Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 1 Oct 1903, p. 7

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ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN Importance of a Definite Plan at the Outset of a Career {Entered according t by duly. called to Peter and Andrew when they were laboring at their nets. Our best opportunities are not those after which we are running around, neglecting tho pressing duties at hand. They are the horny hands of toil which if necessary are just as willing to firmly grip the handle of a plow as to wield a pen or uu-sheath a glittering sword. God's messengers of temporal and spiritual success sometimes api>ear attired in pith the Department of'Agriculture, Ottawa.) A despatch from Chicago says: Rev. Frank De Witt Talmago preached from the following text: II. Sainu-el xviii., 22, "Wherefore wilt thou run, my son?" When Prince Absalom, brilliant mentally and handsomo physically, but depraved morally, the unscrupu-lous leader of all the insurrections of l'le rough gar-David's kingdom, died, at once his staad of being followers were scattered, and tho na- w nt° robes o{ tional upheaval which threatened to Abraham sat at the door of his demolish his lather's throno was tent and welcomed tne three dust «tillerf | stained travelers he thought they No soonc was this tragedy overly common men. When the guests than General Joab, the commander j'eft they revealed themselves as an-of the royal fores*, wisned to send ambassadors. God sometimes the news to the anxious king. He (clothed in homespun. We had bet-wanted to do as other generals have ,fcr grasp as a friend each opportun-clone before and since his time. So .»V that comes. Wo must welcome General Joab turned to one of his j11 <"th full welcome, no matter how young men, Cushi by name, and in | humbly it may knock at our doors, tones of authority said: "Go tell tho j DUTY TO EMPLOYERS, king what thou hast seen. And But a step farther : You must not •Cushi bowed himself unto Joab and [ only serve your employer aright dur-tan " , 1. g the hour scene of the foolish race of Ahimaaz, I would closo it with the glorious raco of Paul, who always served, der that cross whether he preaching or tentmaking. "This one thing I do, forgetting those things which aro behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for tho prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." May God help you to start in that gospel race here and now. For in that glorious race, O young man, you will find the only triumphs, temporal and spiritual, which will satisfy you and which will endure ! G01L UIDffi THE WATER. BRITISH TEST SHOWS THAT SYSTEM HAS VALUE. Subaqueous Storage Would Mean a Great Saving to Cost The manager of the Alexandra docks at Newport, England, some interesting particulars in re-grad to tests of the value of coal stored under water, a system now under consideration by the British Admiralty. Four qualities of coal were taken, the best Monmouthshire coal, which could be procured fresh hewn, and which it is admitted is one of tho best, if not tie best, coal in the world for stoking purposes; coal which had been three years under water; coal which had been ten years under water, and coal recover- I FOR ™ HOME Recipes for th© Kitchen, f Hygiene and Other Notes 5 for tho Housekeeper. ^ THE RACE OF LIFE. Hardly was this command given aj»* the messenger on his way when a italwart young soldier approached the general. He was a physical athlete. His chest was broad and deep, his eye clear and quick. The muscles of his sinewy limbs were moving in perfect action under the covering of his skin. His name was Ahimaaz. He was the son of Zadok. He was a young fellow of intense energy. Ha first saulted tho commander in military fashion, and then said, "Let me. I pray theo, run after Cushi." General Joab looked at the young man in surprise. He then asked this pertinent question: in which to eat and sleep, "Wherefare wilt thou run, my son, and improve your mind aud body fori with Welsh coal, river"coal was a seeing thou hast, im finding to bear? the duties of