THE CHRISTIAN WORKERS. By the Weak Things of this World God Shall Confound the Mighty. IEn.t*r»rt according liamant of (Jun* Thousand Nine _ bv Wm. Kaily. of Act ottbs l'as- Agriculture. Ottawa.) A despatch from Chicago says :-- Kev. Frank De Witt Talmage preached from the following text : Joshua i, 5, "As I was with Moses, so I will be with .thee." One of the great isirerc- by of ■ best ciitics, is Victor Hugo's masterpiece, "Les Miserables." Amid all the art gallery of that treasured book the most wonderful description is the word painting by ivir'.rh the denunciator of "Napoleon the Little" pictures the downfall of "Napoleon tho Great" at the battle field of Waterloo. When this great master of literature topples over the French colossus, the earth trembles and the dead centuries come forth out of their musty tombs and look on in perpetual wonderment. Yet after all in reading the thrilling story I am impressed not so much by what happened as what did not happen. For many hours the eagle of vistory seemed undecided upo which ! fluttered though awaiting advent to help hi waiting, for ird to ahght. She r 1 o decide. ' Xnpo-waiting, anxiously little while he would take his field glass and scan the surrounding hills and valleys. Every little while he would turn to his staff officers and say : "Do you see him ? Have you heard any news from Grouchy ? We must hate re-enforcements or we are lost." In the meantime hills marched Marshal Bluch e-enforcei with God and fc study of the Bible. Suddenly, is a flash, Mr. Moody was down by the death angel. Or day on his way to hold great gelistic services in Kansas Cit next day upon his death bod. was the result of Mr. Moody's Has any great evangelist been to take his place? "Ah, no," md, if i Y, ha i. able e truth--Mr. Moody never as powerful when dead. The i and Moociv church so great as they are rtitutions at North-doing better work only throw ourselves upon his mercy a mission of Christian usefulness. He has it even though we may be old men and women, with many years oi wasted opportunities to our dis- By an ex-member of my church I san prave how God can bless a redeemed life which has been cursed by many years of sin. Some time ago a poor woman attended the services of the church of whirh I was pastor. She wished to join, but the members of the session were very much in doubt about letting her in. She had been for fifteen years a dissolute character. Her face was scarred and seamed with her past debaucheries. She had by her side a drunken husband and two filthily dressed children. The session talked with her and at last decided to place her on probation for six months. At. the end of siz months she again wanted to join the church, and of course we ad-1 mitted her. A short time after j that woman moved away and left j 8, Si. They cut off his head and sfti-ippod off his armor aaid sent into Ihe land of the Philistines rounk) about to publish it in the of their iidols and among the people. ThS'R what Saul feared came upon Mm, and there unr.ii cuin.cised Philistines abused his body. But worrit of all, it was published abroad among these idolatrous defiers of the living and true Go . When one who bears the name of Jesus is in any way overcome by the world, the 1 flesh or tJfce dovil, that hioly and beautiful name is blasjhomed and dishoi cred by the nir,s thus commit/tod. Our great business here is j to magnify tint name and to s'how forth His prauses. The defiers of God cainnot e'o enough to s^ow their hattree! of Him ami His people. .The devil never'e anything good or helped any or.e to be godly. I FOR ™e HOME I ® Recipes for the Kitchen. © » Hygiene and Other Notes S @ for the Housekc-epsr. ••••IB -3 CULINARY HUNT tub dry before using tj* «H1, Cotv« one small plaice at a time With ths oil rubbing it well wifcfi «. brusi and then with a cloth. Whee al h'aa been gone ovet , wash the 'tul with boiling water. Lampwicki soaked in vinegar a short time be fore im'ng them will a muol boiler light. "" prevent iflie i fee sent Mr. Mo. I the i ighti known up to that time was held, in spite oi the fact that the most eloquent tongue and the best, poised brain and the biggest heart