Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 13 Aug 1903, p. 1

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THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XXI.--No. 7. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUG. 13, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year For all that may before us lie In scenes of conflict, toil, and strife, In simple faith Thy children cry To Thee, the source of light and life: Prepare our hands to wield the sword And gird us with Thy strength, 0 Gird us as Thou of old didst gird Those who w ent forth at Thy command And who proclaimed Thy gracious To every tribe in every land: Help us like them to fight the fight, And gird us with Thy matchks? might, And may there be in us the mind Which was in Christ our living Head Like Him may we be true and kind And in the path of meekness tread: May Thy bright beams upon us shine And gird us with Thy love divine. Help us the sacred heights to climb, Help us the needful cross to bear, Help ns to live the life sublime, Help us Thy message to declare; Help us to tread where Jesus trod, And gird us with the power of God. Gird us in mind Thy truth to know. Gird us lu soul for Thee to stan<i. Gird us through all our life below To serve with willing heart and hand: In us fnifil Thy great design Am! _.;d us with Thy life divine. DalesY'i'lle, Que. 1903. T Watson, THE GLOW OF HEALTH When the blood is rich and pure there is a healthful glow to the complexion which speaks of the vigor and vitality of way for pale, weak people to attain the glow of health than by the persistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the great food cure which forms new, rich, red blood and creates new nerve force. EDVILLE. Appie buyers are n( just now. Miss May Sherman visit to friends in week. Miss Addle M^Oih Cardinal. Mr. Wm. Drinkwalter, of Streets-s the guest of his father here last recently a sho e ago Mr. Thomas Murphy entertained a few of his friends one night last week before his return to his school duties. One of our former teachers, Miss Mabe; Thompson, of Orangeville, is visiting friends iu this section at Master Samuel Kelly has returned tc the home of his grandfather, Mr. Samuel Bennett, after an absence of two months in the States. UENTEETON. Miss Osborne, of Melrose, is a guest at the Methodist parsonage. Mrs. Pasey, of Peterborough, is vis itingher aunt. Mrs. L. Archer. Miss Came Eddy, of Roche iter, 1 spending a few days with her aunt Mrs. John Jones. Farmers are rushing their grai: harvest and the hum of the thresher wilt be heard this week. Miss Proctor of Toronto, after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. L. Rollis, has returned he Mr. John Gillespie, whowasthn from his horse some days ago and jured his right sholder, is still un: to work. My H air "I had a very severe sickness that took off all my hair. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111. One thing is certain,-- Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and always restores color to gray hair. ir druggist cannot supply you, one dollar and we will express ittle. Be sure and giro the name nearest express office. Address, J.O.A'natCO.,LoweU,Mass. EAST COLBORNE. Mr. J. G. Cudlipp has sold 1 apples to Mr. John Coyle. Mr. Clifford Brown spent St day under the parental roof. Mr. Wm. Hollemback has purchas Mr. Wilbert Eddy's large orchard. Miss Maude Head is spending 1 vacation with friends in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. John Trinear Cramahe spent Sunday at the ho: of Mr. and Mrs. W. Warner. COLBORNE COUNCJ Ho; mberlaiK ed to md Durl f in the ..$62 no We were glad to read the letter from the Rev. T. Watson, that j On motion of Mes appeared in the Enterprise last week. Coyle, orders on the 1 Miss Annie Davis entertained her | granted as follows: two cousins, daughters of the Rev. j Electi ic Light Go. for Geo. Davis, for a few days recently. W. II. Smith, i, ate Mr. S. Haynes of Cobourg spent a work on sidewalks......... 1 65 few days with bis son and daughter, I Geo. Keyes, printing, advertis'g 23 00 Mr. C. Haynes and Mrs. W. H. Colton I J- Prater, drawing fire engine. 1 00 Mr. and Mrs. M. McGhau of Avon, j °u?*;,5/ ™7.?r?.S\i?OStS} -!! N. Y. spent a few days last week the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. H. Chatterson. PRESQU'lSLE i'OlNT. Miss Gertie Mikel visited at Mrs. A. Cragg's last week. Mrs. Hugh Suiifh is visiting at her mother's. Mrs. F. Cornwall. Miss Bessie Maitland is visiting fui uds in and about Biighton. Miss Eva McGillis, Hilton, is visit-inglat her uucle's, Mr. H. E. Smith. Master Gordon Taylor is spending a few weeks with his aunt, Miss Adelia Taylor Master Fr.