Burke hroughl lhe lop price or an open yearling of $1100 BOB MARTIN 26 DUNLOP ST PENNIES SAVED TODAY WILL MEAN DOLLARS IN YOUR FUTURE BE YOUR OWN BANKER JOIN KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION TODAY Clapputon Eond Haven Perseus Service Starion Repair Garage Snow Ploughing NAl Service 24 Hr Towing Phone PA 87411 100 lJn In Mldnlxm AFTER HOURS PHONE PA mm or PA 661 3H BAYFIELI 31 MRI Stewarts Garage Stewarts TOP OPEN YEARLING AT ALLCANADIAN SALE LIFE INSURANCE AVAILABLE ON ALL LOANS NEED MONEY ulAMNn 3mm IIVTLI You an mm THAN tun Al culum Wpf Loam For Any WOEIHwhllo Purpon rum Nu mu noo ml In null ynur hudm Llh lulunfl Mlny MM lam Imuun Ml Lom cn GAS does the BIG JOBS BETTER for less Eagï¬ gggumersCï¬as 2212 TOM THRIFT SAYS EMQRRQWEMQWJ Mini PA no Soo CRESCENT $59 70 9990 lhe AllCmadlun Salant Onkville She Wu sold by Cerswell Beelon and bought by Gleulnon Farms Allixlon Fendleys Flower mm St um IZI lunlslll FLOWERS FRESH FROM GREENHOUSE DAILVI FTD MEMBER BARRIE ONT PA 85191 No1 nul an to right Brian McCaguo Glenalton Farms Cer del Ind Earl Voodmw herd smnn Bond anan Theatre Tickets FREE Edch Week ron THE IMPERIAL AND ROXY THEATRES Spinning Wheel YARN SHOP Fishnet THE COMPLETE SELECTION OF PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM SPINNING WHEEL YARN SHOP 13 Dunlop PA um TIIE mu For Your lnlrch Avllnhlu In 15 culnullul shades Tim PM Gift FISHad CHIPS OUR SPECIALTY Treat lha Inmlly lo nlghl lo cast our low cnsl mail of ï¬sh and chipx MOIIAIII 5W ATE ITALIAN F001 FISH AND CIIHS as Dunlap so pMrysoi EMU nmm Ann In mm VHFng ol Dllllncl CHRISTMAS Earh week or 10 weeks there wlll appear In the ndvertlsemont on lhlx fax the name and addresso of six lucky people mldinz In Burro md Distrlct ll your name should appear In one at the ad vertlsementl Ind you lacta It all you have to do In cllp lh ml ln whlch lt Appears and present ll to the store You will recelva two guest tltkcls to either the Imperlnl or Roxy Theatres whlch will be honored withlu two week mm the date ol Issue for my show speclll nttractlous Saturdly Sunday and Holldayr unluded 1h sudden flow or American anidencc In the lumre 01 lbs small wartorn coumry milk bl easier to swallow were no or tho luck that just shun while no the 15 anchnlhlstrn Han sadly malnlnlned ll had In Inpport the ml of Presldehk Ngo Dlnh Dlem and his brother Nhu because lhere were no ï¬sher qualified ludm Ivalh Now there appears to be plenty at leadership materill in sight both military Ind clviIA Ian and in the American View it is just matter at time be tor South Viet Nam will he more united thm ever hear more contented people moving with greater vigor in hunt down AM mm Illuppolnlmrnl MIT KIN By HAROLD MORRISON Clnlfllm Pm II For an admlnlslrallon whlch claims it was caught by aur prise by Iho bloody Salmon re vnILlhe United 5mm ha 11 nllyed rather quick admlrnllbn for Umu now In comrol of 30 Vie Nnm The Mm truly circulated II ofï¬cial Washlnxlon quarters that government In Soth Vlet Nam soonle he fully11 uared Ind 01p war against the Communlm purgued wllh more viggr mn nur Appointnun Minimums Doms JAMES Dnv GARNER Loulaw NOW SHOWING EVENING SHOW 100 Ind L00 EACH WEEK PEOPLE Wlll WIN TICKETSFREE PORYRAITS NOW PA M440 CDlOl 1mm PA coon nunrn 1mm OI lhe Vch Cong and thereby kcep Soth Viel Nam safe cru cial milllary anchor for lha vesL 691 snvrolu The more nbvlousdemenl In lhlsnasonlng however he he Nzo hmlhcr survived sim pl hrcauso the 05 supported themwilh wen and funds and when it come evldem that his mum was In ha wlkhdrawq hel regime ml lugsed In the same way the inner als who now show