Wing Commander Murlal McAnhur farmer resident of Barrie was promolod la Olriccr Sister In lh Salm John Ambu lance Association by Governnr The work of he iiospiiai AuxA iiiary In Harris is varied and extensive Sinct Wu founded rinr 1906 women who have eionzcd to tho orgnniznlion have boon concerned with and devoted to the service oi the hospiini in May of Ibis your auxiliary members law dream oi more than is years become rcniily with the uiiicinl opening oi Iho Hospiini Giit Shop The core mony ciimnxcd mnny manlha oi planning and preparation Mrs Fred Epicn had the honor at cutting the ribbon Mrs Epieii hns devoicd many years in has pilnl work and she nnw mm on Iho liospilai Board There in something nchcduicd or every day at Ihn nuxllinrys spacious new quarter on this main floor mo McCarthy Re lidence on Russ Sircti The new quarters which ware cumpial eiy renovated prior la the open him It ll lwhlml Inll lmlunalrly Allfl IIMI Mirna Hui now we IMl dumm lnmllm dvmlml on Auuunl ul In Ipnll Do in MM IL mm In lrll My um In hm the mml In Nu In the Humm Ml mm II mm lml Hwy In Ibo llmn My hm hm Ian MI III In ymt up MMA NI lAlllIJINH nm Ann Lundrrn nm I7ywmld xlrl who has bcm datlnn Ihrcc liHrrcnI bay lhln pan yenr am not cmzy uhuul any them but have flmnxcr pull lownrd Frankho ON am ï¬guring to drop Fltuse loll me nm wrong My consclcnw II kllllnz me know Frank need someone In mm In hlm bul Im ml mydflnlrlst and cant give uim any nnmrrn He my hu Iaru me and Ihnl In rrnmn enuuxh far nu In luv him In Mum dont lava him In 1m he In buinnlnu In drprm me Plum ell mu uhnl do In Bur Mum My Mnmlnnl advice In In Mr that pro plv nlm 111 hml riftcl on you nwnns people uhu mnh you rel KllUl nnhnmrd orndrplruml Frank mm In unload on Immune lml hu Ilmultl lmul prolmlonnl ear nr at ml lnympnlhcllc one lrll him nood Dm Iluuumnl tamIn all Ann Hvru my nmmerlnvlnw Vlml nrrr KM Alwyn lulnzn Ihe Mull ml ml nlmul Imp lwml lnilA nu 1119 mm ulrwly xlemr DIN Hun rmprlln ln lw Frnnk and used to have run ounlhcr unlil ho mm lo ml me hll lmuhlu Far lhu ml mcul monuu be has lurncd wry dnla Inln psychlnlrlc mnlon Hr halos MI lulher ha cant mm nwlhon his III lcr damlnnm him and MI hmmcr avcnhadawu hlm muznnv Dur Ann Lulu My nmlhrrtlnlnw hm hm pawn whltll nu Iml lrnlnnl Mm clnlnu we 11qu Inlwl ho llnInnl bmnua lhry nu Illxlvly mm and rmlnhlr Nu hu drrlrln In lmrn In Xiv ullh nml nhn mm nwymm rlm In llvn wlllu IL 1m hlyIunJ1lIl qml lm now Funds From Sales Assist RVH Aux ANN LANDERS lm Mu Mm Your mount Bending Her Ear With His Troubles INVESTED BY GOVERNORGENERAL Gcneral George Vanlcr Invcslllurc ceremonles at Gav crnmcnt House on Friday VC McAnAhur rewqu AKhuA promo In In January of lhls year one ample storage space plus hnll cupboards and kitchen and bathroom lucillflca Amuse menu for the renovation were made by lhe Bulldlng Committee of the hospllal under he lupu vlslnn nl Min Helen Shnnahnn Administralar and Cam cran Han 1m her wail In no the main fund raking graiecls of the auxlllary Is the unnua rummage Hales held 1n the sprlng and tho all these time member 5ch lb an lance Bank cinzcns supply Ingrxood used lummngc Bruce Murray nuernl convener of the full sale to be held on Nov the Trinity Angllcnn Church Colllcr 51 has announced that Interested per mns may cbluln lnlnrmallnn