Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Nov 1963, p. 5

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STAYNER Siaii The towns serious waicr paliuilon prob iem will be examined by an engine in cl rccummcnda ions on the most fusible saw an disposal syslem in iii ho iogns psi5cm and white needs Meanwhile yur Elmer Dor lly Issued rcnd and heed edict lo counnlllora cancernlnz lengthy report from the On lnrlo Water Resource CammlsA nlon The report dullnl with the ollullnn problem and In salulons was prepared by an OWRC ofllqlnl Sluples Excerpls from tho report wera oulllncd to council hero Mum day nigh hy clerk Cul hnm Thls report allow up an DWRC hrch Irom Sul haslllycnllcd mccllnx lnanlil Councll Oct 28 was Just In me In set namlnnuon and clecllon meeting on the dale selected It was decldcd to hold nam lnallons Nuv 27 between 620 and 730 pm In Churchlll all lollawgiby public 599an at which aspiring cundldnlc would express lhcmxclvcs This special council malon came close in being only nl lho old Iccrcl meclings Ihnl only council members know oi on him nolice No lniormnllon was Klvcn other than la coun cil Amumcnl Commiuianer Sproqu nllcndcd because he hppcned to Ace member 04 umhicd llghh won on and film door was not locked nccvu Cochrann fluted whm naked Mhy Inlnrmnllon about lhu mmlng had been wrjllhhcla nuldu puwz nl Ihc ylaw nznrdlng lho Mmlnnllun mul In and 0m clecllon duh Ind nnmlnx tho anuly Returnlnl OHIcrrl mntlon wn pnucd lo my 10004 lo the PM Can Ilrucllon Company to com porllan 1h holdhark on lhn duvelapmcnl road MSESHMENT DIHCUSMON Amuor llnben Sprnulu nl thu rumr mccllnl Monday aubmlucd reporl an In nuumml Ihowlnl nearly 000000 In lo total mm Ianu are dlvldod Iolluwn lnrm Inndn mo llrm bulldmxu muss ur ban mldrnm mum urban Ilnds mm vncnllon laudl mam up Mr unl hulldmu $110200 up 11 per unl clul mmmcnln lmdn Moos up per ml hulhllnzn 19200 11 per ml Inulneu 010010 up par ctnl Moroccan soldlm point machine gun towards Algerian poslllons sltualcd on hll in right background hi the Flu INNISFIL NOTES Sewage Plant Needed Stayner Council Told3 113 mil nmuuy mun Township Nomination Set For November 27 WWW WMHIMnm Thefllill OFltAl ucomn IMMM MOROCCAN ALGERIAN WAR CONTINUES BALE MMOUS PLAYERS MIR buck resumed to com 111 Salaam er The report nald Slnynerl pre sen population and lnduslrlol unpaclly had outgrown the pr aont system of septic tnniu and cesspool nr sowaia disposal chronic um pailnllon strum cnrrylnz away waste from Ike town has rplsuhcd This deme of pollution ex ceeds llmlll pornAllied by OWRC standards Ihe report continued It recommended the town lnslal swan dlspnul system no cardan to Ipcclflcallam an unglneer The report also contained page and page Inform llon an sewer project flunnclnx Mr Culhnm Iold council at the meeting nnlcpnyerl have 14 day mm Iho date as acumen nollm are mulled lo Ippunl The Cam Appeal will an to hear appeals Nov 11 and 22 pellllon lrom Norlh Gwlll Imbury lnwruhlp munlcl million In tho Lnku Slmwe Mon to upper IUKECIUOII um the Federal Government purchase Fax hlnnd ram Ihe lndlan Restrvo and develop II park lnnlnlll Councll unread that had not been naked or conlrlbullvn ll Ihould land lupporl SHOULD BE PARK IanK Iruumcnl dcvulopcd htlwem membcn councll Ind Jnck munm who cnmu wllh pellllon lined by All ralcpnym or lhl lllh llna uk lnz lhnt lhcir road be nnmnd mu Buy Iolnl nnnd Councll dld not um wllh the proponl Mn nehhnm um buck In lho ollornon Ind npalalhcd lor hcnlcd mmrkl and uer lhnl llun lth llnu