Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 15 Oct 1903, p. 5

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BUSINESS CARDS. MEDICAL. ton Mallory PHYSICIAN 5 AND SURGEON "\ OFFICB : Reive Block, Colborne. A. E. Mallory, M.D., CM., L.R.C.P., & K.R.C8., Ed. ... . % ,- "-. . . T. B. HEWSON, M. D., L. E. C. S., L. R. C. P., EDINBURG. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. Colborne, Ont. 13efice and residence, in thi ^premises formerly occupied by thi late Dr. Thorburn. J H PURDY, DDS, LDS. DENTIST, COBOURG. fl. G, ROBERTSON, D. D, S., L. D. S. DENTIST. OFFICE, SCOUGALE BLOCK. Castletou every Thursday. Frank L.Webb, B A, LL8, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, N 0-TARY, Etc. OFFICE--King St. Colborne, Ontario Company aud private funds to loan on the most favorable terms at 4£ per W. L. Payne, M.A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public and Conveyancer. First Door East Registry Office, Colbormb. H. F. HUNTER, "BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC, ETC. BRANCH OFFICE. COLBORNE. , First door. West Division Court Offii Ground Floor, Yeomen's Block. Attending every Saturday afternoon at Monday until 4 o'clock, p, m, HEAD OFFICE, BOWMANVILLE. MONEY TO LOAN at 4 1-2 Per A. E. Donaghy Has just received a carload of the above tables and is selling same at cost, only $8.00 S. J. rUCKER, UNDERTAKER,COLBORNE, Opposite Presbyterian Church Open Day and Night George Drewry, B.A. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC. E. C. S. HUYCK, K. C. j' Furniture Store, King £ MI8CHLLANSOUS. Smith Hinman -TSSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, . A Lot 13, 'Concession 4, Cramahe, Dundonald P. O. S. Moore LICENSED AUCTIONEER »o* EAST Northumberland. TERMS moderate. Office and Residence, Castleton. G. E. R. Wilson fi ENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL '\j Estate Agent, «-Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cei Office :-- Yeoman's Block. .Liverpool, London & Insurance Co. .-Invested Fund........$30,000,000 Funds Invested in Canada, 900,000 Globe Dwellings, Churches and Farm Property, .Apply to GEO. SANDERSON, Agent, Colborne. Dr. James E. Alyea, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist honor graduate ontario veterinary COLLEGE. OPFICE-Residence, Percy st. Colborne iAll Domestic Animals Treated Scientifically. Lameness and Castration a Specialty. Calls da/ or night promptly attended FARMERS Do not forget to call on M. J. DOYLE for all kinds of Farm Implements, Wagons, Carriage es and Buggies of every description and other ai tides used upon the farm. Money to loan at the lowest possible rate. Also agent for real estate, both farm and village property also first-class hotel property in East Northumberland for sale at a bargain. By placing your order with M. J. Doyle at his office you save the expense that other firms incur by sending travel ers to your home. BEFORE EVENT CRITICISM Is Passionately Resented at Banquet by Lord Alverstone. mates of His Views. London, Oct. 14.--The members of the counsel and the attaches of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal were entertained by the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Marcus Samuel, at a banquet at the Mansion House last night. Attorney-General Finlay and Sir Edward Carson were notable absentees, but most of the others as-sociatud with the case were present. It was a memorable ed by all the ancient cups, cits' liveries and gorgeously appareled footmen. The Lord Mayor proposed the health of President Roosevelt, while the band played the "Star Spi Banner." Then His Lordship posed the toast of th. "Alaskan Boundary Tribunal." He declared that the prpsent method of the submission to a tribunal of a dangerous dispute between two great nations would be a lasting lesson of peace to the world. though the Tribi lustration of art honest and patri by 1 c attempt to solve ibjects hich M.J.DOYLE, Colborne, - Ont. CANADA LIFE Assurance Company Capital and funds over $25,600,000 Surplus profit account over $1,800,000 Annual income over $3,700,000 Assurance in force over $89,000,000 Canada's leading and oldest company Don't insure your life until you have the figures of the " Guaranteed Accumulated Contract and Secured Dividend Policies" only issued by this company aud pronounced the most up-to-date and unique contracts for life or endowment assurance on the Wri ■all , any of R A HART, f£'ENERAL INSURANCE aud Real VI Estate. Money to Loan. -CASTLETON, - - ONTARIO H. Hicks, Licensed Auctioneer, H AS returned to Colbornt prepared to look after r mtrusted to him. Term* H. HICKS. ('.,; J. Reives, Licensed Auctioneer. •Colborne, Ont. MR. R D. PHILP, Cclborne. Ont. Pianos & Organs John Morrow, Agent, - - Colborne. Wright's Rheumatic Remedy. iint for this great Canadia in cure. I can refer you t »le in this section 1 testit ials is one of tho most wonderful ue» of tlie age james mcglennon, 03 Co'borne, Out •-it. Ktc. Recently Modernize! I' R TIME TABLE. GO'nG wf:st cccpt Mondays) ,. . r ight become serious. 