COLBORNE, AUG. 27th, 1903. --Miss Cave of Belleville is a guest at the Parsonage. -- Mrs. G. A. Outram aud children are visiting friends in Port Hope. --Mr. Harold Batty of Lakeport is visiting friends ai Campbellford. --Miss B. Douglas of VVarkworth is a guest at the home of Mr. W. A. Douglas. --Mr. R. al. Snelgrove aud family of Chicago are the gu ests of Mrs. B. McCracken. --Mrs. P. O. McGlenuon gave a verandah tea at Victoria Beach on Thursday of last week. --Mrs. S. Robinson and child of St. George are spending a few weeks with friends in this vicinity. --Every one is invited to the beach this Thursday evening. Water races fireworks bonfires, etc. Mr. Cox, Mr. S. Tucker, Miss Annie and Master Fred Tucker took ten at Loughbreeze on Sunday. •--Mr. H. Taylor of Peterboro is spending a short vacation with his parents at the Parsonage. --Mr. aud Mrs. S. H. Scriptuie were in Bowmanville last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Scripture's niece- --Mrs. Cole of Rochester and Mrs. Cameron were*guests of Mr. and Mrs. Baker at Loughbreeze one day last week. -- Mr. J. D. O'Flynn, Barrister at Sault Ste. Marie paid his Colborne friends a flying visit on Friday and Monday. --Mrs. Robert Snetsinger, Mrs. Fred McGlennon, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Gale dined at Loughbreeze one day last week. --Major Herman Rogers ot Grafton and his sister Miss Rogers of New York took tea at Loughbreeze on Thursday last --Mr. J. H. Douglas ol Warkworth returned on Saturday last from a successful business trip to the North West Territories. --Miss Powell of Brighton and Miss Drewryof Charlottetown, P. E. I., were the guests of Mrs. H. Gale at the lake on Friday last. --Mr. and Mrs. Baker and Miss Baker have returned to their home in Rochester after seveial weeks sojourn at Loughbreeze. --Mrs. Finley McDonald and grandchildren and Mrs. Archie McDonald and little son took dinner at Loughbreeze on Friday last. --Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunnett aud son of Dundonald with Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jacques and daughter of Perth dined at Loughbreeze on Thursday last. --Last week Major Odell and Lieuts. Turpin and McCallum, with four gun squads of the Cobourg Garrison Artillery, went to Quebec for the annual big gun competition of the howitzers. --Mr. W. S. Dudley, of the Cortland Fish & Oyster Co., of Cortland, N. Y. who is spending a few days with his relatives in this section returneshome this week accompanied by his father Mr. J. Dudley. --Many readers will be interested in the following resolution which was unanimously passed at the recent meetings of the Baptist Association in Peterboro:--Moved by Rev. John E. Trotter, seconded by Major Caswell; That as an association we place on record our sincere regret at the removal from our midst of Rev. T. Watson „nd Rev. P. K. Dayfoot, M. A.; and that we acknowledge with gratitude the invaluable services they have rendered and assure tliem of our best wishes and prayers for success and blessing in their new spheres of D. A. Gordon, president of the Wal-laceburg Sugar Factory, says tests have been made for coal near Wal-laceburg- At 270 feet a thin seam of coal was found, aud within the next six feet two more were discovered. The quality of the coal was excellent, seemingly across between bituminous and anthracite. Lignite has also been found near Moose Faetory by men operating under the direction of tiie Ontario Department of Miues. The lignite found by this party is of a fair quality, but like all lignite, is of little value outside of the di wheie it is found, unless mauufi ed into briquets. This is a fe --H. Gale, editor Enterprise, i uer ot marriage licenses for thecounty-of Northumberland. In auother column Miss Helen Rutherford announces that she is prepared to give instructions in Music. --In another column Mr. Fred McGlennon. Lakeport offers a quantity of cedar posts, fence rails etc, for sah --The steamer Argyle will make two trips a week to Toronto during Hie exhibition. Tuesdays aud .Thurs-days. ' --Ho Fob Quebec--Str. "Alexan dria" will make three more runs tc Quebec, leaving Brighton at 1.30 a. m sharp, Monday August 24th., August 31st,, and September 7th. Doh miss the trip of the season. --Mr. R. Harstone of Warkworth, who has been on a two months trip through Manitoba and the North West returned on Wednesday evening. He reports that the crops aro good and that the country is in a very prosperous condition. --The Buffalo Express last Sunday published the poitraits of Grover Cleaveland, ex-president