®hf (Entcvpr COLBORNE, NOV, itnh. 1903. --Mrs. B. Gaffield is visi in Castleton. . --Mr. D. McLeau of spent Sunday in town. --Mr. C. W. Ramsay of was in town on Monday. -- Miss Burns of Toroi guest of Mrs. Frank L. We --Ladies' Aid Excursion by G. 1 R. to Toronto, Nov. 20th, only $2.0i --Mr. A. S. Chapin who hasb°en i New York city for some months past < ho e for a few days. --H. Gale, edit ■ Exte;:j rthe -Mrs J. Hopkii itiug her pareni :• AdraLuti Patters --be Concert. Co. in the Temper on Saturday evening. --Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Card returned od Wednesday last from a ph visit to Manitoba and the North West Territory. --The appeal of" the Township of HalJiinand against the decision of Chancellor Boyd, re Dickson, was dismissed at Osgoode Hall last week. -- On Tuesday evening last Mrs. J. E. McDonald had the misfortune to Blip on the steps of Mr. M. J. Doyle'f i nearly : residence and break one of the bones -- All the ladies interested in hockey are requested to meet at the Brans •wick parlors on Friday evening, the 20tUinst. at 7:30 o'clock for purpose ororganizing a ladies' hockey club. --Rev T. Watsou and Mrs. Watson fipeDt last week in Montreal guest of Rev. J. L. Gilmoui B. D. and Mrs. Preston. Daring their stay the city their daughter Alice Irene ceivod special treatment in the Royal Victoria Hospital. --Mrs. Finley McDonald has kindly offered her residence to the Willing Workers Society of the Presbyterian church to give a social on Friday evening 27th inst. A good time may b< counted on. -- Mr. Chas. Redfearn left on Wednesday evening to take the position ol first Position as first pilot on the new light ship "Lurcher" which the Poison Co., of Toronto have built for the Dominion Govemmert. Mr. Kedfearn will accompany the vessel as far as •Quebec. --The Rev. M. McKenzie, who recently returned from China, delivered a very interesting discourse in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening last. He gave a graphic descrip tiou of iiis miraculous escape from the Boxers, who had planned to murder him and his companions. --On Wednesday of last week an Old and respected newspaper man passed. ;>way in the person of Mr. George Young, M.A., editor and proprietor of the Trenton Courier, which paper lie established nearly forty ^years ago. The deceased had been In poor health for some time, but was .not considered to be in a dangerous condition until a few weeks before his •death. An impressive funeral service ■was held in the Trenton Methodist church after which the remains were "brought to Colborne for interment. --Miss Adra Luton, Mr. A Black--well Smith, and Miss Irene Hitchcox-Bartlett will give an entertainment in the Temperance Hall, Colborne on Saturday evening next: The Toronto Mail and Empire says:--"A selected audience attended the musical and literary entertainment at the Young Woman's Christian Guild Hall and listened to a choice programme of readings and songs. This entertainment marked the first appearance of Miss Hitclicox, of Paris, Ontario, who has recently been studying in New York. She is known as the "Bird Elocutionist," and her performance >f Nbrthumderland. --Mr. N. D. Snetsinger is paying ■o cents per bag for good souud po-atoesi delivered at the Brunswick Messrs. W. Barton & Son ha' t set of double driving har iale. The harness e $20,041. A jjranil concert will be given under the auspices of the Colborne Public Library, on Tuesday, December 29th. Remember the date. Last week Mr. Joseph Vassaw lost a valuable collie dog. Any inform,,turn leading to its recovery will he thankfully received by Mr. Vassaw. --The Adra Luton Concert Co. will give one of their pleasing entertainments in the Temperance Hall Col-), on Saturday evening next, the 21st. inst Just arrived: another batch of ndow shades, and will be sold e very low price of 25c. for ph d b'Oc. for the very best shades Don aghy'; Suits and Overcoats, Our stock of clothing for men and boys contains some of the best values we have ever