Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1963, p. 3

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NORAD Starts Defence Exercise nuwlur nplnu Hm wpflvlmr who wlll luvlnx nllcr nmr mnnlhl Wnrnkn condilinns will cxlst In tho Dclroll sectors 11000 man force undcr tho command Ca Glmdon Ovcrlnz US AF participate In Mn dclcn Severn hundred bumbm and flng lrom font sumac Air Command CM and Alt Defence Command of the USAF will Inko purl nlon wllh the Us army NIKE missile null and 13mm Huh USAF and RCAP Dont udd lo the landscape be ora first asking yoursell wheth averylhlng In harmony with your community two Toronto landscape architect wnmed Barrie Horticultural Socmy members lust nlghl Dolmle units of he Dclml lcclor he NORAD nlnng wIIh all other clunan ol NORAD region will Inke part In three day cxmlsa commencing pm today CAS May Solve Staff Problems mlnl nun There Goes Another Bill Caldwell 40 Castle DH won the trophy for the but lawn In Burrle and Robert Story 331 Cadrlnglan was given the traphy or the best landscaped home Both trophles were pre sented by Griffin malr man he Parks Board and donor of lhe two Ros Bowls crcd by the board or annual commWan Brad Johnson and Richard Tom who have worked on such projects as the Taronlo Inland pnrk rcdevnlopmen and lho Ccnlury City project In La An gclcs msptclhcly lald ha nud cncc that landscape deal with They were speaklnl he an nual banquet of the society held at Central Unllcd Church Mare than 125 attended Including re vrcsenlallvu from Mldland Crcemare Staynor Vcspra Cald waler and Orlllln I16 LandsCapé Must Blend With Your Community GRIFFIN chalrman ol Barrle Parks Board present all Caldwell wllh Ihn Barrle when Ibo one Imr lentlertd mm nn umk load Mr chhon mld lhnl flu to tidy may have rnlu Um pny mull In order lo erm he new puwmcl Monty dld no ere ma he crhh In Iho Hm pinto luv Id but ll unllkrly ml mare wpcrvhory personnbl will llmclcd ll lhc mun Ind lo brlnx he nlnll up lo lull Arena and normlllu ll work lond Scalar nlllcm lhe our lorch ol NORAD will be muon td It Ilramic location lhrouxh out Ihe mtor lo evnlunlo the 010mm Thirty one Radar Squndmn Edgar an imponnni cicmcni in Ihu Dcimii lectai Sonic boom might ba heard In Canada throughout wnlcrn Ontario area from Pcicrbor ouzh lo Windsor and iilidinnd Snrnin ilve bullle lo prolm mm 21 mflllon clllzcm In lhe 220000 KHAN mllu area or Mspansl blllly sector whlch In clude the Lake Slmcoe district Winner are lolluws LAsz Ward Willnrd Klnzlc 155 Shanty Bay mi nun McLaren Mayor Les Cook brought greetings from the clty and told the members their wnrk cw Mu cansldtrahla encouragement or the rut of the citizens Prizes or the best lawns best Klanten and best landscaped am In Ban1e were presentad by Hlltan Splm chairman Ihgpommlttee One slide showed Dunlap urea lookan down mm Bradlnrd meet with myriad signs and cojgrs amj ovgrhund wires Their address ililiairaied wilil caiar slide Iaken all over the giabe described how man haa changed lilo original landscape In meet his needs The mulls hava not always bean success iui max nalgd laid Lock at everything in rela tion to your cnmmunlty and Ask yourselves whether It In hur mtflly with the landscape they PA 66531 eygfythlnz we come In contact with HEATING FUELS CALL Lcoon FBIkl Enard Rosa Bowl for the best lawn In the city The prestnlallon look place last night Iha annual banquet USE Mnm Ind man Ilmle lumlllrl mllmmrlnl ul Ifllnl llna mumnu mud null lhmlh EXAMINER Economy llrllllnl