ilBERALS ORGANIZING THE CAUSE OF DYSPEPS Improperly digested foe COLBORNE. JUNE 23rd, 1004 j They Themselves Admit a Loss of 3,000 Killed or Wounded. 04 the used nd should Hoi re VV. Ross, ier of Ontario, decide not to have rth session of the present par-•ltt of Ontario, the lists of 1904 ed i the «t pre icia! Russian Officer Says 7,000 and Praises Effectiveness of Japanese Artillery Fire, j Tokio, June 21.--Further reports received here show that the blow in-Bicted by Gen. Oku on the Russians j in the lighting at Telissu (Vafangow) [1 3ii June 15, was more severe than »cas at first believed. The number of Russians killed in this battle will |, eed 2,000, and their , . loss, lated i 10,0 The Japanese ,000, or about the Russian total, me 17, Gen. Oku had i Russian dead, and he many more dead have Chinese who watched from the Russian side the Russians removed main dead to the trains with their Wounded, and that they buried or 34 Victoria street, irge of the Central the pi evince, and are requested to me subjects of a foreign country n, on returning to Canada, be nal aiized as British subjects in thre ouths; the period for other aliens i report la, mgkou befor t he,■ Vil- thre The Central Liberal association has not a staff of organizers, and the officers of the riding associations are making their own arrangements as to lists, organization and naturalization. In furnishing information from the head office Mr. Vance's time will be ully occupied, as he is the only per-irection of the Ontario ion er Central offiice. Firebug Caught. iam, June 21.--The Fort bug has been caught. Be Almost Crazy With I Nervous Headache fully oi I son urn oUle :, June 21.-a de-f th.- Russian losses Vafangow. given OUt ; the total at 3,9,00 ■d, mostly men jfho tussian right flank. NERVOUS TROUBLES. intolerable than nervousness. A ne vous person is iu a state of constat I irritation by day aud sleeplessness b i night. The sufferer starts at evei j noise, is shakv. depressed, an although ill a constantly exhaustc ! state, is unable to sit or lie still. Saw His Son Sink. Jpntreal, June 21.--A Sherbrooke, despatch says Dean Henry of Toronto was drowned here Sunday. He jumped into the river to swim and was carried over the falls in sight of his parents and twenty others, who formed a picnic party. His m by poh mid i i ther His •d in 12 fee of water, and will be interred t_ , Sherbrooke. Henry was employed in Toronto, and was spending his vaca- | tion with his parents. Q u I N O L Quinol Cold Are guaranteed to i /> • t li a cure a cold in the and Grip Tablets head. Price 25c a Box, If the cold is in the throat or has settled on tbe lungs use 25c A BOTTLE. Dr. Kay's Kofflene. T A B L E Sold by W. A. DOUGLAS, Druggist. Going out of Business. I THE undersignetl have decided to go nust dispose of tin G T R TIME TABLE. .- tha Cat- the reports that o and it c "It it that three bodies of troops are extending their front between Vafangow and Tschonjon. "After two days of fighting and two tiring night marches by difficult mountainous roads, the troops have been able to rest. Their morale is excellent. It had not yet been possible to procure precise details of our losses. Accurate numbers are only jgrocurable in the following regi- '-'First division East Siberian Rifles, 15 officers killed and 49 {bounded, 12 of whom remained on the battlefield; 386 soldiers killed and 992 wounded, 568 of whom remained on the battlefield, but some of whom, however, were picked up by ■the ambulance train. In the 33rd and c|5th and 36th Regiments 1 officer %nd 36 soldiers were killed, and 16 officers and 640 soldiers wounded. Mils 1 Di Th i thos soldi* mod on the battlefield. "The 1st Artillery Brigade lost three officers and 103 soldiers killed, the 9th Brigade of Artillery, 1 officer and 25 soldiers killed; the Tobolk Regim-nt. 1 officer and 3 soldiers tilled, 1 officer and 40 men wounded, and 3 missing; the Marschansk Regiment, 6 officers and 131 men wounded, 11 men killed and 8 missing." There was a rumor in St. Petersburg last night that a battle at Hai-cheng is actually proceeding, and that there have been heavy losses on both sides. There is, however, no confirmation of this rumor. It has developed that the Japanese at Vafangow had an accurate topographical map of the whole battlefield and that their batteries were Londoi Jul dent I The -The Mukden says it has been officially announced there that the Russian losses at the battle of Vafangow were about 17 officers and 519 men killed, 97 officers and 1,988 men wounded, and 42 officers and 793 men missing. Great Artillery Fire. Newchwang, June 21.--A Russian [officer, who was wounded in the battle of Vafangow (Telissu), told an [Associated Press correspondent that tthe losses on both sides were severe. He placed the Russian casualties as [at least 7,000. He says no soldiers in the world could withstand the Ja-fpanese as they have been fighting -'lately. Their artillery fire, he claims, [is marvelously effective. The Russi-! ans fought stubbornly, but they were ! unable to withstand the enemy's I dashing persistency. General Engagement. ' Liaoyung, June 21.