NEWSJTEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA. The Government will probably fix Thanksgiving Day for October 15 this year. If negotiations under way can be carried out an extensive trade in Canadian apples will be opened up with France. The Civic Fire and Water Committee of Hamilton decided to charge 12 cents per 1,000 gallons in hotels, saloons and livery stables. The present session of Parliament has lasted 172 days, which is equal to that of 1886, the longest Parliamentary session in Canadian history. E'dmutnd Brown, of Hamilton, wants a commission appointed to Investigate the way Magistrate Jelp has been conducting the affairs of his The contract with Colombicr Bros, for the establishment of a steamship service between Bordeaux and Canada is reported to have been signed at Ottawa. It is said that theie is a likelihood of the Government appointing a permanent official to investigate incidents on railways in Canada. Such accidents tins year are pronounced to be unprecedented in number. Six men were working on a scaffold at the CP.It. shops, at Hoche-laga, when the tackle slipped and all were thrown forward, falling thirty feet. John Busbois is at the point of death and four others had to be removed to the hospital. There is trouble in Hamilton over what shall be done with John Rich-legless unfortunate, subject ARMED LUNATIC. A despatch from Oyster Bay, N.Y. says: A man giving his name a Frank Weilbronner was arrested a Sagamore Hill late on Tuesday night, while making a persistent demand to see President Roosevelt. Tho man was armed with a revolver fully loaded. He was taken to the village, and placed in the town pris on. Shortly after 10 O'clock oi Tuesday night Weilbronner said b had a personal engagement with tho President, and desired to see him. The man insisted, but the officer turned him away. Soon after Weilbronner returned, and again insisted that he be allowed to see the President, if only for a minute. Just .before 11 o'clock the man returned a third time. The officer's response was to take the man from his buggy and put him in the stables, where he was placed under the guard of two stablemen. A revolver v found in the buggy*. Later Weilbr ; brought i the ? locked up. While Weilbronner talkec A DEAF MUTE TRAGEDY. tatch Chicago says: to G lcptk He v of St. Peters Home and the House of Providence and was taken back to jail. Sheriff Middleton and Inspector Chamberlain decided that he should not stay there, and asked that he be taken into the House of Refuge, but the committee refused GREAT BRITAIN, are in a better condil nan has been the case fo dark Sanger, of Wyke, the fields this 1 Welsh tinplate works, c between 20,000 and 30,000 shut down because of a w 33 adders i mployin enant Daniel God-ears bandmaster of wards, has left an £6,189 gross, and William Sipes, a deaf i quarrel in written conversation with bis wife on Tuesday night, and at its climax shot her five times, inflicting wounds from which she probably will die. When the police arrived Sipes attempted to escape, and while climbing on the roof of his house, was dragged back by detectives. He pointed his revolver in their faces and pulled the trigger, but al bullets had been discharged at wife. In the house the police found roughly written notes which had made up the conversation of the deaf man and his wife and which apparently had led to the attempted mur- AID TO SUFFERERS. Chamberlain authorization Bank to ad from Kings Colonial n Wednesday cabled a to the " mial North Staffordshire Regit the Welsh Fusiliers visitc of Man to undergo a wee training in hill-climbing. uld be of i ; "as far eatest pot £50,000 to the planters whose plantations were practically destroyed by tho recent storms. The planters had asked for a loan of about £200,000. Tho Imperial Secretary for the Colonies refused to grant this amount. The £50,000 loan now authorized is inadequate, but the plan' audit ■ Ho. advan hope that ii. Trade ible offeme be-" was tho com-awden at Marylebone while fining some