8345 Umhr IICGA mlu hundl an mm on In lml Ia mum ol flu In 11 um played and tan lludunlo or down liqHKle on Hm ml 01 plaml In ham an month In Illa nut hmfllup Inan llva bell mm mm nvloul yur flu unly cm Um would bu mndl MI In In cum player Ihot In umumlly nod mind And Idhlll Ia cm law hln ylum ll llul van nevrr rrvlml upwlrd new heulnnlnl yur and rnuhl lowered durlnl laur mmrnt ll plnyer lower amnlnl mum Ilmn hu normal 1151mm rllln Confusion reign in the Georgian Bay Inter mediate Hockey League today Shortly after yeaterdeya column went to press Bill Bennett president of the Barrie SevenaUpa called to inform us ihetUxbridge has notiiied the Ontario Hockey Association it is withdrawing its entry in the league this year Vlrulnll Illrrinnnn nulloml handiup manner flu Can dlnn Lndlu Gall Unlon today Innounud lhlt Alundonmenl prmnl hndlup Ayllem he mull lwoAyur wmy amp mambo 10M womm xallm will nu the In tampllcmed and more ludlclom hundkflp mum at tho noynl ndlun Gel AlmaIon In TRY VETERAN REGINA Cll Joe Law mpaund lack Ind vclernn yura In the Nullonll Football Lea us workln out with Sukllc zwln flouzhrdm ol lha Wellern Football Confer New System For Goliers eciai hockéy edition will he running ihuru day an it is hoped there will be rundown on each of the clubs in the league nlong with pictures or the iotai pilyerx Jackson felt the league would be greatly Improved over last season nnd predicted Oflllll may be club to watch throughout the mason COLLINGWOOD PICKED leveral of list yéarl Meatord players lncludltig Bo by Meek Peck Braln ardihBarney Walmsley enny Parker and Arnold Smt Colllngwood coach Jee Jackson said yesterday We just have to be consl ered stronger with the ad lltlon these players We have Harry Lumley luck as goaltender and we havent lost my our blg ns Also with the local squad the executive of the club wishes to thank Hap Emma or the donation oi some hockey equipment this season Emma was only too glad to assist the team and he saved them precious dollars with his donation oi the equipment Acheck wlth iew the other clubs in the lee gue would lead one to believe that Colilngwood has the club to watch this season Former juntor goaltender George Cucullck out with the team the past couple of weeks was Inked by the club last night He will alternate wtth Gordon Red Henry SEVENUPS ALSO announced thlt lashyenru goal tender Don Elch wont be with the club this sea aon Rich was Informed by his company that ha wouldnt be permitted to lay hockey Ind work at hh present Job Naturally lch gave up hockey Uxhridge must have known what to ex ect They attended couple of league meetings an should be wellaware oi the problem It is unfair to the rest of the league it they drop out Im aura ii the league creed the clubs to put up substantial bond guar anteeing they would complete the schedule this alt uation wouldnt exist WHATEVER THE CASE SevenUps had to do some digging to come with team for Friday night lot of work goes me the pre aratlon for hockey league opener and the local clu had rograms at the printers arrangements made with elr outoltown players and several other lam made Rather than ganclel thenihihey ohtnlneq ragfqrd for Frlday night Sflhere will béagameixeréifliï¬ï¬ Another story In tï¬at they want an extension be sore