Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1963, p. 8

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up UE 75145thsz new mmlm 5m lel Tnnnxm Wrm 30 CM dhmll Vnrhlm III 5mm Lorrnlna Mk Orlo cl 16L Ilh Triple MM no old Wm NJ LADIES DOWNTOWN Mom Wnrhlm Oriolu Hucblrds Scnrlcl Tamil Cnrdlnnll Illuh Triple Cnlum Mulcney llwlNnnnlu High Slnglu Esther Palm Pirnics and Eleanor Frnllck Poodlcs 140 lllxh Trlpln Eslhcr Polrer PIAalts 577 IIMHUH BOWLING ACADEMY HUSH LEAGUE Sklmm Slcwnrll Hool Nunnlu Underdng Mlsllu Marker Unaéidog as mm 35 Hool Nnnulu 71 Marker 2a Skin am 21 Stewart ll lllxh Slnxlo Whitey Foster Undcrdonl LEAGUE STANDINGS Royall 40 Lumpllxhlcrl 3x Parrots an leuwlm 29 Hal Shell 29 Firm Blue Jay 27 Busy Dec 23 Poodles 11 leh Hawk 17 Pannem 11 Bunnys Bamben ugmug mnnmnsx KEMPVIEW BOWL KERIIVIEW LADIES Pirates Farm Live wlrcs Poodles Blue Jays Lamplighter Bunnys Bamb ers Nluhl Hawk Pennall Busy Bees Royal Hot Shots 1110936 lvsrtfiev date of the annual Hunters Ball sEonsorcd by the conservation club Every member outlld have tickets available for sale after Mondays mee ng You can shoot pheasant until Dec 29 at Christian Island Information from the Indian agent notes that for $10 permit one or more guns two birds will be released for each permit by expert Indian guides Apparently if you cant bag em birds not the guides youre guaranteed couple anyhow The information goes on and on and any mem ber of the conservatlon club should be able to fill you In on the rest including ferry schedules To the membershlp ngeln Monday ls Blg Meet lng One of the feature ltems wlll concern Insurance You may be tlred after cutting all that wood but image blg eftort to be at the Orange Hall by elght SHORTER NOTES lrappers In the Geraldton dls trlct realized $1022235o from the sale of beaver pelts thls year This means more women wlll be sporting the fancy duds in short order In the Llndsay Forest dlslrlct 6686 beaver pelts were taken by trappers duringvlhe 196263 season Catches 01 all other fur bearers except marten and red fox were also up For members tiraflthe czy Ii sun out for help to cut the remaining 80 cords of pulpwond to complete the clubs contract President Bill Stewart remlnds you fellows yhat it was every members wlsh that the organlzauon pur ghase Property so we could have our own club ouse Stewart stresses that the club went vut on limb in urchasln the property and weve had little hep from generaLmembership As the remaining 30 has to be out within three weeks Mr Stewart urges all members to contribute something Those Jaeople wllllng to work for what they want are aske to cell Gord Meyers after 1n the evening his crew is expected and needed this weekend FOR THE PUBLIC FOR MEMBERSHIP FTIW BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1368 Barrle Dlstrlcl Huntersfland Anglers Conservation Club bulletin is full of interesting Items for both members and nonmembers lrlu Durulhy 5crulon BHTSTUNES US TODAY mu mvm IO nAmun fr PA M549 TIRES BEST BUY IHE BUY BOWLING SCORES GREAT OUTDOORS Conservation Cluh Has Much To Dg STEVE JONECU No vote wm taken The board Inked dly muncll lortlm Io mnudcr hm mpccu ol lho frowned developmcnl Includ nl Hm pnrklnz sllunllon waver nwmvnl Wfll ladl cnlcd by Mayor Donald sum inerl Indlucommlllm A113 mmpon Gun mm onm Controller Wllllnm Dennan WM only mrmbur 01 ha baud opposed to flu pmlccl wlxlch rnlalll cumulon lump In over Clrllon sum ln um mm and Wood sum Ihc back the Gardens 1011on CF Torontos board of mmrol Wodnuduf lII dicakd Almnx lupporl wil be given propoul or 4000 unl addition lo anlo Ian Oinkm John 50 42 Lemayl mcnv 41 Tnlkemlla Ins 39 Grecrl Ace Huh born Groc Queen Hotel 50 Lakeside Cnhlnl Jl Berlrnm Bros 18 nohlnsml Groc 15 Kellyl Grac 13 