OLliOilN!-;, SEPT. 10th, 1.91 -Mr. Austin Mc Nurseries, spent a days this --Mr. Geo. Chapin, of Belleville, is spending a few days with his Colborne friends. -- Mrs. Wells, Miss Bibby aud Miss Hazen, of Rochester spent Thursday with Mrs. 13. J. Gaffleld. -- Misslva Doyie left on Monday for Toronto where she will attend the normal school for tho coming year. --Miss Alice Wicks, of Rochester is spending a few days with her uncle and aunt Mr. aud Mrs. William Wicks. --Mr. 1 and Mrs. P. N. Owens, of Brockport N. Y. are spending a few-days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Coyle. --Mr. It. Coyle, sr., is about to erect a large store house on the premises he recently purchased from tho Peterson estate. --Mr. Chas. C. Freardele and wife of Syracuse who are going through Ontario in an Automobile were guests at the Hotel Bristol on Wednesday night. --Mrs. Crowle has returned after spending some time in Toronto and other places and will start her drawing and painting classes on Saturday, Sept. 12th. --Messrs. R. Snetsinger, P. O. Mc-Glennon and H. J. Mayhew have closed their cottages at Victoria Beach aud with their families have returned to town. --Mr. W. E. Mayhew of Port Arthur accompanied by his wife and child spent a few days recently at Victoria Beach, guests at the home of his brother Mr, H. J. Mayhew. -- In another column Mr. Geo Broomfleld offers the Windsor Hotel for sale. The rooms are all in first class condition having been recently repapered and painted and the hotel is doing good busiuess --Owing to the illness of Judge Ketchum, Mr. H. F. Holland Barrister of Cobourg took charge of the Division courts at Wooier and Warkworth on Monday and Tuesday last. Judge Weller of Peterboro is expected to take the court at Campbellford. --Mr.j. M. Sanburu of Warkworth accompanied by his daughter Mrs. (Dr.) Free, spent Tuesday night in Colborne. They were on their way to Toronto to attend the Exhibition and before returning home will also attend the New York State Exhibition which is being held at Syracuse, N, Y. J -In our report last week of the I name of Mr. V. G. Cornwell was inad- j vertantly omitted. Mr. Cornwell | seldom refuses to lend a helping hand and on this occasion he reudered a number of pleasing selections through the magaphoue. Although the boat was some distance from the shore the songs were heard distinctly by parties who were over a mile distant. --On Friday last a well-known resident of this county passed away in tbe person of John W. Kerr, K. C. The deceased had been ill for several weeks but strong hopes were entertained for his recovery and his sudden demise was somewhat unexpected. Mr. Kerr was considered to be one of the most reliable lawyers in the province and for many years had filled the position of County Crown Ad-torney for the united counties of Morthumberland and Durham Much sympathy is expressed for the aged --Tbe auction sale of nine parcels of real estate belonging to the estate of M. H. Peterson & Co., came off on --W. Barton & Son, harness makers, have pmchased the stock of J. K. Scougale. --H. Gale, editor Enterprise, is is-uer ot marriage licenses for the county-of Northumberland. --Mr. F. W. Walsh returned on Thursday last after spending several months sailing on the upper lakes. --If your eyes trouble you call at the jewelly store and have them properly litted with a neat pair of spectacles. Wo have all the necessary ap pliances. We have a nice line of rimless eye glasses and spectacles. H. J. Mayhew jeweller and optician --The International Harvester company intends opening up a binder twiue factory in connection with its Hamilton wrorks. Building opera tions will begin at once. About 500 hands, largely women, will be employed at first, but the company expects to increase tho number to 1,000 within a year. --Brighton Street Fair.-- $2.00 photos for $1.25, all other sizes and styles at very low prices. The Brighton Photo Gallery will be open both the 16 and 17 Sept. for to give bargains iu best, and prettiest styles. You can save money now; take it. Brock & Co. pliatotographers, Trenton, Brighton and Colborne. --The new County Council Act, passed at the recent session of the Legislature, provides that County Councils shall be composed of the Reeves of the municipalities and Mayors of the towns in the country. In order to make this change a majority of the municipalities must petition for it. The petition must be prepared and presented in the manner required by the new law or the present system will remain --Rev. Dr. Saanders, formerly