Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1957 Attention, Junior Bowlers! Ages 9 to 19 Years REGISTRATION FOR COLBORNE AND BRIGHTON JUNIOR BOWLING LEAGUE Under the Auspices of the Canadian Junior Bowling Council AT COLBORNE TOWN HALL Monday, October 7th, 1957 AT 7.30 P. M. -- BRIEF MEETING THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND Annual Campaign for Funds October 12th to 26th, 1957 The annual campaign to raise funds for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind is now being conducted in the Villages of Colborne, Castleton and Grafton, and the Townships of Cramahe and Haldi-mand. The campaign is under the sponsorship of the Colborne and District Advisory Committee to the C. N.I.B. Mr. Andrew A. Kemp, Castleton, Chairman, actively supported by the school teachers of the area. Your contribution will make it possible for the C.N.I.B. to provide home teaching, employment, library service and other forms of assistance to blind persons, and assist in providing glasses to persons who cannot afford them. Your generous contribution will be appreciated and may be gliven to one of the volunteer canvassers or remitted direct to S. Sutton, Treasurer, Colborne, Ontario. Everybody is Going COBOURG ARENA This Saturday Nite FOR THE Big Re-Opening Dance of Season ROCK 'N' ROLL -- MODERN and OLD TIME DANCING WITH Neil Taft and His Canadian Jamboree Gang DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NITE FROM 9 TO 12 Admission 75c per person LUCKY DOLLAR STORE Weekend Specials THURS, FRI, SAT. OCT. 3,4, 5 Hunt's CATSUP............2 bottles 35c "Tops" DOG FOOD.........3 tins 25c KLEENEX, 200..............3 pkgs. 50c Raspberry Jam Wagstaff's, 24 oz. jar... .47c MARGARINE c0iden Dew . 2 lbs. 57c Cake Mixes Betty Crocker......2 pkgs. 71c Cook's Groceteria Phone 56, Colborne WE DELIVER OCT. 4 SPECIALS OCT. 5 Post's Groceteria STEAKS ah 55c CHEESE New Warkworth 53c FAB Large pkg.......................................37c Margarine Blue Bonnet, Quik Coloured lb. 33c CORN FLAKES Keiiogg. .2 pkgs. 29c DOG FOOD 20 oz. tin*.....................17c CORN Nibiets........................2 tins 35c TEA BAGS Mother Parker, 60 bags ......72c Quick Quaker Oats 3 lb. Pkg. ...37c PEAS choke, 20 oz..................2 tins 33c Phone 2 We Deliver PERSONALS i Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Thrower returned last Friday from North Bay, where ttfey spent several weeks. Alf., a.well-known apple inspector, was working that area. On Sunday they visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Throw-*, Norham. Miss Ruth Harvey, Trenton, spent last weekend with her mother, Mrs. A, R. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce spencer, sons Law-e and Billy, daughter Barbara and Miss Marilyn Ellis, Castleton, visited Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Spencer, Weston, last -Sunday. They attended the Dedication Ceremony for the new exten-to Central United Church, Weston. Rev. Spencer is the minister of this Church. rs. Charles Teal and Bonnie spent last Saturday in Belleville. Those from Colborne in attendance the Dedication Ceremony of the Chapter Room of Starlight Chapter No. 241 O.E.S., Port Hope, in " Masonic Temple, Wednesday evening, September 25th, were Mrs. Wm. C. Griffis, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Armstrong, Miss Doris Cook, Mrs. E. O. Coyle, Mrs. C. C. Philp. Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Elliott, Brighton, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow, St. John, N.B., were guests last Wednesday night of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teal. Mrs. C. E. McMulien is a patient in -Belleville General Hospital, -where she underwent surgery. Her many Mends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Eox spent last week at Charleston Lake. Mr. and Mrs. S. Sutton are spending this week in Wellington at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ted Sander son. