and annual Amman wnnanliav Inursrnuorrs Finn Urges Control Of Water Loyola $08 firm which specialises Io isnnlng in written munie Epsiities with irontale sure rounding Lake Simeoe and tire Sevens River suflesllng plan ning whlehwouid have the pur ose of controlling water levels drainage and pollution innislil Council ielt that the planning might be for thapur pose of creating setup tisst would mean costs to reunite lpalllies caneerncd decided to leave the matter in sbey snce FIVE FIRES Councillor Torrens reported live iiree In October three caused by carelessne Police are instructed to tska ion against any person who starts tire and st it get out at control Councillor Torrens ssked that list oi debentures be placed lsciora Council so that mern here would know the total debt at the municipality The de bentures for the Slroud rink are to be altered to the innlsiil people and it was lelt that six er cent would be the limit oi nlerest payable Tentative approval oiv the new school at Psinswicir was asreed to by resolution The cicrk was instructed to write the Municipal Board for its consent to Issue debenturesto cover the cost REPORT OF CONVENTION Gordon Mason who was dei ezaled to sttearl the sonventlon oi rural municipalities at Ni agsru Fails submitted his to port of the proceedings lie told at visiting new Hydro in stallations and the may do veiopments around Niaiara Falls The speaker at the con vention banquet was irons the Department at Develo ment He told of changes recent years with people liv ing ionzer and having more leisure Tenants had received assess ment notices stated Assessor Sproule as it was the instrue tion at Ihssssessinx depart ment that they be supplied with copies at the assessment ol the properties they oeeu pied Applications are being pm teased for closing three streets on the Wamica Plan motion was passed by Council that all expenses in connection with this transaction be elaer ed to the land owner The street naming commit tee Is endeavouring to get an overall lsn to supply Ill the streets the township wItIII name pistes While the com mittee is going this lsr It might be well to have house numbers installed Finding homes In the builtup areas Is Bigamisi Gels Six Month Term IDNDON Ont CPI Dunl las Francis Crawford 35 Al Kit chener who married two women Tuesday was sentenced to IIX months In Jail tor blaamy ov almost impossible especially st night The third house from sosndeo is really hsrd for strsnxerl and delivery peaI pe The tuners oi Mrs Flors Banting will take place today It Stroud United Church Mrs Ranting was ler many years the upollmlllllll at Stroud Sines denying the village aha Itsslnldn her home with sister in hlidlsnd spending the winter In St Peteraburp FiorA ids Mrst Banting was niece of the orlzinsiowners oi the Sh Tax anng Irks Quebec NEW ORLEANSCF Que bec is determined to at an end to Iedarai provineis taxsham in plans as soon as possible Premier Jean usage said iu daynight He said Quebec province though it has sliced the budgets oi several departments has had deliclt budgets lathe set two ilscai yours Thin had meunt borro jhuxe sums money We were also obiined In spite oi our reticence to take part In several Joint plans sug gested by the federal govern mentPremler Lesnxe told the Congress oi North Arncrltfan Se curities Administrators her We are resolved to put an end as soon as possihie to these jointplans by lnsistinz that the hind Chantier Building llscal equivalence Thursday Night Is Kinsmen Bingo Night tr ooa FELLOWS HALL Thurs PATRONS betas can oi lend iar CAN BINGO HELP KIN SHARE leou7 p111 2o GAMES THEWEALTH GAMES ACKPOT 527000 HELP KIDDIES The Rendezvous Lounge Bsrrios Largest And Moll Luxurious Fully Licensed Lounge Presents Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH at the big HAMMOND ORGAN AND PIANO BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEI KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY TODAY ONLY TOYS IN THE ATTIC Adult Entertainment BEAUTY and Nil BEAST Crawford arrested by tandem detectives at Kitchener last week was accused oi loin through is Ionn oi marrisre with Marjorie lorraine Patten son ol Kitchener while he was already mnrried to Vivian Ben Wile Pilot Pleads To PM OTTAWA CF Mrs William hiline Montreal wile oi one at the two Cnnndlan pilots un dcr arrest In Cuba saw both Prime Minister Roman and tcmni Allolrs Minister Martin on ndny to plead tor her hus hon nlcly It was learned hlcsds An ade said she spent about in minutes with it iearson nml lhm saw Mr hartin tor low minutes as well Mr Martin also saw Cuban Ambassador Dr Amtriots Crus here on Monday to es ms cow corn tvr treatment ths two pilots and to ruin sssursnm they will he ulv rt II DI to Cuba Man Pu oiaon In Wifes Drink HAMILTON Cll mun Illn put rsl poison In salt think And use It to his slln wns contoured to ll months Llellnlls and i1 monlhs lmielln its In rlty muslalrnlss court Tumlnr lionavl Duran 721 am inn hnll plentlnl guilty lsst hep lrmlm to until the lam In ills estrsnml wiles dr nlr sllcr nlurrel the shrink some at It and then he told her what he hsd dons slu wnr lrsoled Ind mode rumplele recurem Iiurnn was remanded lest mollllt tor msnlsl usmlna tlnrs MIMI rerlliied that he us not legally lussns Axou in LEGIONS STORM CAMELO um urn Starts THURSDAY IMPERIAL THEATRE eitvm llt ark 77 mman armrest no EIEEEHLSIIXONE LABI TIMES TONIGHT DOOM no no FEATURE AT 700 AND IAMOUS PIAIERS THEAIRE Dome JAMES DAV GARNER ONI PIIIOIMAHCI ONLY AT III PM SIOMUND UMBEROS GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST JEANETTE MacDoNAlD NELSON EDDY rmAr armwmu or mls HOLDEN ETTA Milli my svellu central power replace them by EHITIHEII ex BONELESS FRES ROUND STEAK noAsrs PORK loAsrs 79 49 TASTY VEAl PATTIES WHEAT OR slalom WING on rgaoNs STUFFED ORPLAIN DUNE slllsmliï¬nll Oit SHOULDER PORK STEA DAVERNE TRAYPAC PORK SAUSAGE mesh PICKLED PORK HOCKS SLICED YOUNG PORK IVER FARM STYLE SAUSAGE LEAN SLICED LAYER BACON SWIFTS 29 BEEESTEW 489 iiililes Ewssert Pearsï¬ PORIIBEAN85 WETHEYS RBERRY OR SBERRY IAM RESH pAk SAIIERKRAUT 29c OCEAN KING FANCY PINK SALMON DoyE BEAUTY Hand Soap VALUE TOILET TISSUE McLARENS MANZANILLA OLIVES °R l6 oz SWEET GHERKINS QR RED CHERRIES SWIFTS BEEF STEW CHEF WAXED PAPER rs oz ms 20 OZ ROLL TINS PAK 65° 20 01 TINS 14 OZ GOLDEN RI TIN BANANAS 29¢ CUCUMBERS 23° PRODUCE 0F USA PRODUCE usA NO FLORIDA norm 59c I00 FT ROLL 25° RITEX FACIAL TISSUE TANGERINES