i for using bad lan- JTATES. ,ms. aged (S3, PROSPEROUS TEMISKAMING. ting pushed ed he . of ( lite men who employ colored jral James Longs (prosperity of tho whole | Armstrong added, is re good, settlers . bulli Ho thinks ; the trod by comi ii It r Goebel of Ken- a big eastern club, Rev. Charles II. Marsh, bos just accepted the pastorate of the Baptist Church of Iowa Falls, Iowa. Victor Marie Deransbourg, a color- at New Orleans birth to 22 ehildre ber only nine surv ing 69 years old, 47. rid the youngest Judge Carroll L. Wood, of the Arkansas Supreme Court, who is opposing Governor Davis as a candidate, knocked the Governor off the stage where they were speaking,, and then was arrested for the assault. News of the death of Mr. Lowber Tow: which mth l-red i ted at N< English army Cap , N. J. K. THE ELECTRIC DANGER. r lack of propei EXHIBITS AFLOAT. Will Introduce British Manufac tures in Colonies. A despatch from London says: I is proposed to organize a float in; Manufacture Bri ed Poli< and later hc-the Cape Mount-n South Afiica. the dead body of her week old baby in white, with a blue ribbon about the waist, and placing a picture of the infant Jesus in his tiny hand, a young mother used a paver box as a, coffin and placed it under a rosebush in the Catholic cemetery at Jersey City. She was too poor to buy a coffin. GENERAL. tcral Buller told the War Com-on that if the Boers in Natal reached the sea they were to been aided by a European pow- aliko, for 100 railroad 1 of New Sou inufacturc MORE FIELD GUNS, Appropriation to be Included in Supplementailes. A despatch from Ottawa says: It is stated that the supplementary estimates will contain an appropriation for the purchase of more field guns, which it is admitted are badly needed by the militia. ASCENDED MOUNT S0RATA. Highest Peak of the Andes Climbed by a Woman. A despatch from Albuquerque, New Mexico, says: Miss Annie Peck, of ed fame bv .Mr G. Tight, pi of New Me: jsident of the ico, and two sfully ascend- A NEW KLONDIKE. Rich Strike of Gold on Eight Mile Creek, B. C. A Nelson, B.C., despatch says :--A rich strike of gold about three miles from Trout Lake has almost depopulated that town. The prospector who made the strike came in on Sluniday night for supplies and exhibited a teaspoonful' of gold dust which he had panned from a shovelful of decomposed ore. He also stated that the ledge of decomposed feet wide. hough it was dusk the excitemant engendered by the find was so* intense that many parties had started out for the new strike by midnight. One of the first to go was Mrs. Jowerr, a woman prospector, who, riding a cayuse, went bravely up the steep and rocky trail carrying a lantern to pick out the trail. The find was on Eight Mile Creek, and is reached by an old trail lead- ing the further 1. By Monday mo j black with people, e women and children all eager 1 the place where the gold could I NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. W'hat Is Going on in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Lord Dalmeny, the elder son of the Earl of Rosebery, is resigning his commission in the Grenadier Guards. The University of Edinburgh has conferred the honorary degree of LL.D. on the Hon. Sir Andrew Eraser, K.C.S.I., Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal; Mr. Simon Somerville Laurie, lately Professor of the Theory, History and Practice of Education in the University of Edinburgh; the Hon. Sir Henry Normand MarLaur-in, Chancellor of the University of Sydney, and the Hon. Mr. Justice Rampin, High Court, Calcutta. An important extension of the Victoria Hospital "for Consumption at Craighleith, Edinburgh, was. opened the other week by Lord Rosebery. The hospital only for' nd i ad- few absolutely d!h Eight Mile Crc Trout Lake about th of the town of that ittle over i of Poph the foot of the lake, there have also been some rich strikes of ore made this week. From the Rambler-Cariboo mine at MuCniigai) comes word that the richest find of ore that has been struck on the property