would IUHICI or hla dlrtcllom ulu am on counlrlcs border Sauqdny Morocco clalmed It has beaten all In attack by several thousand Aluerlan In an alldny battle MEMORIAL WEEK Th wetk MI been ul Id ll Memnml Weeknrmdln Iltmombrnnco Day Nov ll whm vclcrnm wIH nnembll bdoro Ccnulwhl In my hom ul lo comrldol who lulled Io mum And than who hIVI hlncc pulled on pmmt cm at lho healthy an prlvllcnd lo vlm In homllll Ilvo comrade who lhll Ilml lMl yur Wm In nod Mlllh and Ilnu mm been hll wIHI Himu Tho yam Ilka lhdr lo ol than men many nl wlmm MM lhrnlxlh Ilmm durlnl the um um rlcktd the human body Pinch yur lewer And luwer lhm mum In olqlnl urvlm ll It cma IIIOW All AT IM mt mu ll Ind Ms it was this aspect that Mr Darlty had in mind when he urged counciiiun study lhu document carefully when the engincer come back with his commendation want all you to understand the technical and financial implications clam ly muunh lo dlscuu this sub ject lntclgzently the mayor szu Tho lownl consulting engine er William Alnliu Collinuwood mended last nights meeting and provided lomu preliminary advioor lla told council tho OWRC would require lagoon Iypo oi won disposal for community the sin oi Stnynor uwoze disposal vlnnt would enull prohlbltlvo maintenance cost whllo Iho louoans require no servicing ii built large enoule infantile llo rcqulrcmunll wnn Iuch easily undertaking lylnz Iheud both tho mayor and mum were nnxlnu to avoid any Ilnanclal plunlls Mr Alnlle reluscd lo lva cuuncll rounll eulmnla ol poulble cask ol Iowan dll pawl lyxlcm harm Thu con lrIclnr would ha the on Io dclermln lhly not lha enxlne he nnld We exllmntcd the can he Vuuun Bench unl at 5300000 In lhc bezlunlnx ML Alnlle cunllnued Lam we were able la pm hi down lo around 70000 No callmntu or Slayncr ll panlblu unlll the enzlnncrl lurvuy In complete AQSESghlENT PROBLEM For iinnnclnu Mr Dorily rc mlndcd council no luch schema couid ha ndopIzd until he Inwn wnl pnxiiive oi having enough Inusmlnl in carry in Until iiu provincnl new nnmmunt mnnunl ll publilhcd lhil year council cannot inliinln ncw uglsmoni Icnia or lhu awn Then an ndmlnmrallan chnlr man Art Pool polnlcd out rlzhl now mm In no provnclal nr lodernl Aublldy Icnlo unable nrpllcnbla la munltlpnl Inwnxo dl ou projects 11th Mr Pool In new Wllllnm Mara Inld It would bl lmfionlble or Slny Inn to lnunc Inch project ll Fixuln yesterday Dupllo tho bnllle Morocco mld In land In nhlde by lhoMger lanMoroccnn ceasefire aire mcnt AP Wimpholn FREE l0 REGULMI ROUND IIIARE THE WEALTH llEClAL ROUND JACKPOY $320 lEGION HALL COLIIER ST All FILM REPRINTS EA Him EKTACNROMI ELIDI raocnssmo 35 MM 10 Exp Maunlnd 127 12 Exp Mounlld J6 Exp Mounlod DEV Ind lfllNTlNU mm my llrllalu Fm llm Ind Ivlnlo WEDNESDAY NOV KODACOLOR lEGION BINGO WITH EVERY ROLL IENT IN FOR flu lllgiol sex 222 Ionpmo guy ALS PHOTO SERVICE IllM Mu 301 mum STAYNEn Slut Flre Ind police commlllcu member councilhero Ipen Sunday tour lnu the lawn la lee where nddl llonal mm slum would dn lhd my load When council me Monday nilhi they hnd heir recommen dllinnl rtadyjor new trains aim and on replmmeni aim In nddilion commliico chairman Kcn Kerr and alien chic Bah Channun deacrbcd an experi mentalfmier plan for police duliu Both recommendations worn lccopled by cuuncil and wiilngw ho implgmenlgd Police Roster Traffic Signs Approved By Stayner Council 01 the lnlemcllona slated or slam the cnmmltlee dld not dllfercnflnlo between YIELD and STOP dung feeling 1th was or lrfllc cxpcrt Rmvo William More com mltluu member uld he