mat leader hlp qualiï¬es on Dubai at the Vietnamese people suddenly flowered lnlo greatness thmugh um magic wand at Us ï¬nan French President de Gaulle has smesled the anly Hull Iqun or Nouh and SouLh Vie Nam Ioma form olvneulrll lly 1n ellecl Pruldent Ken nedy now has answmd hlm by saying than will be no neutral lly no wilhdrawnl Ameriun Wlucnce But that doesnt mean us will suddenLv lrlghlan Cong out Vlelnamm the whim he Vial Cong has shown use upnhle of surviv Ina on Vietnamese 00d and on captured American wupona or chi ind mUléry power Frcnch President de MHKKULUR mmm Inlian gnu nouuuunm munouunmomm HAHIHHH MOST FMIOUB HOUSE OF BARGAINS Duglop ï¬t ll Mary Illnlr Onl Dlll ll lTIu Special arm SAVE CASH NOW SHOWING mu HIM ADULT AND HAVE THE CLEANEST CAR IN TOWN 1nd HIT CAR WASH JACKSONS DEPTIVSTORE Muy We SugqliiFor Your Convonluvgz W1 munmu CAR WASH ncm nooxs WAIIIER In ILW ulna ONLY 317 $1000 mac nmooulW CORN DUNLOI AM ANNE mumnil BOYS INSULATED PARKAS Mtnl Funnel Work Shim Full cul wuh hirl II or wnrmlh In blue lmn red Sim mm llml flllnu lnr Ynu To JACKSON SPECIAL EACH JACKSONS SPECIAL11M it this suppori was uranied because Ihuyurli mldeni hnizd Diem and hi vhrolher then the extermination of ihesa brother my leuen thin nup Wliw mw yehri UndouhtedlS um Communist led lighters also manned Io obmn In secret tumor at many Vietnamese rural lolkl One he the thought um crossed th mlnds ol the new general In contml of Salzon II that Ihe us must step up mlll my ah the Communlsu In he brought under mlml Chrlslmu Hm hilly mm th II Dunlap IL PA $595 Colllrr PA Mm COSMETICS CUSDENS PHARMACY numm Ania Dullrry Rum nuy no It hurt mm mum hlle QFkurl Chlnlllly cum lXLlln td In nhlfl pd IID Ind dull rrmmunn we ad Excï¬ï¬Ã©iaï¬llrs REG II III EACH In Mm aim Nan whsmv Novmhm mu TORONTO CPlA lzyur old mm cslllled In Ontarln Su prune Court Monday he re celved Inch were beau from two Metropolllnn Toronto detccum um one In he begged l3 In Ihool hm Ham Km auburbnn Sour borough lulu Del Sgt Vlc tor Jackson Ind Del John Wlllllm Mllchell 23 for dnm nu he clnlms were lnnlcled upon him while halnl questioned about to window TeStiï¬eédPolicg Beat Him Until Cpnfessions Signed He tesllflcd before xlxman jury he was hundcufled and unz down when he wu allnnked ll DUNLOP IT EMT FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER KIND QUARTER 0F BEEF lb FRONT QUARTERS OFBEEF ll roux BY THE am In 43 MONTH FOOD PLAN Chnlu Round Sluk It Raul III lonelul Lug COLLIER PA Hill roux RbAsT illh Duuln lb LINE OF DELFT BLUE CHINA BABY CLOTHS DRY GOODS Continental Specialties J7 MARY 5T PA lududu new PM Ventlulu llld Gmrrlu tun nun Gunnlud Iman Wllhoul Mum The BEST MEATS In ï¬lms with lhl FINEST IMPORTED CIGARS BEST PRICE HELPN6 CANADIANS HELP THEMSELVES 70 PEACE OF MIND SHOPPERS PARADISE 9DUNLOF ITIIIT EAST YEIEFNO EPA 55ll9 DYCKS Food Market 79c 59c LINED PANTS WI ALSO HAVE COMPLETI In lnrxo lhltknum DO YOUR CHRIHIMM mom PING ON OUR NEW 1le ILAN or NEW LOW PRICE ll toloun lmwn hm Mm II rm $933 Imported Wool Slain hy lhe two delecï¬vea In luv enthnuur nmce In pallethud qumm March 28 1961 Mr Km laid ll one point In lhl xerlu at our bullnxl 511 than painted Inn ll him actually boned hlm la ahootme wu in Inch paln Ihn then no my to ducrlb It ha md mull of ha heltlnzl he uld he lllmd two confer slam that an acetylm larch Ind mm alumlnum window In hl cellr were stolen HEATING mu continue lodly NOW ONLY with em er lllO ulmlm but It wnnt Come In My tor your cholco zlci Bnlcl Earnil to Ron ll Dunlap PA um TO CHOOSE FROM BARRIE SecondHand STORE FILING CABINETS BOYS METAL $323 calm and 29 PA M7 IMII