Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 19 Nov 1903, p. 4

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COLBORNE. NOV. 19th, 1903. SOME FACTS ABOUT THE COLBORNE COLD STORAGE COMPANY. By B. J. Cochrane The order for the ice machinery will be given immediately when a deposit of $2,000 will be made. Mr. Geo. Wilkinson has subscribed $2,000 and has consented to leave the order and deposit the $2,000 so that the share holders will not be called on till April when work is begun. 25 per cent, of a draft on $50,000 will make £ of $50,000, $12,500 this will carry the work till about Dominion Day when the machinery will be shipped and half money deposit made. It will be necessary to make another draft about this time. Then in about 60 or 90 days another draft will be required, leaving the final draft for December 1904 or January 1905. The $50,000for the 50,000 bbl. plant is made up as follows: Foundation...............$ 2,300 Lumber................... 4,485 Rricklayed................ 2,914 Insulating paper 5000 rolls.. 2,500 Roofing 250 squares........ 1,000 Nails and tacks............ 300 Carpenter work............ 5,000 Ice machine includingengine dinamo, boilers, condeu- Shipping r< La mi hide 11 $ 47,299 The building will be ready for fruit on the 15th day of August. Mr. Simmons interviewed on cold storage 6ays: "I have eaten greenings three years old, as crisp and good in flavor as the day they were put in. They must be put in the day they are picked or as near as possible. At Thornbury I have a fruit house on the bank of Beaver River. This fruit house is cooled by air drawn through a huge tunnel from the bank of the river. The air is very cool at this point and in addition we have ice. This is placed iu the buildings so that tipples placed in the house are picked and put in the house within 24 hours and are chilled right down and will keep till the following May or June in fine condition. Much of my success in triples is due to this cooling and care of apples. The apples that I refer to three years in cold storage were kept in Wills Van Home's cold storage New-fane Station, 14 miles from bridge in New York State." 1 know of a man who baught apples in New York State when they were worth 50 cents a bbl. being a yeiy heavy crop sent them to Monteagle cold storage, Rochester had them evaporated placed iu cold storag' That year they were worth 4 cts. per lb. The next year they sold for 8 cts. In this way the man cleared many thousand dollars Mr. Simmons has carefully investigated the cold storage question for years and is sure it will pay and pay well as there is not one between here and Toronto. He says if he was ti young man he would take half the stock himself. Mr. Robert Ooyle has just completed his beautiful fruit house and yet he has such faith in cold storage that he is putting $2,000 into our cold storage to encouraee the young men and farmers to go on in the good work. Mr. Wilkinson has put $2,000 into the project because of the dividend he expects to get for his investment. Surely there is a big out look for cold storage. Mr. McCallum says there must be a thorough reorganization of the fruit trade and gives'some reasons. Mr. Robert Coyle agrees with him in that the fruit n organize, in this 1 lum says we shou place at the Boar get together :alit s there Mr. McCa before th< • McCallum thinks the formation of our Cold Storage Co. is a long step along these lines. Mr. Frank Strong says when hi England he saw at Liverpool that apples could be opened and are opened say a 200 bbl. lot anil examined the day before auction and tliatthe purchaser actually knows what he is purchasing, then on the day of sale one or two barrels are dumped out and examined. If the market proved to be a falling one the man who had done all this examining could bid the lot in that is buy it and take 10 or 5 bbls, of the lot, which he generally does,, leaving the balance to be sold as rejects the next day when price would be 2 or 3 shillings lower. He says this soitof thing would not be tolerated in any other business. The cheese trade is organized, the grain trade is organized and he thinks there should be a reorganization of the fruit business. Mr. John Kewin says we must pay more attention to our fruit and dairy business. He says the west is in possession of the grain business. We must raise dairy products and fruit as Mr. Geo! Wilkinson says cold storage means cash down, more attention and let er treatment from ship and rail-v. ay companies. .Jr. William Barringer of Castleton s..ysour cold storage proposition is guild enough for him. Mr Larke says he would as soon ad vance a dollar on a bbl. of apples as on a gold dollar. So that by presenting a cold storage warehouse receipt farmers or dealers can have advances made to pay their debts in fall or carry on their business. He is perfectly satisfied with our present proposition and says if the first this spring had been as good we might have had our cold storage built now. Mr. Robert Coyle jr. says the ideal way is to ship apples the year round or each month of the year. Mr. A. W. Stickle says: "My pear orchard is at present valueless but with cold storage I could make some money outof it." A WOMAN'S FACE. how to obtain bright eyes, rosy cheeks and the elastic step of perfect health. "A woman's face," said a well known physician, "is a mirror which reflects unfailingly the