Jnthonl Grill llh Triple Luclllu Rnlxnlcr Tnllmnlll lm 700 mums LADIES LEAGUE Tnflmalla Inn Lemuyl Excnv Huhbena 6100 Grma Ace Rohlmnn inn Kellyl Groc The 50 Jucksanl Grill Lukealde Cuh Inns Queens Hotel Bertram am John Lang LEAGUE SIANDINGS Board Indicates Strong Support High Slnnlc Darla Gnrvlm Thu Com Anna and Dunlap 5mm CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO YOUR SATISFACTION 18 CAR WASH CAR TO YOU IN lESS THAN MINUTES Halls Go¢tls Against Average Brilliant181 didnl blouom Into In plmr unlll lhll year And Jnckwn nhmd lho qunrm bnalng dulln with Import llon anller or metal mm hdore ulnblmllnr hlmul No IIxnl color hut your Thu McMnmr graduate who camp to 01mm In 19W hnd hi year lhll lemon wm an luurl lendlnl palm mm In nuhIn And for HUI plm In Ind vldull mrlnl HIIMIED DUTIES Rough Illdm havent mlued nn Enstem Foaibnll Conlerence pluyofl Ilnco 1066 whcn Funk Clnlr was brouth here In re build tho club lhnflemd by dlr lenslon under Gum Caldwtll Rldm make Huh tlxhth Ilrnighl appearance In mu Four playofll Saturday when they poll Montreal Alouellu 1n the EMF Iuddendenlh semiHull at Lunsdowne Park chkoll me in pm EST and the lam will be mm mm th CBC Iclcvlnlvn network key to CLIhI luau both In Oltnwn and In Tvmnlo whm he condmi mm to 1954 II uMlIly Io produce 00d Cnnndlun plum An outstanding example ll quanerbnck null Jaclm nomlnnw the um mu Ion or both Ihe op Cnnndlnn and plnycr of you rennin But dont overlook Glenn Hall the cool custodian of he Chlcago not fill superb sonllendlnz load part the reason why lha Hawk are uparaled mm the the leaguu by le By THE CANADIAN PRESS Sure enough Bobby HIfll dud Stan Mlklln deurve lam Ihara cud 01 Chicago Black Hawks mm the lap of lha Nullonll Hockey Leagua alanqlq whilo his teammate hm scared s7 tlmc In 11 1mm Banjul only Allgwednap puclgl In get him Hi can nzalnsl uverala of 18 In tremen dous And all the more amazing when you consider he win an annually Vbelnz ouldm by Ihelr appofllnll Laurie Benny and Lillhn bed the pace for the winnm WM alngla and trl ple respectively Audrey Wlllar arid Hazel Mu phy tied for Mull slush honor or Holldayen each with 169 Triple honors or Holldaym went to Carol Brown who check ed In with 461 ma lwo Banla Vienml In the Lndies Travemu Clnulc League clashed last weekend all Oakvllle and the Elie arab bed three the possible our polnll over Houdayera The winnen had plnfall 1206 compared with 2112 by the Holldayera BunIo Norm he mmm In mddendmh um It Norm Colleglm while Cenlnl Junior rave to Namath or auddendulh final than Gama time or he lenlor Inl In or 250 NIL while the hula clash at Newmuket ll pm Undelealed Bnme North Col Ieglm Ienlorrlnd 3min Cm cm junior make their bid for Georgian Bay hlzh uhoal ooh bnlllchamplmhlpl lomomw 64 Ettes In Bowling Win Local Teams Seek Titles Riders In Eighth Straight Playoff 0mm cm cum booed regularly by Ana Bu refused lonbn Miami take patience to bring Hon Canadian boy Clnir said The key lo ll ml 15 et un good boy and than ulvlnx them ex rlem om my cqnch will be III loo urly In the mason In class any game much but In two Important games In or bath away from home Hall was Ihu dlflumce Two week ago In Montreal MS dazzlan navel held the CanndIcnu In 11 draw and In Saturday In Toronto he stunned ha Leafs WIUI Ihulaul The Hawk vim Montreal nliht In one of three NHL games scheduled and Canadian coach Dae Blake ls nut as con cerned About highmm Hull and Mlklu he In about Hull oxng um cnam Blake gives great deal or credit In Hull and his strong de enxlve wall Pierre Pilate Elmer Valko AI MacNell Howie Young and Wayne H111 mau In two prevlaul meetingl In no much of hurry to rr bulldhll team and drop some uvuv Indian Im promlllng Causal3 NEW YORK YANKEE cl Cher Elston HawnnL alum