of Cobourg who is on his way to Japan, and Mr. J. S.Skeaff, of Cobourg, were passengers on the C. P. R. Imperial Limited, wrecked near Grasset, Ont, recently in a head on collision. Both fortunately es wb ich will be pleasing many friends. A man ing to Dr. Saunders wa head and rendered engineer and fireman of the limited were killed. --A correspondent to the Weekly Sun, Toronto, says that there are no apple buyers in the vicinity of Walk-erton. He says: "The Spies, Ben Davis, Greenings and Snows in our own orchards are simply elegant. A couple of buyers did pass through on a prospecting tour, but they talked of unhurt, .as talk- 's struck o cfor fa) I advised t nut! until the; i a reasonabl of 'good apple brate the Annual Harvest Festival from Saturday, Sept. 19th, to Tuesday-Sept, 22ud, inclusive. The officers in charge of the different corps solict from the public a tithe of the bounti ful blessings of field and store, in kind or cash, as a thank-offering to God. Anything received will be turned to good account to support the numerous benevolent institutions, as well as to continue and to extend the evangelical work of this successful organization. It is now generally conceded that the army has become a very necessary, recognized institution in this as in every other country where it operates. Their achievements are,be- --The Cramahe Fair which is to be held iu Colborue on October 5th aud 6th, will have the services of exoert for their decisions iu the i and --The Hamilton Spectator reports that a machanic in that city has perfected an automatic shocker that can be attached to an ordinary reaper. as they come from the binder, and when the required number are collected, they are set up in shock by the machine, This new development in farm machinery was tested on a farm near Hamilton the other day in the presence of Mr. Johnston of the Deer-ings, and worked fairly satisfactorily. It is reported iliat the device will be ready for use in next year's harvest. Within the lifetime of one generation we have passed from the reaping hook to the self-binder, and will probably see the self-shocker before another year is out. --While recently speaking of the apple crop, Mr. Carey, fruit inspector, said: "Apple buyers are making the same mistake that some cheese-men are making: they are shipping their produce to market while still in too green a state. The Snow is of no use except as a table apple, and yet Snows have been shipped in August this year, or fully a month before being fully matured, and at their best for table use. Baldwins have also been shipped in August. This is injuring the name of these varieties; it is injuring -our whole apple trade, and is causing trouble for the men who do that sort of thing. We have ten pro seditions on now under Fruit Marks Act that are due to shipping fruit that was not properly matured. What's New for Fall? That's the question that nearly every lady Is asking at the present time. No better way is known to us, if answering it, than by inviting her to our store and showing her our assortment of new autumn and winter goods. The new things are the most beautiful and most acceptable we have ever offered to the public. We will be pleased to show them to you whether you are prepared to buy or not. Don't wait till you have to come for something else. Make a special trip and take your time and you will appreciate them all the more. DRESS GOODS. Some of the most fashionable materials for autumn and winter wear. Many of them are suit lengths only, which promises to the purchaser exclu-siveness not obtainable elsewhere. Scotch Tweed Suitings Zebeline Suitings Covert Bourette Suitings Cheviot Suitings Venetian Suitings. Melrose dress-goods. Crepe de Chene dress-goods. Eolienne dress-goods. Voile dress-goods. Crepoline dress-goods. VISIT OP THE COLDSTREAM GUARDS BAND TO COBOURG, SEPT. 22ND. His Majesty King Edward VII. has the great facultv of doing things that arouse in an instant the affection and enthusiasm of Ins people. It is well known that tho King realizes he has no more loyal subjects throughout his vast Empire than in the Dominion of Canada, and when the request came from the Canadian Government for the Coldstream guards to visit this country, His Majesty understood the loyal feeling their visit would inspire and gladly gave his consent. So the th ! Coldstream Guards Band, the oldest and finest in the British service with their complete numbers, 46 strong have come to Canada with the object of visiting the principal cities ia.East-. ein Canada. This is the greatest