COLBORNE, SEPT. 3rd, 1903. --Mr. Gordon Dudley, of Pliiladel-phfa~,-is home on a visit. --Miss Ethel Walker is attending model school at Port Hope. --Miss Highet, of Cobourg, is the guest of Mrs. S. H. Scripture. --Miss Ada Mallory left on Thursday morning for her home in Duluth. --Mr. A. ;Siuith, of Peterboro, is •pending a few days at the home of his parents. --Miss Maude Head is in Toronto this week attending the millinery openings. --The Colborne high school opened on Tuesday with an unusually large attendance. Miss McGibbons, of Port Hope, is visiting at the home her sister, Mrs. G. A. Outram. --Mrs. E. Maiiory, of Cobourg, is a guest at the home of her nephew, Mr. W. A. Douglas. --Messrs. A. A. Gould and J. Kieves broke camp on Friday last and have returned to town. --Mrs. C. T. Head has gone to Madawaska to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. H. F. Burgess. --Miss Vann. of Bowmanville, was a guest at the home of Mr. S. II. Scripture for a few days last week. --Mrs. O. McDonald who has been residing at Allan's Hill, N. Y., for some time past returned on Monday last. -Mr. D. W. Hicks left Loughbreeze ou Sunday for an extended visit with his brother Dr. J. Hicks of Alleganey K. Y. 3ks at the | Gilbert, -Mrrs. W. A. Thompsc s spending a couple jv. R. Taylor and camp at Victoria ter a plei ■ Welland where she lias --Octobe.rJ.oth lias been selected as Tliatik'S'^Wg Day. --VyV-iMtoii & Son, harness mak-ersj haVefiirchnsed the stock of J. R. FjcougifleX --H. Gjhle, editor Enterprise, is is uer ot marriage licenses for thecounty -of Northumberland. --The North King and Caspiau are running daily excursions from Rochester to the Toronto exhibition. --The steamer Argyle will make two trips a week to Toronto during the exhibition. Tuesdays and Thurs- --Hamilton hotel-keepers have decided to raise the price of whiskey, sell beer in smaller glasses and do away with the free lunch counters •*--Ho For Qiebec.--Str. "Alexandria" will make three more runs to Quebec, leaving Brighton at 1.30 a. in. sharp, Monday August 24tli., August 31st., and September 7th. Don't miss the trip of the season. --The present session of the Dominion Parliament has already lasted one hundred and seventy"-four days. This is equal to the session of 1885, which "was the longest previous session in Canadian history. And the session of 1903 is not yet at an end. --The Toronto Weekly Sun says it is a striking commentary upon our politics that Mr. Tarce and Mr. Blair, who were but a short time ago active members of the present Government, are now spoken of as candidates for the Conservative leadership. Mr. Taite has already been formally admitted to the Conservative fold, and if he could divide Quebec with Laurier he could get anything within the power of the Conservatives to give him. And yet it is less tha , fairly i Strayed. AHOUND came onto the premises of the undersigned on or about Aug. 8th. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. O. C. POMEROY, Castleton. Miss Helen M. Rutherford, A. T. C. M. i Pupil of Dr. Edward Fisher.) Honor Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination. Box 126, Colborne, Ont. What's New for Fall? VICTORIA BEACH. The lebn n Thursda; with i ight the isseti off md & Coh t. aud Mrs. Frank Webb and turned to to-stay at Lo after beach east of Locht pleasantly and very i cottagers of this plea sort are to be congratulated for the enthusiasm shown in arranging and Carrying out 1.1 u» ^i.^mnimo of aports. Mr. Snetsinger who had been .ippoint- ed by the cottagers chairman for the evening invited Dr. Mallory_ to take his place. Tne doctor ;hbrc opened the pro-* »-■** -- Mr. returned hoi ry and family, who I .ending the last two ii cottage at the lake I yeal, on Monday last. it wi --The Misses Curtis graduates ofoi nurses from the Philadelphia Hospital I clos,[ are spending a tveek with Mr. and uear Mrs. F. M. Brintnell at Victoria Beach. l0r i --Mrs. Cronk, of Bellevills, a sister | this of Mrs. Schaffer, and Mrs, C Worster, Mass., a sister of Mr. Schaffer, are guests at the Hotel Brunswick. --During the storm on Sunday last about thirty feet of the smoke stack of the electric light house fell off and came through the roof of the boiler --Great preparations are in progress at Brighton for the holding of a street fair. A large amount of money has been subscribed and a big time is expected. --Messrs. W. W, Cochrane, Thos. Lycett and Ira Brown left on Wednesday evening for Kentville, N. S„ where they will engage in the apple business. --Mr. Trew, of Lindsay, an experienced poultry fancier, has been, engaged to judge the poultry at the Cramahe exhibition which is to be held in Colborne on Oct. 5th and 6th. --The members 'of St. Mary's Church Grafton will hold a picnic on the church groun ds on Labor Day Monday September 7t me and introduced :an who gave a history of the i and contrasted its present beau-appearance with that of thirty i ago