was named the American Leagues Man Valuable Play All an an lull mm mined In Olly ll Inn mun In I4 1mm tuna lmIIclou ml manner with lb mm hurl In mlnd WM um 31 $152500 I959 CHIV 4DOOR HARDTOP Tllll In the Del Alr mm HalInd In rlrh human nndlu Imler lulomnlln VI motor whllc lllll luck why lulu Miclav I960 FALCON DELUXE 2DOOR nm rnr lo true so um tar with real economy In mlnd wmu udnL mllo Mnlrr lnndm lum wind uhch wuheu whlu VIII Hm lml urn lndlulan Rudy or wxnm dvlvlnl WM MM 511 $109500 195 OLD 90 TM II In Slnrfln 95 mo cl Tau pninl lull power now Hm TM ur mun In sun to be npprrclulod wAa umm 1959 BUICK CONVT Gleaming whlle with huh god 13mm Iwcr miulprpcdflwllh my 75 cc vabla am ma low mchmA nulomnbilc Wesiown Motors me HOME or ouaownsn usen CARS IAII Gum WM mm WESTOWN MOTORS SI 095100 $159500 FInInMd In men mm mm lo hull mudrd mm dMxld wuhm whlloo WI Hm Tmly mu lhn dimly ho cm Mlllnll ownar 57 AUSTIN A40 nlll lho Clmbrldn mod Pinthm In Mm punt helm mndml nut wind wkld wnhm 1th VIII llm lum Indium hutkel mu ll ll Illa new Ind mm In Iold mm II mulch thhed In blue pllnl ndla hauler Aulomlllc mm wlndlhleld wuhm whllo wall Um TN cur II one owner nnd In lmmnculm WMIHDIL I959 FORD CUST Thll ll lhu Economy filx lln kind In mu pllnt Allndnrd Innlmlulm MONTREAL CF Coadl Jlm nlmbla uld Wednesdny hllfbnck Don Clark will return to lhe Momma Aloueuos buck flold or Saturdayl Emma Foothill Conlerence Iudden death the Rough Rid In Ottawa In the other znmu an third placa Lem will try to my wllhln teach flu Imam ualml the Bruhu 80mm And Gordie Howe again will be looking or ml number us when the Red Wlnu but New York Rama I960 PONTIAC CONVT Wu played we enough to win both 01mm Emu Blake nyl Chime we allnwed three Ian mm In the mend Kama we lhould have been ahead by our goal In In 11m period but we couldnt but Glenn Hull Thu gecandplace Canndlenl Mlempllnl la dose the llkpalm up between them and the Hawkl will meet Chime likely wllhaut lha Iervlcu ol Bemle Geoflrlon Ho um nuflerinz had brqu on left hand the Canadians last In hr Hawks and then ullled 1m lhe Just hope um Hall doeml keep plnying that well all um lonJ Clark To Play For Montreal I959 DODGI COACH er or yesterdly Haw ard hi home rum lhe lulu champlom AP Wlnphatn hll Fall Julnu hi1 llll WM 15100 WM uqu WAS um WM 0mm PA 151 5000 $199500 $55000 $99500 Art Shanon 1m wu Inrmed to Pltlabwzh along with Smith last week by the Detroit Red Wings the Nauannl League mined on bah goal Hor net mended their Wemm DI vlslon lead to our poLnll over Rocheuer By 303 uaqamo BOSTON AmElma How Ird the Ikes chum calcher who named flue hobbled New York Yukmto lounh com lecnuve American Lune chum Ianlhly Iodlhm named tho elxual mon Vllunbk ply Edward goaltendhu Wu alr Uzht but WA pulr In Eeriod gun by penalk killer Dly Den Ind Jerry Me nyk that bmka the hack of the Ameri mu mack Thu victory movsd Buiiaia out oi Iha WeItErn Division cei ilr And into third place one point Ahead ol id Cleveland Baum Howard received evoke 14s or runnerup Al Kellne 01 Detroit zen Howard had 15 Intplace vote and wee named on Ill no ballot best 17 committee the Beubel Wrnm Anaciallan of Amerlcl Jim was Yankee pkchlnl ace Whitey Ford with min lngudlnz agree kyle By THE CANADIAN PRESS Clan Beginning to 111 In he Western Hockey Dengue No Buffalo Elm penalty killer pmvlded me mrlnz undI Igalnu Rochester Amer can Wednuday nlghl Bul 1510 Julie Ray Edwards mg blend hla second NHIECHUVG American Hockey Leuue Ihut 011150 be scored An unnulned goal And then up Melnykl any Bison lhondrculted hesterl power phy He was allowed by Harmon Klllebmw he Mlnnuola Mnl slumr with as and Bunion Red Sox ouulelder Carl Yasth zumskl the Imulnl champion and Red Sax r2115 nltcher chk Radalz the leader In earned run gale