THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XXI.--No. 6. COLBORN PHURSDAY, AUG. $1.00 in advai TRUSTFUL SUBMISSION. Eternal Lord, our Strength aud Stay, To Thee iu simple faith we pray: Help us as in Thy sight to say Thy will be done. Amid the clouds that now appear Let courage triumph over fear That we may say, since Thou art near Thy will be done. Since all that live in earth and air In Thy unceasing bounties share, In confidence we breath the prayer Thy will be done. Though now with tearful eyes we gaze Upon a loved aud lifeless face, We say through Thy sustaining grace Thy will be done. Since Thou dost to Thyself receive All those who in Thy name believe, Be this the prayer of all who grieve Thy will be done. Since Thou the source of comfort art, Will Thou Thy healing power impart That we may sing with voice and heart Thy will be done. Set free from every hurtful thing Our absent friends behold their King And there with endless joy they sing Thy will be done. In Thy Unhanging love we rest: We know Thy will is always best: We therefore breath this calm request Thy will be done. And when we reach the cloudless land These mysteries we shall understand And sing with meaning deep and grand Thy will be don Dalesville, Qu 1903 T. Watson EAST COLBORNE. Mr. and Mrs. R N. Turuey spent Sunday at Brighton. Mr. W. Warner aDd family of Coe ITill formerly of Castleton, have moved into Mr. James Davis' house. Messrs. L. W. Dudley, S. Du.ilev, F. C. Morrow, J. H. Bellamy and Vlaj. W. W. Brown are all busy buying apples. essrs. Brown and Batty are doiug Rev. J. G. Blown, Secretary of the Foreign Mission B.uml. gave an able .address in the Baptist Churcn here on Sunday evening. He has been in the MOUNT PLEASANT Mr. R. Newman lias treated himself to a handsome new buggy. The apple buyers are around buying apple* anil engaging young men to Miss Hariiden, daughter of Mr. D. Harnden has been visiting in the neighborhood. Mr. Workman aud Miss Peebles of Colborne made the Misses McKague a visit recently A number from this part took in the celebration of the Old Boys reunion at Cobouig. Miss E. Graham and her friend Miss L. Richardson have been visiting at Lakeview for the past two weeks. Wedding bells sound faintly; as the 19fh draws near they will ring loud and clear. There is a very strong attraction in our neighborhood for one of the Burnley young gentlemen who regularly drives the distance two evenings every week. On Sunday July 26th the Rev. S. S. Weaver of Toronto occupied the pulpit of the Cramahe Baptist Church and the following Friday evening the Rev. Mr. Brown addressed the meeting on behalf of foreign missions. BABY'S SECOND SUMMER. WHY IT IS DANGEROUS TIME FOR THE LITTLE ONES. Baby's second summer is considered a dangerous time in the life of every infant because of the disturbance to the digestive functions caused by cutting teeth during the hot weather. In slightly less degree every rammer is a time of danger for babies is shown by the increased death rate among them during the heated term. Of great interest to every mother, therefore, is a comparatively recent discovery of ' ich Mrs. David Lee, of Lindsay Out. rntes isfo:: ttle girl had a hard time getting her teeth. She was feverish, her tongue was coated, her breath offensive, aud she vomited curdled milk. On the advice of our doctor I gave her Baby's Own Tablets and she be- caring for her. Nothing did her any good until I gave her the tablets. Now her food digests proper] v, her breath is sweet, her tongue clean and she is quiet and good. I can strongly recommend the tablets- to other mothers as they cured my babe when nothing else would." Baby's Owu Tablets are sold by all dealeis ui medicine or will be postpaid at twenty-five cents a by the Dr. Williams Medicine pany. Brockville, Out. ~WOOLER Campbcllford is to plav a return cricket match here on Wednesday A lawn tenuis club has been formed and the old Dr. Cook lot rented for their use. We are to have a two days Street Fair iu September. Great preparations are being made to make it a suc- A Union picnic of the Methodist and Presbyterian Sabbath Schools was held at the Point on Wednesday this week. Harrison Carr of Norham has been appointed Principal of Brighton Pub lie School, Mr. Becker having resigred to accept a position with the Travel er's Insurance Company. Four English Apple Commission firms have agents here for this season's business viz.