Norihiield ever produced were lying silent in the grave. Mr. Moody's gospel seed planting yielded forth some thirty, some j yean sixty, end some a hundred fold. It spire was God's work, and God's work clian alone. not GOD WILL BLESS OUR WORK. niair lives ill bless the lives of modern j i,Te, first. I did not know her. Not, only had the grace of God cleansed her face, but the marks of dissipation j had almost entirely left her conn- j tenancu. Though she had not what | the average artist might, call a beautiful face, she certainly had a good, a:I'd i.i e, ft body that might ha crd dl Cor. vi. 19, 2< that was no use to Dai eitiher. May we be ski ing hire armor ttJW v. JMto the idolater's hani of faith and sworel of t d helmet of saKalioi nail lump of large ones, either, I not stick to the jeans if flour it I Slightly dusted over the greased j cuke-pans. When washing blankets i„..„ disMolvv borax in thi* ! hot thei mate a Pub' 1-18. tl e night y be and how n re behind, shall j that woman's 1 ___. of Saul riy broth-I trvm the wall of Hetfcsl-'a • how old tP Jebosh an'r". tin in'-. Uhc v waited Thank God for the fsh t~ God in-Uges who will rot toler, ip as lie wit to His name if th ■I Shall I vent it ! The er-eroy tc i ™„, r„J «■* 1-n.tmi and is fiakins , | thoroughly, a n tferee-qwu-lers ' quarters cup ter lavel tea e well, then i 11 eggs". Cook i » French Hott milk, an ore- |THE BEST DlSPflSIIIONSI yal lod and grow cognize the useful! with j hook ill n temporal his servants. Death Is often j the most "honorable of orders was al pruning hook. It lops that started by King William called n brunches of the great tree j "the Order of the Iron Cross." human race in order that . Would that to-day the Heavenly inches may better develop i King, instead of an earthly poten- iriety of French Sociologist Say That There Are Exceptions to Every Rule. nd ho arid long y light. , lay in snt i . inline nd woi the t 3 Of £ the it. Victory no longer. She flew to the of Wellington and peichcd he Napoleonic stetr set in rise no more in this world. i lack of rc-enforcemonis at which destroyeel ark I fo do all Christian i , bles Let me illustrate this truth simple way : Some years ago there lived in your town a noble, true man, who was the father of a large It is the lack of family. Suddenly he died. The which may de- friends who came into the bereft, of life. I home not only sympathized with widow because she hu'd lost her j and, but because she seemed to no visible means of support.! eldest son wns a nothing. He j ne cvp ol i brilrig honor I milk, one t and remember ! sifted v than sacrifice. I baking p-o lling and obe- li the battle LL BE" WITH THEE t tells us of another THE S. S. LESSON. VICTIMS OF NIAGARA. ,- held by war-j ponded in t the supreme j his father, urance of the j he seemed ish 'hich ces may also hen God gave t n he said, "Josh be- But b hen a (' supply tiffened into a s He vtent to work to i for that family of little became tho staff upon which his mother loaned. It was the death of Hs father that developed him. It was the hillock of a paternal grave by which the son «-°^ obic *° he sharp prun-hook of death to spiritually develop his undeveloped children. He takes away his Moses in order to throw the spiritual responsibilities upon his Joshuas. He savs to lis one and all : "It is not right for you, oh, young man, to learn to lean upon your father's and mother's . spiritual life ! You must ]eam to OSPEL WORK NEVER DIES. lean upon my di He had de-j Text of the Lesson, I. Sam. xxii-, e past entirely upon I 1.13. Golden Text> Mentally and morally | prov. xiv , 12. be entirely unfitted to I ssponsibilities of the j After the events of the last lesson ardly had the father I David and his 600 went to Achish, hange came over the! king of Gath of the Philistines, and, receiving Liklag from Achish, he dwelt there a year admitted j 3 about twenty minutes! 0!i t,:« result of an unusual and in-|. cor with milk'c.nd bake i 1 1'n investigation by a socjetxi en. ! of French sociologists. This ver-j 'ream Layer Cake.--Vise ?