Illn TM Iutln Inn um Thul lmn Dun pawlr pulpllrllan II Illnow Emuom nudln llrrlfll um ymmnlru Illh In Mind lo Ind munluu lhnl Ippul lo Irlr pnllrul lnlrml EVICNINU NWT TV WIDE LAIIIEII IIOME JOL 1mm lnlfllln muulnu In Fva Ina Hull Mun ml or Inn mom Thlll lhll Tllfl mmmr EXAMINER nlmlnl la mflm umth flu IllIIIW Economy fludlnl lllu PROVIDES ENTERTAINMENT BONUS Constnhln Ruben Grnon In policeman on he Bnrrla Pollco Force investinch mm In par his dullu Today he Kola chance lo In vuluntn lhc thrll hub cnpl Ilolcn mm hl while WI mullII wuuv Iron hume Inbml Ward Incsan 129 Sun nldula Rd Hos Stephens anla Wnrd Tlflln St Ward Mr Slollnr 62 Dun donald SL Maurice Harris 6a Kcmpcnrell Dr James Fisher 73 Oakley Park Sq Policeman Loses Hubcaps Ward rlnglon St ringlan SL Mclrose St fir Story ydney Cox Robert Ward Robert Sprlnz 180 Aime St LA nspuma Ward Hum Sunnldala Rd Mrs 11 Sunnldnla Rd Ward Jo Newton 5L Wellington St 15 North Fnrk Rd Wind Donald Armstrong Napler St Helena Sham 99 Shanty Bay In Craig 336 Colrlnmn SI Ward Ilrman 113 Cumberland 5L Beausollnl 105 Cumberland SL 13 Arm Ilrnng 53 Holgalc Pwmns Ward Blll Caldwell 40 Castla Dr Dr Laurie 40 Mmla SL Kellll Bunllng 16 Ann St Ward Corby Nnrth Park RdlHnWflrd Fell l2 Kem penlelt Dr 14o Shanty Bay mt Albert Moigm 181 Kempcnlelt Dr lhe Harris narucuuml 5001er held at Central Unl ted Church Examiner Pho lo iydney him330 ééé Robert Harris 64 John 1mmv John Decker 55 Green 227 Gordon Fran ml lumlllu mllmmlnl lhn onlonmnl ulnu In Illnth lhmull KIIE All my llrIIllnl IIAII Thll yr Illa uluflol Thu llmn Um In ullonn mm II IllMI ErrMm lludlnl llln llIl ungnhgcys zs 271 ME cmwmpllcn II greater but It II and In vurloul marvel To lnl narnn cnpnclly In 152900 gallon Thu cly prav ausly had our walls each cnpnbln cl 1000 Inl Ion per minute The new wall hrlnz lho Iolnl cnpncily lo 009la41nl per mlpylle The chamber at lha bottom the 350 Inc wall II In club can In dimmer The all upgnllm cost $0000 pumped and hero trace of land ll ooh n5 hm lho but well we he sald Ho aald lam have been ducted and undu than 1000 gallnna mlnuto pumpcq andthern wan Mud lo Ind lull DI fllhl he Enrrlo Pub mimic Com mission uld them are 300 ton of Cap Mny gravtl that II at Ma about lhe size ol peas uhlch act as Her ll flu bollam the well new will capable of pm duclnz 1000 gallon 01 water mlnuta ha been completed or the Public Ullllllu Commission at the end 01 John 5er Acres mm Mansfield Rubber PUG Adds New Well Aller ordlnallan he was pa or In charge For Elgln Pres hyIcrIan Church He enrolled In the Canadian Army In I942 Ha went oversea wIlh Ihe EL 01 In 1843 and served wIlh d15 tIncIlonheIng awarded Iha MC at Normand and the Bar In tho MO or pan In lha en gagement at Hockwald 5hr the war ha ha lend at new era camp In Canada as wall In beInz SenIor Chaplain the CanadIan BrIgade In Korea In 1953 He was Chaplain at aynl Mllnary College KIngsIan 95+ Anderson Was horn at Edlnburgh Scotland and came to Canada young man He worked or several years Niagara Falls and men contin ued his educntlnn zrnduntlng tram Unlvcnll or Western Ontario in am in 1939 and tom Knox Theologlcfl College In lhmlogxhljm LtCol The Rov Ander WU MC CD Command Chap lainP will nrrlva Clmp Borden Sunday or twodny thL He will preach both the special Service 01 Ram brance at lrlnflyChapel at 11 oclock on Sunday and at lha Gnrrlson Church Parade on Elwyn lnlnnl LIFE LOOK IIOME JOURNAL III nd Hullh pluc mny Adult swimming classes will be Friday evenings bu leaving