--A general en-' gagement is proceeding near Kai-| chou. The first train bearing wounded men has passed through here going northward. Nagasaki, June 21--A report has •Meen received from Moji, on Shimino-seki Strait, that firing has been heard at sea to the northwest. Vessels are being detained at Moji. One Battalion Annihilated. Simuchen, Manchuria, June 21.-- fcred tremendous losses in t the Russian right. One battal the 26th Regiment was annihi REXALL hh0oui?de DYES These dyes will dye wool, cotton, silk, jute or mixed goods in one bath. They are the latest and most improved dye in the world. Try a package. All colors. W. A. Douglas, Agent, Colborne. W. J, Newman, Agent, Castktou. doubt about this- thousands can testify to the blood making, nerve i-eitoiing qualities of these pills. St. Vitus dance is one of the most severe forms of nervousness, and Mrs. H. Hevenor, of O raven hurst, Out., tells how these pills cured her little boy. She says: "At the age of eight my little boy was attacked with lit. Vitus dance, from which he suffered iu a severe form. His ueives twitched to such an extent that he was almost heipless, and had to be constantly watched. He was under several doc tors at diffeient times, but they did not help him, so I decided to try Di. Williams'Pink Pills, and th <se have detely cured hii Bf the mble r When you buv these pills always look at the box and see that the full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, is printed on the wrappei and refuse to take anything else. Yot can get these pills from all medicine dealers or they will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes foi $2.50 by writing The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Admit* His Forgeries. Owen Sound, June 21.--At the Police Court yesterday morning, Francis Ii.- Harrison pleaded guilty, to two charges of forgery and two of theft. A fifth charge, which constitutes a breach of the Postal Act, was held over until Saturday for a hearing. The swung man's parents in Birmingham will be communicated with in the meantime. Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes and again a four times, .y and it cures stubborn coughs. Iuhnle Catarrhozone five minutes eyery hour and we guarantee it will cure any case of cacarrb, bronchitis, asthma, lung or throat trouble, deafness. It is very pleasant am) conven ieut to use, quick to relieve, and certain as the hereafter to cure. Large size, complete, price .$1.00: small size, 25c. Druggists, or Poison Co., Kingston, Out. Vouhg lady Fatally Burned. Napanee, June 21.--At Enterprise on Saturday morning Miss t Ida Clark, a^ed 21 years, daughter of Willis Clark,, lost her life. |The young lady was heating oil on the Stove to oil the floor, when it boiled over, igniting her clothing.^She was so seriously burned that death relieved her terrible sufferings about two hours afterwards. The; house and contents were consumed h#~the fire, only a very small portion af the parlor furniture being saved. Lightning Kills Four. Winnipeg, Juno 21.--Lightning wiped out the home of T. Kaczuk at Beaver Hills, , near Edmonton, last Friday.' During the storm a shaft struck the house, killing Mrs. Kaczuk and three children. Neighbors found the bodies in the ruins of the home next morning. Kaczuk, who is a Galician, is away working on a railway. Not Yet Accepted. London, June 21.--(C.A.P.)--Sir Percy Girouard's resignation has not yet been accepted. THROWN FROM A WAGON Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown from his wagon and severely bruised. He applied Chamberlain's Paiu Balm freely and says it is the best liniment he ever used. Mr. Babcock Is a well known citizen of North Plain, Conn. There is nothing equal to Pain Balm for sprains and bruises. It will effect a cure in one-third the time required by any other treatment. For sale by all druggists. During a severe thunderstorm on Wednesday last, the steeple of the First Presbyterian- Church at Brockville was struck by lightuing. and considerably damaged. TRIUMPHS OF MODERN SURGERY Wonderful things are done for the human body by surgery. Organs are taken out and scraped and polished and put back, or they maj be removed entirely; bones are spliced; pipes ke the place of diseased sections of •ins: antiseptic dressings are applied to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries before inflamation sets in, which causes them to heal without maturing and in one-third the time required by the old treatment. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the paiu and soreness. Keep a bottle of Paiu Balm in your home aud money iuffeiing which such injtti Por sale by all druggists. and •ii tail. C.P.R. SLEEPERS OVERTURN. Regina, June 21.--The C.P.R. east-bound Transcontinental was wrecked just west of Grand Coulee yesterday morning at 5.15. The sleepers Che Foo and Missanabie were overturned into a ditch and the diner and the tourist left the track. The cause was a broken rail. The promptness of the engineer in applying the emergency brakes saved the train from plunging over the bridge into twelve feet of water. The mayor of Regina and Mrs. Laird were among the passengers. 'A man named Crisp of Winnipeg, received a bad scalp wound. Most of the passengers were in their berths, and there was much confusion. The mayor received a few bruises on. his arm and knee, but •50,000 Fire at WakelAeld. Wakefield, Que., June 21.