condition of her health. One can tell at a glance if she is well or not and usually one can tell what the trouble is. It so often happens that instead of bright eyes, rosy cheeks and an elastic step, there are dull eyes, pale, sallow or a greenish complexion, and a languid-ness of step that bespeaks diseases, and perhaps an early death if the right treatment is not resorted to. The whole trouble lies with the blood, and until it is enriched audv invigorated Miere will be no release from suffering and disease. Unquestionably the greatest of all blood renewers is Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis. Good blood means health, vigor, life and beauty, and the one sure way to make your blood good is to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Out of many cases which illustrate the truth of this may he cited that of Miss Amanda Damphouse, Ste. Anne de la Parade, Que., who says:--" For more than six months I suffered greately from weakness, bordering almost on nervous pioatration. I suffered from headaches, palpitation of tho heart, and pains in all my limbs. I had no energy, no appetite, no color, and my nights were frequently sleepless. At different times I. cousultec'. thiee doctors, but none ol them seemed able to cure me. A friend strongly urged me '.o t ke Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and I finally followed her advice. With the use of the box my health beg; five, boxes completely restored I now have a good appetite, headaches and pains have disappeared and I never felt better in my life than I do now. If I am ever sick again you may be sure that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will be my only doctor." If you have any disease like anaemia, indigestion, heart palpitation, neuralgia, lheumatitmi, or any of the other host of troubles caused by bad blood, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will surely cute you. Be careful to ge the genuine with the full name "Dr Williams'Pink Pills for Pale People,' DIARRHOEA WEAKENS THE SYSTEM, and if not checked becomes a chronic cyndition. No remedy compares with Nervine, which is prepared specially for stomach and bowel troubles. As a radical cure for cramps, colic, gai the stomach, summer complaint, n iline excels everything in the medical line, is an indispensible household staple, and costs only 25c. Buy a bottle to-day. Try Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pill Tenders For Supplies, 1904 The under.-igned will receive tet up to noon on Monday, 23rd mat. supplies of butchers' meat, creamery butter, flour, oatmeal, potatoes, cordwood, etc., ert., for the following institutions during the year 1904, viz.:-- As the asylums for the Insane in Toronto, London. Kingston, Hamilton, Mi-mico, Brockville, Cobourg and Orillia:the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto; the Reformatory for Boy« Pene-tanguishene: the Institution for Deaf and Dumb Bell ville; and the blind at Brant-ford. Exception--Tenders are not required nd l!-.; ;.-forni - the Cer irv, Ton A marked cheqi the estimated amount of the payable to the order of the the Provincial Secretar , mu.s nished by each tenderer as a of his bona fides. Two sufficie II be required for the due fulfillment of each contract, and diould thdrawn before the contract is awarded should the tenderer fad to furnish such curity the amount of the deposit 1 Specifications and forms of tender n be had on application to the Departm the Provincial Secretary, Toronto, the Bursars of the respective in-ti The lowest ccepted. ; ,1,1 U the All I rapper mud the ACCURATE MARKET KE PORTS. Of all the daily papers of Toronto, The Daily Star is the one that should mend itself most strongly to read-ivmg outside the city. The Star's Had Been in Four Hospitals bat the dootors did not care him-They said lie would never be -well--Dr. Chase's Nerve Food a won'Jerful nine 1, led! work, my attacks of headachi, sleep, and suffered with shooting pains in the small of my back. I was in four hospitals but the doctors could not cure me. They said I would never be well again. In spite of their decision I began the use of Dr. Chase' Food some months ago, and I a: 1 that I c Mr, Cloutier I have now been at work for over two weeks, and believe that my health has been fully restored. It is a pleasure for me to add my testimony to the hosts of others from persons who have been cured by this wonderful medicine." i=]oi 5 inserting this advertise authority from the depari be paid for it. J. R. STRATTON Provincial Secretar). Building-, Toronto, Noverr Hotel for Sale. I-HE Windsor Hotel in the Village . of Colboi reasonable terms, a good business apply to GEO. BROOMFIELD, 11-tf Colboru offered for sale on The hotel is doing For particulars Live Chickens Wanted. LIVE chickens store, Colbo Thursday mornii ed 24 hours befo wanted at Doyle'i Pumps. WE MANUFACTURE the «r*efea handle MODEL and CON* PUMPS from the BEST MATERIA! at the Old T. Card Factory. Also it-pair all kinds of pumps prompt!) Drop a card. J. J. McCOLL. Grafton. LAZY LIVERS AND SLUGGISH KIDNEYS. When these organs fail to uerforn A REMARKABLE OFFER. This is the day of things remarkable, and it is never safe to prophesy as to where the limits of commercial and business enterprise may lie. A few years ago when weekly papers were reduced in subscription price to one dollar per year, many people thought that cheapness