THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XXI.--No. 13. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. I, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year BY THE CROSS. •'now there stood bt the cross of jesus his mother" john 16: 25. Described upon tbe sacred page Appears a scene where tempests rage Like waves that foam and toss, Wherein we see the Lord who dies, And then we view with wondering eyes His mother near His cross. The love which made her strong and bold Was precious as the finest gold To which all else is dross: In sight of all His wounds and blood Through all those hours there bravely stood His mother near His cross. The love which watched Him bleed and die Was like the shining seraph's eye Which changes not its gloss: All human love is helped and blest Bv what in her was manifest Who stood beside His cross. While she beheld her son expire Through all her nature raged the fire. Of pain and grief and loss; True help must her example be To all who through the scriptures see His mothei near His cross. Dalesville .Que. 1903. T. Watson. FALL FAIRS. Cramahe, in Colborne Oct. 5th-6th. East Peterborough Oct. 13 -14. Coe Hill, Oct. 1. Ameliasburg, Oct. 2-3. Warkworth, Oct. 7-8. Wooler Oct. 9. FRANKFORD MERRY, HAPPY BABIES. There is no greater treasure on earth than a healthy, happy, merry baby. Anything therefore that will keep the little one in this condition is a priceless boon to mothers. Mrs. Wm: Bull Maple Creek, N. W. T., tells how she accomplished this end; she says:--"1 am happy to say that Baby's Own Tablets have done my baby girl a world of good. She was badly troubled with constipation and very cross and peevish, but since using the Tablets siie is all right. I give her the Tablets once or twice a week and she is now such a merry, happy little thing that there can be no doubt Baby's Own Tablets are just tho thing for little ones." jjere is a lesson for other mothers who want a safe and certain medicine for the ailments from which their little ones suffer from time to time. These Tablets are sold under a guarantee to contain no opiate or harmful drug, and they are good for all children from the new born babe to the well grown child. Sold at 25 cents a box or sent bv mail by writing direct to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock - ille. Ont. BRIGHTON. worth of valuable watches aud rings as well as about ninety customers watches taken. Mi. B. B. Ostrom heard the explosion and oil comiug out on the street was fired upon by the robbers. No clew to the "robbers has yet been discovered. Mr.- Hadley . feels his loss very keenly as the Stolen property represented the sav- MOUNT PLEASANT. . R. Simpa ■. H. Walk* n of Cambellford v Miss Gertie ar.d Master David Dingwell were visiting at Mr. J.. D. McGregors on Sunday. Mr. B. Weiton of Castleton is around cutting corn with his corn binder which does excellent work Two young men one from Norham vicinity and his friend from Morgans-ton neighborhood have tfken frequent drives through this burg lately. On Tuesday afternoon quite a number of ladies met at the home of Mrs. Ryckman, where they spent the time very profitably, quilting. Mr. H. Bounds of Cramahe Hill has leased for a nusubei of years, th: larm owned by Miss McTavish of Colborne, now occupied by Mr ' Sammis- The excitment of Toronto fair is all over and now our own township and county fairs are soon coming, in which the young men and young ladies should take a keen interest ami compete for the prises. Why is it that Ayer's Hair Vigor does so many remarkable things? Because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair Hair Vigor cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. k^When I first une.t Ayer's^Hiir Vlgornrj Gray Hair Mr. J. S. Louden Inspector of the tnndard Bank was iu town last week ispecting this agency. Mr. C. A. Lapp, Edifor of the En-gn is on a trip to the coast, combin-ig business with pleasure. Mr. Jsmes Phillips, formerly of Brighton but now of Rochester, is spending a few days in town. The Guy Brothers Minstrels are to be here next Saturday evening and The Merchant of Venice is to be played on Oct. 5th Quite a number of people from here er.t to Cobourg last week to hear the Coldstream Guard Band and all vere delighted with the entertain- It is reported that the recent hold-ips in this locality are being investi-jaledbya Provincial Detective and t is hoped that the guilty parties will >e brought to justice. The Street Fair on the 16th and 17th was a decided success considering the