--A fire of unknown origin partially destroyed this well-known summer resort yesterday afternoon. The blaze started in Thomas' stables at 2.30 and burned till 5. The chief losses are: George Patterson, general store, loss $20,000, insurance $3,000; George Thomas, Hotel Union and Riverside House, loss $10,000, partly covered; Presbyterian Church, $7,000, insurance $1,000; Thomas Armstrong, $3,000, insurance $800; A. Dum-moche, $1,000, uninsured. THE PENALTY OF A FAST LIFE. Is paid for by an irritable condition of body and mind,by exhausted energy poor digestion, unstrung nerves and broken sleep. If you must and will live the killing pace, better keep in miud sustaining powers of Ferrozone, a wonderful tonic and reconstnictor. Ferrozone is a blood maker, a nerve strengthened a heart aud brain invig-orator. It creats appetite, insures perfect digestion aud undisturbed sleep. Ferrozoue will do you inestimable good, try it. PiioeSOc. per box or six boxes for $2.50, at Druggists or Poison Co., Kingston, Ont.. Toronto, June 21.--Coroner Pickering's jury last night returned a verdict of wilful murder against some person or persons unknown, at the resumed inquest into the death of the infant found in a bag in the bay on June 11. There were 54 yards ot tape wound around the throat and , head, a napkin tied tight around the neck and the head was battered in. j The pp&y was that of a fine healthy j ten-pound baby. Toronto, June 21.--Dr. Harrington yesterday said that the post-mortem on the body of the infant, for tha | death of which Kate Sharpe is held j responsible, showed that death was \ due to criminal withholding of nour- t ishment. Magistrate Kingsford re- | manded the woman until to-day. Could only Walk From Bed to Chair For years a sufferer from Kid-ney disease--Oured by Dr. , Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Mr. Samuel Sparling, Ladysmith, Pontiac, Co., Que, writes :--"I have used Dr. Chase'" Kidney-Liver Pills and believe there is no medi-cine to equal them. I was troubled for years -- J "his treatment has cured use these pills I could only walk from my bed to a chair. Now I can go to the field and work like any man. ' They are an excellent medicine. Dr. Chase's Ointment is a perfect cure for itching piles, One box cured two members of my familj who had suffered from this wretched ailment Because of their direct and combined action on kidneys, liver and bowels, Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills cur« where ordinary medicines fail, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box. The portrait and signature ot Dr. A. W. Chase, on every box. | Dr. Chase's Backache Plaster promptly relieves pains and aches. He got drowned, t fireman efforts l ■ (Except Sundays) BROW X & BATTY BICYCLE S! U the latest models in bicycles which will be sold at very reasonable rates. Remember these are all Canadian bicycles, made by honest workmen with the best material. A full stock of sundries and repairs First-class lepairing of all bicycles, pneumatic wagons, rubber goods, etc. at lowest rates. A few good second-hand bicycles for sale cheap C property of the uuder->ordering on the Village >n Percy Street, north of tainng two acres of land, lere are a good brick e, brick barn, good orch-soft water. Also twen-nd adjoinming--in the lborne--on which there es of standing timber, nd pine, the batance full particulars apyly to \. f. Mcdonald, Colborne. J. G. WAIT, Wicklow, 41.m Ontario. ______________). . .".. _a m For Sale Or To Rent. THE house on Division Street next to Dr. Hewson's formally owned and occupied by Cap*. Robt. Snetsin-Apply to c j McCALUJM. | Farm For Sale. COMPRISING 100 acres of good clay loam being Lot 25 in the 5th Con-j cession of the township of Cramahe. ! There is on the premises a good frame j house, two barns, one with a stone | stable underneath, drive house and I horse stable, frame bog pep, machine, i shed, etc. There are three acres off | good beaiing orchard and ten acres of hard wood. The farm is supplied l with good wells and never failing spring creek. For particulars apply to THOS. BLAND, 45 Sim Colborne P. 0. ]•> E T T E R IN K •J A P A N E S E' Writing Fluid The-Ink-That-Xever-Fades. Flows Freely. Xever Corrodes. Your Stntio«er Sella It. Made In Canada, at Peterborough. Wrignt's Rheumatic Remedy. agent for this tricar Canadian iSm cure. I can refer you to lopie in this section aud also many testimonials proving one of the most wonderful >b of the age JAMES McGLENNON, 3 CV'borne, Out Ay ers Pills Keep them in the house. Take one when you feel bilious or dizzy. They act di-rectly on the liver.&£e1r.M«.: were mad without <. Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE abeautifui brown or richblack? Use JMilH IWIfl. 2> .M.Kh BUGGIES BUGGIES. BUGGIES. Largest Ass^nment, Best Terms. Reasonable Prices. •,i:ii neat design, .sides of seat padded, carpet, fh>< nd on. edges, plain black mountings throuuliout .1 regularly with 22 in. body, but can be had v •r st\ les also an assortment from other factories. All kinds of repairrng will receive prompt and careful attention. ,1. H. CHAPMAN'S Colborne, Ont.