opening the schedule in order go obtain more ayers Toron 1cm Cm Uxbrldgo was gnnted frlnohlze when Mealogd dropped out Reason Uxbrldge wnnu out In that they feel they cant Ice team bf Frldnx the dots they ue supposed to open the ac edule are against SevenUps Mam EXAMINER mamAxï¬wovmmm xmu Imrll Mull MinnIll llunlly ml me In Never dull moment My nll do llPll lKATKl SKATE EXCHANGE Shoe rah lllul scrssomzn SW SPORT AT GLANCE Bradford 74115 T6 Meet Friday mmm rmm IIIIIlnIInIIII Examlnrr rlnlud 1601 in mhmir mlddlcwclm dlvhlm IUE MANTLE DALLAS MP Inulu bunkrupl Mickey Mlnlla Eula rlm lneorporntzd led wk on Mondnr nulnfl lhl Nu York buckl Itnr nklnl mu In my mm 3200000 Into lhc blnkmpt tnrponllon Thl lulk dumd Minus diverud monoy hl urntd from lambll mlvillol Includlnl dommenu lo Ml own un whom Iheu undl MM hIVl tarponllan IRATE RUBHED WINNHEG ICP Clflldll tnlry In World naller Shh In Chlmplonshlpl Lu VI pl mlly hm helr work cut out Advmd lllc um lhey mm mmpdo In lnlrrm Honk compqumu Wednud Ind Thundny Md mm And Gnnl WIlIo hnd only my In whlth vnvan lhlmulm lor lhllr um mllor Nmpflklm MlCllEll NAMED MIAMI BEACH FII AFD Joe Archer No mhlxlla with Nnkndcr rum New Yo nnmud bonr oi ha momh Mandly hy KM World new MudSan Th llu In not Alwcliflan Th llu In tlud an out Cnnndllnole lrr aduth Tommiwa cg ml umn Mu rhnmupm mil hy rung Fkï¬syg NAME spaa Him Th azyrnrrold Mnnlrul Cu Mullen crnln uld lhu lroublq rlrd lenvln mo II In em All yen Ichtdulo had nupln and um And not had mm my rnnlldenrn Then In flu Aunnnrr wrnl way an ruupll mth lrlpl Na maller whrre want cm In no Iummerllme pm pl hlunled me And nhd whnl monl ll baumo had Avoldrd maple Ind Wlfllld In Ilonl lhouuhl will Ilck Ind would all In Mme In nld In In lnlcrvlew dldnl or deep wrll Th mm won rled Iboul um lha wnm lmmed lo eel Evcrythlnl bothered on And lb In MONTREAL CPIJun BEL luau lop polnlcullzclnr In In Nationll llockty League to tar lhln unon met wuplu I0 yml MI trouble In Ihn pul Mth nolhlu but norm Included In prev on three were 0nd champlon Emle flldmrdson Ruins Doug Cameron Charlmlelown and B92 MIN HnmvcrL Ont Th 2th entry will be do cldtd ll special Iouthern 0n urlo eliminnllon bonspltl In be played here Dec with rlnh campeflm Two are Edmonton Iklps Malt Euldwln has won ha Ca nadlln tlkle lhrca lime and Hector Gervnl won the title and lhe Scotch Cup 1n 1m Delmitl Mlh Slyzluk tho US chum plum Ind Norm Houck Im II wm Du Mhzr gum Ilfiply 0v laumamenl manager Monday annnunced our more entries or he loumnmenl brlnzlnz Iha to 50 hr lo uven or the eight legm roundrohln series By THE CANADIAN MESS llnmlllon Tlgcr Cnls may have ï¬nished first hls season In the Easmn Fonlball Confer encebu lhcy did without one honestIaqoodneu offenslva our mer Canadian curiing chnm pious and he current United Sims champion will be among the curler in the Toumameni oi Giampions Bl Toronto Maple L231 Gardgnl here Jim 14 Beliveau Says His Nefves Caused Him MoSt Trouble Dixan viniilhe ruxhlng leader led or lccnnd place In lha ExiChamps To Enter Tourney Final slatlsms released lo day flaw that Tim didnt have man among he lop ï¬ve In ICOIIIIE or rushing The near ul Ihey had In hnklleld Handout was quartuback Ben nle Falwellsecond ilnApnulnl Accordlnz lo glnllslics he Handouts warn chk Shnllo ol