anmu mfneux Ellme Apflll the wuluml um Ibrlr IIIlfr flarul Dupsmon Mrli inh bunlmon II dlnl heck In llll II lwr dnulhlrr Mn Terry Unwrlflfl Hrhurnh ml slrphrn Slrnrh llmrnhuul we lum nl mm umlpnrrnu hm an IIm mumn flflunlay III cnmmunly In well mrrnird nl ma nllldnl upunlnl ul IL Hrnl Memarlnl luhllc fldmul RI llnlllnn The My Kumll mnluclnl lucmnlul pnmr mm In week Mllnhxlnï¬ nlmul mm lulu mng and Innxnvlnu warm whmm lmhy airman lmm In Mr nml Mu llnlemml on II Al Ilvynl Vlclnrla llnpllql llmla Ilurnl lnhulcn nml Iprdnl hr nnllnnl rnmn hum rclnllm lrlrmll nml llm Ilrll Trlcphouc and Sunnyhnmk IlusplInL Mlu thn wm Illa dnuzMrr lhc late Mr and Mn Frank thn LcIroy SM ls nurvlvcd by two nlslm nnd one broum Mrs Klnsnrk IEVM and Mr Prince Dnrrle and SIM once of Lung Brnncll Mll In nlcm and lwn mphnwl mlrinl In the any lnl Sixth Lina femmy Innsm Funcwl unit was romluclrd lay llcv Hay Tank 01 lmhd mmlhl Churrh Tomnlo lnllhurm vur llnny Mk Iry London anI Jnnu Mark Wlmn nnd Huwnld Skinnrr Turouln John Cum Slmud and Hay Grnnlhnm nl llnnle lunrrnl mvlu lot Mml Bra Me thn Toronto Inrmcrly Lclroy who am In SL Mic hurln Ilospllnl Sept will hold Oct nl he Murray New biulnz Funeral Home Toronto fllY YMIITNM WANT ADI PHONI lA um The farmers also hnvc small plols land they are nllnwcd cultivate 0n about an acre each can keep cow and call pig and plzlds dozen sheep and all lhe chickens he wnnu They sell he produce an the open market Nearly ha ha cows in lhs Soviet Union are on hose lllllo lnrms Prcmlcr Khrushchev trylnz lo gel the armor ln work harder on collaclivcs And give up their lime lmcll The plan isnt making much head way pmnged scoop MI con vcycr be was gobbling up pile of sugar been and loadlnx them Into truck Four women pusth the heels on to the pick up machine with their bare hands One manor woman could hav done with but lurk Wage range upwnrd tom 70 an rubles monthofï¬cially $77 to 388 Th In at ordinary Held workers Machine drlvcr go no rubles mnmh Besides workers get an additional 15 per cont their pay In nod or animal Iced Women gel he same pay men but all upper level jobs nre half by men Farmers on the collecllva work usually sevcn hflflfl day They get salary In cash and also load and 22d hr the few llvcsluck each allowed la keep Durlng the busy season ln spring summer and all they work l0 hour day or man By Soviet sinndards this arm was weii mechanized ii has 77 uniis ranging from seeders and harvesting machinery to corn cuilerl and pickup lurks iar 1m inu sugar hpcis inio wagons WAGES CITED enl aske van Slderenkn manager the am what ha Intended to do with surplus la bar when mechanization began to approach the American stan dard hls my way Hamid it be In open can flicl wflh Khrushchzv MAINTAIN NUMBERS echmflzauon Vls to facili Inle labor not reduce the num ber orv laborers wwld bankrupt North American communlly The place swarm wllh work era It takes so many of them to run the farm that nor North American nparatar could ll nnnce ll Th layout of 32000 acres employ 2400 men and women Thlavcorres ndent has Inund the sums rule on other terms The Kuban was not exceptional Th mm In the Kuban River Vllley he north Caucasus ls callcd the Knbnn Th1 rich land and Ihe Kuban good arm by Soviet standards It has of machinery rela tively and hulldinls and pleasing clmule 21 THE IARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV in By PRESTON GROVEB KRASNODAR Kuban USSR ANWhile Premler Khrushchev was lecturing am or on their shortcoming In neighbor pmvlnce group correspondent went to see one nlMa good guy xypr Russian Farms Have Problems lly ml mm CROWN HILL OBITUARY ALMA WIMN Izvestlnwamed early an Aug 28 that theharvcsl was procccdlng too slowly and losses were mounting Pravda rcparled Aug On many arms In Dash klrin and Kulhyshev and ulher oblasl between the Volga and the 1131 heap of grains am walling to be cleaned and moved In elevators Some It has already rune Problem Na uucks In this re uhan area the correspondent saw slacks ul unv shelled corn Iylng Inthn ynnis clevakars partly covered by canvas he rest open to ruin Farmers there complalnthey havent Enough machinery but thousands at hamsum ma chlnes sgand Idle Somehow tha laxmm didizt xetaround to palrlng them 01 they couldnt Eel spare yam CQRN UNSHELLED Thls vyzar Khrushchev spending over hall billion dal lar to buy wheat 1mm Canada and Australia because Sovla laxmeta didnt produce enough Ye every day ho papers re port grain being wasted In lho virgin lands rain 13 mun DILIM ground 336 PLYMOUTH 691 SHVOYS LEASE PLAN MN mm IIIIANI NEW lDll IW i323 VALIANT 559 NO CHATTELS NO GIMM1CKS N0 COSIGNERS Why doesVuliunt outsell outpoint and outcluss all other cars in its ï¬eld One good look answers the question Luxurious and generous in size sensible yet beautiful in style thats Valiant Trim andtustcful smart