®hc Enterprise' COLBORNE, OCT. 8tb. 1903. --Miss A. Bickle of Cobourg is the guest of Mrs. H. Gale. --The ladies of TriDity Church realized $77 from their dinner at the fair grounds on Tuesday. --A grant of $3500 for repairs to Lakeport wharf is provided for in the supplementary estimates which were brought down iu Parliament on Thursday last. --The Village Improvement Society realized $27.75 from tbe voting contest on Fair Day. When the pole was closed Mr. Turney was declared to have a majority of six. --The annual meeting of The Colborne Creamery Company Limited will be held in the Council rooms in the village of Colborne on Saturday, October 10th at 3 o'clock in the after- -The Willing Workers Society of the Presbyterian Church Colborne will bold a Chicken Pie Supper in the Temperance Hall on Holloween, 31st inst. Supper served from 5 to 8. Admission 25 cents. --A moose standing six feet high at its withers, and measuring fifteen feet from nose to tip of tail, was shot near the Fair Grounds at Frankford on Saturday. John Harrington shot the moose which is said to weigh close on to a thousand pounds. All kinds of spectacles, cheap, at H. J. Mayhew's. --Wanted--Two experienced sewing girls, apply to Miss McBrien at Scougale Bros. --For watches, clocks and jewelry, go to H. J. Mayhew, jeweler and graduate optician. --H. Gale, editor Enterprise, is is-uer ot marriage licenses for the county, of Northumberland. --Wanted--A bright young girl is wanted to learn millinery at Scou- --Wanted--Smart young man to learn the trade. The Cornwell Clothing Co. Apply at once. -At o girl to learu dress making apply to Miss Mc Brien at Scougale Bros. --In our last issue a typographical error occurred in the amount of grain threshed on Mr. J. Rutherford's farm. The 1997 bushels was turned out in fourteen hours. --A meeting was held in Trenton last week for the purpose of taking stops towards the establishment of a Apples Wanted. THE undersigned are prepared to take nood sized peeling apples, will pay from 50 to 60 cts. per. bbl. according to size etc. or 40c per 100 lbs. LAKEPOin] PRESERVING, CO-Lakeport, Out. CASTLETON JXtS of that is 2999 plus 2 or 5998 7bs.'*of cheese at 10c is $599.80. This cheese sold for$23052 gross. If this is 1 6 less tl an coo] cured cheese is worth, then $23052 is 5-6 of what we 'night have got or we should have got 1 5 of $23056 or $4610.40 more aud $4610.40 plus $599.80 is $5210.20. If 140 patrons loose $5210.20, 1 will loose $30.01. We squel about losing $1 and loose $30 like men. COLD STORAGE FOR CHEESE. esults by placin he hoop into b to cold storage. lie Best inllottiing. beet and s It is said s ir factory eMichigai The of the Ch a Wicklow Methodis irsday Oct. 15th. Th We have our own ideas about what we should buy because we know just what you ] will buy and we can furnish you with what you want promptly and satisfactorily. If you would like to know something about out new fall stock of men's and boys* suits and overcoats,pay us a visit and look through our assortment. To buy or not to buy is a question easily settled when you examine our stock. Make a permanent memorandum, that we have this season the best fitting clothes, the highest grade |and the best quality of goods we ever sawamong ready-to-wear clothing. These a few items to set you thinking. 's Clothing. the ' Ten's Aid Society will be held Council room on Tuesdaj evening the 13th inst at 7:30 o'clock. Every member of the Society and all who are interested in this work are urged to be present. A statement of the expenses and the work done by the local branch of the society will 1 presented to the meeting. --On Saturday last Mr. R. Snetsip er received the sad intelligence of the death of his sister, Mrs. ,). M. Hall, formerly Miss Carrie Snetsinger, which occurred at the family residence in Winnipeg. Mrs. Hall had been in poor health for some time aud her death was not unexpected. She was in the 37th year of her age aud leaves a husband, one son and one daughter --Wedding bells--A very pretty marriage took place at the home of .Mrs, Seed, ill Colborne on Monday evening, wimp. her daughter Amy and Mr. Ralph J. Rntherfoid wero united jn wedlock. A mimber of frieriu" and invited guests were present and many beautiful gifts were presented to the happy couple. The Rev. P. M. Duncan performed the marriage ceremony. We join the mauy friends in congratulating Mr. aud Mrs. Ruth erford and in wishing them all happi- --The Cramahe Fair which was held in Colborne on Tuesday-proved to be a