arcane honor By MRS JOHNSTON Mr and Mrs Ted him and Karen at Ottawa spent iew days with Mrs Bioggs parents Mr and Mrs Albert Home be iore moving to Orlllla where Mrs Blogg and Karen will be lelng Mr Diogg has been pos ted to Egypt or one year Tire teachers and pupils oi itugby school entertained athers and little ones to al loween party Thursday The Wi will meet Wednesdnyl levening Nov it at one oclock at the home at Mrs Edward Johnson Motto it is better to Jetten minutes into in this world than as years early in the next vroll call soicty rule program mAuction sale at baked goods program committee Mrs Albert rue Mrs Bemal Johnston Ilunch Mrs George Langmsn lam Ed Langmnn Mrs Tyson ilbanvan Mrs Don McLeod ié Dave Rodgers oi Burlington Is ltlng his lather Thomas Rod zero vq CHURCHILL by was ssurtran III Mr and Mrs Roger Sturgeon IQmoved into their new home on ILay Street Barrie Nov Miss Pamela Allan sang Have You Forgotten God at the rooming service at the United Church Sunday She was accom panied by her sister Miss Bren Ifda Allan Congratulations to the Central Iites iootball team on winning the championship at the Georg ion Day areaMurray Graham oi the Sixth Line is one oi the players on the BDOC team Mrs John Ilarrsdine and Miss 53 Ruth Bmwning will spend the weekend in Rochester it The til girls met Nov at the home at Nancy Spence soiety quiz was eonductcd There was practice Judging oi iirst aid methods Preparation was compictcd ior exhibit ior Achiev ement Day Mrs itonald Allan and Mrs John itemch are the leaders oi this active lzmem bcr gmup The Churchill community and other iriends gathered on Thes day evening to honor Mr and Mrs Bert Bonncy ioliowlng their recent marriage Mrs Seymour It It Kell read an address in rhyme to the bride and mom wishing themmany years oi health and happiness Mrs Ronald Allan and Mrs Mac Stewart presented them with painting platter and cushion on behali oi the lroup resent Euro rewns enjoyed with so tables in play llrrewwinnsrs were Mrs Harry Todd Mrs Alan Browning Edgar Sturgeon and Mrs Gregg Davis Mrs Allan Todd leit by train to visit her parents and other relatives at Saskatoon and dim trlct iortwo weeks NEWTON ROBINSON By MRS LEESON Mr and Mrs Allah Smith oi Ottawa spent the weekend with Mrs Lesson Mr and Mrs Walter Andrews attended King City annivsr sary at to em Sunday in their new United Church Rev Mr Higginson was guest speaker Mrs Stephen Leonard of Sch omberg and her daughter irom Willowdale called on irieads on Monday Mrs Houghton and Kenny spent tow days last week wit Mr and Mrs Ralph Houghton in Markdale Mrs Houghton and Dorr sid oi Hamilton were Sunday Ellesls oi Mr and Mrs Harold Wes NEW ILOS By MRS WANLESS RBCNI visitors with Mrs Clan enes Atkinson included Mrs La mont Livingstone and Mrs Jim Bale oi Elmvsie Mr and Mrs Walter Hall and attended the open house at the addition to General and Marina Hospital Collingwood in spite oi the atomy weather number irom here attended Eimvaia District High School commencement Friday evening Congratulations to students irom hero who received diplomas cer tiiieates or awards Susanna Finlay Greta Ds Garter Mars ray Atkinson Sharon Waniess and Warm Wanierr Mr and Mrs John Wilson and Sharon oi Schomberg and Mr TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE mnar NOVEMBER no Quick Draw MrGraw Papayos Party Rania Huckleberry Hound Topper um Weather Sports wuon mu Country llocdnwu Deicndan Telescva Untouchable our TV Nawa wsathcr emu um Marla Old Maid lAflRDAY NOVEMBER sue Tut lattern It In Trill MW WI Coma To Still loo cn Football Montreal It Otlawll In Cdrr Dpln Toll clump Bowling 00 Klnltllher Cove lJfl llltls llutlny Team Tim Rlocord flsvsrg Itlilblulas Taro no it u=rn Bat Your Rotten Dalia aso NIH llockly 1015 III or that NI rtl ll Mtle flnlnl My Way IUNDAY Novlsutnl to to Pstl Davy Ind Goliath Outfluoumsn Ilantlll Collntry Calahdat NFL football aorta Intlmlllonll Bllliel Tl Chanel no liaali Flashback Ed Sullivan nonsnss arisen CIIGTV Na Walther III