aud showed how ap opriate s to cherish aud revere tiie name r much lamented queen. At the | p^jjCEL NO of his remarks he called for three I ■s for "Victoria Beach" which was ily responded to. Rev. Mr. Tay ho has been one of the campers season also spoke in highest terms ne I of the place and cottagers. Then fol-1 lowed a coronet solo by Mr. Harvey Edwards of Brockville. The people harmed to hear "My Old Ken-welcome to the beach was extended, to the visitors by Mr. F. 0. McGlennon with his megaphone, he said that "the summer residents of the locality having for five years survived wars, panics, fires and fioods are glad to make you welcome to Victoria Beach and'thank you for your pres- Wanted. AN organist for the Colborne Methodist church. Applicant to state salary expected. Applications received to Sept. 15th 1903 and full im-formation given by the choir committee, Rev. R. Taylor, Dr. A. E. Mallory and W. Bellamy. AUCTION SALE of valuable Farm and Village Property including APPLE STORE HOUSES at Colborne and Trenton. In re the estate of JVL R Peterson & Co. insolvents. Persuant to the directions of the Inspectors of this Estate there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by Henry Hicks, Auctioneer, at the Brunswick House in the Village of Colborne, on Saturday, the 5th day of Sept., 1903, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the several properties hereunder described: PARCEL NO. 1--Lot 428 on the west side of Division St.* and on the south side of Earl St. and lot 427 on the south side of Ear] St. in the Vil-age of Colborne, on which is a large Apple Store House having a siding of the G. T. R. connected therewith and certain valuable privileges. PARCEL NO. 2--Vacant lot 426 and part of vacant lots,425 on the south side of Earl St. iu the village of Colborne having a siding of the G T. R. connected therewith and certain valuable privileges. PARCEL NO. 3--Vacant Lots west of fruit houses at G. T. R. station Colborne being lots 406, 407, 408. 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422 and 423 on the south side of Earl st. in the Village of Colborne. That's the question that nearly every lady is asking at the present time. No better way is known to us, if answering it, than by inviting her to our store and showing her our assortment of new autumn and winter goods. The new things are the most beautiful and most acceptable we have ever offered to the public. We will be pleased to show them to you whether you are prepared to buy or not. Don't wait till you have to come for something else. Make a special trip and take your time and you will appreciate them all the more. DRESS GOODS. Some of the most fashionable materials for autumn and winter wear. Many of them are suit lengths only, which promises to the purchaser exclu-siveness not obtainable elsewhere. Scotch Tweed Suitings Zebeline Suitings Covert Bourette Suitings Cheviot Suitings Venetian Suitings. Melrose dress-goods. Crepe de Chene dress-goods. Eolienne dress-goods. Voile dress-goods. Crepoline dress-goods. Wrapperettes. The patterns in the new wrapperettes are very artistic this season and are extra good imitations of the French flannels which they are made to represent. You can always feel sure that quality comes first here and when you feel sure about the quality, you generally feel safe about the price. Excellent values at 10c to 25c per yd. Skirts. Our assortment of new skirts for fall shows an excellence of quality combined with style, finish and exclusiveness of pattern which de-stinguishes them from all others. They are made of the best qualities and newest makes of cloth that it is possible to use in popular ■ priced garments. We have all lengths and sizes and can suit you in anv price $3 to $8. Our milliner will be here on Monday the 7th inst., and will be ready with dozens of very pretty felt shapes and ready-to-wear hats to attend to your needs. Scougale Bros., COLBORNE, - ONTARIO. side i 1 this 1! take f. able vhen Vit r our resort a new name, tubers are being yearly aug-d we take this opportunity you all to take up y our for the summer month • We lib of Clo- the afternoon a programme of sports will be carried out. prizes will be given for the contests. A dancing pavilio erected on the grounds and athletic Liberal lifferent people and all win midst are enrolled a mutual admiration "We have been miscalled sand-pipers aud beach combers and while we have on this occasion requested your presence iu the cool shades of the evening we beg to claim that Victoria Beach will stand inspection in the broad bright light of day. ' 'We laid our foundations on sand I but we have succeeded in getting, the ...... gills and are slowly coming this slight back ." lousing bonfire luminated tl by the light of which acre 111 be I batic performances were indulL table j cd in by several who tried to walk -Mrs. ished. the tied slippe pole Inch lumbc. south side of Colborne double house