success in every particular. The entry list was the largest in the history of the' Society being over 2000. The gate reeeipts was alsc a record breaker and showed an attendance of over three thousand people. The large tents were well filled with a beautiful assortment of ladies work and fine arts and the exhibit of fruits and vegetables, which were placed in an adjoining tent, would be hard to beat. The Judges pronounced the exhibit of live stock to be as good as anything they had seen this A car load of Poled Angus cattle from Sarnia attracted considerable atten tion. The speeding in the ring was very interesting. In the free for all Mr. Huffman of Frankford won first money with the pacing horse "Matt" and Dr. Willoughby's "Hebrew" was awarded the second. In the gentleman roadster contest Mr. A. Philp secured the first place and Mr. J. Thomas jr. the second. The running contest was won by R. Heenan, of Grafton, J. E. Alyca, V. S. and W, Thomas. The prize for the quick hitch was also won by Dr. Alyea. The special prize for the best turnout was won by Mr. A. W. Stickle. The Boys Brigade Band, of Cobourg gave a number of pleasing selections during the afternoon. The different events were called on promptly and there was no accident or unpleasantness of any kind to mar the pleasure of the occasion. In the evening the Tern nerauce Hall was crowded to tin doors and every one was delighted with the program which was supplied by Miss r,aDell, Miss Scott a Harvey Lloyd of Toronto. Miss Helen Rutherford rendered very help ful service as accompanist and Mr. S. S. Brintnell filled the position of chairman in a very pleasing and efficient manner. Boys' Clothing. and ■ ■ol! n very ) 00 *3* t, fine finish and j ..............$12 | ' .1 grey cheviot, full 1 •apped and cos self strapped. atendenc; unpopulai sizes, made of blue striped chcv t finished with belt..........5 00 ar sizes, made of browm and grey well lined and finished.......3 0t> r sizes, made of blue striped cheviot ll lined and finished...........4 50 •ear sizes, made of fancy mixed tweed d suitable for all K^ast ear sizes, made of weight and v< serges and tweeds, tkeport o t Colborne ., aud La ; 10:30 3 p. m. The Rev. Mr MacFmlane of Warkworth will preach. --One of our enterprising farmers Mr. E. J. Turpin purchased the first prize short horij bull calf which was exhibited by M-r. Wjlber Winters at the Fair on Tuesday Jast. Mr. Winters ntly made sales of thoroughbred Durliams to Mr. Tuunej of Grafton and Mr. John Usher ot Wick- -The 15th Oct. inst, having been appointed by the Governor General as a day of Public Thanksgiving, the sitting of the Colborne Division Court appointed to be held on that day, will be postponed until the following day at the usual hour and place, of which all persons concerned will please take notice. --At the last meeting of the Haldimand Couucil the treasurer, Mr. Wm. Mulholland, went on strike because the council declined to increase his salary. He accepted the office at $80. but now demands an additional $20. The council will be put to th eexpense of a special audit before the new Treasurer can be appointed. --For Thanksgiving Day Oct. 15th the G. T. R. will issue single fare tickets for the round trip between all stations in Canada, including Detroit and Port Huron, Mich, also to, but not from Buffalo, Black Rock, Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls. Tickets good going Oct, 14th and 15th valid returning on or before Monday Oct. 19 th. --An auction sale of the fane -hock id implements of the late Jas oeh-rane will be held on the Slater Home-tead on the base line one mile west of Grafton station on Tuesday October 20th. The list includes a number of thoroughbred Durham cattle, fifteen lk cows, eleven yearlings, eight two ar old steers, a thoroughbred Jersey w and a heifer, twenty-seven ewes d eleven lambs, forty-eight pigs, ur brood sows one with litrer, a rge quantity of grain, hay, roots, corn etc. and fifty cords of di wood. The sale will conimci twelve o'clock sharp. The usual will be given with twelve n credit. H. Hicks, Auctioneer. hard STARTLING REVELATIONS. It frequently happens that people suffer for years irom kidney derangements without knowing the cause of their backaches, aching limbs and other bodily sufferings, suddenly the truth is revealed to them that they are the victims of serious kidney disease and in imminent danger. There is no medici' e which gives such prompt and lasting relief for every form of Kidnev disease