has been uncovered almost simultaneously in two places, one at tho bottom of the seven-foot level tunnel, and the other on the surface about one thousand feet distant in a line. The new find con-of solid ore running 193 of silvei this mode of curing phthisis. Sir Henry Campbell-Baimerman has been congratulated all round in tho papers on the excellence of his French at the dinner in the House of Commons recently to the French Deputies visiting London. Neither Mr. Balfour nor Mr. Chamberlain could speak to the Frenchmen in their own language, but tho member for the Stirling Burghs not only did this, but made gentle fun of the Prime Minister and the Colonial Secretary, to the great amusement of the Deputies from over the Channel. The Technical Education Committee of Fife County Council takes the long holidays which ROWTOI HOUSE VISITED MY FELLOW-GUESTS IN THE "POOR MAN'S PALACE.' Men of Varied and Interesting Careers Are Among the Much has been written of the Row-ton Houses--those "palaces of the poor*"' which Lord Rowton's philanthropy has scattered over the Metropolis from Whitechapel to Hammersmith; but little has been published if tho strange and interesting char^ utters who, for the "open sesame" )f a modest sixpence, find a happy •efuge within their hospitable walls, says a writer in London Tit-Bits. Not many months ago circumstanc-conspired to make me one of Lord Rowton's guests for a few eeks, and how thankful I was that, instead of the squalor and foul as-tations of the fourpenny "doss-house," the doors of such a comfor-a.blo caravanserai were open to me or only 2d. more--a place where I otijd enjoy the luxuries of cheap and cell-cooked food, a spotlessly clean " ' to all to myself, "the run THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, ttP in Trade Centres. Toronto, Sept. 8.--Wheat--Th( market is quiet, with feeling firmer. No. 2 white and red winter, new, quoted at 75c low freights. Spring wheat, 73c for No. 2 east, and goose 6Sc for No. 2 east. Manitoba wheat is nominally firm. No. 1 hard is quoted at 99c. No. 1 Northern at 97c, and No. 2 Northern at 95o Goderlch. The quotations grinding in transit are : No. 1 hard, "5,1.05; No. 1 Northern, $1.04; and No. % Northern, $1.01. Oats--The market is steady, with" fair demand. Sales of new No. St white at 30c low freights to New York. Old No. 2 quoted at 30o low freights to New York. Old No. 2 quoted at 30c high freights, and No. 1 at 31c east. Corn--The market is quiet and the I 3 of i ally e ade m\ 7 Novei i guest adian corn nominal. quotecl ai S3 to $3.02* middle freights, in buyers" sacks, for export. , i Straight rollers of special brands for \ j domestic trade quoted at $3.35 ta j $3.50 in bbls. Manitoba flours firm, '| No. 1 patents, $4.45 to $4.5-5; No, |2 patents, $4.15 to $4.2.5, and i strong bakers' $4 to $4.15 on trad rike t the: school teachers njoy t ■ate ' TWENTY-NINE KILLED, j ,rge. i St. Am e explos on the strian after leav ft of Burgas i ntinople, by which tw ■sons perished. The caught fire, and had to b< Missurea, eighteen miles Burgas. n Vutim er Vask Bulgarii he Riding S a teachers' vacation tary drill and physics been opened. This held during the past t. >ved ; tint- of the Hungarian Levant Line, to which the Vaskapu belongs. The taptain and officers of the steamer xnd six of her crew were among the lead. Tho Vaskapu sailed from Varna, Bulgaria, and after < 36 teachers Rather an unu July 25. A r borhood of Coltt ed the reflection be bu opposite s .trod 1 Bur. Blat plosions feet beam and < s of 1,0" , depth c : through RELAXED REGULATIONS. irted by It al School C£ »mmodatio ber of teacl 3 been deck lal schools d to admit to the Norma mited number of student! mi or leaving certificates, bi ot had the year of practical nee in teaching which the > gra .ill be ,.