grace WHY GO TO THE BANK WHEN YOU CAN EASE FOR lESS vouu nun it COSTS ms TO ms AT SAVOY moms CHRYSLER cANADA LTD The island Butt inilhe Firth Clyde is demanding indepen dence from the United King dom Councillors want their own parliament and tax system as in lha sin or Mm willlam Randnll 43 Ramsey County attorney tn St Paul Minn will proso cute the murdchrlal qr an other St Paul attorney Eugene Thompson 1n Minoa polis Randall will make his opening statement the fury today VAN INDEPENDENCE ROTHESAY Scotland CF I49 DUNLOP STREET EAST PROSECUTOB SAVOY MOTORS Barrie LIMITED have never met woman who could accurately dmrlhe thg color belga to meand yet that the color women mm to talk about most Lila never quit perfect No matter hOWwonderful the loodal banquet Is fellow can always manage to get some of stuck In hla upper plate There nalhlng more anon ymous than Imkle on crowded bench 174$le CHANGES It used to be sign mlsspcnt youth man played 00 good game of pool In malurfly The biggest sign dissipauan today HALEOYLE NEW Yogic Amdumin lug to conclusions third drink Io show how lmnx they are always want to break Ihelr album with hammer Nothing more Ianusome than man selllng out mar 40 In lnnk or his ï¬rst real fun In llle mnemroucn flle worldl blflest boron are people who want loplny lpdiw tinad WW lrr Mn Getoutrheflapmmer £017 Hind Wrestling nurktl mwrr wln ulmu npm rnnlml mm pour Ilrrrlnu pomr Inuk him with ml lnlulnr 2ONLY i335 CHRYSLER wmv 1963 IONLY i333 PLYMOUTH 95 CHRYSLER CONVERTIBLE ful Valiant is 1964 stylé leader and Canadas biggt cm value combination of qualityloolm and perionn ance that outmatchea anything in it classbu none No wonder anianta the landed SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE MAKE US AN OFFER WEMUST SEE THEM BRAND NEW 1964 PLYMOUTHS CHRYSLERS VALIANTS IN STOCK t2¢flfl Zflhufllgfln EJDDDDnlߢnn II It Ku HIP NOBODY 85173 1963 EXECUTIVE CARS What he ahnge high pflccd hotel Nom need Iewpr vreproducllons uf PI casso pninllngo and morn hook In the close anwhlch fellow can hang his trous en An olemm In Iguy who open every letter shakes It and waits for cheque In all out MMOR MYSTERY On ilie ire mysteries ol clvillzaunn is where doc tor get all the old magazine Youll never get up hungry mm meal server In home whlch still slacks kllchnn matches and toothpick lha wenrlnz dirk al 11555 In cocktail lounzes Youra too old lobuy ma tomdo if you no longer know npmny girl willing to ride behind you on the buddy mt For some reason more peo ple are willing to lend many to nearsighted ieiiow Ihan la que wine in 2020 visinn No mailer what country yali visit somehow never quite easuresv up to II travel pos Wlndul Yaw Door arm Valiant hmm HAW CYL RAVE PART OF ARMY The Womens Army Corps flrll ambushed as anauxlllary becam par of the United Slates Anny July 1943 Walters uy thamld ladle Inlennlx than up better than Ihe avenge profuqlana base hng plum hunting season Lily hu mun compensa tions The more hair halls cf lellown head the morn usu Iy new on his chest Soma thing you have to take 21 faith Thats why there In so much flne min in lhg average lpasei Be wary or throwing away nnythlng you cant give away wall may he the possession mast worth keeping keep in uuu mung It pays be cannon You have only mum to blama or what hagpens 11 you leave Your nlme iron deer out on the mm lawn during the 3281 81461 2181 MASSAGE av APPOINTMENT PA 87111 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Prlvm 62 HEVROLET 62 FORD FORD 60 METEOR 59 PLYMOUTH 58 PLYMOUTH 56 CHEVROLET rumour $1799 rono $1841 rono my $1290 mmon $1099 PLYMOUTH 342227 $999 PLYMOUTH $490 CHEVROLET 1999999 per day $10 DOWN ON ANY USED CAR 18 MORE USED CARS 10 CHOOSE FROM big increase in tanker lan nnge is considered especially necessary in viaw oi growing ail impurtrequitemenis which are likely substantially i0 ex ceed previous estimnies DOUGLAS CONCREV Ann St TOKYO RememJapan maklnz plan In more than double rher merchant fleet to $30 10000000 mu on by 115 plan pm of lang ranga program to Improve the balance Ipvlslble trade by re uclng payment 01 foreign ex chanu to overseas shipping lines Expanflon al the merchant marlno also believed essen Japanese BuildMore Ships To Save On Foreign Exchange Phone PA 60288 SAVOYS USED CARS Deliveied Complgle Complain Rang of Slxu PRODUCTS lTD Barrln 1131 lo meet all compelllun lmm We shipping urv Inc This competition gx Wited tubecoma more men when Japan jam the Drunk Hon or Econoch Cooperaflan Eng pevelopnlle 1111 umnizauon code of lnvlslhl tunneling re quire he eulnzpl mtrlcflon an longrterm chmerlng of or eizn vessels pmgram already under way to reorganize the leanen merchant fleet by merging ship ping rm Into several large ï¬rgups Japan merchant fleet now Includes In than 1000000 Ion oi oceanzoan vulels Precast Cbncreie F0 VANE PA 39642