-d Becker, of Rochester, after spending a week at his aunt's, Mrs. Maitland,- is visiting his granafaib.er.Mr. J. Millar.of Colborne. Miss Mabel McBride, of Grafton, former teariu-r of our school, and Mr. and Miss Edmison of Brighton, were the guests of Mrs. Craig one day last Miss Mae Carde of Wicklow, and Miss May McGorman of Brighton, former teacher of i ,.i school, spent a few days last week yisiting Mrs. Geo. Craig and other friends in the vicinitv. HARD ON THE BABIES. One of the first effects of a hot wave particularly in towns and cities, is a pronounced increase in the number ^^nty^^n^Z'^ the helpless little ones would move the hardest heart. Stomach trouble and diarrhoea are the foes most to be d readed at this time and every mother should appreciate the necessity of careful diet and attention at the first sign of these troubles. Medicine should never be given to check diarrhoea except upon the advice of i physician. A diet limited almost en tirely to boiled milk and the use o Baby's Own Tablets will cure almost any case and keep baby in health. Mrs. W. E. Bassam, of Kingston, Ont., writes: "When my little girl was about three months old she suffered with vomiting and had diarrhoea constantly. I did not find any medicine that helped her until we began giving her Baby's Own Tablets. After giving her the Tablets the vomiting and diarrhoea ceased and she began to improve almost at once. Since 'then whenever her stomach is out of order or she is constipated we give her the Tablets, and the result is always all that we desire. They are the very best medicine 1 have evei used for a child." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all dealers in medicine or will be sent postpaid at twenty-five cents a box, by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, «Brockville, Out. FALL "FAIRS. Cramahe, in Colborne Oct. 5th-6th. Brighton Street Fair, Sept. 16-17. Dominion, Toronto, Aug. 27 Sept. 12. Central Canada, Ottawa Sept. 11 19. Cobourg, Sept. 24-25. East Hastings, Thrasher's Corners, Sept. 18 19. North Hastings, Sept. 22-23. Campbellford, Sept. 24-25. Shannonville, Sept. 26 Marmora, Sept. 29. Peterboro, Peterboro, Sept. 22-24. Coe Hill, Oct. 1. Ameliiisburg, Oct. 2 3. Warkworth, Oct. 6-7. Wooler, Oct. 9. 94 10 Previously voted, 1903......2051 39 $2145 49 By-law No. 334, levying the rates for 1903, was duly read and passed. Total rates, 18 mills, 1 one more than last year. Following are the items provided for: County..................$ 438 58 School.................... 2230 08 2668 66 Village.................... 2551 43 $290,000 at 18 mills........$5220 00 On motion of Messrs Coyle and Keyes, the Reeve aud Treasurer were authorized to borrow $500 for current expenses. The council thcu adjourned. GEO. KEYES, Clerk. WOOLER Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of diseases peculiarly womanly. It establishes regularity, dries enfeebling drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. " My wife. Mrs. Mary fistes, has J>«n. taking Va. W"^Wasf trouble™ _ ......back d a tired, worn-out feeling all the all the remedies we couldVar off but they did no good. Finally we wrote to you and my wife commenced taking ' Favorite Pre- h^anh°°hanTbeforeUin We^ha^l : always recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to all who are thus afflicted." ^'Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, iooS cages, in paper covers, is sent free eipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay CARRYING PLACE. .Miss Sarah Piorsi spending 1 r. A. W. Clarke's. Miss Elh of To \liss '■■,„■■[{,'■ Mr-Coll jg v ends in Campbellford. \\x Will and Miss Elsie McC iting friends in Rochester. Miss Jennie Ruttan, who is 1 Mr. .- Fe fapanee having spent tv I bei daughter on her return trip frorr I the Islands. j Miss Mary Wannamaker has come .home from Belleville Business College i to spend a month while her mothei j goes to Winnipeg to visit Mr. Wanna- August 13th. Mr. R. Scott, of Syracuse, is spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Scott. Mr. Fred J. Griffiths, of New York, was a guest at the home of Mr. Jae. Mitchell for a few days recently. Mr. Wilmot Valentine and wife, of Buffalo, and Miss Annie Valentine, of Toronto, are calling on friends here. Mrs. Emma Jones and Mr. Milo and Miss Bessie Jones also Miss Sadie LET OTHERS EXPERIMENT. There is always something new in returned home froni passed away William Bell, health for so ously ill for a of our aged residents in the person of Mr. He had been in failing about ten days before suffering fi He had Jived in this vicinity for many years ai.d has worked at the cooper tiade. The bereaved family have the deepest sympathy of all. Paralysis and Locomotor Ataxia Cored positively by Br. Cbase's Nerve Food Mr. James A. Deal, Bridgewater, N.S., rites:--"About