|le-j CAN DISCOVER NO CAUSE. despatch •nt the level is a foot higher than at time last year, and 21 inches er than it was seven years ago. ineers have not been able to dis-r the reason for this. The lake seems to rise gradually during' y seven years, and having reach-Is maximum height, declines. It asserted how >uld i iil hie LIGHTING SAGUENAY. L Ouebec despatel ynger boats. Mr. OFF FOR JAPAN. An Ottawa despatch says :--The Countess of Minto, accompanied by wo eldest daughters, Ladies . and R,uby Elliott, and Captain A.D.C., left on the Imperial ted on Wednesday afternoon for ouver, en route to Japan on a months' visit. At Tokio they be tho guests of Sir Claude Mac-Id, the British Ambassador. The trnor-iGeneral, Sir Wm. Mulock, mber of t good-bye, an 1 "out of tlufs the villi a i Library was found on the t brigade that a sleepers, which eiaining wall at id become ignited, tished before much The fire is be-causcd by a spark lit ion which Mr. the chief of the has made to the volume dealing few shi pressing envelc tionery from door He has been some months, and vice by introducing his friends among that grated to Quebec in 1829. Tho volume is entitled, "Annals of Meg-antic County, Quebec," and the families spoken of therein.--some of them being- of tho same stock as the chief --left their- native island at the bidding of their landlord, the Duke Ham free gra i the indi ; of lord in Canada. ^ The y pioneers is an exceeding-he importance of collecting l not £ aile fro ady i ■ oosi s, who is pre i of that clas "old- lady! it lady, she has a bountiful olive branches, lost one on ling a week or two ago. Poor t knew what to do. Search once instituted; darkness set > word of the truant. , Neigh-ith lanterns and sympathetic hearts joined in the search. No use. No trace could be found. Wearied and footsore and nigh broken-hearted, the searchers called for rest. Next morning the little chubby one turned up, smiling, all unconscious of the hubbub his disappearance had caused. He had been asleep below the bed instead of upon it; but his sleep had been the deep, dreamless one of a restless, healthy boy. ging 6d. for a ticke turnstile, made my way to ing-room and purchased i breakfast for 4d at the bar. threw mo into excellent company at I * Min7eed-Bran steady at $16, and the very beginning; for I chanced to ; shorts at $18 here. At outsid* take my seat at a long deal table ; points bran is quoted at $12.50 ta next to an old gentleman who was j $l3> al]d shorts at $17.50 to $18.-discussing a bloater and sipping his j Manitoba bran in sacks, $17, and ■* -ending a shorts at $19 here. r paper. rigidil infiu( the c MY GREY-BEARDED FRIEND waxed communicative "delighted,' as ho was kind enough to say "tc meet a kindred soul." I was amazee to find that he was a man of considerable scholarship, and little bt tie I picked up tho story of hit life--but If I could . mentior which I suppose I i some of my readers w in it that of one of th scholars of a quarter ago, foi public self < and use of honorable posi- his lapse from th tion he did not tell care to inquire--but how far he had fallen may be told from the fact that ; the t ne I i gs ; ?ek by ad- icl i •levet i I Iw more in; e and all. and yet^con fellow-guest, who pro teresting companion, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples--The offerings of fall fruit are large, and prices steady. Choice stock, 65 to 75c per bbl. \ Beans--Trade continues dull, with" prices unchanged. Prime whites are quoted at $1.75 a bushel. Honev-- The market is steady at 7 bulk, and $1 to $1.50 mill)-. Hay--The market is quiet, with demand fairly good. No. 1 new will bring $9 on track, Toronto. Straw--The market is quiet at $5.25 to $5.50 per ton for car lots on track. Hops--Trade dull, with prices nominal at $17 to $20. Potatoes--The offerings are fair, and prices are steady. Car lots are quoted at 40c per bush., and small lots at 50 to 55c per bush. Poultry--The market is steady. Chickens, 60 to 75c per pair. Ducks 70 to 90c per pair. Turkeys, 12 to 13c per lb. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Sept. 8.