offered. Our prices are as low as serviceable goods can be sold for and the perfection of style and finish catches the eye of the man who wants to wear good fitting and dressy garments. Dress in style the first of the season or you miss half the pleasure of it. Buy a new hat or a tie or a pair of boots and get the benefit of the whole season's style and wear. Our new stock has arrived and is ready for your inspection. We have style's extremes as well as its inbetweens. For either our prices are reasonable. Excursion to Toronto by G. T. R on Friday, Nov. 20th by Local trair 6.04 a. m. Tickts from Colborne i Grafton $2.05, good to return up Saturday by any train stopping at these statious. --Messrs. W. Bart purchased a stock of horse blankets at a rate ou the dollar and intend gi ing bargains in this line while they last. First come first choice. See advt in another column. --The Division Courts for December will be held as follows .--Newcastle Dec. 1st, Brighton Dec. 2nd Colborne Dec. 3rd, Grafton Dec. 4th, Port Hope Dec. 14th, Cobourg Dec-loth, Millbrook Dec. 17th. -- Ms. Hear.. Camel] has opened a oe shop in the premises, lately ya-cated by Mr. W. A. T tunny in the Standard Bank Block. Mr. Carnell practical shoemaker and pared to give prompt aud careful attention to all work intrusted to him. --The Willing Workers society of the Colborne Presbyterian Church announce a sociable to be held at the residence of Mrs. Pinley McDonald Friday evening November 27th. All are cordially invited. Refresh-will be served aud a fine pro a of i heir, pre last e to the ening fully justifies he itle. tephen Cook, was found dead ert a short distance north-Ca'stleton. It appears that g man had been to Colborne lie afternoon witli a load of and while returning home rk drove over the end of the thr ikinir . hi.. froi tin Two young lads who had been nitted from Ottawa to the Mimico Industrial School, for stealing a horse nd buggy, escaped at Cobourg station bile the guard was setting tlie>'i some sandwiches in the lunch room. He did not miss them until he had passed Port Hope, when he telegraphed back aud they were found Mdiug around CoboiUg station, --The Toronto Giobe says: "the songs of Miss Adra Lutton were highly appreciated, and won much ap. plause. Miss Lutton has a phenomen al voice, with a range of more than three octaves, a voice which she has under perfect control, and which com. bines strength and sweetness. Her high tones arc wonderful, her presence excellent and her songs were all very effective." Temperance Hall, Colborne, on Saturday evening the 21st --Anniversary services will be held in Colborne Methodist church, on Dec. 6th, 1903. Rev. J. J. Rae will preach morning and evening and address the Sunday School in the aftenoon. ■ . re will be an anniversary dinner H lie Sunday School Hall on the following evening, Dec. 7th. Rev. J. J. Rae will lecture, subject, "Jack and Jill". Admission to dinner and lecture 25c. Good music provided tor all the serviees. Keep the date open. --An auction sale of the live stock Men's Clothing. Overcoats, made of navy blue beaver cloth, well lined and finished, velvet collar...........................5.00 Overcoats, made of dark grey cheviot anc' vicuna, box back, velvet collar, vertical pockets, sleeves finished with cuffs, 8.00 and................................10,00! Overcoats, made of dark grey cheviot, fine finish and very | dressy......................................12.00 Overcoats, made of fancy brown and giey cheviot, full box, back, velvet collar, well lined throught...........15.00 Black Cheviot Suits, doulbe breasted.................6.00: Mixed Tweed Suits, dark brown, single breasted.......6 00 j Black Cheviot, double breasted, well lined and finished. .9.00'I H. B. K. Leather Jackets, wear like a coat of mail, made' of sheepskin and corduroy, reversible, wind proof, cold jj proof, water proof, either side can be used as the right!; side.........................................8.00 j! B. K. Lumbermen's Sox have the wool and the wear, jj We sell them because they are the best. Price per i P^r.........................................75C i Boys' Clothing. : Boys' Suits, 8 to 10 year sizes, made of brown striped tweed, trimmed with braid and velvet collar, very dressy.. 