*ct was based on reports conccrncj Df sugar, one-half oi'.p of! temper, amiability and gen-j ard one-half cups of flour 1 disposition of men and women, j h two level teas-poors of! botb marrled and single, and in •wder, one rounding table- j srT,:e inelanecs of people before anid) spoon of butter and two eggs Stiri ttfter marriage. the butter and sugar to a cream ! 14 was founid that marriage has a skM tie eggs one at a time, tl en ! soothing effect; there is something! allernateTy the ftour aid milk and j a,'<«it m-atrhu-emy which brings aj bake in two layer cakes. F<-r the feeling of peace and contentment in! e Sto-ies minK '°<'k th'. ee-eiuarters- cup of ! m,'.st cases, although not in all. The' ndlk, ore level table-noon of butter, i society decided that there are cx-i . 1«*o tablespoon" of g-ra.te.i chot.o-: c':,'!"°";; to every rule, held that Niagara,' laic, one-half cup of sugar mid one . Ta*iuS the woman's point of view,! ta of vjcitams. I level tablespoon of cornstarch wet i '* was. easy to see how her temper j ay, wheai the wind is in a!with a little Cold water. Stir un il h-.-s in^rowd by rnatrhnony. j 'eeition and tho rc-ar of tihe cooled tihidk ard smooth, then ael-el I When she nMri-ies she has, it was' a peculiar, thu.i.ltn^is »' e beaten egg. lemovc from the - a-rsumed, attain, d the ambiticn of >>• say. "Niagara is b<i<ur.- ' odd oiK-.'.-alf teaspoon oi vaniil-, her hie. «*.<.• has get a husband and is calling i.i an o ulc- \it- i !«• Sp. «<«d between tie cakes and ' a ' £'t,f i"n' OKn> she looks for-Ar.d lemg indeed is t.'.e I four a chocolate glaze over the top.] vend to a happy life; in fact, the 3f the lost. A'll guides - Place a small saucepan on the stove1 future is a.s bright as future could the spot -where the Frcmfi' with two cups of sugar and ping *to fill 1 er ci..p f. 0111 1 quarter pootind of chocolate grated i 1 Qf 1 ; the; God gave to Joshua he gave to Christian fathers; that divine help he stepj will give to us if wc will trust him I t,el and believe on him and live for him Tuerefore I would inspire ever. Christian to prayerfully go forth au tlo what Cod wants him to do. would inspire all Christians to liv and work with a brave heart, be cause the results of our future con flirts are as sure as Cod's promise banter tells ot Saul's the witch of Kndor and Sam message to him. In chap the lords of the Philistines with them to battle, xxx. David and his 600, to Liklag, find it burned and no trace of their faini followed one of David boil until it will form a thread. Take from the fire and boat until a tftiin skin forms On top, then spread renly all over the cake, and set for few minutes in a very slow oven. Onion Pickle. --Poci small cjtrions THIS IS BOUND TO TKI Pt* haps before marriage a liclinc-d to i<ee 1 dread of I night ; hii flesh a hand tosse+i ebov ves. I evenly all over the cake arid set for I coptcnte muel s last They show you tho reck to which ipter xxix- Avery clung for twenty hours, for * Object to half o cir,y in Vi<-w <,r th., f.-u.iiUc i......-.............. 1 his men crowd, wjnp sent raft after raft to j salted water ft>r In chapter I reach Mm, yet taw 1.4m swept like a One cup of salt , returning j weed to destruction at last. quarts of wate with fire I Pecharu) the most tragic story is I cold wafer two % men wf 0 V»s j tdng tl em riband , . . uoas, whole doves and a I Cover wilh hot \ir two -ty-four hours. \ s sufficient for four i Rinse in clear j 1 of Fgypt, 3od i ving Christis - the gospel Ch; Like the go nment of England it goeis on unit ;rrtiptediy from generation to gei ation. When King William 1\ teathed his last the archbishop e anterbury immediately ' ie home of a young girl. 1 at the door of her p alone. And work- j protect thee He j did for your Christian parents." °r..:.0.'!THE SWEBTEST NOTES OF GOD. The sweetest gospel music is more often found to be the echo of a dirge than to come froth a fantasia or a serenade or a dithyramb. Mozart's "Last Requiem," composed for II j all, making it a law in Israel that I j those who tarry by the stuff shall I share equally with those who ge> to I. j tho battle (xxx., 6, 19, 24 , 25). Mnngoeft.