while com bined with excellence could no f urthei o-o. But a more remarkable thing ii now about to happen. On Occober 1st The Enterprise will make offer to its subscribers the like of which has never vet been made by any Canadian paper. As a result of negotiations with the publishers of The Montreal Weekly Herald, and at considerable financial loss, an arrangement has been arrived at whereby it will be possible, for the coming year, to offer the two papers at the extraordinarily low price of One Dollar. When it is remembered tbat the regular subscription price of each paper is one dollar per year, it will be easy to appreciate the sacrifices which have had to be made by each publisher in order to make a joint rate of only one dollar. The price of the two papers will be simply cut in two. As a re suit, we expect to largely increas the circulation of the Enterprise and it is this expectation that has led us to make this unprecedented offer. As will readily he understood, the offer is open only to those subscribers pay- in adv. We 1 ints vith - the Herald, n be made by any other u this district. Fuller par-vill be given in subsequent REXALL DYES These dyes will dye wool, cotton, silk, jnte or mixed goods in one bath. They are the latest and most improved dye in the world. Try a package. All colors. W. A. Douglas, Agent, (Jolborue. W. J, Newman, Agent, Castleton. Fowls For Sale. HE undersigned has for sale a few Thorobred Barred Rocks, Black lorcas, Wyendottes ami several lite Geese. A few Scotch Cooleys Pups are also for sale. W. D. CARD, Maile Lane Poultry Farm, 18-5w Wicklow. Potatoes Wanted. WILL pay cash for good sou merchantable potatoes, co iiiencing Monday, October 19, delivi ed at the Hotel Brunswick cellar. N. D. SNETSINGER, Colbori Strayed. ^'fiHERE . came into the premises of f * the undersigned on or about the s' 23rd day of September, two calves owner is requested to prove property and pay expenses. JOHN THOMPSON, 16-4 Castleton P. O. Wood Wanted. ENTEKPRI.SE 1 For Sale. IfY entire stock of pure shire Sheep, both se 1875. COAXLL'S. 1903. Ever the Cheapest and to buy Best place r 1 Groceries, Hardware, Paints & Oils, Tinware, Stoves, Glass. Sole Agens for Sherwin-Williams Ready-Mixed Paints, Coxall & Co., Colborne, - - Ontario. Wouldn't It Freeze You when cold weather comes to find your old stove not equal to the task of heating your home. Call and see our stock of heaters, ranges, etc., we know we can suit your taste and pocket. Having secured a first-class mechanic from Port Hope we can attend to anything in the tinsmithing line left in our charge. Colborne Hardware Store outram & CO. Opp. Victoria Park, Colborne, CHANGE IN BUSINESS! The undersigned announces that he has purchased the business recently • carried on by A. E. Ireland and respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage, A p<nv supply of groceries and provisions has been placed in stock also a nice line of Trunks and Valices. We are replenishing the stock of boots and shoes, rubbers, etc., and will also carry a line of ready-made clothing. Our prices are right, Call and see our stock whether you purchase or not. G. W. DAVIS, Colborne, Ontario. Silverware. China Hall, Up-To-Date. Fresh id a large shipment of all kinds of Dried Fruits. MRS. A. S. HINDS, %tbaToe: Ingenuous. Sada Yaceo is a charming Japan?-ictress, who is not only profesjMonalh delightful, but in private life says ?> .ictly what she thinks in a way whii offends nobody. The following incider, is an amusing Sample of her naivete During her stay in Paris she was honorci' by a request to appear at n private entertainment given by M. Loubet. Everyone was delighted with her recitations, and the President brought out and pre sented to her a rare and valuable Sevres vase. The little lady gazed at him with that beaming and child-like smile only to be attained by the Japanese. "Very sorry," said she, in her soft broken French. "Very sorry. Not take vase to Japan. Too fur. Get broken. Take money. Very sorry." The onlookers gasped, but Sada Yacco still beamed on the President. She was serenely unconscious of living done anything out of the ordinary way. But she'got her money, and offended* nobody. Wa osition permanent. liusiuess suc-.■ssftil and rushing. Enclose self ad-ressed envelope. Standard House, 15 Caxton Bidg, CIticago. | Pigs For Sale. j XHREE tborougl f.rcd Y-i NOTICE. A .Course in Advertising One Dollar. IMPRESSIONS, a monthly journal of business making ideas and which, during the year, gives a thorough treatment of the different phases of advertising, will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States for One Dollar. Send ten cents for copy, Ic will be woitb dollar to }ou- IMPRESSIONS S . Catharines, Ontario. J. H. DOUGL ■ Ho Huf s to ha 1 Hotel, i • his li isfer- Poultry Wanted. JHE uuket price paid for of dressed poultry lvd to Win. Timlin late of th Trenton. Parties interested will please govern themselves accordingly. 19-2t P. GALLAGHER, Inspector. Agricultural Implements Grain Wanted. __ Highest prices paid | for all kinds of grain mple[delivered at the G. T. Station. all kinds of agric uients and uraT i .pie- BINDER TWINE The slock was purchased from e best factories in Canada and n be seen in the Reeves Block, I lire agri-any kind J.Redfearn &Son G. Er WALKER, Colborne, :uOntario. Coloorne, Ont.

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