5.00 Boys' Suits, 6 to 9 year sizes, made of blue striped cheviot self strapped, and coat finished with belt..........5.00 Boys' Suits, 6 to 12 year sizes, made of brown and grey tweed, self strapped, well lined and finished.......3.00 Boys' Suits, 10 to 12 year sizes, made of blue striped cheviot, well lined and finished, very dressy...............4-50 Boys' Suits, 10 to 12 year sizes, made of fancy mixed tweed, medium weight and suitable for all seasons.......5.00 Boys' Suits, 12 to 15 year sizes, made of serges and tweeds, colors blue, brown, grey, splendid valnes, 3.50 to 5.00 Young Mei's Suits, 15 to 18 year sizes, made of grey striped tweed, medium weight, very serviceable..........5.00 Young Men's Suits, 15 to 18 year sizes, made of striped cheyiots and fancy tweeds, excellent values, 5.00, 6.oo, 7.00 and......................................&OQ Men's Fleeced Underwear. Heavy weight and closely woven--a special value at J5< $1.00 per bushel paid for dried apples. 20 cents per dozen paid for eggs. Scougale Bros., ^dolboma, - Ontario. and injileniemtsof Mr. Alex Russell will be held on his premises about two miles north of Castleton, in the north half of lot 35, concession 8, in the township of Cramahe on Thursday, Nov. 26th. le list includes a number • , sheep, pigs, a quantity of h mths credit. 1 be given with ele< II. Hicks, Auction* The coroner, Dr.Sanford, was notified, who, after remains decided that an jiot necessary. 'iewing the : inquest was : ONE IN FOUR PERSONS. >ne per- on in everv four suffers more ess from itching piles. Some do not w the nature of their ailment, and ers have not heard of Dr. Chase's tment as the only absolute and guar-eed cure for this distressing disea e. ou are a sufferer ask your neighbor mt this great preparation. It has wn popular as a result of the news of merits being passed from friend to Whitby has a sensation in the icial failure of Mrs. M. Gold, wife fa retired Baptist Minister. Her '. the late Mr. Reiil, left her a property it is said valued at $40,000, bich she had run through and bor-wed in addition, some $16,000 more, le had a mania for dispensing charity NEWS TOO GOOD TO KEEP Persons who have used Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Piils are usually so well j pleased with the benefits derived that they tell the good news to their neighbors, j | There is no medicine which so promptly | awakens the action of the liver, invigorates the kidneys and regulates the bowels as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and for this reason they are unappioached as a family medicine. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers- )JEWEtm Just Arrived! DIAMONDS 1 WATCHES it's Brownie A large assortment of Lamp Goods. Dinner Ware. Toilet Setts. Fancy China. We will give a big reduction for Ijcash on any of these lines. Call |f! and see what we have. H. J. PUAYHEW, ^| | Colborne, Ontario. ||h W. S. DOYLE, ONTARIO. Camera j|iss fie!en Mi Rutherford I Time A. T. c. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! (Puaiiof Or. Edward Fisher.) 'Honor Graduate of Toronto Con- I servntory of Music. -------------- Teacher of Piano and Theory. | Pupils prepared for examination. Box 126, Colborne, Ont. ;. National Hotel, I NEXT TO SEW NATIONAL THEATRE. 1 DENNIS DOUD, Prpp. Main St; "West, Cor. Plymoth Ave.! i ROCHESTER. N. Y. No better tun for boys and 1 8200 girls than picture taking, j instructive too. No. 1, Brownie Camera pic- j TA1 teres 2JX2J, for $1. j en ».g iNOTIC The undersigned have purchased a stock of horse blankets at a rate on the dollar. Parties requiring anything in this line can get them whi'e they last at::::::::::::::: BARGAIN PRICES. No. Brownie, pictures 2\x \ *± for $2. W. A. Douglas j W. Barton & Son, Colborne, - Ontario.