--Reinov h wide from good ei/.rf j om before the Ph i slain in Mount ■as the battle as hindered, and ; its Many etie.l le-gen Then [ that of tte y< reatest | walking with fc: his 600 turned j lend. Jvnt i Iked of stoning j falls Coy stopped to gieet a party | red pepper aged himself in of friends. 'ITie young husband, in i little mace ^ ._ ->..- | merry mood, took in his arms a lit-j ICar and s. hf, tie gi.-l of y-.e party. Teasihgly he! C-'.c-.uuT-c ' held her out over the brink, never jsthio an in d<Aiht«njr the security of his s. a-or/g ' hut fre.m cutaimbe.s by Cutting grasp- The terrified child i-.truggi.-d st-raierht in towards the tenter with aid screamed, and in the struggle! lIle Po5n* o( a knife- Take mi*, the Sliprcd from his arms and fell into j seeds and soft purt, with a spoon, that whirl of foaming water. Put twelve cutfumheis and the Slice* Overwhelmed with the aw fulness of ' taken from them into a brii e of his act, and doubtlese r.e-tiaucel by; salt and cold water which is strong a wiW tnought of saving tie t.hihi, i to hold up ma egg. Cover the yamg man lenped after her to! anid set aside .'or t'weuf.y-four hours, his own deauh, und the; tiwo were' Di-ain well Chap fine one head of ■Wept away before tiie horrified condition which enables her to see a roseate huo on the most ordinary things of life, and where happinessi prevails, or ought to prevail. If this eioes not hi ..prove her tern-.- society takes marriage, well attended to, waiting on him at nil by the tiie, i i lie I of nyth |5 t oath leople . -ill be with the Chris )f this presort genera ht under his glorioti vid had proved it b; because < the • - the church of God has won victories in all ages. Solomon saw it on its march and pronounced it "terrible as an army with banners." Hte saw it later, triumphant over all evil, entering like a bride into the home of a brielgroom and her lord leading her into the banquet hall and placing over her the banner of love, down and meet him. When she entered the parlor he bowed to her, saying : "The king is dead ! Long live the queen ! ' When that young girl, after she heed grown to be an i of eighty-six, lay dying wrists bunched the strong tout-they began to every scale. 1 shriekings of lian God falling be first i instead of one chasing a thousand und [ and two putting 10,000 to flight was j (Deut. xxxii., 30), but the best of ■ of I men are nothing if Cod is not with "ere I them. It makes one's heart ache to the read in verse 2 of the death of Jon-1 to athan, and wc cannot be astonished ,Vin~ i at the depth of David's lamentation 'over one v/hoso soul was so knit with his own (II. Sam. i., 17-27), but we wontler as we read that it was over Sail as well as.Jonathan. David saw not his enemy, but the Lord's anointed. Saul had known much of the mercy of God, but now he is in the- hands of those who know no mercy (Prov. xxix. 1). 4-6. Saul died, and his three Wit the v about I l^-it she hud 1 gashed an. .a i : . spade, :i t the : 1 mil hearts have been L ;>v the gravetligger's j Spirit as plain,y l the dark nights of i ture teach us that, • the Bethlehe it Jesus wa,s ER TOO OLI I ail his at same day together. then? Where are the deael? ords of the Lord Jesus in vi. and other words of the oreled in Scrip-we are redeem-looel of God's xvii., 11; Heb. ;ain." "To de- in a little boat with hei band on the river ahov Although warned not far, they rowed on ar sniiOjovh, treacherous, v.tatei M. till the terrible current seiz- j white twine Place all eel tfheir Mule skiff and whirled it j and cover with vinegar- for twenty-into the rapids. The last glimpse four hours, then simmer in the sam of them showed them stanHang up I vinegar for half an hour, IVaii in the rooking boat, clasped in eacjh and again cover with fresh vinegar other's arms. Then boat, " " brtudeg.'ooni were engulfed change of e_____ awaits him if he cenitti home soaked, and his many other little wants are looked after. Now, a man living with his mother and sisters may he well enough attended to, yet Cere is always a certain lack of inteiest; but. it does not do for a wife to be uninterested where her husband's welfare is concerned; her happiness, her future--, everything depends on his health being well looked after. All this tto soften Us tern- , -. ! cwv...