Nam mm Kurds Wlll out ESE as 32888688383838 CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO lntnav Nuvastnan too lrlsssws nrnTtrno an stirsy Ltours club MUWNï¬ Ii someone you know Is movmg trirndlv rsil try the WelcomaWagnrr tinins will help um int no opp Join In rsrryirrg on our routmunll Itraditlnnal rttotlro llty1ail Wslcnmr Illa on tho name and arlrms nl Iarnilira you know who an runvlns PA 66302 WILCOMI WAGON III0haloIoIllooouIououononIoIIOOI suooso Kiddo gal Tlllfltc um mm mna at We Andy Ortltlths Jack assay lAla em out It In Earns ans Malm nn ggi 88383883828 nd nouiueta mum tour Din IATUIDAV NOVMl moo META 5E twill are on Man Around Chennai Nlna To Last oi in has Itvnl arrrtnl to Draw Wrarrllnl Inolbsil om at an army un 388 83 E22 mm mo Anmrlns amlu IUNIIAV NOVIMHII ll I00 als freeIll roar Ila Journal to all Nlns Thom llessat oi Convict LII Around IM Valid Nation In nst Nina Thoma til an Inn lay urs flit slop llrmns Ind Wall Diem Prolanln llasrn Thomas Norll Arrest Trial c47a 253338838 38 CARRIER MISS YOU it you cantor In It ssrtrsd or pious obs PA 82433 And to Wm lo Dailva Your House THIRI II No CHARGE 70R THIS IIRVICI VALLEY TAXI DRIVIVOUIIILF CAR AND TIUCKI sIMcCE and Mrs Allen Rawn oi Sayner were Sunday visitors at the home oi Mr and Mrs Steve Rawn Mrs Altred Scadding Mlsa Joanne Scadding Mrs Mes Loan oi Toronto and Mrs Wanless oi Collingwood were Sunday guests oi Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless Miss II Pickering oi Tor onto ls spending tow days at the home of her sister Mrs Alex Finlay and iamily Hallowsen party was held at New Fins School Thursday attemoon The mothers and pre school children were guests The Fios is to meet Tuesday attemcon Nov 12 at the home oi Mrs Geotirey Hope Roll call bring plcltum or an ticcls tor the Twccdsmuir Book sr roots Dy MRS PRATT Mr and Mrs John Kali visit ed in Hamilton with Mrs Wai ter Kali recently Congratulations to Dr and Mrs John Hasrlngcr tnes Gall Penman who were married in Central United Church Darris Mr and Mrs Hamid Smith and ismlly Aglncourt visited Mr and Mrs Robert Green and iamiiy on Sunday Friends of Mrs Hamid Known les 5r will be sorry to hear she is in Royal Victoria Hos pltal Barrie Walter Stunden Sr celebrat ed his esth birthday Saturday The occasion was marked with iamlly dinner Congratulations are in order to William Wallace who was el ected County Master at the ans nual meeting oi the Orange ï¬nalize held in Allandale Orongs Mr and Mrs William Garrett London called on Mr and Mrs John Hall on Sunday warm welcome to Mr and Mrs William Batman and am tly who have bought and moved into David Sionnaa home Wailnre Barber has lett tor his annual hunting trip to Man itouiln island FEAR DEAR Hallowoen passed all ï¬nite CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY There are some sequences oi bidding that or practical pur poses arc regarded as Impos siblethat is you cannot have hand that iits the bid or bids youve made in each at the iois lowing iivs cares speciiy wheth er the last bid by South is Pos slzle or Impossible Walt North East South South West North Eut INT Pass so Pass Welt North EM South Pass South West North East TNT Pass Pass NT Pass Pm NT South West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass NT Possible The cucbid North shows hugs hand wit probable void in diamonds South tor the tour diamond bid may hava hand certain to rmduce game and yet not be position to choose the best Irum suit For example he my old spade heart diamond club Rather than attempt to guess betwccn spadca and hearts he should let North choose the trump suit South rcilocts his uncer tainty by responding to the mo bid with cucbid impossible The two no trump bid show clilcaily COUNTY reticenth in thisdistrlrt with lttle damage done Perha tit young pie were bit sartul oi meet ng the bear which seem to have outsmarted the oonssr vatlon men and local hunters Maybe when lnnlaiil has ego season he will be caught local people certainly hopaso COOKSTOWN Saturday