by conlncung Mrs Ranch at PA 775 Rummage pickup can be arranged by calling lhe above number Invlnwl exam Hm he don not lminable la Ipple sauce What the mean in Ihnl she cannot or will not lrnln hum Indeed mu do hm Iha Huh la lnnln um Iho Imp lha daxl In lhe kflchcn Bell hey should be crylnl the kitchen than you nhould bu cryan 1n Um llvlnl mom CLEANUP Dear Ann mm Last Fm rumy wn movnd Into Inc neixllborlmod lover homes The propla next door moved lulu lhclr halt lluixhcd homo Ina Maydam ll Illll II no Hnlnhm Also lhry hnvrnl plckcd up lhln um hnn been shopped InIo lhclr ynrd n11 yrnr Vlml can 101 Mn lo lmlld lcllru lnll rnounh la ml at lho dhgunllnl View The prnnlo mm plenum nml dunt wnnl lo mnlm Him In ry you lhlnk Il would In nIl mm hrr me In so our nml rlrnn up Ulrlr ymd myum My lnnhnml my in What do you nannon mr Our palla lncu er dlnw wmh nhldu hung out ICWII day mm Ever lu hrkk Ipl um Ilre nm mm Ihnl Imu Inward Into llulr nr part by IhtIr khll IIHI lylxlï¬ around nll lhll 1qu mm my klldlm wlndaw Mncn lhn mph IN plum mu ally nul lrll Inm nexl Mmulny In xnlng lu lm rlrllrup Ilny lnr lluI nclnhlmluxul um hm Illryll unmrmlc hm rm 41 um Mlvndn lo Inlw lrw fran vr nlmn lln mm mnlml lwr Ihnl lmlay ll Ibo day II England llrulm Imlnldge Uni wuflyl Illvlml Unlnn Mohnl IHI MW mum hr lhe nu ma In your llmlly mud Monday mm lulmlt mm In nmnbm Vllhm mnmll ye vmmon llrlr Hm my loo uu have rlnhl lo Inlo your Ilrhahlml ynnl willmut wrmh lmll lur any mmm whatnwr AILMale Debaters Helen To Women mnmll live vmmon no IIIon Ibo lionx414 Eddy Ill Ilelr dingy oul lawn win hrkk mm Illnl lostering men mm why mm ilIhvf vggc Interest In the Saint John Am bulance Assoclntlnn Wlng Cmdr McAflhur was born In Om 011 and received hnr malrlcululion at Barrie collegial lumilute Min Trudy Brown Gander Newrnundlnnd became Ihe brldc of LAC Rayburn Holuhaucr at Zwelhrukcn Germany The bride ll Ihe dlnlhtcr Mn Jessi Drawn and lhe Into Ednr Brawn Thu bridegroom ha son of 01 and Mn Ilollmayqr Oakley Pnrk 5391111 MIL AND MRS HOLTZHAUER The bride wcré raéftlanai own of whllo Holland lace rhlnulone Um held her well Ind uh curled bouquet of red roses Tho bildomnldl ware blun with IHVEI accessnrlu and unr rled bouquet of plnk Ian Hum Thu heal man was ha nrocml hmthcr Capt lIoluhnuer Number on Transport Cay RCASC The usher were LAC Ilnq and Dwight llolulmucr Sgt Potter give tho bride away Hm recclvinx llnu were and Mn TL lloluhnuu and Mn Hullzhnucr Mr and Mn lollrr rccrpllon wan held In lho NATO Room he Combined Mrmnnl Mm No Fighter Winn Zxxflprukcn Germnny In Thu young couple lnufcd Franco mm Spain on their Iwnryc moon Thu lrnvclllnu cashlmu of flu bride wn gray lull wllh mulchan Acctnorm Thu Orlobcr lnrcllnfl Crulp hunl Womtm IIImule wnl Um Grnnllmnllml meetlnu hrhl ll mu ham Mn Emu Elhmm 11w Vlmlrrlhlrnl Mull Slu lnn wan In the Mr In Hm new Mn Knulrlck Tho Mnun Mnlm me llme ll ll Godulvrn Huldcr pmrldcd my mum cuxmncm Ihlth lnrlmlrd mun mm II Nurm lloll nll rm muwncd hy erlrl your uhlm lml lloll nll rm mumml hy Modal your uhlm lml Il wnl decldcd Iml mul Irmlm la the Trnluln flrllwl lur Dull Clulnlmnl Lmh urn la bu onich mm In Hhrllrxlrd Vnrkglmlhln llunlo lrngrnm lur ll rvcnfnu In prnvldod Ivy Jack Hut Hull lrrl Auuuu Shop lrnlxlluul Hr Ilmwrd HM and lllllllllfl led on his um llln