BUSINESS CARDS. MSDIQAL. Dr*. Mallory PHYSICIAN 1 AND SURGEON % Office : Reive Block, Colborne. A. K. Mallory, M.D., CM., L.R.C.P., * F.R.CA.EA . T. B. HEWSON, M. D., k. c. s., l. r. c. p., Edinbtjrg. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c. Colborne, Ont. Oefice and residence, in the premises formerly occupied by the late Dr. Thorburn. J H PURDY, DDS, LDS, DENTIST, COBOURG. W. G, ROBERTSON, D. D, S., L D. S. DENTIST. •OFFICE, SCOUGALE BLOCK. Castleton every Thursday. Frank L.Webb, B A, LLB, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, N 0-TARY, Etc. OFFICE--King St. Colborne, Ontario Company aud private funds to loan on the most favorable terms at 4| per W. L. Payne, M.A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public and Conveyancer. First Door East Registry Office, COLBORNX. • H. F. HUNTER, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC, ETC. BRANCH OFFICE, COLBORNE. First door Westf Division Court Office Ground Floor, Yeomen's Block. Attending every Saturday afternoon and Monday until 4 o'clock, p, m, HEAD OFFICE, BOWMANVILLE. MONEY TO LOAN at 4 1-2 Per cent George Drewry, B.A. gARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Office : -Nesbitt Block, Brighton. L c. S. HUYCK, K- C. Apple Barrels! I am prepared to furnish barrels to all parcies requiring them as low if not lower than any person as I have purchased my stock for this season at a reduced rate and intend giving my customers the benefit. Before purchasing call and me at my place of business on west side of Victoria Park. I also pair all kinds obari and tubs. S. H. Edwards A.E.Donaghy Has just received a carload of the above tables and is selling same at cost, only $7,00 delivered. Jersey Cows For Sale. TWO high grade Jersey cows due t come iu early in are oftVi MISOELLANEOXJS. Smith Hinman ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Lot 13, Concession 4, Cramahe, Dundonald P.O. O.JS. Moore T ICENSED' AUCTIONEER for EAST JU Northumbcr Office and Res :e, Cas G. E. R. Wilson rtENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL \J Estate Agent, ewMoney to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent Office :- Yeoman's Block. -THE- •« * Liverpool London & Globe Insurance Co. Invested Fund........$30,000,000 Funds Invested in Canada, 900,000 G T R TIME TABLE GOInG WEST Express, except Mondays) . . 3.52 t.m l.oca . . . .. 6.34 a.m. T. 12.06 p.m Express. .. 6.04 p.m Express . 8.14 o.m Apply to GEO. SANDERSON, Agent, Colborne. Dr. James E. Alyea, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist honor graduate ontario veterinary collegb. OKHCF.-Residence, Percy st. All Domestic Animals Treated Scientifically. Lameness and Castration a Specialty. falls day or night promptly attended R A HART, GENERAL INSURANCE and Real Estate. Money to Loan. CASTLETON, - - ONTARIO. H. Hicks, Licensed Auctioneer, HAS RETURNED TO BRIGHTON and is prepared to look alter any business entrusted to him. Terms Moderate. J. Reives, Licensed Auctioneer. •Colborne, Out. MR. P. D. PH1LP, Oclborne. Ont. Pianos & Organs, ef the beet makes i* d»t*»«e. House To Rent. FARMERS ! Do not forget to call on M. J. DOYLE for.all kinds of Farm Implements, Wagons, Carriages and Buggies of every description* and other ai tides used upon the farm. Money to loan at the lowest possible rate. Also agent for real estate, both farm and village property also first-class hotel property in East Northumberland for sale at a bargain. By placing your order with M. J. Doyle at his office you save the expense tnat other firms incur by sending travelers to your home. Cobourg Port Hope Rochester Steamers North King and Caspian Daily Service South Bound. Lv. Cobourg, Ont, at 1.30 p.m. Lv. Port Hope, Ont. 2.30 p,m. Ar. Suminerville, N. Y., 7.47 p. m. (Port of Rochester) r. Rochester, N. Y. 8.45 p. m. (Cor. N. SLPaul and Main Sts. North Bound.; Lv. Rochester, N. Y. 8.30 a. m. (Cor. N. St.Paul and Main Sts. Lv. Summerville, N. Y. 9.15 a. m. Ar. Cobourg, Ont. 1.30 p. m. Ar. Port Hope, Ont. 2.30 p. m. Baggage checked through to any For further information apply to S. S. Brintnell & Son. Agents, - Colborne, Ont. National Hotel, NEXT TO NEW NATIONAL DENNIS DOUD, Prpp. Main St; West, Cor. Plymoth Ave. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Rates, $1.60 and Bell Plioue 386 $2.00 per day. Home Phone 1 Wright's Rheumatic Remedy. am agent for this great Canadian Rheumatism cure. I can refer you to many people in this section and also produce many testimonials proving that it is one of the most wonderful medicines of the age. . JAMES McGLENNON, 39-Dec03 Co'borne, Out Montreal.Rochester & Quebec Transit Co. The Steamer ALEXANDRIA" Leaves BRIGHTON Every Monday at 3.30 a. m. FOR QUEBEC, Return fare $18 includ- mesls and berth. Steame? runs all rapids. For Rochester, Olcott Beach, Niagara Falls, and Buffalo every Saturday at 2.45 p. m. For further particulars apply to John Morrow, Agent, Colborne, Ont. A. W. Hepburn, General Manager, Picton, Ont. The Lake Ontario Navigation Co., Ltd. The Steamer " ARGYLE" COLBORNE TO TORONTO Steamer on route every Thursday M.J.DOYLE, Colborne, - Ont. