THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1957 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS H. A. Free, Publisher Published Thursdays at the Office, King Street, Colborne Phone : Office 44 -- Residence 32' AUCTIONEERS CAMERON BUNNETT General Auctioneer Belleville, R.R. 3 Phone WOodland 2-1991 a21-a21-56 BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON FUNERAL DIRECTORS BARNES' FUNERAL HOME MODERN EQUIPMENT Funeral Home Accommodation at No Extra Charge PERSONAL SERVICE Day or Night Phone 111 -- Colborne J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON INSURANCE W. W. D. McGLENNON AGENCY COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE AUTOMOBILES FINANCED Representing-- Canada Life Assurance Co. Hamilton Township Farmers' Mutual BRUNSWICK BLOCK Phone 20 Colborne Ontario INSURANCE Auto Floaters Burglary Liability Fire Plate Glass, etc. WILLIAM J, TROOP JR. Phone 114 Colborne WASHING MACHINE SERVICE (any make) NEW AUTOMATIC WASHERS, DRYERS, IRONERS REFRIGERATORS, DEEP FREEZERS DeLAVAL and BEATTY PUMPS and STABLE EQUIPMENT WM. GORDON SMITH Phone 169 Colborne, Ont. LEGAL EDWIN HOWELL Barrister -- Solicitor -- Etc. OFFICE CLOSED Re-opens Next April a. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence King Street, Colborne, Ontario. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS G. HEYKOOP PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT E.E.A.A. F.I.A. Cobourg, Ont. 208B Division St. FR. 2-9513 Baltimore, Ont. Harwood Roai REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE ALF MINAKER Phone 76 -- Colborne DEAD STOCK REMOVED HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24 HR. SERVICE Phone Collect: Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI, Prop. Lansdowne St. E, Peterborough PERSONAL ITEMS Every once in a while we have to remind our readers that we like them to send in the names of visitors, etc. each week. We try to collect as many ef these items as possible ourselves but of course, we are only human and can only make a note of those we see. If we are away for a weekend we must depend entirely en our readers for these news items. Your little item of visitors may seem unimportant to you. So much so that you hardly deem it worthwhile sending m for publication. Yet how many have noticed that the personal column is one of the first items a reader turns to upon receiving the paper. This is not done simply for curiosity's sake, but because your friends take a genuine pleasure in reading that friends or relatives have been to visit you. So send those little personal items along each week no matter how unimportant they might seem. We enjoy receiving them and your friends enjoy reading them. About Time--Did you know? That Canada was the first country in the world to adopt the standard time system that now is in universal use. FIVE ROOM APARTMENT with bath and oil heater. Apply Leonard Gordon, phone 63w. nlc NEW CLARKE FLOOR SANDERS AND EDGERS. Francis Sash & Door Factory. Phone 283, Brighton, Ontario. ml5tfc HELP WANTED -- FEMALE WOMAN OR GIRL. Apply Dove's Lunch. Phone 131, Colborne. j 10,17c WORK WANTED SEPTIC TANK CLEANING, modern equipment. Call Harry Anderson, . Brighton. Phone 193, reverse the charge. nl'57x LOST ON THE LAKEPORT ROAD, a bumper off a 1952 Chevrolet Truck, Mrs. Anderson, Lakeport Foods Ltd. jlOc FOR SALE BEECH COOK STOVE in good condition, warming closet, reservoir. Ivory, green enamel, nickel trim. Priced cheap for quick sale. Phone 201, Colborne. jlOx 1 PERSIAN PAW FUR COAT in good condition. Size 38-40. Apply Colborne Express. STORM SASH made to order; made from K.D. pine and glazed; also Prefit Window Units and Picture Windows; Doors, Trim, Plywoods, etc. We deliver. Francis Sash & Door Factory, Brighton, Ontario. Phone 283. s20,eowc NEW BUNGALOW, 6 rooms and bath, full basement, oil furnace, garage, nice lawn, good garden planted in strawberries, raspberries and fruit trees. Apply direct to owner, Frank Duxbury, or Pedwell Real Estate, Newcastle, Phone 3856. n29tfc WANTED A LOAN OF $2500.00 at 7 per cent on first mortgage for 5 years. Will pay $50 per month which includes interest and principal. Box "C", The Colborne Express. jlOx TENDERS WANTED APPLICATIONS WILL BE received by the undersigned until January 24, 1957, for the position of Caretaker of the new Colborne Public School. Please state qualifications and salary expected. Duties to commence as soon as required by the Board. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. For Information as to duties contact the undersigned. -- William J. Troop, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer, Colborne Public School Board. J3,10 REAL ESTATE Free Farm Catalogue WE HAVE BUYERS! WE NEED MORE PROPERTIES Houses-Farms-Small Holdings List now with our Local Representative H. L. FRANKLIN Colborne, Ont. Phone 269 FREE CATALOGUE Hundreds of Properties for sale Write Head Office J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Limited Realtors 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto MIND AND BODY Mental illness and illness of the body have much in common in that neither is a reason for shame or secrecy. Mental illness is no longer regarded as a family scandal but simply as another ailment to which humans are susceptible, an ailment which, according to its severity, may be cured short time by proper treatment in a special ward of a general hospital or it may necessitate a longer period of treatment in a mental hospital. As with other serious diseases, it is important to have medical and psychiatric care at the first indications of the illness. NEXT HOLIDAY IS 15 WEEKS AWAY With New Year's Day come and gone , the holiday season is over and Canadians will go a long stretch until the next legal holiday arrives. Easter late this year, falling on Sunday, April 21st, thus the Good Friday holiday, which is next on the calendar for Canadians is on Friday, April 19th, a od fifteen weeks away. However it probable that Canadians might be rewarded for the long wait by having more spring-like weather than is so often the case when Easter comes earlier. DUNDONALD January 8th, 1957. Service next Sunday at 7.30 p.m. S.S. at 11 a.m. Master