the following day." I p„r cent, better,'and coal that had ;n years under water 1.8 bet-iter. Coal that had been 1! years under water had lost 2 taking power DAINTY DISHES. "It was necessity which dovoloped my tasto for vegetable dishes," says a woman who is noted for the excellent table she sets and the quality of her cooking, "and it was only after some study that I was able to serve three appetizing meals a day and have meat on the table at each. We cannot call ourselves vegetarians, but when I found tho family health was" not what it should be, and the doctor laid the trouble to an overindulgence in flesh food, why I put I --" -my wits to work, and I do not be- Pot and lieve there is a family in the city|pive tho P1' which has a mow varied table than j ™S ould have re rong licious made of the grated corn. A curry of corn will also make a delicious luncheon dish." ROSES AND CARNATIONS. Of all winter flowers, roses and carnations are beat loved, and--hardest to grow, in ordinary li\ing rooms, if you have a sunny, frost proof kitchen, by all means grow them there. When in bloom they may be placed on exhibition in other parts of the house, but return them to the kitchen as soon as the blossoms fade. The steam, and frequently change of uir to be had in the kitchen serves a useful purpose in the growth of almost all plants. As for soil, clay, loam, well rotted cow-manure and sand is a good combination for the roses--while the carnations requiro a lighter soil, good garden loam in place of clay will be all right. Fine bono meal is an excellent fertilizer, teaspoonful to a 6 or 7-inch well into the soil, daily dip bath THE S. S. LESSON. Text of the Lesson, II. Sam; vi., 1-12. Golden Text, Ps. lxxxiv., 4. The story of David, the king, carries our thoughts onward to tne time when Jesus Christ, the son of David, the root and offspring of David, shall have the throne of his father, David, and reign over the house of Jacob forever in a kingdom that shall never end (Matt, i., 1; Rev. xxii., 16; Luke i., 32, 33). He shall reign and prosper and execute judgment and justice in the earth. He shall reign in righteo, sness, and the work of righteousness shall be nd the efie , 6; Isa. s forev i-ble t i- (Jer. will the United i I not need to be called on then nor JThe Hague tribunal appealed to, for jthere shall be a righteous nation on j earth and all difficulties shall bo set-usalem (Isa. lx., 21; Jer. Kethlel ill havo Sives complain if the' three strong"men' for KepP tho surface soil loose, and whom I have to cater says that they you susPcct worms xn the s°l1',wat aro entirely satisfied to have meat with hmo water-made by slacking only once a day lumP of lime as larS° as a mar and^th trbilTf fWit\hm°St cfear%arrakfdlrin^Urorffbc and the bill of fare they serve to j ^ d Use h tQ S£ their families is that they wish to urate ^ soil and jf ther* are any|r~..& make up the menu and do the cook- worm3 in i+ (h(.v win come to the ' kmS 1 ing 'out of their own heads.' It is BurfaC9 of ^ , - t f lhe drai anointed king of Judahand then king a common weakness, but providing . boUoln Q< tno Dot The; of a" Israel, established by tho Lord, for a family table for at least ten|livTn „,.. + ,.,, ;* „v,.„ilent to correct going on and growing great, for the bTre'rr * " f °„ ^f" ^ Kty of soil and may be used two Lord God f " but requires the study of receipt * c]urin„ tv„ season with Sam- XV1" he mouth of I books and much thought to make it '^'2? .ST the ™. 12,. I 5 and whiclib^T how ^ ( \ *\&^J**^^«^\<^ °f fdSLSK w iPb °L9 a fa^ly wh?re°the mis? P^'i T^* FTZ' *** ^'" ibably been tress is an intelligent and capable ian" th° ^ .d.Pbatn' liderably more woman. It all cornea from careless Iaro complied ; II. Sam. ,ord about c •ything standing (I. Sam. tho four walls of the store but you must also consecrate to ^ niudmen out.-id., good service the other fourteen hours the V. 1Uver' dnll; when you are away from his watch- 1 wrecks in Bristol Char ing eye. Ho has a right to expect ! Is called for the sake that you will spend vour leisure in j river coal, and has p....... a way that will render you more e.h-!»