Tornnln Arznnaufl Run Jack lun Ollnwn Rough Rlden Ind Gear Dixon Montreal Alouelles Shula only MIN 1th In dull nelson nr Toronto won Ihe Icorlnl lllle was the lap pan rmlver and lhlrd ln rgshlnx Now Dellvuu lwll lh lulu Tongqu cm Three Dm Sanderson Al Smith Ind Ken Robemam plclured above from Mt ta right have bun looking Ihllp In the Bur No Big Stars on Hamilton Squad PERFORMING WELL IN TRAINING CAMP Vclï¬hv 10than Hill lhn hand III II hndly Iwnllfll ul Ihnuzh xnyl mralrd no HID lurt crno mrmn Iknltd wllh lho Canudlen Sn Emile Monday mu bmlly rulml ltll lumd may keep hlm on nlundny 5mm htm Elm fhlcugm Gcofl an ed Sundays nma In an ark nun IM llrlnl lha Injury whm Ml luy Inmmnlo Jrnn iuy Tnlhnlu hol smurdny unlml nelrnll anan II the and hr Ive bun xolnl wrll Maybe ha lnur um 01 lulnlnn my kid lnnlend lha umnl hm helpcd mu beams Ive nlwnyl bcrn plnw unrlcr um he mnln lixlna Is Ihnl Im no jarrlgl nnymarr wllh In znnls ï¬nd 15 mm Int Iq unmes EOWLING STAN CITY MIXED AUUE LEAGUE STANDING Mark Em 46 Clifton Now 56 Vclllnglnn Cam ï¬verhlnnn lhi Arno was lhe op punter nvrrnginz 4L7 yum on kicks Dlxnn plied up 1269 yards on 155 carries or Mnnlrealn 67 yard average Thole with 907 yards on 151 carries was second with 60 average Shnllo nv mud 53 yards carry as hu rushed 03 Ilmc nr 570 yards Jackson led In every dc partmcnt among the pussm 152 completlons In 259 nucmpls net 051 2915 ynrds 19 touchdown mam 113yanl av rue completinn 587 no tenluze cnmvltllm and 1M av ngne cqmpmlop Shnllo marcd 67 passes in 737 yards or he Instplace Ar lox Next came Ottawas Whit Tucker and llamllmns Ila Pnl Iman wllh 41 receptions each Tucker averaged 216 yard as he picked lip967 yards and Pattersons loin 01 an yards luv him 205 average Shana scored 13 touchdowns and kicked three canvcrls or al polnls heallhy lead over Dlxnn Ind Thelw who had in apicce Lending place hlckor was Ottawas Mae Racine laurth In scarlng with 51 points on 24 converts nine Ilcld goals and six lnulu But his ablllly lo plck apart defence heled he surpris lng Rough Riders to xecand place also mndahlm cared mun Jacksons vnI sn com plclcxy reflected by lha stalls llcx The Ollnwa quarterback was Ihe leading passer nlnth In rushing and llcd or lnh plncc ll Ihe Icorlng ram yscoring race with Dnve Thnlcn nl Ollnwn ranked mh as 11 re ccivcr nndwaa third in klcknll returns 57 LEADING PASSEII rla Seven Up trainan camb The trio huvu nlzned with Ihe club for the omlnz neasou and theyll be In actlon Frl For The Best Deal In Town BOWLING SCORES HILlMANHUMEER SUN BEAM Dummy Kl nus Guulm 2n Mismsu flax hmu 2F Unpxnflrlablu Al lry Cal NII mm 20 Huughrldm 21 lluulnnnnnlu 18 Nuum l1 Thrower 16 Ruckcrltllowl II Tl Cflll Huh Slnllc Will Wall 272 TrlpIc Hurry 1w nmmuu Mcn min hlnllc Eco Mnd Inn 2341 Mens ngh Triple my Gondrhlld pm ï¬gygaejrnhghï¬ 25 Ludics nigiYS gl Joan Gnodchild Ladle um pl JpnnflGaochld 600 Vnklyvm Trip 540 won by Ed Collom MI LEGION MIXED 110m 21 Daycydblp NEW YORK AP Encour ngcd by their success in In lrnding man last year Sl Louis Cardinals pulled of anolhur player deal Monday lhclr ï¬lth In less Khan 11 months ncqnlrlng pltchnr Huger Crnlg rum New York Men In ex change or oulllclder George Altman and minor league pl char Dill Wnkcllcld Craig Traded To St Louis Do Sirrphictyuk