1 have fault to find with anything that has been said and done. We have proceeded with great unanimity, and I only wish that those who do not understand the motives of the Tribunal would abstain from attributing motives to its members which do not This open reference to Canadian criticism of Lord Alverstono's supposed pre-disposition towards tho American case caused no little sensation. It was followed by Lord Alverstone somewhat passionately declaring that in a long public career he had never objected to criticism after he had taken a certain course of action, but he did bitterly resent criticism beforehand. Secretary Root followed with a speech. Amid intense silence he depicted Sir Michael Herbert's sweet reasonableness "and the loss sustained by both nations by the Ambassador's death." "Some thought," continued Mr. Root, "that the Americans and Canadians came to London because Alaska was a wonderland ot claimants, but the greatest object lesSon of the whole proceeding was that the United States had such trust ia Great Britain that she was willing to meet and disGuss a question vital to her, not in a neutral capital, but ln a capital belonging to one party to the controversy. Nothing could more emphasize the absolute confidence of all parties in the good faith, generous hospitality and fan-play of the English people." Sir Louis Jette echoed the ments expressed by Mr. Hoot half of Canada, and Senator Lodge declared that the rapidity proceedings was a lesson t tions who avoided such a 1 shod of settlement on the ground of prolonging procedure. Messrs. Dickinson and Robil sponded on behalf of Americ Canada respectively, and Ar.______ dor Choate proposed the health of the Lord Mayor and Lady Samuel. TREND OF INTERPOLATIONS. Ottawa, Oct. 14.--In the Common. yesterday, Sir Wilfrid Laurier read tho following ^nble from Lord Alverstone, the chairman of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal: The flood situat In a Run Down Nervous Condition Subject to backache, headache and dlzzl. ness for years--cured by Dr. Chase. Mrs. Andrew Hewey, St. John Street, Fredericton, N. B., states:--"Last spring I had a sickness which left me in a very run down, nervous state. In feet, for a number of years I have suffered to a great extent with nervous-" freqnently had attacks of headache and dizziness. I also seemed to be very weak and was distressed with pains in the small of the back. T have spent • ■t deal of money medicine but obtained little or no relief until I began taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and Kidney-Liver Pills, and can say that the Mrs. Hewey resuits 0f this combined treatment have been most remarkable. I never had any medicine build me up like the Nerve Food, and I give the credit for curing the pains in my back to Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I cannot speak too well of these remedies since they have done me so much good." To protect you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box. great 1 INSURGENTS ROUTED. Monastir, Oct. 14.--This district is settling down. The insurgents have been routed and practically annihilated in the Peristeri Mountains, though their stronghold is still the meeting place of what insurrectionists remain in the region. Chakalaroff, the insurgent leader, is still at large in the Kastoria district, but most of the peasants who accompanied him have surrendered. The Inspector-General, Hilmi Pasha, in concert with the mixed commission, is arranging to re-build the homes which were destroyed out of Sofia, Oct. 14.--A band of seventy insurgents, caught near the frontier by Bulgarian troops, was sent to Sofia Monday. The general situation is unchanged. Fear is expressed m many quarters that the Turks will oppose the application of the Austro-Hungariaa reform Dlaji*. Figure It Out Yourself! " ' sy. The best of material pluL roper styles--plus perfect •us the most careful workup--minus as much of the price as was ever taken off really worthy goods. The result's obvious--as real as obvious--and as easily obtained as real. We make suits that way. E J COX - Colborne, Ontario. Ready in Earnest Now. "Lbui Ulted 5 to ct. 13.--There is not foundation for state-me in Router a, dated 12th that date. i have made any diplomatic officials or to any person respecting the case. The report is an absolute fabrication. (Signed) "Alverstone." In reply to Mr. Borden Sir Wilfrid Laurier said that no cablegram had been re eived from Mr. Aylesworth. London, Oct. 14.