ï¬r lam assessment Is to be Iumed buck lo Innlsm Ihe alter In school debentures mld be reasonably unackm Thr Incl LI um Innlsfll In pm xellna ll case to lhe Board of ArblLrnUon should have includ ed the ofler In brlel Making the proposa now after nu acsllon from the chairman should not have made them ex pect special reccpllou by up coming In body to pass In am an plum For some yum lluwo Joe Cochrano has been tnlking about dcvcloplnz ward ayltcm In lnnlstil This full while Attend ing mud convention in Win nlpcx he met Reuva Clarke ot the Plowmnlch township and got line on Mr Clnrkul way oi conducting township attain Following till visit was ar ranged which took pinto We ncxdny momlnx when nil mem hm took all ior tho township niucro ward are and tar limb in the tnwmhlp so that Npm Icnlntlvu 1mm all part an lurtd chnncn at btlnl nn thc munclll The suggestion was accepted by West Gwlllimbury council lors but his did not gain any ndmlsslon that they were any more agreeable to being iepnr aled rum the part of lnnkfll mm which may have colleded 001 mm or many yeml WARD SYSTEM lnnlslll membgrs had an lnvl Union to meel with West Gwill lmbury pm However an suggestion of Councillor Torrens they declded lo mlve an hour nhead so as to llslen to business being mnducled Thls did not work out well The lunlslll man stood ln the hall or set when they could find mu unlll thn llme came to be recelved Than they learned lhnl Wcsl Gwlll lmhury was were 01 the offer made by lnnlslll Members ni innisiii Council paid visli in West Gwiiiim bury Council mceiinz Monday night They did not get rid uncie rmplim when they said they were agreeable to Judge Carters propmni to have Inaniil continue to pay its share of debenlures outsiandini on the West Gwiliimbury school irom which innisiii had nixed be scpnraied INNISFIL NOTES UNION JACK prescnlcd In he Angus File and Drum annd last night are displayed All FILMS T0 FREE urnmu rm Miami 2ch EA mums EKTACHROME SLIDE PROCESSING 35 MM 70 Exp Mounhd I17 12 E5 Momma nun II mm Enlertuinmént Fri Sat Nights Council Makes Offer To West Gwillimbury KODACOLOR rnmmn DYCONIA HOTEL BOX 212 TORONYO ONT I1 ulna hr Nulllvu N01 Illnlod Money at 101 On Mum WITH EVERY ROLL SENT IN FOR iii Mounloa AlS PHOTO SERVICE KGB WASAOA EAC W0 tnlcr lo Wmdlnxl flnn quru Purim tic lhonu or mervnllonm PM lOUNGE TERRACE ROOM DINNER BEll lOUNGE lmsurcn guides lllu affairs oi ill Iownshin wilh careful hund lie cams la the township about 10 yenr ago and since ha succeeded in gelling ndwol inio township mm and has all ichool 01 ha cmlrnl and graded type claiming the board racelves $500 per room more in government grnnu illun lhnx would have otherwise lle any Ihis lype ai education tunnel be handled well without town 1th school bnnrd All pupil are irnnsporiud in clnirnl Ichools The tax min WM 51 milk on an assessment um year oi over 5000000 mu year the assessment wiii tench $20000000 when all Hippiech inry additions are made Tho council spends ovcr 8100000 your an road and has resid ent engineer who receive 000 yeur and has an oiiiM with his own Iccminry They also have mninlennnce inro mnn mmpumbla will lnninliil rand supervisor wlihaui respom Ilhliiiie lncinz Mr Cownn Jusl how the lawnship of In nlslll might be divided lnln wards hm not yo been maul ed thlhu hon Ihould be Munmember muncll and whe lhor Innlull mould huvn full time mm mum at lot lhouzhl and dllcuulon Development builder dn all the mud new and wnlcr In Ilallnllanl or 600 rnct npxt Brnmpqu Reeve Clarke is iull lime uiilclni wiih an aliica in the municipal building receiving salary of about $100 month lie is reiircd iarmer living wllh his soul lle answers ev ery campinini with personal call in keep the electors