huflcll 25 The Rocket whose National Hockey League career record of 544 gun has been equalled by Delmll Red Wlnxs Gardle Howe requested IhaL his 0251 rcmaln In lhe book Ir In terlsk because heplayed In 150 fewer games than the Red Wings star Maurice years older than Henri rellmd lul lowlng the 195960 reason thlnk that Maurice right They shauld keep hll record In the book Henri says Ila was great player and cservex some canslder atio Maurice more honesL Hes aaylng what In think lnx Thar what always Id mlrd Inns about him NEW YORK AP yaungsler Henri Richard was jusllllnbly proud of his older brother Maurice one of the greatest hockey players all lime Now curl lumen proudcr or the Rocket You know snId Henri star centre or Montreal Ca nadians whenever someone gels hls record broken you hear hlm sny remrd are made to he hmken ar good luck lo him or breaklng my record HENRI PROUD or ROCKET day night when Seven Ups host Bradford In the opening game the Gcmlan Buy Immed lnle Hockey Lune DuII Injured Ml hand In name 10 day ago And rclnIurcd II In SnInnIny In wIIIsIon with Johnny MCKCMII Ch caxo Black mm In am hem Hn IknltdJn wtckcnd drills but look no mm pm In mim mnulnx could leep him an tho real of the work much lunch Imllch HM Monday NRONTO CF Toronto Maple um pestercd wllh ln Jnries KM Iumn may he wllh nut lcl winger chk Dull nxuw day or Nullonnl Hockey Lanna game In Boston uninal mg Brulns Liskm splatnah In In ex ecutive1er my sult Imlrt black hat Ind Rald handled Liston dressed Ilka duds from London Band Slrcel turned up at tho Dcnver alrpurt Io meet farmer champion in Lou and his wlle Martha who flaw rum Cnlllornja Mm Louis lawyer lnr lelun who makes th home In Denver came Ilnng just for litreo Mull nld The LouJIVHe Ky 11 wanted his mlomlry kInd ward or Liston Heuoo ugly lo be world champion Clay 111d Fepnrlerm Im pretty Bassoon Cuslu blew Into lawn Monday night In his pri vate bus as ned with Illnl proclnlml Ego rea Duff Joins Injury List DENVER LAP Loud mouihed Cassius Clay and silent Sonny Liston the champ con front Inch oiher In hotel room today to rixn contract for their in rumored warldl heavyweight championship bout Most nesaerl predicted In two Negroes wlll 1th 15 rounds In La Angela next Febnnry The details will ha announced at the contract slnnlng ichch nled or pm MST pm EST Going Into the cumnl mason the leagual 46th as the NHL only as plnycn hnd reached he ï¬lm mm them allll ne VE New Yorks Ilippuy Cainlllo Henry joined the select mun early In thev Ichedula ha uarled the yen wlth M10 and now uven llym ml 111 he considered wlhln umk distance mu murk helm the By MARVENMOSS MONTREAL CPLAuk or ward In the Nndonnl Hockey 14aqu about his aspirations and chmce at he wants tomre 200 mm eforg bowing nu Whywo The gme nerves II kind unomclal dlvldmg llne be of unomclal my Ina be tween Ihn unndau performer and those ollesur mus mnnunlu week an chanlment when he can lay claim In season or more IV emlng 10 goal or better year mschedulcd plny Liston Clay To Sign For Fight SevénP1¢YersWithin RCth OfSeléct Mark Following umn In Tony Lemx $66117 Guy Player $55455 Dow lbmerwlld $37 08 Mum Rudolph 6310 Dan Jammy $3315 Bob Nlch all 4004 and Gen uulcr 1322 Nickllul Illa wu unchlnued It 896990 but Bnm wlnnlnzl In um Almaden boosted Ur