Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 22 Aug 1957, p. 3

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE. ONT. AUG. 22. 1957 " ;-'s Historic Of Court iiu of Cot The English established six hundred ago, constitute a legal univer-*, eity for the training of barri-sters-at-law and rather strange to say, a high proportion of the gtudents called to the bar never practice law but become engaged, or are already engaged, In other walks of life. Practicing barristers have the sole right of audience in the superior courts of justice, and it is from among them that the judges are •elected. In England, solicitors, who greatly outnumber the barristers, form a distinct and separate branch of the legal profession, and it is they who prepare the briefs for the barristers and deal with the multifarious day-to-day duties of a lawyer's office. There are four Inns of Court --Lincoln's Inn, Gray's Inn, The Middle Temple, and The Inner Temple. All are of equal status and can be regarded as separate colleges of the legal university. Each is governed by a council whose members are called Masters of the Bench (or benchers). It is the benchers who admit students, direct the course of studies through their representatives on the Council of Legal Education, and deal with all matters of discipline and conduct at the bar. 0 Before a student can be "called" he must "keep terms" by dining in the hall of his inn. This is a traditional custom going back to the days when law was taught after dinner at the Inn, mainly by means of moots, which have, of course, in more recent days been cultivated enthusiastically in Harvard and other universities in the United States. The title "Reader" is still retained for the rank next to the treasurer, who is the foremost bencher of the inn, but the reader no longer teaches law. In bygone days the readers were Obliged to provide a feast costing around $3,000 during their year of office, and those benchers who declined the honor on account of the expense were heavily fined. Many of those visiting London take the opportunity of seeing the halls of the Inns of Court, which are noted for their architectural interest and are, of course, steeped in glorious traditions. At one time the inns were seats of learning to which many of the nobility sent their ehildren not so much to study law as to acquire fine manners and for the formation of character through the strict discipline of the inns. Singing and dancing were taught, and plays and masques were produced on special occasions. Of the plays NO DERBY THREAT--Warden F. Eck sits on the broad back of baby rhino ".Konrad" at the Frankfurt, Germany, Zoo, while pulling on the ear of mama "Katharina". Young Konrad, born at the zoo in December, 1956, unconcernedly chomps away at breakfast. performed at the inns, Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors" was acted in Gray's Inn Hall in 1594 and his "Twelfth Night" in The Middle Temple Hall in 1601. Shakespeare himself* was, in fact, well acquainted with the inns. Queen Elizabeth I took a great deal of interest in the entertainments. In 1634 a masque produced as an expression of loyalty to Charles I cost $63,000. which in those days was a considerable sum to spend on a single entertainment. Though in late days the masques were discontinued, they were revived last year when a masque was produced for Queen Elizabeth II in Gray's Inn Hall, Writes R. Arthur Roberts in the Christian Scienic Monitor. Of the great writers of the past, Francis Bacon spent most of his life at his beloved Gray's Inn and was the guiding spirit in the period of its greatest renown. Lincoln's Inn was the academy of Thomas Babington Macaulay and Edward Bulwer Lytton. The Middle Temple can lay claim to Henry Fielding, John Evelyn, William Congreve, and William Makepeace Thackeray. The Inner Temple has its illustrious sons in the persons of William Wycherley, Henry Hallam, and James Boswell. All these writers qualified as lawyers, and though Charles Dickens was never called to the bar he was admitted as a student at The Middle Temple, and other literary giants such as Samuel Johnson and Charles Lamb spent much of their lives in and around The Temple. "EAR" BEHIND THE CURTAIN-Parabolic reflector of this huge radio-telescope at the Astronomic Institute at Ondrejov. near Prague, in Communist-dominated Czechoslovakia, will be turned to receive signals from the sun during the International Geophysical Year. Scientists have pledged themselves to erase International boundaries and