-i.„ «i..«v utimc w«; ;i.»i/iiioa gap.e uiuijanc, aiitl three needium-sized . !!X '"8. '■ of their friends. onions chopped line, one-half iUvel Perhaps that bride's fate, who I teatypoon each of cinnamon and ocfi and s)«~ this awful tragedy, ! clcfvos, one level tabhXpOjBM Of g.tat-as sadder than tiie lot of the.other ied horseradish, the same of salt ing anid a saltspe>on of pepper. One-half tus- j cup of small nasturtium seeds will i Jls. j improve it. Mix these ingredients | fair-seeming, back in place> and tie round with | )wmo of ^ -J" ^ '^^ pickle .tai | around--th»t is your piano, your sideboard, your tins, that, or the other thing; aiwl there comics a nice glow of pleasure. Vo.i WELL ARMED. "Mamma, didn't, you say last week you wanted the carving knife and the chopper sharpened ?" Mis. Suhurb : "Indeed I did. Ble-s his little heaa-t 1 How thoughtful ire both so blunt 1 he; l "Well, "How s saich thini '11 take ' 'otfn'd i the and stanid ovc this vinegar, ( the mango* i and pir and i tury. rledge ha and v ith : with : : who stirred Eng- ■ ealed Michael Angelo' at est change the facts. His chisel had His to make Moses an old man. He had s of almost passed Jiis eightieth milestone ' '"e when ho went forth to liberie children of Israel from Egyp-slayery. How old was Joshua the mantle of the dead Moses pon his shoulders ?• He had He [alreai sclts and . Hq ;ed his fourscore years etieth milestone. to walk humbly pie reliance ujion their bae-.l-s upon fellewship with the tes Him " flood, wild tie bodies, whdcti to be temples of the Holy GCio filled with love and peace and joy, will be poeiscsRcri by such enemies as envy and hatred and {owlish thoughts and sinful lusts and thus (ioil'. im>nar¥i,- be sJadly riefilad- night TH PLANT OF JAVA The ers whicl fume so powerful as lo overcome, inhaled for any length of time, full grown man, and which kills : forms of insect life that come und horse-wjeish root, which has a tendency to keep the vinegar. Put' or a close-fisting cover and set in c cold, dry place. USEFUL SUGGESTIONS. Leather chairs onel leather bind-inigs e-ain be brightened by bclog rulbbed with a cloth which has beem dipped in the white of tin egg. If j thing in coveting kitchen table with oilcloth a layer of brown paper is put on fillet, it will prevent the oilcloth cracking and mate it weatr If .ree times as long. A little parafiin-oi) rubbed on with flannel will clean a greasy sinh. To clean silver spoons knives and forks in every-day use rub with a damp cloth clippOel in baking soda, and polish with a leather your pipe here, jus* as you pleas NO ONE WILL COMPLAIN. Before marriage you had to sum in a stufly little parlor, or else out of eloois to enjoy your aft tJinncT pipe. What, a difference, be sure ! Well, very naturally, t. gives you satisfaction, and ye temper is sweetened. Perhaps before marriage a man weimiun is very impatient; every th: I must be rushed through with, a: get done. But if you i cry impatient the temper suffe hort and grumpy. After- marriage--or at any rate lib' i the adhed asdds blue ich bee ■i le!-. saJve>.1 tempered, hbed with an. The yoi ly heated in be put down; used, it will does any goo now much it | and bear it; h ths should j the Half the human race die before they i-each seventeen, and only one person in 1,000 reaches sixty. Mrs. Aristocrat : "Bid you hear Nouveau Riche said to the e this Wellborn : "No, my tell me all about it." Mr crat : "Well, she informed she had derided to have a Thev should first be washed ■i.efs. clean Uen-r,'1ar.<|n!m^',th?lhJi' . weith cold water, then rtibbod with a cloth dipped in milk. This have an extraordinary tf[ the end. Table salt an'tl a temper of either man or vv cloth will remove ogg-i'tair," o sil- pat of a baby's hand eai ver. To stone raisins, free darkest scowl from the fae from s'tenne, place them in a I owi, look from the innoceh* e d lot baby can drive the them stared two minutes. Pot r off thoughts from the mind. the water and open the rai husband and wife lose the when the steels may be quickly over any little thing--a bt moved, A zinc bath-tub may be> ing wili make mWU«i-»- Bolisfcati with keroson* lfee C&1S acai-.-i.