Mmlfill barn Pete Ward aluualnl Chicago White Sex Loom lhlrd baseman placed San Francisco Scull last years league champions have moved In front by virtue of 51 Wednesday night victory over in up and down Van muver Canucka The victory puahed them two Int ovu Lhe Idle Seattle To ems Buddy Boone mud for Cnnucka By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Seals Take First Place No dalencemen Mo Mnnlha Ind Tom Thuley put San Fran elm lwn up in mg oyenlnn rlod and right winger Led Huey lo the other In Illa lecond Bisons Blank Rochester 50 Elston Howard Voted Most Valuable Plaver 56 DUNLOP 51 Ggrner SPECIAlS 8289 SPALDINO ALL LEATHER Head Helmets AND MOUTHPIECI WEEKEND Hfl HEAD HELMETS Slmcoo Covuya Ludan lpvvllng Conm For Our 10 Yu SPALDING NYLON FULL EGION MINOR HOCKEY STARTS THIS FRIDAY SPECIALS ntnthln the vollnx mm mm hm bahlnd yltchor Gany Pe lm malnu Whit Box rookie Howard flrlt Nam la urn Inc In the Ylnkeu lineup In alto the Hm Nam to be named MVP In the Ametlan Lenzue Tfin anlonnl lama wluner hll been New 11 yam In lho 1m 15 mp wnuun MVP redecenon Mickey Mantle And our Mull Ildellned by Muriel on llnble rum the atom flownrd Ed the league chumphm with 31 batting avoraze Tha llx loot two Inch inunder paced Amulnn ensue recelvm wlflI alum avenge WI mu In the anan cm DETROIT AP Gollorl ram so commm will flwol It £200000 jackpoi richul prlu aver offered In toll tourna ment In the 11m World Open champiomhlp at nearby Oakland st91nty ngxt Aulnsp Detail the lnurnnmenl whlch ha 535000 prim were dhclmd Wadnudny night by tournament director nlchnrd Taylor He uld flu um round will bexln gum The man will be held In ha US again In ms wlll mm In Britain In 1m and to Cland lnwlm reign yer wlll luvs lo Tuallly in lu owncounlm Tayor Iald For ample Guy Player who hal mpeled In many pro tournament ln he Unlled Sum or lull low can wlll hm Io unllly ln home mum Sou Mrlcu 1M fleld will admin 105 US alien About no la 55 of them Minding the up pm will be picked non July on link bowing In Pmleulonll Taylor returned Inst week from world Inur In thch he worked out dual of nine we pull tournament In whlch the worlds lop sellers proieulonll malpur yll compete be tho only Communlu country representzd allALFY Afr HOME $200000 Golf Meet Next Year Club Ilch r1 rofnultlg dfilpvnhl or vim Mon hmth hm iIan II 10 pm Fri Ind Ed llll to 11 pm Skate Sharpening 25c 35V CRUISIWITH mg COMETGASOLINES COMET SERVICE STATION HWY 90 AT lERNDALI 75c85c 95 $150 lEGION HOCKEY SPECIAL HOCKEY STICKS TAPE MEI MENS WEAR AND SPORIS MENS WEAR AND SPORTS ll 70 lealuo with 28 homm Ind In rum helm Igwilh pg When Iamethln lko Ihll hlppenl It mnkal bmball wanhwhln laid Howard from annqck NJ home 1qu which he nu hm moved ll tho muteL You know wu oileer 55 or com Wholl lhlpl when WI In 5h Ichaol Im not lorry about choolln balebnlh gown enmlguy Howard II tho Ynnkouln Ihu 10 yam laha named MVPJlld lhl lath lab to honored Ya hol only the third catcher Detroit 7110 Mickey Cochrane wu nlmed In last Howmi new bqu Yogllgerrpflnd ha mm uh60 Eatchfiufiwhfia Imk IWI won three mu Auocinuon tourni menu In order lo permlt mm lhl Iemr knawn locnl and mlonl us pm to have dune lo quAIlIy or the tournament 0mm will be picked on their hawlnz In norm of non yurl PGA Ivtntg Them will In as oralln en rlu plus 10 other winner 01 min sol tournlmmu lo brlnl the new to MM 145 Geller Around the world have to unify lhelr Intention of play ing 15 day helm loumnmm lime and mu pen 015 Illa trntlon lee Foreign Kellen wlll hm to re liter mo luburbun Detroit so come by Oct 10 IPALDINO lIATHIR ELBOW PADS MOTORS LTD FA HM Bl REPAIR NOW PAY lATER with our conunml DANGERFIELD BUDGET PLAN 09m In 11m to 11111 84542 PAIR ws

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