In llrllnln mu liuvmu Nnfl number Ive Grnmlmouml up lrnm linA llnml lulu vlllllnl llnIr nullu land mm unln 11mm uhu My rumr hem ahwml Hmronuhly we MI Irlmh In nnd rnmh rmmh Ind hll nnndlnn chth ul IM plum he vlnllpd ML Eul Illlpllmi mm rm lnunu III lml brnum ul Illhrhlml Ila tgplnlnod lhl Each Urnndmulhcr prnrnl Inn Imoll gln II MrCnuIwn mu Ilw unly rul irmulmuflwr In ullmdnnrle Barrie Couple Go To Germany For Sons Wedding Rare Antique Glass Displayed WI vnluibi Mr Mr and QTllE WRME EXAMINER IUEEDAY NOVEMBER Mm mm mm Capt and Mrs Curl wrlghr North Park Rd enter talned an Inlarmnl mam nnrly prior lo the Cunadlnn Play ers yresonlallan ol Illum places of Comedy 41 Central Callcglale Auditorium lnit uve nlng Among the guest warn Colonel Ros Covey Command lnI Olllccr ol the Royal Cuna dlan Denlnl Corps and Mn Covey Colonel and Mrs Wlll lam Thompson Mnlor nnd Mrl Pralllume Mnlur and M11 faul5lllsCupyandMrs lea Cantertun LL Co and M11 by Turner all of Camp Bor den Dr and Mrs Ted Benton Miss Mqu Aunt Moore Major and Mrs Geraw Mr and Mn Bud Thames all of Banlo ATTEND VCIIRISIENING Mr and Mrs Ray Allen of Baylleld Street attended the thrlslenlng of their second grandson John Allen Bolllho on Sunday Thu baptismal lervlcu was held at Sll Clement Anzll can Church North Tomnlo with Rev John Rlddel olllclutlnn John Allen the Ian Mr and Mrs lllchard Bolllho Taranla Mrs Bollthu he lormer Isabel Allen Also pre sent at the bnpllsmnl wnx Mn Bolllhon alslcr Mls Gwynnelh Allen nl Montreal DANCE PARTY itir and Mrs James Drum mond danced to the anniversary waltz and won the anniversary prizaal the The ComeAsYou Like party sponsored by the Navy League at Canada Ladlcs Auxiliary The waltz was played on the accordion by the couples son Jim Drummond Jr Spot dance prizes were won by Mrs Dari Farrier and Mrs Jane Dagneauit Violin music was presented by itiorris Loxan iiirl Joe Madigan was hostess ot the evening which was held at the orange Bali Burton Ave GUEST SPEAKER Rev David Bushy ni Toronto director at Christian Education tor the Diocese oi Toronto con Rev David Bu director Chris for tho Diocese ducted he morn St Giles An Rev and Mrs In Paughkecpsle in lho luncral molher who pa Friday BAPTISMAL Rl BAPTISMAL RITES Archdeacon Allan Read Mud and the bnptlsmnl ceremony held nl Trlnlly Angllcnn Church on Sundny allernoan whln lha Iollowlng chlldrcn were chrlsh rnel vndu lnrgnrcl Judllh Ann Mlchael Rlcllard John Ja nlce llulh children ul Mr and Mrs Mnrvln Melcalle Michael lnldrr puny wm hthl nl 11w Slmlm Ihc luvan Min wrn Fina mlrmglnu 5L In hnlp rnlw mu NlUIN mi Illa Ilnnle Hrnnvll In flllA The Number muunl wlll In Add In Cowmll ham an mu luanlnl lM lmnlh Wlnnm llmr pnm urn Mun Warnn WIIuar Ind Mn quhr Illrgyllu vnlnllu donnlnl hr Mn JamII arm mu um ry My Nolmn Ware 17m Ivrldn paltv III Irt nl vmlnuy mmII Ilnnlml Ivy lhv Mlxllllry In EICA In 71w mrmlwu mkrllmany quw Ilnlll MIMI llmmullmlnl um mlml Illnl nml lwrn Iner In lulk rn Mnlml llmulnl llw wak er and 1h mrvllnl mm mlevl ullh Ibo umnl lunch The Nuvrmlm muunL wlll Auxiliary To SPCA Hold Bridge Party Mr and Mn John Jouph llurm rul llw wuhllnu rnkn In rccwllon allowing Ilulr wddlnu an Ocl nl 51 Hnryu lurch Ilnrrlv 11m hrldt Mmlcl lnulu Spence PEOPLE AND PLACES Plum Ellnen Dunn av Audrey CannonPkwy Diocese of Toronto