of the United States, and I. 0. Proctor, Sheriff of these counties. The gentlemen bear a striking resemblance, and would readily be taken for brothe-s. - -W. Barton & Son, harness and collar makers, having purchased part of a stock of harness goods, offer for sale cheap the lap rugs and fancy lap dusters, also a quantity of axle grease at 5 cts. per box or 6 boxes for 25 cts. We are always pleased to show our goods to everybody. --The prize list for the Cramahe Fair which is to be held in Colborne on Oct. 5th and 6th is now ready for distribution. The amount of the prizes in several classes have been increased and several of the classes have been rearranged and a number of special prizes have been secured. On Wednesday last, Miss Annie Oulehau, of Haldimand Township, who several years ago was stricken with paralysis passed away. Peeeased had suffered much during I er illness .and had been confined to her bed for ■me time previous to her death, The termeht took place yesterday at St. Marv's Cemetery, Grafton. --The Ontario Game Department is preparing its shooting certificates for the fall season. About 9000 copies are being stamped and signed for immediate distribution throughout the province. Those for non-residents in Ontario will be sent out in time for the duck shooting which opens on Septembr 1, and the permits for the shooting of moose, reindeer and bou will be sent around in time for the season: which opens on October 1st. --The Financial District Meeting of the Brighton District was held in the Methodist Church Colborne on Tuesday 25th inst.. Rev. T. J Edmison A., B. D., President of Conference and Chairman of the District presiding. The meeting was opened at 10:30 a. m. and the business conducted with such despatch that only one session was necessary. Arrangements were made for holding Missionary and Educational anniversaries,and special piominence was given to the Evangelistic and Missionary phases of the Bi-cen tennary movement. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance was not large. --Judged by his horse. When the present pastor of the church in Dalesville in response to a unanimous call arrived to enter upon his charge not one person in the congregati.m bad ever seen or heard him. Aiu neing to the station for a load of i'..- pastor's household effects, the sou of one of the principal members said to his father, "The new minister is all right. The church evidently did quite the right thing when they called him sob ly on the strength of his record." I response to a question from the father the son said, "No I have not seen him nor any of his family, but I have seen his horse and from that I know that he is all right." DIED. Cochrane --At Grafton, on Friday Aug, 21st, 1903, James Cochrane aged 41 years. ONE IN FOUR PERSONS. their hcard ol Dr. Chase' Ointment as the only absolute and guar anteed cure for this distressing disease If you are a sufferer ,-tsk your ' neighbor about this great pseparation. It has grown popular as a result of the news o its merits being passed from friends o Strayed. [ HOUND came onto the premises have the g property and paying Aug. 8th. same by. pri .xpeu.i s ^ ^ POME ROY, Castleton Miss Helen M. Rutherford, A. T. C. M. (Pupilof Dr. Edward Fisher.) Honor Graduate of Toronto Con-servatory of Music. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination. Box 126, Colborne, Ont. Public Meeting. APUBLIC meeting will be held at or near the Salem School House Saturday afternoon, September 5 at 3 o'clock for the purpose of considering the extension of the grounds and other matteis in connection with the Salem cemetery. By order of th Cha'rman of tho committee. AUCTION SALE of valuable Farm and Village Property including APPLESTORE HOUSES Colborne and Trenton In re the estate of M. R Peterson & Co insolvents. Persuant to the directions of the Inspectors of this Estate there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by Henry Hicks, Auctioneer, at the Brunswick House in the Village of Colborne, on Saturday, the 5th day of Sept., 1903, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the several properties hereunder described: PARCEL NO. 1--Lot 428 on the west side of Division St. and on the south side of Earl St. and lot 427 on the south side of Ear] St. in tho Vil-age of Colborne, on which isa Tinge Apple Store House having a siding of the G. T. R. connected therewith and certain valuable privileges. PARCEL NO. 2--Vacant lot 426 and part of vacant lots,425 on the south side of Earl St. in the Village of Colborne having a siding of the G. T. R. connected