happy and his job seemcl lie snld he had put down seven deputy reeves when hey run against him lie admilled he spent money Ireely to make sure thni he was reelacied ensign its my MAN Five are clecled Irom waxds No of the wards are heavily developed commerclnlly and residenllnlly and pay large portion of the taxes Five the seven members of council are represenlaflves The rceve and deputy reeve are elected township widc hm by bani memhm Wllh them in lhe photo are repre sentatives of the organizatinn which dnnuted the lhree llnxs my my mm Ildlldlll Fm lllm And Fully Ummd nnv rmmmn BLACK WHITE REPRINTS 06 EA4 Tclrphogg mum Iull The presuu pas Miles on Queen St nuar ll lnkmecflun with Highway 27 was an Ideal location one of tha Board 01 Trude Ipokcsmcn pointed out He cwldnt see any need far new post alike The am we hnve In good condlllon and III 10 of room he amended NEED LOCK 30x3 would like In have hulldlm wllh more roam for lock bom Caunclllnr Nnrmnn Cmnn In lwcrcd The original wording might give Ihe government the lmpres nlon the petltlan slxnerl objec tad In new post omen cmmdl mt Rewarding would empha xlzo Elmvnlc mldentl desire to have new one provided It In located on on of tho main streets Before leaving Mn McKenzie nought inlormnuun an haw to cnllecl Incl all business no counl mm Cromwell Conslmc on Co lower common who Both the pelluan and letter wlll be forwarded to the federal Department Public Works First all on cuuncllr recom mundnflun he petitiona ward ing will be amended make In meanlng clearer Board of Trude spokesman Ernest Brown and Thomas Mc Kenzie explained the similar views of the Board Trade cantalncd In brief In letter protest which the Board wanted IE to the ledcral znvgmment The petlttan sponsored by re sidenn and businessmen objec ted tn placing the new building on any the back street locu uans now reported under 0MB sideratlon by the adorn govern ment There are about live of these possible sites ELMVALE Slafl Prospect 01 Incatlng Elmvnles proposed new post oUlce the main slreels brought pelitlon and delegation mm the Elmvuie Bunrd or Trade More wundl here Wadnesdny night From Ian at Mrs Clayton Wanamaker her Madeleine Wanamaker Rev Wfllll Mrs chgy Hal Post Office Site Irks Elmvale KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY COMING SOON LAWRENCE 0F ARABIA he Rendezvous Lounge BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL Unfortunately in pulling he swilchel lama al those lupply in power to Accllam ol the lownshlp Wm pulled by mih lake mulling in anthour power interrupllon in than rural areas whlln mm at in wiring around lhe mill rumnincd live Mr McGee uld Rural cum marl worn prcvcnled lrom plum ing in report beenqu their phone lines Wm burned out during the lire Council agreed Io npoloilze In hydra or flu Incident polnu up the dlmculty not having quach mldcnt hydro man here Rmvo Max McAulcy no ed The In chlcl nlchnrd Cal umbun znvo no order Io Mr Strong objections In proced uras followed during tho recent ï¬re the Capcland Mill wen cantalned In letter to council from McGee Barrie area manager for Elmvnlo Hydro Mr McGeo rebuked Ihe munltlpamy or authorllhlg Paul flown to pull witches durlnfl the ï¬re in an attempt to cut of power in the Ire area He said Mr Rowut shuuld not have been allnwnd lo 50 up the pnh alone with no qualiï¬ed perv son below to admlnlsker ï¬rst ald ur rescue him he were injured while pulllng the much In casts of emergency such the mlll lire hydro line crew nrl available to cope with evenls The proper procedure ll ta phone ho Barrie cities or help and untll arrives lcnve lho hydro Installallnns alone Mr McGeel lamr explained withdrew rum Ihe project lhll tall He was advised In larward