--Nothing was given out regarding the deliberations of the Alaskan Tribunal, which adjourned till to-day. ylesworth, the Canadian relat the question in the Domi Monday on the subject of an interview with him, yesterday made the following statement to the Associat- ' Being asked a few days ago whether there was any likelihood that the decision of the Tribunal would be influenced by diplomatic considerations, Mr. Aylesworth replied, speaking for himself, that he certainly would never consent to give away a single inch of territory he believed to be British." The Canadian story created some concern. It appears certain that neither Mr. Aylesworth nor Sir Louis Jette has the slightest intention of agreeing to the American arguments. The Americans still have no reason to diminish their feeling of hopefulness that some agreement will be reached, this feeling is largely based on the trend of Lord Alverstone's interpolations during the argument. NOTICE. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. In the matter of the South half of Lot ThirtwOne in the Ninth Concee 1M North halfS, of the North half oTLot Thirty One in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Cramahe in the County of Northumberland. ship of Cramahe in the Countv < Northumberland, Yeoman and Job French Diamond of the Township < Percy in the said County, Yeoman Administrators of the Estate of Ge'ir« Henry Moore, late of the said Township of Cramahe, Yeoman, deceased, have applied to the High Court of Jimtice for Ontario, for a ceitiueatc of Title, to the above mentioned prop-1 The Quitting Titles Act' f t!i, <•lat.ii fee. free fl a Mortgage from Eri E. Mallory 'to George Montgomery on the South half of Lot 31 in the 9th Concession of said Township of Cramahe, No. 4276, the said Mortgage being for'the sum of $1000. and assigned to Eliza A. Montgomery. And a Mortgage made by George Henry Moore to Fensome. S. Mallory for the sum $923 00 on the South half of Lot. 31 in the 9th Concession and a part of the North half of the North half of Lot 31 ill the 8th Concession, No. 6316, both in the Township of Cramahe and assigued to George Montgomery and subsequently assigned to Eliza A Montgomery. W11 v pen ng to have any title to ,u- inst iu the said property or any part Thirteenth Day of November, 1903 rile a statement of his claim in my ice in the Victoria Hall in the Town of Cobourg and to serve a copy on L.F. Clarry of the village of Hastings in the. County of Northumberland, Solicitor for the applicants am fill be ed nd the vill be- Title of the said Appl e absolute and indefeasible at law in equity subject only to the in-branees herein mentioned and to reservations mentioned in the '^."itli section of said Act. Dated this 29th da\ of Septomder A. D. 1903. J. H. DUMBLE, Local Master at Cobourg, L. F. CLARKV, Solicitor for Applicants. S. S. Brintnell & Son, General Insurance & Real Estate Agents. Fire, Life znd Accident Insurance.r g. N. W and C. P It, telegraph office . Canadian Ex-irdeis. flee, Scougale The formal millinery openings and show days mark the oeginn-ing of the fall business proper. To-day we swing into the fall campaign with the choicest and best stock of seasonable millinery we have offered our pa.rons. We have a full range of waists and underwear. : : : Miss K. Culver. P. Gallagher, Warkworth. We have always on hand a well assorted stock of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, etc at the lowest possible prices. Also agent for the MIDLAND LOAN COMPANY, PORT HOPE and the NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ENG_ LAND, 100 years old. Money loaned and safe Insurance effected at the lowes possible rates CASTLETON HARNESS SHOP. A full line of all kinds of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS is carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing will receive prompt and careful attention. R, COLEMAN, Castleton Bilious.' Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayer's Pills. Gently laxative; all vegetable. Sold for 60 years. L^fffi.0;: ? I A. o. u. w. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Farm for Sale. AGOOD farm of 75 acres witl buildings and fences, 10 ac ■es of assessment system. $5C0, $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000. |AITH LODGE, No 123, Colborne .Ont., meets O. U. W. Hall every second and ourtli Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m. Vwitiiigbret.hren are always welcome JOS. BELLAMY, M. .W. WM. H. IVES.REC. Jas. Redfearn & Son S. S. Rrfnsr!! F. M. Brintnell, il hard i and cedar, good orchard, well cistern and two never failing • l;s, being south part of lot 12, con. 3, in the township of Haldimand, i mile from Vernonville. Sealed bids will be received to Oct. 5th. One third of purchase money at time of sale. For f.nther pan ticulars apply on premises. Address ROBERT RROOMFIELD. 10 4 Vernonville, Ont. Are prepared to fill orders on short notice for all grades of Scranton Coal also People's Coal. Sheds and office at G. T. R. station. Telephone connection. Jas. Redfearn & Son.

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