fact that the second day was wet in the forenoon which prevented a great many exhibits being shown. There was a good crowd in the afternoon of the second day and everybody seemed to thoroughtly enjoy them-selves. Although practically everything except the concert was free, the committee had money to spare after paying all expences and prizes. Much credit is due to Sam Nesbitt, H. J. Scripture, E. Bntler an 1 A. Becker as well as the ether members of tbe committee who worked hard to make COLD SPRINGS. EDVILLE. Mr. Edward Cochrane M. P. was home from Ottawa on Sunday last Mrs. J. S. Hodgens and daughter Laurine were visitiDg Mrs. Brintnell last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of Rochester made a flying visit to Mr. Edgar Waite on Sunday last. Miss Lilian Potter of Bowmanville is vititing her aunt Mrs. George Her ■ington of this place, for her health. We understand that Mr. James Dr'nkwalter lias purchased of Mr. Lee the old Drewry homestead and intends moving his family to Colborne in the near future. the a Mr. Ed Lacey is recovering from effects of a badly sprained foot. Mrs. Philips has come to reside with her daughter Mrs. Jos. Harper. Mrs. (Dr.) McBride has returned from a visit with friends in Kingston, The Mission Band did not forget their little Indian friends iu Manitoba. Besides other things they sent a quilt j and ten neately dressed dolls, j Mrs. Macdonald, who has been I visiting her mother, Mrs. Johu Hors-j burg, has returned to Portage la I Prairie, accompanied by her niece, Misi IdaMoffatt. Mrs. Richard Maryland, who has been visiting during the summer with j her brother, Mr. David Macintosh, sr., has gone to Crystal City to visit her daughter Mrs. (Dr.) Riddoll. She was : ccompanied by her graudaughter, Miss Nettie Riddell, who has been visiting friends iu this vicinity and at different places in Ontario. The bale of clothing sent by Cold Springs W. F. M. to Jeffrey School Mission, Lake of the Woods, was valued at $31. Among other things in the bale were three new suits of clothes to clothe a boy, a protegee of the society, for the year. Mrs. Ross contributed a quilt as she has done for the past eight years. Miss Hors-burg, who has contributed a quilt for the past four or five years, also gave one this year. Other liberal contributors were Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs, Jas. Thompson and Miss Hoskin. (JENTRETON. The recent frost did considerable damage in this section. iss Alexina Mc Bride, after visitiDg friends in Rochester, is home again. We regret that Mr. Roy Crossen, ho has been ill for some time, is still very low. e understand that the district league convention will be held here about the second week in October. Mr. John Brewster is improving his premises by electing a building. He has the mason work all done and expects to have the building completed in a short time. Miss Dollie Leak who was recently visiting friends in this section was taken seriously ill on her return to her home in Colborne, We are pleased to learn that she is getting better. SCRAWNY PEOPLE. People grow thin, scrawny, pale and weak when the blood is thin and watery. What is needed to round off the angles and fill out the form, is not fat but healthy muscular tissue. By enriching the blood and increasing its nourishing qualities Dr. Chase's Nerve Food adds ■flesh and tissue to the body as well .iew vigor and energy.. You can prove this by noting your increase in weight while using this great food cure. A REMARKABLE OFFER. This is the day of things remarkable, and it is never safe to prophesy as to where the limits of commercial and business enterprise may lie. A few years ago when weekly papers were reduced in subscription price to one dollar per year, many people thought that cheapness while com bined with excellence could no further go. But a more rema-kable thing is now about to happen. On October 1st The Enterprise will make an offer to its subscribers the like of which has never vet been made by any Canadian paper. As a result ot negotiations with the publishers of The Montreal Weekly Herald, and at considerable financial loss, an arrangement has been arrived at whereby it will be possible, for the coming year, to offer the two papers at the extraordinarily low price of One Dollar. When it is remembered tbat the regular subscription price of each paper is one dollar per year, it will be easy to appreciate the sacrifices which have had to be made by each publisher in order to make a joint rate of only one dollar. The price of the two