PARCEL NO. 5 356 on the east side of Division st. and on the north side of Earl st. in the Village of Colborne having 50ft. frontage on Division st. aud 144 ft. frontage on Earl st. good barn and shed. PARCEL NO. 6--Vacant lots east of double house being lots 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, and 365 on the south side of Earl st. in the Village of Colborne. PARCEL NO. 7- A farm iu the To wn-ship of Cramahe being the west half which ii of the north half of Lot number 27 in the 2nd concession of the said Township of Cramahe. containing 50 acres together with a long narrow strip off the east side of Lot No. 28 in the second Concession of the said Township of Ciamahe on which is situated a good house and barn and a large orchard of considerable PARCEL N.O, 8--Twelve acres of land being the north part of property .known as "Kelwood" and being part of lot No. 33 in the 2nd Con cession of the Township of Cramalu on which is situated some valuabh Mr. Walh ceededin peris awarded the »f a gold pin ■ Mr. H. J. Mayhew. This ed by high diving by J. H. .ml Arthur Houlding. The pro- n.-isted . sbrc :gl,t ti lose by ind au il- Mis. Weller j gliUid display of lis. Mayhew i fnmiuated flotilla. Long may the resi-a nee ' q']ie j dents of Victoria Beach live and should another demonstration in fut-iost enjoyable ure h* announced the five hundred Snetsinger's | wi10 attended on this occasion will re %*tura and bring their friends wit1.' them. PARCEL NO. 9--Lot on the end of Water Street allowance iu Town of Trenton, on which ii large Apple Store House with C tral Ontario Railroad siding c nected therewith and certain -, uable privileges. TERMS Ten per cent, of the purchase moi will be required to be paid dawn the time of sale and the balance one month tli outh A NATIONAL EXHIBITION. A quarter of a million dollars has I een spent in new buildings and re whole of Canada. There wil! be no fewer than 9,000 animals on view at the one time; something tvhicli the Dominion Exhibition authorities boast no other fair in the world can show, A unique feature is also the Process Building, in which between 30 and 40 diffeient industries will be exhibited in active operation. Although the Fair is called the Dominion Kxhibitioii it is really an Imperial Exhibition for so exalted a personage as Hit Majesty the King has sent a number of exhibits. Among them are the presents received by the late Queen Victoiia at the time of her Jubilee in 1887, and the Diamond Jubilee in 1897. These gifts are. from all parts of the. world and are valued at several million pounds. In addition His Majesty is sending some treasures presented to him during his tour in India in 1875 and 76. These comprise saddlery itnd many trophies of the chaise. The King has further sent a number of pictures from his palaces in Sandring ham, Loudon and Edinburgh. H. R. H. the Duchess of Argyle (Piincess Louise) is sending some of her paintings and the Dowager Marchioness of Duffern is forwarding many presents received by herself and her late husband during their residence in India. These comprise some of the most precious gems in the world and a lot of articles of rate value presented to bis late Lordship by King Theeba" FURNITURE! No words can begin to convey to your mind the beauty and richness of our furniture. Its artistic designs are highly appreciated by the ladies and gentlemen of Brighton, and flattering comparisons are drawn between our furniture and goods shown elsewhere. On the 16th and 17th of Sept. our great street fair with all its beauty will be held here. Any person attending the fair and having a few minutes to spare, if they will call at our warerooms we will be only too pleased to show our display of furniture. We have over 6000 square feet of floor space set aside entirely for furniture, we carry nothing else. Those who keep in close touch with our stock will have the best opportunity to select the most desirable pieces. We invite a thorough inspection of our stock of thiol yet the lis bred on the King's estal . place s bred by All the Fancy Rockers. Bedroom Suites. Cobbler Rockers. Dressers. High Polished Rockers. Wash stands. .Reed Rockers. Iron Beds. Sewing Rockers. Wh>te Dressers and Stands. Children's Rockers. Ma itie Beds/ Arm Rockers. Mattresses. Arm Chairs. Springs. Dining Chairs. Jardinere Stands. Kitchen Chairs. Pictures. i Extension Tables. Easils. Sideboards, Picture Framing. Hall Racks. Screens. Parlor Suites. Cradles. Parlor Tables. High Chairs. Couches. Kitchen Cabinets, Etc. i-iiilif i. bid. Fu ■ furthe ado It s of sa f sale. E. R. C. Clarkson, Assignee, Scott St. Toronto. Masten, Starr & Spence, Barristers, Canada Life Bldg., Toronto Frank L Webb, Barrister, Colborne. Ont. tive have arranged for spectacle by Bolossy Kirn! nd excursion rates litii Come arid see our stock j as it does not cost anything to look through. Remember ,the above dates. J.B.Chapin&Son Brighton, - Ontario.