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson are on their wedding trip. Mr. Charles Baker, Scarborough, visited relatives • here last weekend. Mr. A. D. Hardie, M.A., conducted the service at Trinity Anglican Church last Sunday morning. The many Colborne and district friends of Mrs. Wm. A. Goodfellow, Codnington, will regret to know that she is a patient in Belleville General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn and fai lly moved from Cornwall last week to their home here. Their many friend; here are glad to welcome them back to Colborne after their two-year stay at Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Keating returned home last /Friday from a motor trip through Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teal and Bonnie spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Campbell, Havelock. Mrs. J. G. Waite, accompaniied by her brother, Mr. M. Winters and Mrs. Winters of Lindsay, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Waite, Kingston, at their ^cottage. , Mr. Fred Spence attended the funeral of his brother, Mr. Tom' H. Spence, of Toronto, who was burred at Cobourg last gaturday afternoon. Thanks to those k&tt people who look after umbrellas carelessly left behind in Church'pews by their qw.ii- s. ,v ., t ,. Miss Alice Gumming has returned to the Hotel Brunswick after spending several weeks in Cobourg General Hospital, receiving ^treatment for a broken hip. * Mrs. Elmo McLaughlin spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs.. Sidney Cassan, Hilton. Mrs. F. R. . Pemfoer visited at the home of her brother, Mr, and Mrs. Mae Chapin, Rexdale, last week. Miss Mac Dougall has returned to the Hotel Brunswick after spending the summer visiting friends. Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Pemiber spent-last Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Ellis and Mr. Ellis, Peterborough. Mrs. E. O. Coyle visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grills, Belleville, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Redner and son David, Miss Karen Redner, all of Toronto, spent last weekend with Mr. ^ You can - SPOT IT by its »0TS Only FAMOUS RIADI5S3G ANTHRACITB is frademarked wj^h Don't accept substitute coal! Specify Famous Reading Anthracite and look for the Red Spots to make sure you are getting one of the world's finest Pennsylvania hard coals. JACK NEWTON JENINGS FUELS King Street Tel. 351 and Mrs. Keith Redner. Mrs. W. G. Martin, Ground Birch, B.C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. L. Keating and Mr. Keating. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Gresham had as their guests on Monday, September 30th, their cousins, Mr. George Strak, his daughter Jacqueline and son Ian. of High Blantyre, Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eakins, Detroit, Michigan, and daughter, Mrs. Stan. Rorhman, San Joes, California, are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Harnden. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teal and Bonnie spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hetherington, Brigh- Mr. W. H. Berry and daughter, Mrs. Olive Sweet, spent two weeks with the former's son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berry, Lona Lodge, Lake Manitawatoa. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Broomfield spent a few days in Toronto last week. Colborne acquaintances of Mr. Geo. Cockburn, Warkworth, will regret to know that he is a patient in Camp-foellford Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce King were last Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ferguson, Oak Heights. Miss Phylis Oke is convalescing at UNINSURED OWNERS TO PAY EXTRA $5.00 Intended 'to provide compensation for hit and run victims and protection againsts uninsured owners in accidents, the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund wiin5e enabled; January 4st, 1958, to increase maximum payments to $10,000 for injury or death to one person, $20,000 for injury or death to two or more persons and $2,Q0Q for property damage. From that date, in addition to the present fee of $1.00 paid by all drivers, uninsured owners will be required to pay a further fee of $5.00, Daylight Saving time will be in effect in Colborne, in common with most Ontario communities, until midnight on Saturday, October 26th this year. This is an extension of a month beyond the period of "fast time" of previous years in these parts. her home, Lakeport, she spent several weeks in Kingston General Hospital, where she underwent a major operation. SPECIAL NOTICE . . . To customers who have previously saved IGA Cash Receipts and Bonus Booster Tapes. Yellow and Green IGA Cash Receipts or Bonus Booster Tapes will be accepted with "Bonus Bucks" for FREE Premiums, until December 31st, 1957. They have exactly the same premium value as "Bonus Bucks", so there need be no break in your saving for premiums at IGA Food Stores. "BONUS BUCK" GROCERY ITEMS Effective Thurs through Wed, October 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Each of the Following with. Free $2.50 "Bonus Buck" IGA SWEETENED Orange Juice 48 oz. tm31c DOLE FANCY SLICED Pineapple 20 oz. tin 3 7c GREEN GIANT FANCY CUT Green Beans 2 39c AYLMER RASPBERRY Jam 24 oz. jar 51c KRAFT SALAD DRESSING Miracle Whip 2?aroz 47c IGA SUNNY MORN Coffee 1 ib. bag 73c AND ENJOY BEAUTIFUL VALUABLE GIFTS QUICKER AND EASIER THAN EVER NO CASH REQUIRED THIS IS ALL YOU NEED DO . . . Each week a number of food products are selected as "Bonus Buck Features". They will foe available in IGA Stores from opening time Thursday until closing time the following Wednesday. (See panel at left for this week's selections). When you buy these products you are given one or more certificates Which have a premium value in "Bonus Bucks" of $2.50, $10.00 or $20.00. Be sure you pick up a handy "Savings Wallet" at your IGA Food Market, then each time you shop at your IGA Food Store, slip your '^Bonus Bucks" in it for safe keeping. Just keep saving IGA "Bonus Bucks" until you have enough to equal the value indicated for any item in the Premium Catalogue. All premiums can be claimed in this manner. WATCH OUR WEEKLY ADVERTISING FOR BONUS BUCK FOOD FEATURES. FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 3, 4, 5 IGA PEANUT r, . OQ^ BUTTER 16 oz- Jar IGA CHOICE PITTED CHERRIES i 35c NESTLES Quik ub. pkg. 57c BROWNIE OR DATE BAR MIX Betty Crocker 37c ALL PURPOSE FIVE ROSES Flour 5 ib. bag 39c Fab 6c off Large Size 34c REGULAR Kleenex 2 Pkgs. of 200 39c QUAKER Instant Oats Lge. size 39c DADS OATMEAL Cookies 12 oz. pkg. 31c DADS COCOANUT Tid Bits 24oz.Pkg. 31c m^aiUgiU QUALITY MEATS... 1 LOIN ROAST O'PORK Tenderloin 21/2-3 lb. '« ACkf% or Rib End average • T"*/C LEAN CENTRE CUT Loin Pork Chops "> 67c BURNS SHAMROCK CRYOVAC Corned Beef Brisket »». 69c MAPIE I.FAP PTTRV. PORK Sausage 11» carton 47c MAPLE LEAF SLICED COOKED Ham s oz. pkg. 59c with Free $2.50 Bonus Buck 1 "JwunjAnAh" FRUIT & VEGETABLES ... I A MUST FOR THE FRUIT BOWL REFRESHING TOKAYS Red Grapes 3 lbs. 29c THE ECONOMICAL PACKAGE ONTARIO GROWN POTATOES,g 99c FOR QUICK ENERGY GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS >». 19c THE BEST ALL PURPOSE VARIETY FANCY GRADE McINTOSH APPLES JX*ttc PREPARE NOW FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING MENU Cranberries 1 ^- «u°h** 23c BRADFORD MARSH No. 1 GRADE Cooking Onions 31b. bag 19c with free $2.50 Bonus Buck APPLEFORD FOOD SAVER Waxed Paper 'S* 29c JEWEL Shortening 1 ib. Pkg. 29c SIMONIZ Liquid Wax 6COffPt.69c 5c OFF VEL Detergent urge size 35c IGA CHOCOLATE Wafers 6 oz. ceiio Pkg. 35c FROZEN FOODS ... 40 FATHOM Fish Sticks 8 oz. Pkg.25c B.C. Chip Steaks 5P£ 31c with free $2.50 Bonus Buck