papers will be simply cut in two. As a result, we expect to largely increas the circulation of the Enterprise and it is this expectation that has led us to make this unprecedented offer. As will readily be understood, the offer is open only to those subscribers paying in advance. We have made exclusive arrangements with the publishers of the Herald, and no similar offer can be made by any other journal in this district. Fuller particulars will be given in subsequent Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy fcr the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of I,eucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. «I used four bottles of your ' Favorite Prescription' and one of'Golden Medical Discovery,'" writes Mrs. Elmer D. Shearer, of Mount-hope, Lancaster Co., Pa., "and can say that i am cured of that dreaded disease, uterine trouble. Am in better health than ever before. Everyone who knows me is surprised to see me look at times i could not walk. To-day i am cured. I tell everybody that Dr. Pierce's medicines Free. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent/ra: 011 receipt of Stamps to pay customs and mailing only. Send 50 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound v-. •-ume. Address World's Dispensary Medics! Association, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. SALEM. Mr, I. C. Gould has gone to Michigan to visit his daughter Mis. W. Gilbert. The black paeer has been sold and, a uother black has been purchased to replace him. •Mr. A. W- Sabins has given up e made a mistake when w about the sale our cheese. It sold for ll|c per lb. instead of life. We are nlcased to hear that Mr Vanslyke of Little Lake is recovering from the very serious injury which sustained by a waggon passing r his body. is reported that an attempt was made during the last week, by a bftfglar or a vagrant to enter tho house of a resident of this neighborhood at night, but did not succeed. Some are prepared to give such a warm reception. WANTED. CULL apples of hard varieties and all sizes. Boxes furnished Write quick to D.P. CORY, Consecon. Nervousness and Indigestion Dizziness, and slc'onrndashe cured, and health bull', up by Ur. Chase's Nerve Food. Capt. William Hennebery, 85 Lockman St., Halifax, N.S., states:--"Before I began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was troubled a great deal with dizziness, nervousness and sick headache, which seemed to be caused from indigestion. Since using this preparation for a time, all these distressing symptoms have disappeared and I consider that I am entirely cured. I never used any e that seemed tc Hotel for Sale. f HE Windsor Hotel in the Village I of Colborne is offered for sale on reasonable terms. The hotel is doing a good business. For particulars apply to GEO. BROOMFIELD, 11-tf Colborne. It's Brownie Camera Time build me up so thoroughly, and to-day I am in better health than I have been for several years." By noting your increase in weight while using this great food cure, you can prove for a certainty that it is adding new, firm Capt. Hennebery flesh and tissue to the body. Through the medium of the blood and nerves Dr. Chase's Nerve Food sends new vigor and energy to every organ of the human system, and overcomes disease. 50 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates and Co., Toronto. To protect you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W, Chase, are on every bos. No better fun for boys and girls than picture taking, instructive too, No. 1, Brownie Camera pictures 2^X2^, for 1. No. 2, Brownie, pictures 2^x 3i- for 2. A large assortment of CLOCKS! at H. J. MAYHEVV'S Jewelry Store. Alarm Clocks from $1 to $2. Kitchen Clocks from $3 to $5. Mantle Clocks from $8 to $10. Every Clock a Timers ce. Our personal guarantee with each clock we sell, BUY A CLOCK NOW. H. J. MAYHEW, J™tf ool borne, Ont. Everything in the line of STOVES, RANGES& HEATERS We give you stoves at any price you wish. A complete line of stove pipes, elbows, dampers, etc, always on hand. Colborne Hardware Store, OUTRAM & CO. Opp. Victoria Park, Colborne, W.A.DougEas Temperance Hall, Colborne, One Night Only! Saturday, October 3rd, Canada's greatest young tragedian, Mr. Elmer Ruffham, as "Shylock" in 'The Merchant of Venice" supported by Miss Annie Lovering and a selected company of players. Complete scenic production. Beautiful Venetian scenes. Magnificent costumes. The Event off the Season. Prices, adults 35c and 50c, Children 25c. Reserved Seats on Sale at Griffis* Drug Storel