visitors with Mr and Mrs WIlsonWrIght wera 9Mr and Mrs John MacDonald and family oi Barrie and Mr and Mrs Jerry Robson oi Weston Peter MeCarroil or Hamilton spent thelweekand with his par ents Rev and Mrs Mc Carroll Jack Coutts oi Toronto spent Sunday with his partslta Mr and Mrs Dick Ooutta Mrs lvel Wood Is spending week in Tomato with her par enta Mr and Mrs Gaol ulesve Mr and Mrs Nichol oi Alliston visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wilson Wrisht Mr and Mrs Ken Coutla oi Tomato spent tha weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Tom Reivs and Mr and Mrs Jack Coutts Mrs Maurice Msdiil and son Gordon oi Whitby are spending weeks vacation with her ar ents Mr and Mrs Wlson Wright Mr and Mrs Vern Abram of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Abrams parents Mr and Mrs Mel Draymsn Randolph Harris spent the weekend in Tomato with his sister and brothenlnlsw Mr and Mrs Ray Hackott Mr and Mrs Norman Baker Mrs Violet Hutchinson Dawn chl and Dwayne Anderson spent Sunday in Fergus with Mr and Mrs Allan Green Mrs McMaster spent tow days In liuntsviils with her daughter and sonInlsw Mr and Mrs Finlay Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Don Barratt were Mr and Mrs Sidney Ashton Mrs En dicott oi Toronto and Mrs Ritz mnn oi Buiialo Charlie Russell visited Sunday to at points notrump distribu ln Schomberg with his brother Harold Russell LB CANADIENS BECKER tion and allaround strength South must not punish partner ior res riding with three hearts by no sing him to six North may have hand with only or points The most that South can do to encourage slam is make cuebld such as tour clubs or dlsmondr which would Imnly heart support and slam possibilities Possible South may have slamgoing hand when his chlci concern is the ssibio loss oi two heart tric snra iive spade bid asks North to bid six ii he has that or second round control at hearts South might have spadesK gcgrtsfl diumondsA clubIt impossible The two apsds bid by North shows weakness and asks South to pass and the three spade bid simply repeats the plea South cannot bid over and again the values he showed originally when he opened with nolrump impossible North is per mitted to pass thras spades since the double rairs thoush highly invitational to game Is not iorcing hid it North rhooacs to go to game slbiy with doubtiui hand South has no right to punish him now by makinr slam try Such sequence bids is Illa lcai since itpull the psrtnershp In position where there is no way at arriving at iour spades Tomorrows The tree linessc DAILY CROSSWORD ANDRE Tree at Java inside hand Fiber so uotan ll TII 12 flavor It Bmsll cast iron re rt it Cut IO WI l0 muurs liMmtos 11 national with II card game Alcott 1i Khakium heroine ior dogs 20 Durisotfl 31 Arfldo thick no Win tsbrio Id Tbsa Dram as alrruua Climber so noer It Made an rsngsmania for 31 Ann II leiiesl yell spartan drama outstan IT sum of Hannah hurl mytlb Dow Drcoso Smooth Charisma snirnsl ti Coastal letters iissrlrd Molten 40 Reach oomin DOW Rode areaer wannuwal MEIII Mind valisy 01 Allan mlhlul Conetudl oars ioot so Poly laht nutrs IM of drink trlsnd ma 0665 AND 5m Jesusr sores DbNALD bucx BLONDIE BUZ SAWYER It TIT BARR1 EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBER LHIVEK ETTEï¬KlthLETIEKf 05 Mt Ar slow WWW nor av or mastsmanual my 11 yMn mmwwmuum in wt if MARTIN ï¬t MIAD FORK GIMP VolI WANTTO Ell VATEV P00 MISS JONIIT DUO ID ADO Micommusrsrotcmrmte DREWIMTKOSEKYALn amuse or asroukusz ac acornALA WINGEY WALLACE YOU MEAN VOU keno AN ACCOUNT OF EVERY CENT YOU SPEND tangentMow EQuIPAoEESTEPutsgtJEaDE smug wurN TAKEOut DIONIM DOAwa more To ms Lnsrvasn vou Teswaaenu spear rive BILLION DOLLAESJMOW more THROW NM Will IA MIG Cf mmAWAwmm mm ml it All PRINTEMPS StillANT tumors or crewsamman mom em sum FEW MORIOPICNINO nor momma To WINGIYS FIGUQIQ TD DHEAK 4U THE WONr RECORDSI WV WE agates IWKID Ourle PUSH TIMT EJECTIOlt emtomrusrlt TIOIIILMKIWIR DOMme th MU IINV It mourns OM rm iii Ntrvs 01W