--The local i irly 2 Of the millers have raised their quotations for Manitoba flour by 3 5 cents ar.d high patents are now quoted at $4.50 to $4.60. Locally oats ara stronger, selling at, 35Jt afloat for export, September delivery. Cheese ' asked, though » had 1 iokes VARIED AND EVENTFUL LIFE oyer since. He had worked before adian lumber-camps, and on Texan ranches; had fought and been wounded in South Africa, had spent shivering nights on the Embankment, and had just got into tho clover of a clerkship at £1 a week. Of literary men there were shoals Quebccs have gone up to 10Sr, and even lOfc, is asked for them by, a j some dealers. This closing together 0 I of the different grades of cheese. °! seems to indicate a genuine short-i Oxford for ! nesH „f supply, as compared with: l the Dons, demand, though much of the actual j probably speculation for! nt t, once-popul; m out of t lited pa| books, Then there ' ers of both who had been tlruck i tolly ac the rolls DIED IN PENITENTIARY. Sudden End of a Montreal Wife- CANADIAN APPLES A despatch from London says: Contracts have already been made for the shipment of over two million bushels of Canadian apples. Experts say Canadian pippins, Ribstons, and Baldwins equal the English fruit of CONFESSED TO TREASON. They i man who had been articled to and a barrister who had at one s been in the running with such as Lockwood, Murphy, and ip, and who might well have had :at in tho Appeal Court to-day. The curious thing was that few of these men wasted regrets over the past, but would chat away over old and very different days with as much gusto as if they had been the successes instead of the failures of life. Fortune has smiled on me since the days I write of; but. the few weeks I spent as Lord Rowton's guest were far from being the least pleasant and interesting in my chequered life. WILL MARRY A DUKE. A London despatch says :--Tho engagement is announced of Miss May Goelet to the Duke of Roxburgh. The Duke of Roxburgh is now the guest of Mrs. Ogden Goelet, mother of Miss May Goelet, at Newport, R.I. He accompanied the Prince of Wales during his tour of Canada. WEST AFRICAN COTTON. of the In A despatch from Lagos, British i West Africa to London, reports that A despatcu from Berlin says: The' there has been a wonderful develop-sergeant and six privates who were' merit of the cotton-growing industry recently arrested for treason at' in the interior. It has been, found Metz, have confessed that they stole j necessary to put on extra trains in two bombs, with the new secret fus- order to bring the large output to es attached, for an agent of France. ' the coast. price is not not^ikety quotation is o. 3 barlej yelloi mprobable if the 1 ics later into th. -alers expect, but Jiat the price will The Liverpool t here; ; buck- Ame ;orn, 60c for No. Flour--Manito-i $4.C>0; seconds,; patents, $.4,210 to .Tr^r.^u; strong uit.-ins , j $3.75 to $3.95; Ontario straight! rollers, $3.60 to $3.70, in bags, $1,715 to $1.85; patents, $3.75 to; $,4; extras, $1.55 to $1.60. Feed--[ Manitoba bran, $17; shorts, $19, bags included: Ontario bran in bulk,! $16 to $16.50; shorts in bulk S19, to §20; beans, choice, primes, $1.60. is--Heavy Canadi irk, $19 - $21; ight $19: compound lard 9| 1 -" ' ; ban 10c; 5 0.1 hogs, : $0.25 to $0.50; fresh killed abattoir, hogs, $9: American clear backs,! $13.75; clear shoulder pork, $18.50.; Eggs--Candled, selected. 17 1 1, 15c; light i toipfs, --Onta 14 c;! 104; . 2, 12c. 11c; townships, 10ic; c. Buttef--Townships c - to 20c; Quebec 19-Jc; ry 15JC Honey--Whit, sections, 11 to 12c per se UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, Sept. 8.--Flour--Hagh- . pate $4.50 $4.60; second patents, $4.40 to $4.60; first clears. $3.50 to $3.60; second clears, $2.65 to $2.75. Bran --In bulk, $12.30 to $12.70. j St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 8.--Wheat closed :--Cash, 83c; Sept., 83c; Dec, 87c: May, 89|c. Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 8.--Flour-Steady. Wheat--Spring, No. 2 white 81c; winter, unsettled; No. 2 red, in store, held at 85'c. Corn--Firm. No. 7|c. 59ic; > Oats--Str No. 2 i High- s year, uggest.