share information about the earth ond the solar system gathered from worldwide monitoring " stgtions during the IGY. Now under way, the massive research Effort is scheduled to continue through 1958. Digging Deep Into Canada's Past Archaeologists have been making some significant discoveries in western Canada this summer. Their finds may throw new light on the area's prehitsoric period, the customs and adornments of early day Indians. Oldest evidence of human habitation in British Columbia was uncovered by Dr. C. E. Borden, a University of British Columbia Archaeologist, on the east bank of the Fraser River northwest of Yale. Precise age of the Yale site cannot be determined until charcoal there has been tested for radioactivity, but calculations indicate that the sands in which postholes from a house built there by Indians was laid down when the Fraser River was 50 feet higher than it is Two years ago similar evidence of Indian lodges was found at Locarna Beach near Vancouver, and it was dated by radioactivity of charcoal fire ash at about 500 B.C. The Yale discovery is believed to predate Locarno's. A great deal of waste material from making implements was found in the Yale sands, and several scrapers and arrowheads were turned up. Dr. Borden says the discovery is particularly important because a sheer face arly 20 feet deep has been e§j habitation up to the modern era. "We should be able to trace a long story there," said Dr. Bor-by a sterile strip of sedimentary den. "It is an ideal setup. Each era is sealed off from the next by a sterile strip of sedimentary What is described as the most remarkable archaeological discovery of all time in British Columbia was unearthed recently by university students on the Fraser River delta. It was the 2,000-syear-oId skeleton of a large male native Indian wearing a hand-beaten copper breastplate. The figure was found buried with a hawk and weasel in a midden at Beach Grove, close to the United States boundary. Dr. Borden also participated in this discovery and he said that study of the mind would "break through new frontiers of archaeology in this province, already regarded as the keystone of this field in North America." "What makes it significant is the copper breastplate," said Dr. Borden. "It is our first discovery of copper artifacts in systematic digging. Copper has been found here before, but we have never known exactly where it was found. "The wealth of the Indian is also indicated by the breastplate. It may now be possible to link HIGHLAND SING-These gaily hatted Royal Scots Fusileers let everyone in Southampton, England, know they're glad to be nearing their Highland homes after returning from duty in Malaya. They're sure the hills of home will look fine after time in the Far East. OLD HOSE HORNS-This strange creature isn't a crossbreed between a deer and a garden hose. It's simply a reedbuck at Lincoln Park Zoo. He's fitted ieces of rubber hose over (ancT fTfe"*/'* sf. The precautionary step is taken when the mating season of the African antelope rolls around. up many mysteries surrounding the first people to live on the Pacific Northwest coast." Another discovery, this one in Alberta, pushed back the curtain of time by thusands of years. It was made recently at Vilna, about 100 miles northeast of Edmonton. Dr. R. S. McNeish, senior archaeologist at the National Museum at Ottawa, identified an arrowhead found at Vilna as a Clovis point, one of the oldest ever to be unearthed in Canada. Existence of this arrowhead is accepted as additional evidence that man first came to North America ffrom Asia by way of the Bering Straits and Alaska. At the time the Vilna arrowhead was made the ice age probably was receding, and scientists speculate that an open corridor existed through what is now Alberta. Clovis points have been found in the United States in a line extending south along the eastern flanks of the Rockies. From radioactivity tests on mastodon pones as well as on the bones of.a long-extinct species of buffalo, authorities have been able to set the age of the points upwards of 18,000 years. The Vilna arrowhead is described as "an artistic masterpiece" by J. G. MacGregor, chairman of the Alberta Power Commission, who is also an avid collector of Indian relics. However, since it was found on the surface in an open field, probably turned up by a farmer's plow, it is virtually impossible to establish its age. Only when organic material such as bone or wood is associated with a find can radioactivity tests be run