«der water for considerably more woman. It all cornea from careless- f« comPhod Wlth' one can hardIy the lesson to-day he failed cient in his service. That means ten years. This last coal is ness, as I know from my own experi- J;'. „„,__, if „„- „ trreenhnuse this, and consequently there was your employer does not hire you for j « the form of rounded boulders, and Lw. Of course if one has a greennousc mucK tyQ M thenj ft]w jgj eight or ten or twlcvo hours' ser- some portions are ,.Xhprf, arc many vegL,tablos moder. | these directions do not apply. when ^ {aU tQ bp ot)(,djent to the vice. He hires you for every twon- COVERED WITH BARNACLES. ate in prices that, we 'do not even I „,nr WTTTVTMr~TTNWAT<F Lord and trust in our own wisdom ty-four hours out of every twenty- In value of raising steam and ac- thi A of using. One of these is the | BRIGHTENING UN WAKh.. or fo„ow tho wisdom ot- this world. four. He does not say, "Sell me tual working results, in which these German kohlrabi, which is not so One of the best things I have ever when Samuel was judge the ark of your time from 8 a. m. until 6 p. | coals were tested, they came out fn different from cauliflower or turnips, tried for keeping tins bright is wa- the covenant was returned to Israel m. but he says : "Sell mo your-this order: First, river coal second, | but is more delicate than tho latter j terlime. This is a soft brown sub- bv the Philistines, into whose hands time from 12 o clock noon until 12. coal that had been ten years under and makes an agreeable change in'stance that polishes metal without it had fallen, on a new cart drawn o clock noon. l will then give you water; third, fresh coal, and fourth, vegetables. To cook it: j scratching the surface, and is very by two milk cows (I. Sam. vi., 7- fourtecn hours of every twenty-four! coal that had been three years un-j ..ryel. Cllt in sliccg and on cheap. 12), and it found a resting place paring their values j just enough water to cook Cook Also scruD >"our tins with a Arv \ for twenty years in the house of river coal was 4 i tender and when nearly done add I cloth; then take dry flour and rub it j Abinadab at Kirjath-jearim (I. Sam. Why." Cushi will tell the king all "he I ""iome'time" ago I was "talking* with I bc^nTen y^lltWdel wali 1*8 tf salt' Make a cream sauce, season «n your hands, and afterwards take vii., 1, 2). David, being now es-wants to know. All that you can a hard headed and yet a clear mind-Iter Coal t hit h„ j h«„ ' white P°PPer- salt, and a little grat- an old newspaper and rub the flour tablished king, determined to have do is to get out of breath, and run led farmer upon this subject. He I yea*rs under water Had IoTum !pd nniimeg, if liked, toss them in this off, and the tin will shine as well j the ark brought to Jerusalem, and and run and run. and yet accomplish said : "You are right. I do not hire • cont of itg wo -kinir nower 'rh,' 8,a"co' let ik boil «P once, and serve M 11 !la!f a" hour had beon sPeIlt ,n !80 Pished a tabernacle for it the.e nothing." But the young man would my farm hands from chores to! oldest coal g n '> the 1- rt ■ e«ulis in 1 vtTy hot" Thoy are delicate and de-!rubbine them with brick dust orj(vcrbC i7) and proceeded to bring it listen to no reason. Ho again beg- chores, but I hire them for twenty- st(.an ,.nisil,.r ",.„'„,.„' "tt,.,d s,ls',p:n 1 licious. powder. to its resting place in the Holy City. n-Ad n.e commander to let him run. f"ur i,ours out of twenty-four. I cd „ro oml "dc^j consumption" per I "AU Ul* member of the cabbage | Another good thing for brightening | now David knew that none ought to square'foot. family are good if properly cooked, i tinware is common s<ida. Dampen a | carry tho ark .of the-Lord but the But, as in practice it is not likely |They must be hoiied just long | cloth and diP in soda and rufa tb«|Levites, whom the Lr--^ I four hours out of twenty-four. Then, General Joab, impatient to get j expect them at night to take eight rid of the persistent suppliant, sharp- j hours' sound sleep, so that thoy ]y replied, "Run." And