as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. They are positively effective even in the most chronic cases. NOTICE. !N THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. In the matter of the South half of Lot Thirty One in the Ninth Concession and the North half of the North half of Lot Thirty One in the Eighth Concession of the Township of j, Cramahe in the County of Nt>rth- I umberlamh NOTICE is hereby given that Frederick Homer Moore of the Township of Cramahe in the County of Northumberland, Yeoman and John French Diamond of the Township of Percy in the said Couuty, Yeoman, ' ' istrators of the Estate of George Henry Moore late of the said Township of Cramahe. Yeoman, deceased, have applied to the High Court of Justice for Ontario, for a certificate of Title to the above mentioned prop-under "The Quitting Titles Act' whereof they claim to be owners in fee, free from all incumbrances except Mortgage from Eri E. Mallory to George Montgomery on the South half of Lot 31 in the 9th Concession of said Township of Cramahe, jjo. 4276, the said Mortgage being for the sum of $1000. and assigned to Eliza A. Montgomery. And a Mortgage made by George Henry Moore to Fensome S. Mallory for the sum $925.00 ou the South half of Lot 31 in the 9th Concession and a part of the North half of the North half of Lot 31 in the 8th Concession, No. 6316, both in the Township of Cramahe and assigned to George Montgomery and subsequently assigned to Eliza A. Montgomery. Wherefore any person having oi pretending to have any title to or interest in the said property or any part thereof, is required on or before Thirteenth Day of November, 1903 to file a statement of his claim in my Office in the Victoria Hall in the Town of Cobourg and to serve a copy on Clarry of the village of Hastings in the County of Northumberland, Soli< " for the applicants and iu default e such claim will be barred and the Title of the said Applicants will become absolute and indefeasible at law and in equity subject only to the cumbraiices herein mentioned and the reservations mentioned in 25th section of said Act. Dated this 29th day of Septemder A. D. 1903. J. H.DUMBLE, Local Master at Cobourg. L. F. CLARRV, Solicitor for Applicants. Miss Helen M. Rutherford, A. T. C. M. (Punllof Dr. Edward Fisher.) Honor Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Teacher of Piono and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination. Box 126, Colborne, Ont. W: THESELL BOOTS AND SHOES. No part of a person's dress so surely indicates refinement --or the lack of it--as the shoes, No fashionableness of costume will cover a neglect of foot wear. How disappointing after approving the style and fit of a person's dress or suit to spy a pair of unstylish shoes. It takes away all the charm. That our ideas about "Shoe Styles" are correct, has been fully demonstrated. We have a larger range than ever bofore of the correct styles and good fitting etc /V1ADE n Canada. The Empress Shoe. Is made, by a Canadian firm which makes a specialty of ladies' shoes. It's the uncommon lasts these shoes are moulded on that give tbe graceful lines, It's the freedom they give the ! foot and the support they giye the j instep that gives a graceful poise and ■;; carriage to women who wear the I Empress. Made in many shapes, 1 styles and materials. Sold only at | our store in Colborne at $2 to $4. The Slater Shoe, One look at a genuine Slater Shoe will show its excellence of materia], fineness of workmanship and elegance of style. One trial will show its perfection of fit and your need of a comfortable shoe. This feature alone makes the Slater shoe well worth twice its cost They are made by no-^other process but Goodyear welt. Sold only at our store iu Colborne. Prices $3.50 aud $5.00. $1 per bushel for dried apples. Highest prices paid for butter and eggs. Scougale Bros., Colborne. Ontario. A Good Time To Boy A Good Timepiece* H. J. MAYHEW, Jeweler, Colborne. S. S. Brintnell* Son, General Insurance & Real Estate Agents. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. G. N. W. and C. P. R, telegraph office. Daily and weekly newspapers and QuiDte Steam [Laundry, Canadian Express money orders. Money to Loan. Office, Scougale Block, S. S. Brinsnell, F. M. Brintnell. Division Court Clerk. Our Special Values! For the week starting October 5th we are going to offer special values in Crockery and Glasswear. To make room for Xmas. goods we will give a big discount for cash. Call and see, no trouble to show goods. W. S. DOYLE, COLBORNE, - ONTARIO.