Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1963, p. 3

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Men Not Hard To Get Explains Police Chief To Make Plans Decorate Streets For The Yuletide willkohertsseiek EheMaYOr Seat 11w rlnh will mmhue mrnlll hum lhr llnynl fnmulA Im Milan la In nIcrd ll Ihe nmlnrh llvymmhrnnce luv Nulimdln me tin nrmulul 1m Ilnmluy pm the Unnn llall IInnl IIIlrlcl HUM ml AMI lianmvnllon Club VI uulunil Lloyd fuck my In hp mnpmlrulunnl unann IlmIInIn nwml cnnlnl wmlmllrn rvmslunnl III Mulry Ilollmnn Urn run ml pruhlrnl mu Elownll II thawan up rudermnnu nml le mpwlln rvldonu In Iwdnrr Mr Toni CIIIrI Tnhlrhnrl Any pallet mnnl mcluI IIIe II curlnilnd Iur Iwu rtnsum III locInI III II ruIrlclrd lIIrmlsh lnmIlIurIlnlInn nmI he hm In In Ill lo come In work In In mamlnn In lmMr la qumiEmI Ian gnnll ltd whnl llw lhln ll fly the Um rccruit Income first chm conslnhlo it cost 1199in nhqu $1000 ln Injury You send lc oo lhrm month Aylmcr and Hml ls lhrnc monthl salary he said 30 IlEosls rnuxhly 313000 Wilh nul unilorms when constabll lczms lhc lorce Applicant nu lumcd down mostly or phyalml rcnsum Most have lhn rnqulrcd cducn llunnl sMndurdsbul the mulch lly who lail do so lor either mcnlul ur physical reasons Applicnnls Ire lycn In up mum police tut whldl 5ch the LO In car In um Pollen Dcparlmnnl concernrd Immsulm 171m nru Icvernl hnrdAMN or policeman and hm ln clmlu lmxulnr houn Irregular day shim nmuml lhe clock Ind so on policeman nn me Dnnll City Folk om can only It ulvn hln holldnyl dnrlng July nml Annual onto In every four yum Slnlulary hulldnyl all lukrn form wlnlcr Innvc lhgwmq nmwcrjmrn Kym ll mllrrmnn hm lo Illrml mlll rm hl any ho zrll lnur hour my lor lull day In mull fink 1ch nnyl ml maple lam lmnie nun pnlmrmflnl mk wnl mulling crimlnnll Nuw much work lllun Some police forces have Imw hle gelling recruits but It lsnl Chc Police Ed Tschirhun mid We have more Hum 66 appllculinns on file When you have lol uppllcnllnns you till he more 501ml Conservationisls Name Lloyd Cook For Honor Award 1n Mlnndale Ihe businessmen association nlso planning to put up its annual decorallons nllhouzh no meeting has been held by the mormanl this your Plans for Christmas struck de corations in In downtown area wll probably be campleted the end of the week according to Ross Stephens president ol the Downtuwn Merchaan Associa tinn veral mzulinxs have been held hy the association dis cuss when the demrnllons will be put up what theme will be 55d the cost will he Wefluam retarymnn am the Battle Chamber of Commerce said some fimcully has arisen because not all lhe downlown businessmen want to pay or the decorations Uniarlnnalely Khan is Just Ihe ailhtul group who pay or lhls he stated and the alth ul are gen little red Winder ccmtnryvtrca surcr the association report that the fund accumulated by he Allandale merchants Is now the Examiner Vpollnd Mayor Li Cooke andlhu 12 comm members on whether they would Junior Cooke had nu comment nm only six uldcrmcn indlcnled lhgy vpuldan at ecthp insides Ald Robert the owl or who intznd to nu answered as Inflows mmim EXAMINER wanwzsmv N9 cd il helnlendcd lo 11m In Inclorthcnming elccllon Mr Roucrls snid Yts but won 51 mr wlnal 0ch Md Frllnbmls muy run to Inyor he lndlcnlcd by in lc nee In The Examiner Ins lI mn In an Ibo lnrnl I1w Chld Inyl nnce WHEE mun ru Iyryflml llw lwnyrnr Mod lm munlly Ilnyu 11 mn fnrlly drupouh Iuy nwn who hm bun on lhn um or INA lhnn lwn yvnn lumnvrr an the llnrrle hnl brrn nmnIIlfl mm In he ml rlulll yrnn No of Khm wcnnm poll rhlrll nml lhu nlllrr le wrnl bark luIn Imlm Iry In hnprmo lhemnrlm nml Inlay mum rrxnlnr lllr up with llluhwny Tram Acnudbyln nmmlhiiuér being um um ltdnr In Minx lukrn away by My 111th mm AcL Chld Tuchlrhml rm lm llum ln me mun nn lhu lwnl Ilo Inyn Nu lu know maple hellch Thm um nlm wnlllum upm In Um lnllce Urlmvlmcnl lrvr clvlllnnx wall clnlcnl wmkm and In paét