pre erred YIELD allna or the rum Jnrlly locnunns wllh STOP sign on Ildcslrcclu whm they algpgonch ngnln mule Ingaleg Do people pay much at onllon In lcld sin hey do slop ans Mayor Elmer Dorlly askud Bath Chm Charman and Mr Kerr fun motorlsb dld The yield prolecll the stringer drlvlnl through town Mr Kerr added Thu most vnnl dun wlll bu Installed this year an far as Ihe 1963 bud allows Then recommend on will lo lbs 1961 council comp eta ha program These are the lnteraccllonl mmflluca fuels ngegi Ill Noth Cedar and John ap prnnchu to Plus 51 on John 51 hnlh north and rxoulh np preaches John at Mill St both north and aoulh and of John Huron on Su ulor Huron both norm on south on Mlll St at Superior both end or Gideon at Mlll and Huron on Plna 52 at Point 51 on Catherine Point 81 on Brock atfiElm Movo Ilzn on Sun at Maln closer to Mlln 5L place mm on Weir at Scott on Church at Scull out and west at Snundm and Scott on Mental Drive Scott on Church hulls an Welr Loum both east and wul replace In on Carolin Main Place din on Warringlan Rd Super an on Jan at Chmy on Jan at Cherry On June at Warrlnnon Ed on Phillip at Sunnldala only on Superior at Cherry both can and well and on Chnrlcl at Cherry both out and west But meanwhile we can is ahead wtth iludles of dlflorent plan tn detormlnn whlch tho many alternative Ira mast nutt nblo to Stnyn needl Mr More lddLd we let thll done as loan the assessment and Iubnldy prablcmn lol vad lhen we can move quickly tolénko ndvnnuze thum ha In before which lulu wu mil Iblo HIIOWN PM ONLY WNW WMMW VIIEHIFWIDI duthlcss tale of wand love by It Illll llrludlll Fm Fllm 1nd BIG Illll nzv um rnmnNo BLACK WHITE REPRINTS 06 BA ADULT inifiluinllil NOW mum 12 um For the pallcarualer um com mittee tried la line up In eight hourdny or Um police but the but they could manage was thaur mm The experimental or new In no on Irlal an 101 wx Snlurday included ram 10 1230 ym from 330 to ma pm and tom ma pm 12 30 5111 The Hm two IhmI were deallncd to provide uddlllonnl frotenuun or when chlldren un nz homo at noon and an school In nddillon lo then Ipeclfled hmm police will nlwnya be an can CouncillorArt Pool wnn Md Thu chlels discrcllon wlll lovem how many or this thrcc man am will ha on call In Imponlblo to ndhcra lo strict Ichedulo lnwnrk of lhll nature Police have to react to events they occur parilcularly on falgxrdny nlgm Mr Kerr was Reeve More added Ml endor aauon to councill approval ol the roster plan nu away mm the problem of pevpla al wayl Isklnl Wherus our police wa naver the files around In lnconchvnble work man 24 hours hymn hour ll too much but llfl the best can do Io live the town Idgqulatoyrnlcd To Implement this plan coun cll nuihorlzed Chlel Charmnn to In an Ex polka revolver and hnndcufll to complete ha qumcnl need of the lam Am the police phone win he moved to Cannaqu Abner Rawnl home Also approved wal lh chlell request in hnvo every other Eun day all The week ha works Sunday no will now have Wed nesday day STAYNER Stall Town coun cll to well anllsllad with tho Slayner Recrentlun pommllleul perlormlnce over the past year Ihnl all lu member weru re Ippulnled to nerve another term The action at Monday nlghll council meellnz hero allawcd letter mm Ihe commltlee chair man Mn John Aldo Mn An jul Icller reminded council the cammflluol term of ofllca ex pired on Nov Council Praises Stayner Group In additlun lo Mrm Anlo the memberl wll remnln on tho remMon committee evl wllllam More Counclllnr Ally Inh MncDonald and John Bell Mn wllllam