the village solldlm who ara canducflng the clvll neflnn mm from this iegai iinn in council read at inst nights meeting advised ail Ihose with claim against Cromwell Cnn niruciion In iarward these in the legni iirm handling the viiiaxel casei CALL F05 HELP land Allan Gawlhler Mrs AI red KnlghL EsKher Gawthler and Mn Elsle GoodExam lner Photo Burrlun Luau And Moll Luxurlau Fully Llunud Lovngo HAMMOND okcAN AND PIANO Presents Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH It lho blu CONTINUOUS mow MT FROM IM ANGUS sum Tha Iwardj winnlnlAnzns Flu Ind Drum Band 1m night received three new nylon Union Jack and flu holster alter tin bandl In Innunl banquet Band lender ll Douglas Ken nan who count Ibout 15 buy and 11m and adults Imonl the band members Tha present fill summer the band won first prim It division It the My wags In panlo Now to junk more Stlll ltl too bad Paul went up the pole alone Mr Crane addeqfla might hays been call from Mm Lynn to the Banlo hydro omce hrnught Ilnu crew tn the menu later on Mr Lynn Iald council an Elmvale elecllon ll ne cessary wlll all on the same date Dec Plus Townships vole council was told Them lore ll an Elmvale elecllnn ll unwary the vlllage 01lan sin tlan will be located 11 the flu hall councll declded colorful mréuï¬uï¬vm next pugllc mgram Rowe to full hi witches Mr McAuley laid Hydra chairman Jame Lynn contended people do what seems best the tlma duflni an em erge cy At the time ï¬remen were alrald that byatandern would ha lnjnred 11 live wlrep all during the llre Angus manna DrumiBand Receives Three Uniori Jacks Jim oi revision here will be Nov 13 clerk Hamid Nash re minded council GARDEN ANDPET SUPPLIES ll9 DUNLOP ST Hud Offlu Buioni 7292202 Sud BI month ago couldnt tellvthe difference between porf and starboard 714 Im Mun II CuntII mall popu Inn In mm wllh In hlmbumn mm at my Ilnd Imagine me owning winecellar uladi wl 20 of CLEARANCE Fri IMPORTED DUTCH BULBS END OF SEASON Procmlng Ifoup has bemprmlslnx time last March he lald Menzbatl 01 PWAHWMEA and Ladle Auxlllnry lo the Cmadlan Legion catered to Hm lupper served downmln at nglmonl Hall Rev Wlllls minister of Anzununhed Church was on of the hamed 0ne Union Jack wan given by the ladies irom the Anlus LOBA one from the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Bram Angus and ihe lhlrdylrom Mrl Allnd Knldhi in memory of her father lira lnia Earl Smlihpiormerly oi Aliision and London N95 Lezion Zone Commander Mm Elsie Good Angus was there for the presentation cerenmw held on the stage upstairs in th hall The Legion Auxiliary iing wasmremnled by the president Mrl Peggy Hoiinndr Worshipiui Mistress Mrs Aiircd Knight pre rented the ilag from lheLOBA while Mrs Clayton Wanamaker gave the one rum Mn Knight Mm Goad had her afterdivine wish lo hear some of your mIIslelul1flled hié Hand llncd up on stage to play some livelier mar ches before and alter the prb mutation An alterdinner vol thanks to tho Indie who catered for the meal was extended by Mr Kcnrnan All appreciate this funny hq laid mun nu lfllfl ML Willis called Ihe hand cred Angus He urged the member to keep up lha zood wnrk PA 85000 Sud Buylng and mm and mul ll napalm dlmm wllh to lo Mn ruva vkh and mm mm MM II Ind maku don III Mn youll ï¬lm WI dolicloul Dull Vln In MIlInIIn Indium cmnun no lypo will min In we nod tcucwnr um um MI mom up punyw BARRIB EXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1061 rein an 11mm MANY VISITS Mgrelflun mm gnflvlgualx Conlhmonl Shaw slum Any 11m HR VIMA dflllhllul dill mm mm Inuit wllh chuu and mampuma Dalr Mm RIMA mm Mnk In wlow culi um mmwo IgcnmcoLflW vlllu mm Candin uafl mam ban of the Victorian Order of Nurse In 1961 mm FEATURE PLAYERSEMWN mumm