years decorations have been up by Dec Mayor Cooke and hm aid ermen were undecided Thus whodeclined la mmmcnl were Aldermen Smllh Wilson and LL Mills Aldermen snll hndcéiaed are Morrow II Mamllus and W1Hnms Almost depleted and lundral sing drive is necessary if lhcre are 10 be any Christina decor alions Apfimximale cost or the flea orallons including hydro ls abuut $300 Md of now hL AMI Cummlng Yes as lnr n5 Im mnccrned Hug Ill firing ngnlp now inwnd la NHL INDUCT RECTOR OF ST GILES lhe hall Rev Jnhn Runny new radar of he Church of St Giles Anglican will he in ducted Thursday pm In Rev Snell Co ndjulor Blshop nl Toronlo will olliclnlcl The sermon will be deliv ered by Rev Hull mlnr St Peters Church Cobourg In IIIIW nn llny hnmhnn llmmd Tvu lmn Tumult mumAM In wrmlwau mm IIIle mm Imnanlnmr mm mMuow mm uwmm mm MMvnm mm Mum mm mm wan Hum Ilhrn run an Mum lmwllrv rm slkhlly In RHUTIIICIIN VACAHDNII Mum Mr Vnm Nil In IZHHI WINCH llhhun Alnund lho Wnlld Mulllnnnnn ull Un Fur lehrr Inluunnlinn llrsrrvnllnn and mm 101 mm mi um um anunlu 007 Jay Slrccl varnln Frnnl Street CIIY POLICE CHIEF ED TSCHIRHART rEcepllan will lollaw service in um parish oK JOHNSON co lIMIIED JolllIle REDUCED AIR FARES lo EUROPE AAs Yes chJ intend In Iml Mlxlwn who dnunh mucnmu 41 Ian mu la mll lmlrml 01 merM lnmr In Imllrr Irmllu Ml uhlnlnrll whvn llw lnuxh II wrnmml In alumllv um lull or lmnvy wnn pawr am rIllrII II whllo In lhr nlvlurrm lnr The police ommlulnn nrlrrln lho mllmnm nml In name he pnllcv cummimlnn mm pwd nl Jmluo llnrvlo Mnxlslmle Gordon lerr May or uuke Mn nln cmn mulary In hum vrry nppllrnnl In pcrmnnlly Inmllunlnl and Hum nppfllrl In mum leow lhu cummlr Ilnn hlrl Tuthlvhnrl xnyn nhrr lhinun Mm mun we prclrr Hm runnlnl mn The manufacturing lnduslries absorbed 45 male and II fe male workers Biggcsl demand was In the mnsuuclion indualry whicn ab sarde BI applicanls Placomcnls from the Barrie Branch of the National Employ mum Service coniinlxcd at good rate through Ocluber Kramer manager said day Mr Kramer said 235 males and B3 Icmales were placed jobsl Polnlo harvesting accaun led or 29 and more could have been placed ll applicants had been available KIDDO IIIE TELEVXSION clown had to get help rum lhc children al Voodand Nur 378 Were Given Jobs In OCtOber The retail and wholesale trade IllWNHlULl IIINII The Harris Drum and lluglc Conn mumNd Io Krmpwlcll Trumptl UnmL The Harris Gnldm ULMII cm Drum and Hugh Cner has lmn ununlmously accole II mcmhrr ol lhe Cnnndlnn Drum Corps Asmlnlian 11w division was made at mmlnx held In Turunlo Snmr day In which anm term ware rcprosmlnl lflILI llubcrl Lucas worm Manor Un Ilnniv group Mnynr Les Cooke said lhnl ram his obscrvnuons it would appear hm lhc uplung of busi ness In 19m has rounded Inv ornbly nn cmploymtnl He mid the same lrcnd look good or IBM and he hoped lha the win lcr cmploymcm campulgn would continue its work lhrough he winter months Mayor kao snldlhc conscious he cxcollcnl marl mm is pul 0th by flu Winter Works Commillco on behalf of the unemployed and lhu ln lurcsLs of he community It recent Winter Employ ment meeing George Davies rcprcscntntlve or Inn Bulldcrs Assaclnuon sntd that under tha government sponsored Itouso Bullding Incentive Bonn plan in order tn obtain the $500 bonus It mandatory that the brick be on these houses prior to April 1961 The mmmillcu may not no ils efforts and work an rccng nizcd but ccrlnlnly would like to so on mnrd as extending my nllplOCiMiDll on bchull Lhu my Barrlc and In coun cil or he cmecnl work dune by his group he snld There were 429 male appli ennls registered and 374 la male The overall number was sllghuy lower than September but almost Identical with llml year axe Buccaneers Accepted To Association my School tohlnwpur Ihe Acandles on his coke ycslerday They kept xellghung aflcr he At he end Oclnbcr 152 jobs remained vacant nbsnrbcd 44 mnle and 27 female workers and the servlco Indus tries hired 