musical tour ever undertaken in the aunals of the Dominion. It is an event of Ira thousands are thronging to acclaim these splendid musicians, who will ap Wrapperettes. The patterns in the new wrapperettes are : very artistic this season and are extra good imitations of the French flannels which they are made to represent. You can always feel sure that quality comes first here and when you feel sure about the quality, you generally feel safe about the price. Excellent values at ioc to 25c per yd. Skirts. Our assortment of new skirts for fall shows an excellence of quality combined with style, finish and exclusiveness of pattern which de-stinguishes them from all others. They are made of the best qualities and newest makes of cloth that it is possible to use in popular priced garments. We have all lengths and sizes and can suit you in any price, $3 to $8. Our milliner will be here on Monday the 7th inst., and will be ready with dozens of very pretty felt shapes and ready-to-wear hats to attend to your needs. Scougale Bros., COLBORNE, - ONTARIO. --St. Andrew's Church. Beaverton, i.-olieited Friday St with Mr. pt. 18th. the close of the aftcri immediately V last 11 udvi tht most successful land sale d in this district. A large nui e infoi- of hoi Ie. she: ud t the judging is made au cdu-feature instead of being 1 allotment of premiums by Wednesday Sept. 9th, b; Fiddler. Mr. Chas. II. Miss Catherine it. Clai ' Colborne. Lucy Snowe's Mother is so worried \about Lucy's clothes for boarding school next Winter --she wants to make rip a serviceable school-room suit and a pretty gown for "nice, ' and if she will step in and get the September number of The Designer she will find just what she is looking for. - The School Suit has a new blouse, to be trimmed in braid or stitching, and is the most satisfactory design yet made for girls from 13 to 17 years. The blouse design may also serve for separate shirt waists in flannel, mohair or silk. The other costume is made with the very fashionable % collarless coat, and instructions for cutting and making are so complete that nobody who knows how to sew need hesitate to attempt this stylish gown. Each Suit Pattern, including skirt and waist, costs but 15 cents. Ccl&crne, Ontario. ation than probably any can mention. The fact that it is an absolute cure for piles has put it in a class all by itself as a preparation oi inestimable value and people recommend it knowing that it is a certain --Max Kelt has been again placed under arrest at Montreal, and the shooting of Geo. Greedly will be investigated. Apples Wanted. APPLES wanted at Austin & Tin-son's evaporator, East Colborue. We, the undersigned, beg to inform the public that we are prepared to take any quantity of peelers and small apples after Monday, the 14th, inst. Highest prices paid, according to quality. AUSTIN & TINSON. FURNITURE! No words can begin to convey to your mind the beauty and richness of our furniture. Its artistic designs are highly appreciated by the ladies and gentlemen of Brighton, and flattering comparisons are drawn between our furniture and goods shown elsewhere. On the 16th and 17th of Sept. our great street fair with all its beauty will be held here. Any person attending the fair and having a few minutes to spare, if they will call at our warerooms we will be only too pleased to show our display of furniture. We have over 6000 square feet of floor space set aside entirely for furniture, we carry nothing else. Those who keep in close touch with our stock will have the best opportunity to select the most desirable pieces. We invite a thorough inspection of our stock of Warded. Js organist for the Colborne Methodist church. Applicant to state irv expected. Applications re-•ed to Sept. 15th 1903 and full imitation given bv the choir cominit-Rev. R. Taylor, Dr. A. E. Mallory Mrs. K. G. Crowle, DRAWING AND PAINTING. Still Life, Drawing from the Antique, I Pen and Ink work. Watei Colors, I and Oil Painting. Class opens Sept. 12th. Fancy Rockers. Cobbler Rockers. High Polished Rockers. Reed Rockers. Sewing Rockers Children's Rockers. Arm Rockers. Arm Chairs. Dining Chairs. Kitchen Chairs. Extension Tables. Sideboards, Hall Racks. Parlor Suites. I Bedroom Suites. Dressers. ; Wa?hstands. j Iron Beds. \ White Dressers and Stands. \ Mantle Beds. ; Mattresses. Miss Helen M. Rutherford, . A. I. C. M. (Pupil of Dr. Edward Fisher.) Honor Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination. Box 126, Colborne, Ont. as it does not cost anyth'r J.B.Oha Brighton, )ugh. Remember Ontario.