKW AND DELIVERY Phonl PA was BARRIE Upholllerlnl am But nun N01 Jun lid Hue BRADFORD ET Searchengind Bodies OfanMen PA MBOI in enriler testimony the Inc iioneer said he hld turned over 3235 lo Lewi ior pninllnu sold during rzomoulh period Hisl commission WBI no on cen Another wltnm TimIda Henri Avando oi Humilion Sharkey chd him 12000 hlii oi this amount ior Ionnmadn to up Sharkey in an an AI Ha laid he nevu wondued About the mm Illa plint lm even whm number 01 Illaaed works oi Tom Thomson VIng oflgred Lewll was later relemd on $5000 ball Ind ball or Sharkey wnl get at $9000 Tnfonto Iucllorim Ben erd Prlcu told tho court he new had my palnllnfl he Ioldxulr ameed gs authmllc am In nucdonm cell what comes to me to loll he mulled under the Canada and Oqtnrlo ï¬vlgence Actl TORONTO CF No onto In dellm were mmed 101 Ml on mun charm of fund their 11me humIn flhuuday came or mud their prr minnry humin Thursday Leslie Lewii el and Neil Sharkey an elmled jointly with conspiracy to dgiraud the public Lewis faces an additional alarm 01 lilud Ind Shnrkey TBE Mm EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER The SARJEANT 55 Tarbntgivfbéalgrs Held For Trial pom urr wmmv Mary 5m Bank SARJEANTS gd BUDGET PLAN jPhono PA 8246 No Iurv were com rqn multiple over many months without lnluen Avoid henvy midwink plymvnll when fuel consumption II It wk Dellverkl mndo automatically Man you run law You now hm to all lat Sunheal thn blendad but In 21 Swim usmm comm now HOME HEAT SERVICI Im SERVICE INCLUDE Free Burnu savin Ind Condiuanlnz Hour Emulch HexVIM bulully You pay only In replmmenl pun Comm IIInun Delllh SUNHEAT PAYMENTS Iery The mt wax money on Illndlnl or palmlnn Alked by tho magistrate ll be had an recent comm with Lawn vondo told the cum in hld dinner will Lewis Wednu any nightand ducuued cn Avondo um he bought Clnl dlln work at WardPrice aueu Iona and from Lawn for Ind lnl pummel Avbnde who dekcflbed hlnh In an druzlm therapllt wiI 11w leman under the Evin denca MRI TRY EAXMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA um MASSAGE BY APPOINTMENT PA 87 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prlmc