--A A. Clark representing E. A. 0. Kelly & Co., G H. Fowler representing Simons Shuttleworth & Co., Oscar Lawson representing Woodall & Co. and Robert Wade representing Fred Pritchard & Co. QNk. Li£M7& vlay be gone and yet the remaining lung .viil be amply sufficient to sustain a vigorous vitality." As a general thing few peo-Vie make more use of both lungs than is -univalent to a healthy use of one lung. These facts are all in the favor of the nan or womanVvith weak lungs, even when disease has a strong grip on them. Many a person living in health to - day has the lungs marked by the healed scars of disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes weak lungs strong. It cures obstinate, deep-seated coughs, bronchitis, bleed- EDVLLLE. The whistle of the threshing engine again heard. Miss Winters, of Wicklow, was visiting Miss Maud Ives a short time ;o. Mr. Irvine Cooper is improving his place by the erection of a pig pen and hen house combined. Most of the people from this an-pointment were present at the Quarterly services held at Eden on Sunday last, Prof. Misener officiating. Mr. Edgar Waite K having a stone wall built under his house and also a wall laid for an addition which he purposes putting up soon. Mr. and Mrs. D. Purdy and daugh-ter, Mrs. J. Wright went ou Rev. Mr. Strattous excursion to Thousand Island Park on Saturday last. Mrs. 11. U. O'dell, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Maurice Wright, daughter and brother, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are visit ing Mrs. Edward Cochrane. HiUemlnh Bore*. ■ * '" ' A few young people of this neigh borhood went to a picnic on the bluff Friday last, and while there the wind raised causing a high sea, which when Maud Woli ThoroasHa, lu conditions, which, if neglected or unskilfully treated, find a fatal termination in consumption. years and tht tre had almost kec Slam, of Howe "Had several k of m««eU. front different physicians wit much bentnt. At last wrote to Or. R. V. Pi iud got %-»dvice, and began using bis ' Go appetite, mv system was completely run-down, had no amtytion to do anything. Now I feel bettaf than I ili before I got sick. Have a good cerely recommend Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to all who are afflicted as I was." Those who suffer from chronic diseases are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, Jrt*. All correspondence strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the action of the " Discovery." t DIED Haldimand. on Sunday, 1903, Lyman Palen, aged SILVERWARE For Wedding Presents. Last week we advertised gentlemen's solid silver watches at $8.95. This week we want to draw your attention to Silverware. Our assortment is particularly- large just now. Some of our new goods comprise Tea Sets from $15.00 to $25.00. Pudding dishes 5.00 to 10.00. Salid dishes 5.00 to 9.50. Fern pots 2.00 3.00 5.00 and 7.50. Biscuit barrels 2.00 to 4.75. • Sugar, cream, bon-bon cake and bread dishes. ALSO Full assortment of knives forks and spoons. We Fit Spectacles. H. J. MAYHEW, JSK£- Colborne, - Ont. at Eden was largely attended. Mr. A. Arthur's house has been greatly improved by painting. the excursion to the Thousand glands. One of the patrons of the cheese factory is sending over 15,000 lbs. of milk per month, and several others are sending large quantities also. Mr. Hinds' barn is about completed It is a very large one, has been painted and presents a fine appearance. The whole work was done under the supervision of Mr. R. Weeks. We are pleased to know that the people of this and other neighborhoods were so thoughtful and sympathetic, in presenting the Rev- Mr. Rorke with a purse to purchase a horse, he Laving lost his. Coughing given up to die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, and am now in perfect health."