Barrie 760 pm Swimming is taught in nlxweek program but the Mum runscnnllnunus Iy and may be joined anyllme The boy lemmlnl 11 mix week mum auxMn Saturday at Orlllla It adored Jo bay tram II to years and can Include only he rat boys In apply bus willglcavo Barrie 1215 and return It Command Chaplein Te Vieit VCB Ior Remembrance services Barrie YMYWCA la bellnninu five new prnnrnma In Mr swimming adult lemmlul mfl llnery rhythmical Iymnustlca lnglbqnnz 3mm 2mm Human Bqnie Starts Ngw Classes My Hm lh Milan umln lh Buildu Thu mlnlbllmnl ml kl Yul In Klan II BACK though lhll we havu I0 fiml again in test wen FIRST TIME This it he lint occasion or LLCai Andenan to mend ser vices Cary Borden since he lnz appoini Command Chlp lain Remembrance Day in most significant occasion or our military community an we re member Alien comrade and dedicaie nunelvu in the cause fmvihich their live warn Incri 59 and Area Chaplain Western Ontario Area 195361 ILCOL ANDERSON Tho bnxlnl classes are or boy and men no yearn of In or old The mllllxlery course wlll pee1 lullze In hm Iuklnll Iveweek mum and wlll In clude both ammwn Illd eve ning alum Itanlnz Nov Bhythmlcnl exerellol course or ladle which place Ehyslcnl actlvlly on muxlcall ula ll wlll be or Inleml wmen dulrlnu rhyalcal can dltlnnlnz or actlvly of use In welghf obnlrol Tho classes are Monday mornlnll from 10 lo ll um and Ira held Colller Street United Church HI v0 tobacco but more of Sumo exclusive Mfllocolaufior flltor for truly milder smoking plonauro Sumo distinctive rod and silver packages of 20 and 25 cigarettes Marti than over the trend today it to do MAURIII tho dbarattc of 900d tam Full Ring Size Sumo highoat grndorngod Virginia NOVEMBER 588 SlZe Available right now Ho xlresscd Um need or change In our educational sys tem because 01 the changan employment nMuaHon tho chanzlnu soclnl allunllon the Impact of autumntlun and the Impact of lncrcnslnu numbers In our schools SCHOOL INSPECTOR EXPLAINS Addreul SECONDARY SCHOOL In speclor Ramsy wu neat speaker at the Johnson Education Is Styled It Te Meet Employment comm He added Ihn his was close lo the ulllmalo predlcuun to am In tho respccllvo urns Mr Ramsay nid that there was succuslul diversified oc cupational program in aparallon lhrouflroul llle plyvlnce In ad uun In dealing wIth the change lhraughoul Ontarla we hnva Iaund um 45 per cent were rez lstered In the Arls and Sciences 23 per cent In the Business And Commercial coursu and 17 per cent II he Science Tech noIazy and Trade hrAnc Mr Ramsay pointed out that this change began In 1961 when tha Grade promum was re organized Thl change AL reinsiy producing results ha 53 Stml Homo Ind School Am dallon meeting held in the Ichmla Iudllnrlun last night th mm Mn Bant nwmm no tho Ibo mentioned King Sin and Regular now available In packages of 20 and 25 SET UP STATION LONDON CH11w Charla Darwln Foundallon lo let up research station in tho Gill pazoa Island west Eculdor It was In Him remote Island that Darwin annulnlai hlx mrk The Origin of 5mm mu v5 enln mm all lhm branches or the Iveyear program will enter common Grade 13 which wlll make every student least eligible for uni varsity entrance or far In in amula higher Ienrnlhz The change this year In Grade 10 and In lucceulva years will be canled out through lorndo 13 Newfimiinses belnl db vlsed lo meet flu need of tho min hem he noted amine Photo Ing Ichool pflnclpll Iefl and Mrs itgr mild Man 4m

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