successfully. --By Charles Shaw in The Christian Science Monitor is consulting a tombstone dealer with regard to a memorial for her late husband. "How would a simple 'Gone Home' do?" asked the dealer. "Perfect," said the widow. "It was always the last place he t ever thought of going." Drive With Can classified advertising FARM AUCTION SALE AUGUST 24 For Jack Baxter, Lot 7, fourth line Adgala Township 3 miles north of Number 9 Highway. Full line of Implements, good herd of Hereford Shorthorn Cattle, hand-milked Cows, a number of York and Landrace Pigs, young boars, bred sows, and chunks. SALE TIME 1.00 p.m. ARTICLES FOR SALE PRINTED Letterheads, Envelopes, RUBBER stamps! Clear as printing. 3 lines with self contained Ink Pad. $1.00 Allow 15 days to make. Beeline Distributors, Box 19-A, Eldon, Missouri. AGENTS WANTED BE YOUR OWN BOSS! MEN or women, can work your own hours, and make profits up to 500f,i selling exclusive houseware products and appliances. No competition, not available in stores, and they are a necessity in every home. Write at once for free colour catalogue, showing retail prices plus confidential wholesale price list. Murray Sales. 3822 St. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal. BABY CHICKS CHICKS. Including Ames In-Cross (eggs aMow overhead). Wide choice varieties. Some started. Order early-fall broilers now also. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N„ r is impossible to make the ir, rofit out of chickens unless y ith the right breeds. V ... at Tweddles them. Special breeds for eggs Ames In-Cross series 400, Strain Cross Warren Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn X Rhode Island Red, California Grey X White Leghorn. Special dual purpose breeds and four outstanding broiler breeds Arbor Acres White Rock, Indian River and Vantress Crosses. Turkey poults, older pullets. Cats- outstanding Kittens; price $35 each. Also two Peke-face young males, proven sire, reasonable price. Also Stud Service. JACKS CATTERY, KentviUe, DOMESTIC HELP WANTED FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE NO. 60 Allis Chalmers Combine; International 7 ft. Binder; Massey-Harris 7 ft. Self Propelled Combine; Apply Guelph Implement Co. Limited, Guelph, MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB While you drive for only $8.00. For cars -- trucks -- tractors, etc. Unconditionally guaranteed. Effective for life of car. Motaloy saves you money. Motaloy Sales Co., 34 West Street, ~ itario. Dealer Inquiries BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates, niustrated Catalog Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & C o m p any Patent Attorneys, Established 1890, ~ onto. Patents, all countries. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twentyfive deluxe personal requirements. Latest catalogue Included. The Medico Agency. Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. IF you haven't Landrace now, you eventually will. They are Canada's fastest growing bacon breed. They will make you more money selling them for breeders, or commercial pigs. W» have some of the best imported stock, sold at prices you can afford to buy. Weanlings, four month old s----- boars, guaranteed ir -" able boars. TONRA STOCK FARM, -"• CENTRE, ONT. >ws?°ServlC( WOULD you like to raise pigs averaging 70 lbs. at 8 weeks? M. W. Beard, Frankfort, Indiana had these result* in a five star Utter, sired by a boar purchased from us, Fergus Ne Plus Ultra 55. Landrace are by far the best bacon breed and the Fergus Landrace Swine Farm have by far the best ' of imported Landrace Swine In "month old, six munin oia, sows ana ooars. Guaranteed In pig sows. Serviceable boars for Immediate delivery. Catalogue. LANDRACE SWINE FARM ONTARIO Canada. Weanling, FERGUS WANTED of/fisect Bites-- Heat Rash Stop^Itch (Juickl Stop itching^ of in^ct V\\x&, hea^rash. lSqufck-artL™^ooUU^anU^pVk D.°D? Hi PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainless. Stops Itch or money back. Don't suffer. Your drug> gist has D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 1-9 NO INVESTMENT! Introduce PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. 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Advertiser, Suite 417, 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1, Ontario Splendid opportunity for tffflT* SLEEP f2^ TO-NIGHT AID RELIEVE lEMMUEtl mumr to-morrow or quiet the r OEUIUIN DruaStomOJyl SAFETY CHIMNEY Keep Kite Products Limited KeepRile Products Limited,

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