--Chas. E. Hart-man, Gibbstown, N. Y. It's too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Begin early with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. or c o j_c2,eAynjB cO?,C£owell,nMasa. Mr. Mr.W. II. Richards has gone to Ottawa on business. Mr. Arthur Terril has returned Mrs. D. S Austin is visiting her parents at Picton. Mr. Geo. Rogers, of Montreal, visited bis parents here last week. . Mrs. Dixon has returned home after an extended visit with relatives at at Grafton. Mrs. Norman it asterly and daughter Alma and Miss Mary McConnell are visiting friends in Kingston. Mrs. Stephen Scott attended the funeral of her son-in-law, Mr. Dafoe at Foxboro, on Wednesday of last >e home of her son Di 1 Saturday last Harry Mr. Wesley Prout N. W. T. Mr. L. Pu.'dy : Hugh McCo Miss H. G ion, of the T. Eaton CARRYING PLACE. another week. Mr. Purdy is carrying a-very successful milling business in that place. Nervous Headache and Rheumatism : Both thoronghly cured l>y a Miss Louise Muiphy has returned after spending a couple of weeks with her mother in Campbellford. Miss Clara Chase is yisiting her 1 aunt Mrs. E. Rowe. 'Mrs. C. N. Sherriff, of Picton, is the | guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Rowe. j Mrs. R. W. Dench is spending a i week with friends in Picton. Mr. G. Weller, who has been at Fer riu's Point is home for a few days. ^ Messrs. Harry and Tom Young, of Toronto, are visiting '•.heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Young. Miss E. Morris, of Toronto, is spending the summer .months at the Carrying Place with Miss* G. Davis. Miss Harris and Miss Sara Pierson ' have returned after spending a week | with Mrs. Hubbie near Trenton.* ! Miss Hattie Wilkins spent a few ! days with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Bingley ! before returning to her home in New ! Jersey. Miss Nellie and Master Harry Bins- ' ley who have been spending part of their holidays with their grand-mother : Mrs. Latour, have returned to their ' home at Ferrin's Point. incut with Dr. Chat These two great remedies of Dr. Chase are used together with great success by many persons. While the Kidney-Liver Pills awaken the action of the liver, invigorate the kidneys, and regulate the bowels, the Nerve Food forms new rich blood, creates new nerve force and bnilds up the system. Mrs. C. Battison, 373 Murray St., Ottawa, NOT AFRAID TO ENDORSE IT. People have learned to have such eontidence iu Dr. Chase's Ointment a.-a cure for every form of piles that they do not hesitate to endorse it at every opportunity. As a result Dr. (base's Ointment is probably recommended by more persons than any preparation on the market to-day. There is no guesswork about its < fleets--relief i» prompt and cure Ont. "For ie time I was a sufferer > headache the .rheumatic pains for about three years. Several weeks ago I began of Dr. Chase's . _ Food and Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and have found 'hat these medicines worked together most atisfactorily in my case. I have taken ltogether several boxes of the Nerve Food and m now entirely cured of my old trouble. I now of others who have used these prepara-ons and been cured, and I can therefore ■L.-.rtily recommend them." The portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. :o or, every box. Prof. J. tl. DeSliberg I Optician from Germany j SPECIALIST. Eyes tested free of charge. He has j always on hand a full assortment, of I nine kinds of spectacles and eye glasses for young and old persons af-i fected with weak eves with* red veins." He guarantees to give entire satisfae ! Farmers I Binder Twine, . Threshers. Cylinder & i3 Oil, j Forks Rakes Pipa & Pip** Flings' j Cradles Scythe v • T '.Hits '. 1 Handed^ WJA*r, 1 0 - . Machine Oil. | ' Colborne H a rdwa re Store9 V outi mm a§ go, j ctoria Park, Co. borne. 1 Harvesting Machine ry These machiu It cannot be be J. E. ALVEA, - - 8. ii. SCRIPTURE, Colborne, Ontario. II 10 ( eryo Fie( may be had at J. T. Clarke's Jewe..., Store, Cobourg, from Monday August 10th till Wednesday August 12th. and at the Brunswick House parlors from Thursday August 13th till Satur* day afternoon August 15th. J. H. DeSILBERG, Optician Specialist Harness! Harness! W. Bar ou & Son. Harness and Collar Makers, Colbo ne. Ol t,, wish to inform the pu ementwith Mr. G. H. Pos of Albion, New York,"which wil! enabie the n nHil all orders with great pro nptness. Harness of every description it.uti ler on the premises from the best stock that can be' procured. I'hos ■s that are thinking of s,:i wing horses at the coming fall fairs are resp elfull requested to give in thei • orders as soon as possible so that we can make up special harness to suit them and we guarantee to make all the ban ess on selves w. barton & son, Colborne, - - Ontario.