a year ago I suffered a stroke of paralysis, which left me in a very bad state of health. To add to ray troubles, last Way of medic; constantly invited to try new-fangled, unproven remedies. Let others experiment and so risk health and lose time. Dr. Chase's Kidnev Liver Pills have been tried in the crucible of time, won the approval of public opinion and demonstrated their right to a place in every home as a family medicine. BALTIMORE. Mr. OF INTEREST TO THE KITCHEN. The culinary department or The Delineator for September includes a choice assortment of topics of a seasonable character. Summer salads illustrated, daintily arranged for 'ing, and the recipes of the same are given. Various delicious ways of preparing peaches are explained, as well as the making of milk sherbets. Some useful suggestions with tested recipes should prove of value to the adept as well as the novice in housekeeping. talk, my legs and arms were partially paralyzed, my blood did not circulate properly, and I could not do any work. In fact, I was so bad that the doctors gave me up and thought I could not live through the summer. 1 "I began the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and persevered in the treatment, until now I am at work again. The change in my condition has been most remarkable. It is a surprise to everyone to know that I am able to be around again. My nervous system has been built up wonderfully by this remedy. I am able to rest well, my circulation is normal, and my general health good. My appetite is first class, and I have gained considerably in flesh." To protect! you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on every box. W. Scott, of Toronto, was in the village last week, Mr. Arthur Burgess visiteel at his home here last week. Miss M. Howard, of Brockville, is visiting with her. friend, Miss W. Peters. Mr. David McDougall, of Bownan ville, was here visiting the scenes of his boyhood. Mr. Campbell is entertaining his aunt, Miss Jessop, and niece, Miss Ecie Young, of Cayuga. Messrs. Robert Burgess and Adam Wimbles, of Toronto, took advantage of Old Boys' Day to pay flying visits to the home of their parents. Mrs. (Piof.) W. H. Jackson, nee Miss Lizzie Lawless of Gauanoque, is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Rowcliffe. Her many friends are glad to greet her again. Mr. Deal Prof. J. H. DeSilberg Optician from Germany SPECIALIST. Eyes tested free of charge. He hi always on hand a full assortment of nine kinds of spectacles and eye glasses for young and old persons affected with weak eyes with red veins. He guarantees to give entire satisfac tion to everyone. Fieo consultation may be had at J. T. Clarke's Jewelry Store, Cobourg, from Monday August 10th till Wednesday August 12th. and at the Brunswick House parlors from Thursday August 13th till Saturday afternoon August 15th. J. H. DeSILBERG, Optieian Specialist SILVERWARE For Wedding Presents, Last week we advertised gentlemen's solid silver watches at $8.95. This week we want to draw your attention to Silverware. Our assortment is particularly large just now. Some of our new goods comprise Tea Sets from $15.00 to $25.00. Pudding dishes 5.00 to 10.00. Salid dishes 5.00 to 9.50. Fern pots 2.00 3.00 5.00 and 7.50. Biscuit Ifarrels 2.00 to 4.75. Sugar, cream, bon-bon cake and bread dishes. ALSO Full assortment of knives forks and spoons. We Fit Spectacles. H. J. MAYHEW, J<S"d Colborne, - Ont. Portland Cement Stoves St Ranges Heavy Hardiare. We carry the most complete clock of any store in the county and our prices are aiwavs right. ' . • 4. Colborne Hardware Store, OUTRAM & CO. Opp. Victoria Park, Colborne. Harvesting Machinery The undersigned have in stock a full line of harvesting machinery which they are offering at lowest prices and on most favorable terms These machines are the best that money can buy. Get our rates on B NDER TWINE It cannot be beaten in price or quality. Machinery, etc., can be seen at the pre s of Dr. J. E. Alyea, Percy street. J. E. ALYEA, - - S. H. SCRIPTURE, Colborne, Ontario. Harness! Harness! W. Barton & Sou. Harnes inform the public in general th? Mr. G. H. Post of Albion, New " with great promptness. Harnes premises from the best stock- th: thinking of showing horses at the coming fall fairs are respectfully requested to give in their orders as soon as possible so that we can make up special harness to suit them and we guarantee to make all the harness ou.-selves and Collar Makers, Colborne, Ont, wish to they have entered into an engagement with >rk, which will enable them to fill all orders of every description made to order on the an be procured. Those parties that are W. BARTON & SON, Colborne, Ontario.

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