Ahimaaz ran. His race was foolish, because , . it was without an object, unless he \mg , wanted to outstrip Cushi, the auth-l^* messenger, as the bearer "All the meml family are good i fit condition "for my work. Some I thaT coal' will ^^red'fo"1 more I enough; T little o ago I had a young man work-1 than three years the broad working ing will spoil them. deduced that coal can should ha who was would go t< After the chores fine fellow. >ok- ivil tidings. In such i I o'clock- could t>e no prize worth the winning, no goal but disappointment, no recognition of the tremendous expenditure of energy. He ran aa thousands of young men do, who, leaving their proper post of duty, •come in eager haste to our largo drlmkcn loa: cities, neither knowing nor caring for young mar what purpose they are entering the no sleeps, o^oryjbe stored fr he" would get with the boys and ^triv-^-,- 'ce-T'"' drink and gamblo until 1 or 2 churchward •niiig. Tho result (;rcat Western' - that young man , that „;c, ,oss in stack^^Jj^ ABOUT 10 PER CENT. . ed, briskly, after which wipo dry | to carry it and to minist t will look equal to new. To ! (I. Chron. xv., 2), yet prcrvent the rusting of tin rub fresh | people adopted the Philistine the to three years loss of not more its steam value. > the lid 9 engineer cf the Id salted water, with jlard pver overv Part of the dish, and thod and a other ingredient, no soda,' and |then pu*,in a^uot °7en ,and heat it | thus starte ly nodding and sleeping aw handle. I had to discharge! Since then he has deteriorat- ed, until he is i the Mer i kept off and the s, tho surface of the wa- j sprouts take fifteen 3k, and cabbage audi een to twenty accord-! Thus treated, any tin-; used in water constant- I great ;iin bright and free from " all with it from the house i.b. They started with raising the Lord with to go well till' thej s of life A PIONEER JOURNEY. Life, in tho first place, can be apt- , wi.il i tin l tho first place, pared to a pioneer's journey American continent where trod be- takes, with ' interpn fore. Although millions and bil- j lions of human beings have lived, there is not out of ail those multitudes who h.-.3 had juslt the same dange s to face us havo you and I. Each man as an individual must be- : come freo thinking and free acting. Ho must decide his own course. No other can place himself in exactly his position. Young men, you are going to meet temptations apd dangers whicli only your eye can see and only your ear can hear. It is absolutely essential that you have a moral code by which you can lie able to discern quickly right from wrong. You should haive a spiritual compass which will teach you how to steer clear of tho concealed ivefs and tho jagged rock of sin as the mariner . protects himself against the destruo- .' .•> tions of the sea by chart and mag- con( nctic needle. You should have an in- Lr dicator which lifts tho danger sig- j Rl nal of sinful explosions, as the en- ! ef., ] gineer, by watching the water in his Uft] glass tube, knows when the boilers ((.. t, by his side arc doing their proper!^.,,..' work. You should have this moral thei com;.ass because tho first great cs-;ot;10 sontial for every true success is that *M.<.,; a young man shall be honest, that fluei he' can and will distinguish tight j the from wrong and do the right, no j not matter what the temporary cost may j ball be. It should be to you spiritually ' righ what in a temporal sense tho com- men pass is to the explorer, plunging in- | then to the darkness of a South American | wou jungle. ing. If this fact be true--and it is true I lner' --where can a better moral code be eay> found than that writton between the covers of the Holy Bible? Where is Tt there a book which can better in- aud spire one to tell the truth and bol^i,,, honest ill his financial dealings'? j ^0 fc Where is thero one that will better the build up such a character 83 will cou, make tho banker trust the man's I day-note and employers feel that his reco hand is honest and not that of a ia n thief? "Satan," once said John Knox, "cannot prevail against a man whose left hand bears a light tc illuminate his sight when he sevrches tho Scriptures in the hours of the night." Is not this true in reference to all honorable lines of business? Alexander Pope's most famous poetical line is, "An honest man's the noblest work of God." How can a nothing but a j Rail 'ell me what a \ 12 per cent, if kept over- a year. Tho!