mm 371350 to $68556 DUNEDIN Fll APSlnnd lug of the op 10 ourlnl pm tqunAIJKolIlrl wen not themed urinz lha put week but Jullul Bowl nnrmwcd lhe up between him And runnerup Junk Nlcklaus Arnold Pnlmerl 23130 wln nlnxu or the your rtmllnmi un changed No In cm dnl PGA nu according la 114 um niemd Maudy All 01 England lnnwx lived up to my predlcllon Clv anappcd nld Cooper wuuld ml In llva Ind lhntl lust whll did You unl do helm than at Cla brmled when porter ask him about being floored by allbum He Cooper In their London haul as June 13 Clayl 1m light 110 unhelten In no mnlchu and ban neared 15 kqockogla Louis predlclcd Clay would last lonur against Lislona Iledn hummer at than Floyd Paulnon who 10 Inc title In Llrton In the In mund at chl 2310 Ind Absorbed anothar um round knockout In the rematch It La Venn Nav In July 22 Llnonl record vIclnr 19 one lull no dnwl Ind 15 knocknuts Clay hls better delenslve Iter and mnves butter Louis nId dnnl think ha em but Sonny but anï¬ time two bl men meet ring anything cal hagp Mgw um LONGER Barbs Gains 0n Nicklaus swaggcf stick was Iccompln led by wileGeraldlna Thu othm wflh ml Mall brgckmd Ichedula 91m out ma Iecond any 01 Ipfhll They represent cmmecuon oll Ill live nu lemel other torn Armumnu buddriv lnz team cumin Toronto Maple Lem closes lhe mllnslono Among the men and Delmlt nuo Narmlu Ullmnn the IAflhuL IRON MAN AT 1n the gnu Bounnl Hundy Andy ebenton headad 91 the NHLI Iron man dlsflnc udn Dun Prentice of Bosmn 193 Bobby Hull Guam um man fllchud of Mantra 1m Funk MIMvflm Tow ongo Armllmnl went Into the Jon with mum Ind Ilnce Added on In luv our my THREE mummlla need 181ml yelr mdlhatl his ex act pmducllon In each the Bellveau Mu Mlklu ad Guyana NY GEOIINon MU Hull Gil Whamam Gd Balhlm NY Ferluwn Md Halon Md my Gd McDonnld Pullotd Tor Mahovllch Tor Faulkner Del Wllllaml Bal RIGhIN nu GTrmbly Ml Henry NY Howe De 59 mil 51 Hammer Gilbert NY In names Terry Harper Momreeal the lender with mlnntes young daemo mml tom ll made up at eight minors mm major and on mlsamduct WV mu lwuuu Ivuuuu Mlknna 31 goal give hlm share of tha leamolead In that department with Hull Ind three Mormal pllym Bemh 0M rlan Glllu Trembltw Ind tho mggcqupogpl Day Buon Allstar Glenn Hall the Black Hawk lope he zolltend on having allowed 15 goal In 10 names One was scored Alter Hall had heln lmed or ILIIII attacker but it count against him In the Vezlnn hophy com peyllon 11m would give hlm ml of sex conxemlvu Ippemncea In Idleduled play golnz back 010 mm mm unth tha record 5w Johnny Wilson lot will Damn Cldmo and Emma between 1852 And now Va uymu on NHL nausuctrglemd today for thy current nelson mom whllo Ihow Menuuh claw Jean Bellveau It um lap of flu Ilst Individual polntmllmrl with an utter an eightpom 5153 In hm Haynes Flva mll and TS mlm my upmliveau mu Chlcnxnl Impr Sun MI kit12 lander at week mend with 15 pointsah lolll Ind nlna Balmallow by Phil Goyeue of New York one Mm lglck two pnvloua mum Hll of lo flew um wkh only We gall no but naperod to ba coman on uronger in man re cent Degrolt Jun Hehenlon noun IVII But right now hel prob man concerned about hut Im In In an llneu Im Bostonl neg luau uzh Des In flï¬nklnl Belivuu has pmdnced II more assists than The leadem PIOPLI DO HAD SMALL YOU All 9A mm ll 10