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c inion freewEethe"!!? Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lareest dr-yeart'0lou°r month^iT^dbyiSi newsdealers? MHNN & Co ^ New Tort ercuMh OGRoe. 986 F !ft., V Port Hope at 8 00 ; rive at Toronto at 12.30 p* m (turning leave Toronto at 5 ] Colborne to Toronto and return $1.25. Cobourg & Port Hope to Toronto, return, $1. Tickets may be extended for the season upon application to the Purser and payment of 65 cents additional. Freight solicited and handled promptly and earefully. Meals and state rooms at reasonable rates. For further information apply to John Morrow, Agent, Colborne, Ont. B. R. Hepburn, Gen. Agent, Geddes' wharf, Toro Jas. Blackiock, UNDERTAKER, GRAFTON. A Full Line of Caskets, Coflius, etc. the finest swml* alwiiv* >" Stm-k. Embalming -iicvi. si'iilly done when required. Agricultural Implements The undersigned is agent for all kinds of agricultural imple- BINDER TWINE The stock was purchased from the best factories in Canada and can be seen in the Reeves Block, Colborne. If you require agricultural implements of any kind it, will pay you to see this stock. G. E. WALKER, Coloorne> Ont. Farm for Sale. ASMALL choice dairy and graii farm known as the late Join Fowler farm, two miles west of Colborne, containing eighty acres, mort or less. Price $2,000 For terms apply to MRS. JOHN FOWLER or N. D. SNETSINGER, Colborne. For Sale or Exchange. Village of Colborne, or would < change same for good farm land. Frank L. We: Notice To The Public, the E proprietor Springs will open a nrst-ciast ice (.'ream Pallor in connection witl his Soda Water business, on Wednes day, June 24th. Open afternoon ami eveniug. First-elass jee Cream ant all kinds of Soft Drinks served. The 1 be open to his customers be made attractive and comfortable. Everybody come. Just tht place to spend a quiet evening nipplied with Soft Drinks oc Card of Thanks for past favors we would intimate that we are now ready to fill orders for Builders' supplies at the Builders' _)orium. Estimates furnished and contracts taken. Those intending to build wjll do well to place their orders early and thus avoid the rush. Ornamental, Leaded, Chipped and Plate Glass on hand and to order-- some small plates very cheap. VVM. H. IVES. Contractor & Builder. Hot Meals At All Hours. of May. ;rved on very day S. J. rUCKER, UNDERTAKER,COLBORNE, CANADA LIFE Assurance Company Get Tied Up We have a few snaps for anyone needing them. *5c neckwear for SOc and 15c„ 50c " 35c and 40c. $1.75 and $2.00 hats for $1. And shirts for both men and boys. We are clearing at cost to make room for our new fall stock. We have some large sizes, 16, I6£, and 17, at 50c. Come early and get first choice. Capital and funds over $25,600,000 Surplus profit account over $1,800,000 Annual income over $3,700,000 Assurance in force over $80,000,000 Canada's leading and oldest company Don't insure your life until John Morrow, Agent, - - Colborne, E.J. COX, Merchant Tailor, Colborne, Ontario. "gut ihu OOLO DUST twins do your work," GOLD has done more than anything else to emancipate women from the back-breaking burdens of the household. It cleans everything aBflut the house--pots, pans, dishes, clothes and woodwork. Saves time, money and worry. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, New York, Boston, Montreal. P. Gallagher, Warkworth. well assorted stock of We have always on hand Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, etc at the lowest possible prices. Also agent for the MIDLAND LOAN COMPANY, PORT HOPE and the NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,OFENG5 LAND, 100 years old. Money loaned and safe Insurance effected at the lowest possible rates ir Tongue 3ated, your stomach 'our liver is out of t-er's Pills will clean :;ue, cure your dys-your iiver right. £&.c, easy to operate. JONES ker and Jeweler. Ont. A. O. U. W. ,o, $1,000, $1,500 $2,000. For Sale. Large Stock and Grain Farm on easy terms. For further particulars apply to ■ FRANK L. WEBB, Barrister. Colborne, Ont. jTVVITH LODGE, no 15 I in the A. O. U. W ourth Thursday of eac', £^ 7irtitiugbrethren ; JOS. BELLAMY,.M. : Pumps. WE MANUFACTURE the wooden handle MODEL and CONE | PUMPS from the BEST MATERIA! I at the Old T. Card Factory. Also re-j pair all kinds of pumps promptly I Drop a card. .! J. McCOLL, Grafton