?.1w (ButMpwa. COLBOHXK. SEPT. 24th, 1903. SCHOOL BOARD. A regular meeting of the Colbornt Board af Education was held in the council room on September 21st, 1903. Members present:--Messrs. Mallory Payne, Lowe, Terrill, Webb, Cox, Snetsinger and McCallum. The minutes of the last regular meeting and the adjourned meeting were read and confirmed. Moved orally,by C. J. McCallum, seconded by W. L. Payne: That Dr. Mallory act as chairman pro. tem. --Carried. Communications re seats were read and filed. Moved by W. L. Payne, seconded by C. J. McCallum: That the following orders be drawn on the treasurer in favor of the following parties for the amounts set opposite their respective names: E. N. Mayer & Co. blackboards $G3 45 W. Bellamy, express charges 1 00 W. A. Young, cleaning closets 4 00 1.'. CbXa.ll, nails.............. 72 W. H. Ives, lumber........... 4 20 F. A. Philp, repairing........ 16 20 J. Reive, " ....... 50 W. A, Douglas, supplies...... 4 35 W. C. Griftis ....... 2 80 Map & School Supply Co. H. S. 28 66 S. S. Brintnell, advertising and telegraphing............... 2 83 --Carried. The chairman then declared the meeting closed. A. A. Gould, Secretary WELL AND STRONG. A WONDERFUL TRIBUTE TO THE POWER OF DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS TO CURE STUBBORN DISEASES. Proof upon pi oof h-AS accumulated that Dr. Williams' Pi'uk Pills will cure when doctors, hospital treatment and all other medicines fail. Paralyzed limbs have, been restored to strength, rheumatie sufferers made well, weak, anaemic girls and women made bright, active and strong: neuralgic pains banished, and the poor dyspeptic given a digestion when it seemed almost hopeless to expect a Here is a bit of strong proof that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bring health and strength after years of suffering. Mr. Louis Brien is a well known resident of St. Diilace, Que., and tells of his yeais of suffering as follows: "Eleven years ago, while working in the but f and broughi 0N Jas. Redfearn & Son Are prepared to fill orders on short notice for all grades of Scranton Coal also People's Coal. Sheds and office at G. T. R. station. Telephone connection. Jas. Redfearn & Son. my otible ned I and back, strained i vhen the locate. I had fre-itiug, which caused Sometimes I could SMI 1 i!F!!.[.!>. Mrs e OiS rhas gone routo for a few days. Mr. H. Head is putting extensive repairs on the factory. A little baby girl was welcomed the parsonage last week. Miss McDonall of Belleville is 1 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hanna. Mr. Louis Terry of Michigan has come to visit his old borne and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allard of Lovett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrington. Mis. Edward Tweedle and Mrs. J. M« Master spent a few days at Walk worth this week. Mr. and Mrs. Reed of Spring Brook spent a few days the guests of Mrs. J. Doonan this week. Mrs. Alice Genver and family of Muskoka is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Rogers, of York R '.-id, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tweedle. Mrs. Isaac Smith has gone to Belleville to visit friends and also to hear tho Coldstream Guards Band. Miss Young of Campbellford and tit-ter Mrs. Reed are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mrs. Isiah Tweedle and family spent Saturday at Brighton the guest of her mother Mrs. George Maybee, Mrs. Scott Hutchinson and family and Miss Seeds of Lovett were tht guests of Mr*. Win. Tweedle, Friday-Mr. Wm. Twiddy has goue tt Toronto where he has secured ii position as druggist. We all wish him success. Mr. Fred Collins who has been in Port Arthur, is home for a short visi( before goiug to Kingston to finish hit education. Mr. Arthur Twiddy has gone to Trenton where he has secured a position with Mr. W. E. Blakely to learn to be a jeweler. Mrs. Chas. Cook who has been spending several weeks the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G W. Bui lis, has retur ed to her home in Rochestei. Mrs. Henry May and her sister M-V> rn. McCauley of Hilton are taking a trip to Toronto, Detroit, and different places of interest in the west. The funeral of the late Mrs Robert 1 cMasters, Sept. 22nd, was very h.igely attended. Deceased was an l.ghly respected resident of this place, 'i he Rev. McKce took charge of the s. ivice. Interment took place at Gieenwood cemetry, i time 1 would be wholly unable to lo anything; but even at the time I touid work I was always suffering. U different times I was treated by ihree doctors, but they were uuabie o help me. Then I went to Montreal and put. myself under the care of t doctor there. His medicine reliev-;d ine while I was inactive, but as oou as I attempted work or exer-ion of any kind, the pains returned vorse than before. All this time I vas growing weaker and less able to The Enterprise Announces the most remarkable proposition ever made by a Canadian publication to its readers : ^ iWO * DOLLAR-PAPERS FOR ONE DOLLAR ..By special airangement, and at heavy cost--justifiable only by the cer-"talnty of largely increasing our subscription list--we are enabled to offer cut paper and The MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD a^great dollar weekly, for ONE DOLLAR per year. This offer is exclusive, and can be made by no other paper, as we have purchased the exclusive Tights for this district. REMEMBER THIS FACT--Every subscriber paying one dollar in ad-■ paper will receive The Montreal Weekly Herald for one year The expense ti [ation from this rule--the money n 9 must be paid. is $ . that ' ads the uble. REX ALL hh0olsde' DYES These dyes will dye wool, cotton, silk, jute or mixed goods in one bath. They are the latest improved dye in the world. Try a package. All colors. W. A. Douglas, Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC Harvest Excursions Will be run on SEPTEMBE 15th and J9th; returning until NOVEMBER 16th and 50th respectively; 1903. RETURN FARES Winnipeg...... E*g1inv*'!.rz Reglna......... Moose J.w. Yorkton ...... Pr. Albert... Maeleod, ... Calgary........ to }$35 \ $40 i' ■ W :>■ ' i>i mill l-tast ' Ai i.'iVti ,u ... Canadian Pacific Agent for pamphlet. Tickets ni-e not good on "Imperial Limited-' A. H. NOTMAN, Then Dr. Williams' Pink Pills brought to my notice, and I began to to regain my health and by the tfme I had used thirteen boxes I was once more a well, strong man The proof of this is that i can do as hard a day's work as anyone and never have the slightest s inptoms of the old trouble. I am only sorry that 1 did not know of the pi!Is sooner--they \ saved nie much suffering i With such proof i apparently hopoltss cases can be cured, these can be no reasonable doubt that. Dr William,' Pink Pills will restore health in all cases where given a fair trial. These pills ar» sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50c. per box or six boxes for $2.50, hv writing direct to ' Dr. Williams'Medicine Co., Brock-ville, Ont. See that the full name, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is printed on the wrapper tnd every box. >uld ha , that ( j As a Newspaper. [ THE MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD ? was established In 1808, and is the r second oldest Canadian paper. In its r oM age it has renow.-d its y<»:tb, and As a Home Paper. < THE MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD < is pre-eminently a paper for The Host. < In the fir3t place, nothing is permitted < { Journals. As a™ ewspaper.3" ' lit I j with especial reference to its con >:tu- in its -oiumns that cannot be read with | r che household. In the second place, \ it is eciied with special reference to \ matters that interest women. "Madge > Merton's" weekly talks with her women ) { oTtn'e week°^erything^W\°ewed from < Without having to wade through cot-C tarns of Irrelevant matter. Careful con-[ densat.'on marks The HmH's treatment [ names. The Herald is a compact paper, par'ment of the kind in any Canadian > paper. They are veritable •'heart to V heart" talks with the women of the > Dominion, and are appreciated in thou- S sandr, of homes. In this department are V given Hints to Mothers; time-tested V Cooking Recipes; the latest Fashions, V illustrated, and a hundred and oue topics S this COMBINATION Is ; full the local news, the local Weekly Herald (rives you th« great markets, departments n cures of value and interest in the other. They dovetail lnt< .$ SUBSCRIPTIONS may b< ready paid in advance, and yoi •end in your dollar, and you great one. Your home paper gives you ill narkets and the local gossip. The Montreal general news of the world, reports of the interest to farmers, and, in particular, fea-The Home. One paper is the complement <Jt each other, and never overlap. Jin at any time. If your subscription Is Ol- want Th» Montreal Weekly HeraM at tfTUX, ■ subscription will be advanced a year. THE ENTERPRISE, Colborne, Ontario. Between 400 and 500 builder, oreis are on strike at Moutreal. lab. Would Scratch fill Hit Blood Flowed Mis. Link, is Walker St, Halifax, U.S., .JkUs:--"Afur three year, of miserable torture and sleepless nights with terrible eczema, sad after trying over a dozen remedies without 'ninjj anything but slight temporary relict, ___re been perfectly and entirely eared if siing Dr. Chase's Ointment After the third •r fourth application of this grand ointment X obtained relief, aad a few boxes were sufficient ' make a thorough cure. "It is six months since I was freed of this wretched skin disease, and as th- has been no return of the trouble I conside the cure a permanent one. I would strongly urge anyone suffering as I did to try this ointment, and shall gladly write to any who wish to refer to me for particulars of my case. I was so bad with eczema that I would scratch the sores in my sleep until the blood would flow." Dr. Chase's Ointment, 6o cents a box, at all dealers, orEdmanson, Bates and Co., Toronto. To protect you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box. Watch this space next week for SP W BARGAINS During the week of thejWorld's Fair in Colborne we are going to offer special bargains in Crockery, Boots & Shoes. Don't fail to call on us and see if we cannot satisfy you with a good article at a right price. China Hall, Up-To-Date. W. S. DOYLE, COLBORNE, - ONTARIO. and Just received a large shipment of Toilet Setts, Fancy China Lamps. These goods are of choice quality and will be sold at the lowest prices. Fresh Groceries of all kinds, Full line of fresh fruits and confectionery. MRS. A. S. HINDS, ^SST: 1875. CQAXLL'S. 1903. Ever the Cheapest and Best place to buy Groceries, Hardware, Paints & Oils, Tinware, Stoves, Glass. Sole agents for Sherwin-Williams Ready-Mixed Paints. Coxall & Co., Colborne, - - Ontario* CASTLETDM HARNESS SHOP. A full line of all kinds of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS is carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing will receive prompt and careful attention. R, COLEMAN, - - Castleton. THE WEEKLY GLOBE Canada's Great Illustrated Weekly. A leading feature of The Weekly Gu>bb to be added this fall will be an Eight-Page Illustrated Supplement on supercalendered paper. ! For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, j photo-engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's I mechanical equipment. This will make The Weekly Globe unques-I tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. Arrangements have been made whereby our readers can secure this superb Weekly and their j own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of The Weekly Globe and Enterprise for I One Dollar and Sixty Cents to January 1st, 1905. iss K. Culver, Having removed to her new parlors, first door west of post office will hold her Be jabers, Pat, isn't it noice to be riding alone in a McLaughlin Rubber-Tired Buggy, when your swateheart is wid you? FRIDAY and SATURDAY, ti September j 25and26.|!J. H. CHAPMAN, If a bod meet a body coming through the rye, If a body kiss a body need a body cry ? Not if it is in a McLaughlin Buggy. -nt. COLBORNE.