therewith and certain valuable privileges. PARCEL NO. 3--Vacant Lots west of fruit houses at G. T. R. station Colborne being lots 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 422 and 423 on the south side of Earl st. iu the Village of Colborne. PARCEL NO. 4--Lot number 357 ou the east side of Division st. and south side of Eail st. in the village of Colborne on which is a large double house. PARCEL NO. 5--Part of lot number 356 on the east side of Division st. and on the north side of Earl st. in I the Village of Colborne having 50ft. frontage on Division st. and 144 ft. frontage on Earl st. on which is a good barn and shed. PARCEL NO. 6--Vacant lots east double house being lots 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, and 365 on the south side of Earl st. in the Village of Colborne. PARCEL NO. 7-- A farm in the To wn-ship of Cramahe being the west half of the north half of Lot number 27 in the 2nd concession of the said Township of Cramahe containing 50 acres together with a long narrow str'p off the east side of Lot No. 28 in the second Concession of the said Township of Cramahe op which is situated a good house and barn and a large orchard of considerable PARCEL NO, 8--Twelve acres of land being the north part of propenty known as "Kelwood" and being part of lot No. 33 in the 2nd Concession of the Township of Cramahe on which is situated some valuable wood. PARCEL NO. 9--Lot on the south end of Water Street allowancein the Town of Trenton, on which is s large Apple Store House with Central Ontario Railroad siding con nected therewith and certain val uable privileges. TERMS Ten percent, of the purchase moueA will be required to be paid dawn at the time of sale aud the balance in one mouth thereafter. There will be a reserved bid. Further terms an conditions of saie will be .1- ade know >f sale. For further parti THEY MUST GO! It is time for us to say good-bye to the fast of these summer things* There are a good many of them but if a special clearing price counts for anything we will not have them much longer. The things uppermost in our minds at present are told about below. Our entire stock of ladies and children's cotton hose ) and vests which we sold in the regular way at 12 1-2 and 15c > goes on sale at the special clearing price of 10c. SEE DISPLAY IN WEST WINDOW. Muslins. 15c and 20c muslins for 10c per yd. 25c muslins for 15c per yd. 35c muslins for 20c per yd. 45c muslins for 30c per-yd. Blouses. 65c blouses for 40 cents. $1.25 blouses for 75 cents. $1.50 blouses for 1.00. $1.75 blouses for 1.25. $2.00 blouses for 1.50. Scougale Bros., COLBORNE, ONTARIO. ulai appl; E. R. C. Clarkson, Masten, Starr & Spence, Banisters, Canada Life Bldg., Torontc Frank L. Webb, Barrister, Colborne. Ont, When on your Vacation You see others with a KODAK You will the wish you had one. Half its delights lost without one. Take one with you. We have them all styles and prices XI-Brownies Also -$2 Light, Compact. No dark room needed. W. A. DOUGLAS. DOMINION EXHIBITION 1803 - TORONTO - 1903 AUO. 87th to 8KPT. 12th The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted. daily parades of live stock | THE JUBILEE PRESENTS exhibited FREE, m well 1 THE DUFFERIN PRESENTS | OF IRISH MANUFACTURE | A CARNIVAL IN VENICE j CASTLETON HARNESS SHOP. A full line of all kinds of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS is carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing will receive prompt and careful attention. HOUSE OF REFUGE. SEALED TENDERS marked "Tenders for House of Refuge Site" will be received by the undersigned up to noon tin September 1st, 1903. for a building site of 40 acres more or less, suitable for the construction of a Houso of Refuge for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Tenders shall state the quantity of land, location of same with nature of soil, size and particulars of buildings, if any, upon the premises, and price per acre or for the lot. Counties' Clerk's Office. Cobourg. R, COLEMAN, Castleton. APPLICATION hat C G. Button. Proprietor of the Wo Township of Murray, We are still trying to run off the balance of our SHOES at a price. A good line of men's and boy's heavy boots, also women's and girl's every day shoes. We have still a fair assortment of WALL PAPER ! If you need anything in that line do not wait too long. Specials. Strawberries, Pineapples and all kinds of fruit in season. We are handling Nasmith's bread. A new line of toilet sets and dinner wear just i|n. Peterboro tenderloin and sausage in every Tuesday. W. S. I COLBORNE, >YLE, ONTARIO.