Bobby and Miss Bonnie Taft, Brighton, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mutton and family, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lov-ett, Castleton. Mr. Don Richardson, Hilton, was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton, Wayne and Judy spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton, Shiloh. Judy remained for a few days. Miss Evelyn Chapman spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bush, Castleton. New Years guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oliver were: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oliver and family, Maple; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Oliver, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Oliver, Meaford; Mr. and Mrs.. Vernon Bray and family, Niagara Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Oliver and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Irwin, Colborne, were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Trottman. Mrs. R. Chapman, Jack and Harold spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Chapman, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McGill, Toronto, spent the weekend and New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thorn and family, Indian River, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hadwin and family, Brighton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hadwin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman, Bobby and Philip, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrington, Brighton. Mrs. Kenneth Mutton spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Taft, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dunk and family spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Loveless, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey spent Wednesday with Mr. Wess and Miss Phem Weir, Warkworth. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Lawrence, Oak Heights, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett. Master Rickie Mutton, Colborne, spent Wednesday with Wayne Mutton. Mr. John Wright, Colborne, and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Swain, Brighton, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin. Mr. Earl Herrington, Edville, and Miss Pretty, Cobourg, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman. Mrs. R. Chapman, Jack and Harold, were tea guests. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Goodrich, Douglas and Doreen, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McMurray, Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett, Mrs. Ross Wright, Mrs. Lew Mutton, Mrs. Jack Montgomery, Mrs. R. Chapman and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton attended birthday party at the home of Mrs. Geo. McDonald, Edville, Thursday in honour of her 90th Birthday. Congratulations Mrs. McDonald and we wish you many more birthdays. Mr. Clifford Whaley spent New ears with his sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Herrington, Smithfield. Mrs. R. Waite, Hilton, is spending few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooney spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barry, Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald and family, Colborne, spe"nt New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright visited Rev. J. Bennett, Castleton, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Waite and Connie, St. Catharines, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Oliver and sons spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grills, Campbellford. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chapman and family spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Almond Barrett, Castleton. Josh Anderson and Mr. Roy Shopland, Brighton, were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Trottman. CASTLETON January 8th, 1957. Master George Tait was a winner of the Magazine Subscription contest sponsored by the Daily Star and spent four days at New York City recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kemp spent New Years Day at Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kemp's, Bowmanville. Mr. Earl Welton left on Tuesday January 1st for Edmonton, Alta. The Township Council met on Monday, January 7th, and all members ioyed a turkey dinner at the home of the Reeve, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Dingwall Jr. The annual pot luck supper and Congregational meeting of the United Church will be held at the S.S. rooms, Wednesday, January 16th, 6.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, Bancroft, and Mr. Benson Runnels, Campbellford, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKague. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ducie spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. G. Pappin- More than 55,000 Canadians make their living in the Canadian telephone industry which is provided by some 3 separate systems. Canadian egg eaters: Per capita in 1P55 Canadians ate 24 dozen eggs against 24.4 dozen in 1954. MORGANSTON January 8th, 1957. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bray and Mr. Lome Bray were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bewford Peck, Albury. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. .M Yule were Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Goodrich and family, Regina Sask.; Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Goodrich, Joyce and Marilyn, Ransomville, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Goodrich and Elizabeth, Brighton; Mr. and Mrs* B. Harnden and Carolyn, Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. H. George were guests on New Year's Day of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Down, Roseneath. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johnston, Raymond and Karen, Toronto, were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Darling. Mrs. Grant Clarke, Norham(, is spending a few days wtih Mr. arid Mrs. Glenn Clarke. Mrs, F. Hardy and family were guests on New Year's Day of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hardy, Campbelliford. New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Bray were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brent, Mr. and,/ Mrs. Jack Olsen, Miss Dorothy Baker, Trenton; Miss Jean Moore. Mrs. Don Massey is a patient in Campbellford Memorial Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. L. Darling visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Darling, Belleville. Rickey Darling, who has spent a week with his grandparents, returned to his home with them. Mrs. J. Davidson and Ronald accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ross Weth-erup, Oshawa, to Madoc on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. B. Demorest. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Tucker, Cobourg, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Darling. Mr. and Mrs. R. Robson, Peter and Bobby, were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lawson, Bright< Mr. and Mrs. I. Buchanan, Belleville, and family, were Sunday guests of Mr. Alex, Misses Sara and Grace McComb. VERNONVILLE January 8th, 1957. New Year's guests at the different Mr. and Mrs. W. Robson with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. G. Turk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Gillespie, Mrs. Wallace Rutherford and Colin with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gillespie. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Usher, Shirley Billie and Marvin McComb with Mr. id Mrs. Joe Vansickle. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Branscombe and Albert Branscombe from Brighton, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Sherwin and family with Mrs. J. Deviney. Mrs. George Joice, Bruce, Marion and Clarabell with Mr.s Stanley Joiee. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gillespie with their son Donald, at Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Taylor held New Year's at their home, Shelter Va!ley. Mr. and "Mrs Robert VieMurray and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Deviney and Vernon, with Mrs. McMurray Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Silzer and Wendy with Mrs, Florence Leeming Our new minister, Rev. T. Asbell, has arrived in Grafton. Mr. Douglas Deviney is progressing very favourably after an operation for appendicitis in Cobourg Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurray received a long distance telephone call from their son Donald who is in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, at Christmas, e is fine and likes the country. Miss Sandra Thibaudeau, Home Economist, called at Vernonville before Christmas and delivered Stirling Silver spoons to the 44 club girls for completing clothing and food units, a gift from the Department of Agriculture. Mrs. J. Deviney assisted in the Thankoffering W. M. S. Service at Carman Church, East Northumberland, on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 16. Miss Shirley Usher of Clarmont spent the holidays at her home here. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bellamy, Karen and Brian, spent Saturday in Picton and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hook and family. Miss Dixie Brown of Toronto Teachers' College, spent the weekend at ;r home here. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Allen and family, and Mr. Durward Allen were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bellamy on New Year's Eve. Donnarene Chatterson, who teaches school in Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chatterson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bellamy, Karen and Brian, were Sunday night supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Ar-ur and family. Miss Sadie O'Rourke entertained visitors from Glen Miller on Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Barnes entertained the members of the Recreational Club at their first meeting of 1957, last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McQuoid, Cecil and Richard were guests on New Years Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchings entertained several visitors on New Years Day. Ron Peters has recovered from his recent tonsillectomy and is back at school. Messrs Bernard and Murray Knapp of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. Knapp. Miss Lenore Whaley is back at I school using her crutches. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A GENERAL MEETING will be held in the COLBORNE TOWN HALL Thursday, January 17th, 1957 at 8.00 p.m. Guest Speaker: MR. B. J. BERNARD Canadian Chamber of Commerce Mr. Bernard will show a Film dealing with Chamber activities ALL WELCOME PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE NOMINATION CONVENTION Cobourg Town Hall Monday. January 21, 1957 AT 2 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER Do You Know YOU CAN SAVE UP TO 80% ON MANY ARTICLES AT SALEM GENERAL STORE? Ladies' Winter Coats, reg. up to $55.00 ............$18.00 Ladies' Blouses, reg. up to $6.95................$1.99-$2.99 Ladies' Skirts, reg. up to $6.95............................$2.59 Ladies' Dresses, reg. up to $30.00, size 11 to 18 $5.99 Ladies' Earrings and Necklets, reg. $2.00............ $1.00 Girls' and Boys' Jeans ................................ from $1.98 Boy's Sets, size 2 to 6x (lined Jeans and Shirt) .... $2.59 Men's Lined Gloves, reg. $2.69............................ $1.98 Men's Shirts..................................................from $1.98 Men's Parkas, reg. up to $34.95 .... from $7.95 to $11.50 Men's Shoes, Thermo Boots, Caps, Jeans, Dress Pants, Overalls .................. at Very Low Prices Boys' Sweaters, 100% pure wool, size 26 to 34, reg. $4.98....................................................$2.99 Also Watches, Rings and Many Other Articles At Very Low Prices SALEM GENERAL STORE Colborne, Ont. Phone 253-r-23 Don't be a CLINKER CUSSERI Avoid unknown coal I It may save you pennies, but can cost you plenty in heating comfort and convenience. Get your money's worth by ordering Red Trademarked Famous Reading Anthracite-one of the world's finest Pennsylvania hard coals. Be sure to look for the Red Spots that identify this top-quality coal. JACK NEWTON JENINGS FUELS "Buy Empire Products and Support Your Home Town"