- melllDe and drinks, how'loss was chiefly in the first "year. The;""'1"'!'. , con.b0 :h exercise he los= is greater also in hot'climates ,'y l"sl,' mpanions he as-. Vice-Admiral Lord Charles Beresford c.hecs*t * dcs,r^' iro his pleasures [ estimates it as high as 50 per cent ,lrst Doue<1 and .ally. Even assuming that|friGd brow» aftor. It is placed in a _____linal loss in a hot country j6 shallow dish, and butter, proportion than you can: only 20 per cent., it is of very great ol three ounces to a pound, added .'ing what he | importance to have subaqueous fetor- with a larSe cupful of brown sane., rrom tsa. in. to 6 p. m., when I ago for naval purposes. land a saltspoonful each of salt and 3 at work in tho store. | TiK.n.fore storage in a concrete popper. It is stirred well and cheese ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN. reservoir holding, say, a quarter 0f!K«»t«l liberally over the top and " offer'baked twelve minutes. These are eer. ! hearty dishes, but men usually like s of j fhenti. going to read V'What me'.i « w" pow"r f,n' K"1Rth ot tim0 roasonablj' I "Mushrc and course o'l..', u, , ;'""'"' 0 ";,vn! slo'° whUh co,,ld '"' than they to attend ■> ' Ho., -Iiv ,'"',',it» "aMly Vvhon "c*dwl ,bv Pumping|that tbey '-""*>•, aim which could I they arc uickly and ENGLAND NOx A rAHPEE. i Pockets o f&iched--The chon, when the oxen stumble.!. (Jz-zah took hold of the ark to steady of the cabbage ! Still a Little Money in Pockets oi jit, and God smote him and he died ■ved in a second- Her Sons. I there' by the ark of God. David was ately baked with ,, . , . ' ■ . „ displeased and afraid and would not The cabbage i, ^spite tho croakings of pessimists att take the a].k farthc ."I about the alleged de-generation of placed ln the hous o'ledom, the Gittite. where it renu three months, bringing i blessing^to the i had it brought i ing to the law, prepared f I during the c wild be test POOR OLD MAN! ns should be used more •e. There is a false idea e a dish for the rich, and .hey arc but comparatively little inown, even with all that lias been >aid about them within the last few •ears. Most people only know them i tb_ dotad(> „h -is they are found served at a res-' aurant, little tough, tasteless canned >utton mushrooms. They can be and help to give Despi about the alleged doge the nation caused by tho foreign commercial rivals, England I fo^ is far from becoming poverty-stricken. She has experienced an enorm- nation. During the past decade tho general growth of the wealth of the nation has been extraordinary. The inland revenue commissioners who administer the income tax, have just Issued a statement showing the increased wealth. In 1805 the incomes returned from taxation total-£■486,000,000. These figures re- • of Obed- i David sel i the t present only th< I business. specially symbolized the presen Jehovah, for from above the seat, from between the two bim, the Lord had said th would commune with Aioses David's ol Tho nes froi God ; id for < the ri2",i>oo,ooo. s showing the world-wid its of Englishmen, the reis report that during t ponded upon obe.iieiK had no one but hii :• all this trouble. > £65,000,000. i £62,000,0 tity of pepper : stock of milk, hem. anil they i 189E i this : Da: the of it i lie inliur ■ the. They could personally the right kind of examples When on the diamond t "would steady the team." A GLORIOUS RACE, enemies of Christ have a aising his bend,' clawlike hand ic income tax produced £25 JO. it is known that fifteen per-1 ties to-day seem "to be full of new >ns in the kingdom pay taxes on j carts, having adopted the world's comes exceeding £50,000. 