74 male and 38 mnlu wnrkers YOUR TELEPHONE COMPANY NIKIIPHI 0N IV mullul mum Ihu vunu mmch cumm conduwnu 1h Conml How om In nluzllonl In John and Jon on and rum Von luau mmam all llllbnu mulh In nu vln ulnulnu on wmld amt oponllc lowMal ELIIMIETII ICNWMIIKOFP In mm by Johann 5mm run low Kul loll Loom fituunm Ind Ichnld mlunwary Wllll BOSKOVIKV CBC Clfiimwo flatly 910 ll mo PM Miss Mary Arnold luster duughlcr of Wesley Jones evangelist oi the Church at Girlsk was presenlcd the Sec ondary School Graduation Dip Iamn in gradunlinn certmanic on Friday evening he chapel of Great Lukes Chrisilan Cali cge Diplomas were presumed by Oliver Tallmun chairman the board Alex Klim area school inspector was the guest sponker She was one of 17 Who gradu ated Mary Arnold Gets Diploma Edwnrd Vllllums was ap pulncd lrninmnslcrmnd lure mnn HM Canadian aninnnl llnllwny cpnmllam hem Nov Mr Wllllaml came to narrla Inst Aprll nllcr In short limo an Inn CNN pcrnllon mince come Ila hnd lormcrly been duhl drspmrhcr In his hum town SI Th0an Iran Imlslcrrnnrl lnrrmnn Mr Wlll Immwlll wpmlsu ynrdv Ila llnn mu lmln nprrallonl In wide um rcnlml on Ilnrriu He mulnm Kllxour Mm blew lhemnnl anddla child run eagerly helped him with the hulllng and puffing channel CNR APPOINTMENT Kiddo he slur dailyyhnl hour show or he very young in which he plays the anomalous role of an apaflment superman den dressed as clown Televisions caretaker clown Kiddo rented In children ho Woodland Nursery School an In person appearance at their Halloween party delayed our days to accommodate Kid dos scheduled ha been lranflcrred Exum Intr mun KIDDO PLAYED SANTA Claus when It came time to pass out candy at yesterday Famous Clown Kiddo Treats ursery School But Its an espcclally demand LEWIS DISTRIBUTORS Royal Crown Cola MARY ITIIIT érbwiéofi We look forward In long Ind happy modHon In the cm to allow Ind ounr our bell wlnhu £13130 lulure mean dlstrlbulor Myll Sorving Bums Orillia Areas DIIIrIbuM and aulhorlty HIV Crown Cpl lelml 1mm We Proudly Announce Ihe appointment of Several lime chlld ran up and ilerped on NI oulslza clownn om lo WMdIJllm hop In pmlendcd pain And when he maxed on file bag 01 Candy they clunu to his coat ml and long scarflike llc combo Jau musician who live In Iho bollcr room the npanmem house And lalk hear when the boiler room door In opencd The excitement caused by he vial MI chlldrenn celebrity tn nursery xchool can be 1m neck The children who seemed lo know hlm were partedly at ease and fell rllhk in with Klddo Iawnlng Several lhemran up and flomped on hl too to wnldx The only alher voices in the show are those of ran character who shout dawn the laundry chute to lhe spurt rncng supeylnlendcnljfl and III writer Chrl Homer wrfler Ideas not words and Kiddo Trevor Evans ad lib script to Ilong wllh the outlined story in role as Kiddo II the only person to appear on um cam ern wilh the exception pet mouse who live under he cel lar steps and ho to sustain the whale shown on hla own without mm llWIS DISIRIBUTORS TILIPHONI PA 363 Hullawem party The chlld rens alluflon or he Ielevl slon clown was apparent In Klddox awn liking or mud Bmlo Onmio dimlbulon of PA 6653 HEATING FUELS CALL CO09 USE IARRII om The nursery School where Klddo Wu klhilzlng Barriel Hm and only nursery with ball full and halldny programs It employs 5131101 nlne all of them registered nursery school anthem ll program inund ed on the pdndplea ha ln ullutu 7th Study lb Unlvmily of Toronto ren pmbably elicit the Hend llneu children display award hlmuhlm Willey who oper ate ha nursery school and hal knownKiddo £lnce hll early days In ulevlslon In Edmonton luml up hll popularity In um leIIEE Children and dogs lol law hIm like Illa Pied Piper she said am uh um um um mm up you midlan awnI mm with muss the my they dun In his coat ml and entered lmo lb clowning with him Examin er Photos 7157 LE

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