Dull Ken Lnylhon Ind Don Blnchlbck ollcp lg he 9n dulyfldally STAYNER sum Ail In vXtaflon want our Monday night ortown cowl to attend lhl next mending ol the Simon Coun ty Mutual Fin Md Alsoclauon will be held Nov 20 MAI union Separate School Board or Slayner wlll be armed tn on able Siayaur atadenll mendlnl the aeparale Ichool at New 11 well lo quallly lor unannoun cll wamold Monday nlghl November lb 15 the data Stnyner mundla next meeting Principal purpose lhls mm lng in to prepare the treasurerl repent an the town Ilnnnm Thllareport la wllamadly sup lled lo mepaym at the new nation mmlng TM yeatl nomlnnflon mcellpg in no or Nov 22 Sanitation committee chnlrman Willinm Knox ha declared wnr on the min at thu town dump iie not mundln approval to try nelson to cope with them frown imman Gordon Ohnrman in mind Ipreading their haunt with waste oil and burning out Iholu which might survive the poison Town engineer Willlnm Alnlny In to draw up 9511mm of ID cost paving and lmprovemenll on Highway Bl was In the lawn Ilmlu and on Highway 15 on both side from the rnllwn STBYNER COUNCIL BRIEFS him COACH HES The 50s hrlnz new dimension mm and to mans need for lilo lnsurancu The children hnvu grown up retirement not far away and the tax people are legging intgmgefl ln your 95mg You need lifetime Income for your wifen ro qulmment that In emphuized when you consider life expectancy tabla and the good chance moat wives have of outllvlng ghelr xqsbanda Alurprlalng number of people havemxable estates these days thanks to Inflated values Elmo taxes cauid be thorny prublem or your heirs and may require thqmlo al irreplageqblo meta Agees 01 inc mln brings retirementyears can ho deb and satisfying experience It you hnvg argon lnpmpe The on so ut on to all thou problem in Llle Inaurance guaranteelnx lmmedlnte cash or llletlmo lncoma depnndlng on the need Tnlk to the Man from Manulncturm Youll find hlm especially helpful in meaauringyaur prmentlnaurance zgnlnat than newdimcnsiona alter 50 nus ummu Mapli Ind mm llmh WINNIPEG $1950 3510 REGINA 2375 4275 SASKATOON 2520 4540 CALGARY 3090 5565 EDMONTON 3090 5565 VANCOUVER3945 7105 Over age 50 How about YOUR life insurance Trips every day Via TransCanada Highway TRAVEL ANY DAY STOPOVERB ARRANGED INIURANCI COMPANY IE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1963 ranlu earl lolhc Blind Line nm fulfills remmmendbtlanaby Department nghwnys mn nectlnz UnkBdVllEfl concernan Hinze benefits possibleconnecl ed with anoihor DHO prolm already approved Th1 project In highway wldenln Job nlnnx nghwny 26 an Stayncrn Main 51 extandlng through on Elih way 91 to Dunuoon DIVORCE POSSIBLE The first emuI empowered In Iran dissolutian of martial was let up by the Bfllllh Pnr Human In 1357 CMIonn min 12 Inn4m WNWMIMI KEMPENFELT DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY Th9 Rendezvous Lounge BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL Bymc Agtnl Tlltphono 71M BROCKVILLE CP An Ontario Suprcma Court rand jury rclumcd true bill Mon day bgnlnsl Mrs Dnlores Claw a1 Prescott 0n charm will aunflns $280009 Mrs Clow divorcee In charged with taking the mnney from Billing Mulm Limited Brockvllle where aha wasem played as an accoumm or any ypg Thulrlal is expected In Ital today Jury Retuth True Bill In Case lenman am Re If lfllll Barrlol Llrguf And Mos Luxurious Fully Llconud Luungo HAMMOND chem AND PIANO BARRIE Tcl PA 85594 Presents Nightly Entertainment with GORD HATCH Iho blg

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