6In ways so as to please the world--like eland only ono man returned an j David carrying the ark of God after come of more than £50,000. lie the manner of the Phi istincs. Every-lys on an income of £100,000. | thing in the line of fairs, festivals, While the figures do not show the! lectures and entertainments to help comes of living Englishmen, thej carry on tho Lord's work is the heritanco tax statistics shed light ! same in principle as David's new i the huge fortunes left during the i cart; so also are surpliced choirs, ist year. The last fiscal year pro- j hired singers who know not God and iced' in inheritance tax £18,000,- j all that is mere outward show in the ' who says th pa 1CC j 000 and three clove nd pepper ai is £303,000.000. " million sterling; 45 left B I between £250,000 and £500,000; I' s j 131 left between £100,000 and j' 0 £150,000; 904 left between £25,000;: "land £50,000; 2.212 people died!: • I worth between £10,000 and £25,- \ '• 000; 16,418 persons left between £1,-d j 000 and £10,000. '. I A CLOSE RELATIVE, ,rshiP ,d in ' ruth. i beginning t lUght i that rship of I. ho •coniplishoKl by His Spirit ord in the name of Hii irvant (Isa. xiii, 1), the M rael, the Lord God cf i laac and Jacob, the Lc , Him ' all tin. ado t ul.V 1 than through the constant absorp tion nf the Scriptures? WELCOME OPPORTUNITY. God never calls a man to what he cannot get. Bishop Potter, I think it was, once made this very wise saying: "Our be-t thoughts aro those which seek us and not those which we seek." God's opportunities in the tmmo way are those whtah seek us when we aro at work. Christ lishme^t.S bI°Ee"\va1 he knew that that j not drink and caro would have oung man woul lse and that h good influence over hi men. un, my young friends, I hav often heard young men say, not pay to be a Christian.' every standpoint it pays. It pays pa ,JL on account of your own happiness. ' It pays in dollars and cents on account of your faithfulness and work, and it pays on account of your influence over others. Let us one and all to-day enter into our first great partnership. ' Let us sign ourselves with Jesus Christ. Let the Saviour trouble, be the head, the great head, of that and Jesus Christ be the dlrec- ell you a little about. V urn," the volunteer guide continued, li 'This is nn unusual occasion. The j b ultan rarely leaves his palace. Just , .leavy guard to pay his holv duties it does at stainboul, and once each week-- T--the ceremony of the ►served. Then he goes e down the hill or of c The ci - lives ss is tho most honored of y jind heavenly signs in s than one. Therefore, as I W); the only ich lie leaves the palace, e seems a powerful mon-is--but I wouldn't take t any price. Trouble, y moment of his life, th foreign countries, ome, trouble with his ible with his harem, *as-spies about him day and Id you be the sultan?" :i, as she turned away, The poor old man!"- inrii vidu- i Jack : Did j . grei will feel t butnlf it7s crated itbc tailor' as^ed 1 uut ii it is giatea him?" Dick unpleasant effects. vh * dW she sav, n are delicious. * ' n--or canned Mock pint of grated ground in a mortar, and pressed through a sieve, can be used--is mixed with a cup of flour, one egg, two ounces of butter, three tablespoonfuls of milk and salt and pepper to taste. Moth< The oysters are dropped fro -- spoon into the hot fat or fryin as much in the shape of oystei possible, and served hot with a you yo garnishing of parsley. Corn pudding i dignan and green corn griddle cakes are de- J though gave bin "What was u t him he was cut that ended it, 1 "Yes, he didn't tting t Jock : "She told it." Dick : "And tppos-e ?" Jack: ?ss his suit furth- ■ (to small boy going into countrs-): "Frank, have you vervthing you will need Ti "Yes ma." Mother: "Have • tooth-brush ?" Frank (in-y): "Tooth-brush ! Why, I I was cr'?iug for a holiday!" God and be of s hastening His K willing to have in us and obedier for likewise we i however good in have been only wood, hay an ble, in the sight of God and n burned up (1 Cor. iii, 11-15) to believe ' o His < 7 find < mid 1 ■ Loi Tfcat He can hold will take His will, above the chiefest good,

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