con lho mornlng services It 105 Anglican Church Mrs Roney were hkecpsle NY attend uncral Mm Honeys who passed away on COUPLE CUT THE CAKE Robert Sharon Leora Sandr Lnulse Frederick Richard Theresa Marie children ol Mr and Mrs Allan Sgaphs Hobart Waller MIcLean son of Mr and Mrs Jam Mnelmn ah Ban1e Servers wen Tom Wllliams and Don Dicker non WEDDING cum Amnnu the oqucltyzuull attending the RlemmmWan Kallcr woddlnx the Christian Bulormcd Church Saturday were Mr and Mn Wanton Dalston Mn and Mrs Edens of Hamilton Mr and Mrs Wallhull Wolthml and Wolkhull of Bronte Mm Dmhafl ol Aurora Mr and Mn Dave Miller ul Mid hunt Doug HanIn ol Utoph Kort at ShnnlyBay Mr and Mn Guer 7M and Mn Vandan 11 of Puihlwlck ANNUAL BAZAAR bake tabla and delicatessen Iponmred by members st Andrews Pres byterian Church WA will be held at the church on Wednuday Thu Inemoon commences ma oclofk RHYTHM ROUNDSV Memberl Barths Rhythm Rnund dance class wfll meet the Allandnle Orange Hill tonight I230 oclock AUTUMNAL TEA The Odd Fellows Ha Coiller 5L will arm the letting far the annual autumnal Chrlumn bazaar and bake table arranged by members Beam Rebekah Lodge No 190 CMonvenera the event are Mrs Clm Len nox und Mlss Mary Redman Tea llme II from 130 to 510 pna on Wednesday MASQUEMDE PARTY Charlie Chaplin won irrlt prlle at the masquerade party held at the Site Mu ol the Squadron ot the Grey Ind ï¬lm can Forester on Saturday eve ning Depictlnl Chaplins char acter and dress to the very lut detail Sgt Glenn Brown we chosen the best dressed men by the judgel Chuck Harvey won an nwerd or 11 coetumo Ind CvL Ind llirl Grccr were Ielected the best dremd couple In the Olllccre Mesa the Squadron Capt und Mn Ed Hodges wan ilret prize the but dreued coupler hire Hodges WHIlyld Cltopatrl whllo Mr Hodge was dressed he camel driver Mn Dlxan wnn llrn prllc tar the best dressed woman in her 1e1 ehu girl costume Ind Robert anBueh wm Judged but dress ed men in hie Grecian cnetumo lullher mu mark 01 II uml Hun To dllu lhu Ecclely lied on Iundn rollrclrd lhmum nmulmghlp up Ind ll Any lulnnï¬ Im than inn SPCA may bu ahlalnnl by g5 Mn nnl rrll Shmly lluml II lhe dnulhler of Mr And Mu Lluyd Spam unit Th btldrlmm ll lhu Inn at Mr And Mrl John Hum Tormln whom 111 nub Woodl Mldhurm NEONTO CFlHow does woman become top business executive Become lecruury and marry your hem Go lulu hush nu Iar ywrxelll Forget youll wnmnn Any one hm suggestions may work under speciï¬c condi Eu lhe hmnlo Business and Pmleulonal Womenl Club many or whose members hava reached Ihe lop IIIbusiness andl lndllflm tools It has an amwcr um covers the litunuon more bryudly Leérn whnt good Idmlnlslra thn Involve And put your kngyilegzg to use IO nyn To help women acompllfll lhll up In Am Mano Ixement Oonlerence or women It wu held on Hal has llrsl In the tprlnz 1m and again lhll year Now ll be an annual glamday school The renum meellng the Hun Sigma Phl Sorority was held It the home of Mrs Frank Grlcty lbs Barrie lul eve nln lloslcsl wu Mu Mary Wh whim Windlng up Iho wcek leadership courses spammed by the Department of Alll culture mslnns fai Nonh 51mm Women worahcld In Barrie at the oils Room lm Presldenl Mn Burt Popp 0p and tho medlnl and conduc lod ritual welcome Mrs Valerh Thom son who Iran Icmd mm mm and Omlcron chulplcr in Sault Ste Marle 0n taro BSP Sorority Complete Plans For Pledge Dinner On Nov 14 The mlnulu of lho last met lnl wm road by Mrs John 0th Imelnry The lrensuh eru rcpan wu given by Mu Gerald Wllllnml Mn Jun mumby way Ind means chnlnnnn dlalrlhul ed um lo memberl to he sold cum neqdleyork hnz Final delnlll werovdluuucd or flu Igledzn dInncr la hold lily ore Maul an Nov ArtsOf Management Course AimedAt Business Women Dimulom look place an lha Idvnnced Male or menu cm pl In Nnvemhrr nlhcr DESSERTS COURSE WINDS UP HERE Natural GAS Cant Beat hind has been eslnbllshcd to pay for some the ex penses Fee Iorthe mum will be $150 be paid by the woman taking It or her em pioyer Thl includes Accom modntlon and meal but nut transpunntiwn coy anmsn IDEA The Iaéérhéirï¬ct wuh enulu llasm mm both women and men In business Companies look far qualiï¬ed compelcnl management Ind they no 10mm care whether uaey It mm men or women lays Oakah Janos preslden tho Consumers Gnu Compnny Ind mm of the mnIerancas mggl aï¬enï¬mpportcrl Owen St The coursc here was conducted by Mn Peggy Campbell Home Economist for North Slmme Above tom the 19 are Back Row Mrs Norman Tuck Crown Hill Mrs Gordon Glllcn Edamale ea or management conference or women came mm Margaret llyndman Tomnla lawyer who alluded an exptrimcntal school or than January Thls wlll unable new plcdgcs In be included In lha Christmas gift exchange The social mmmmce hIVG planned bowllngpnrty or Nay 25 at the Holiday Buwl The cuhural portion ho meeting was presenlzd by Mu Betty Mnkrcn and Mrs mach by using prom us Mr lublcd descrlmion of essays short stories and novel was most Inlarmnllvc The ncxi mcctlng wlll be hold at lhnAhgm Mn Beljy Mak ten McIiosc II New 15 BACKACHE Wlm duty to nmuvv MIDI rudd Kldmy IIIII nlmulm Hzlnrylmnovmll duly hm ul Mm nlup You manager at Henley on Thames England in mm The Diary behind that school known in ihe business world the Henley experiment45 that after iew years in busi ness ihosa hoping to go beyond specialized position and inlo the iieid of general manngw mum must siop for some nil Inalysis They must slop and objec llvely look what they In do In and how Ind why they All don it Mlss Hyndmln uld Participants In tho Am Management Conlcrencs all of whom must hold less super visory poslllans and have live years of business expcrlonce spend some limo on he sped sllzed Aspects business such Is ï¬nancing nnd marketing WI Front Row Miss Kathlccn Adams Fdod and Nutrition Speclalm Home Econnmlcs Service Tnmnln Mrs Camp bell Mu OBrien Aruyla Institute Mrs Willshirc Orlllla Examiner Photo Bu emphasis ls on acquiring lhe ability to make wise quick decisions lo make the bcsi use oi Experts to communicate el inctively with all levels 01 he husines Iimciure and pub My most important In diiicr ob vciy Enrolment or next springl conlcmnce March 1341 will In limiled to to women Among re quest or applicallons already received one mm Lloyds 1hr Landon insurance under writing corporallon mecssional Womenl Club In Montreal and Saskmaon have esIahllshcd hur min to lend woman each Year Lots of women know III Ihaul marknllnx buI lhcy lack managerial Ikllls said M13 Hyndman In It All Plan PA um c395qu num non Hiuhcms sLoo ll Appointmul only PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE ioflMArifn 550 mm