Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 30 Jul 1903, p. 1

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2~?>o THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XXI.--No. 5. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year GLEN MILLER. Praise to thee, Glen Miller, Angels rest. Not for thj modern buildings; But the river with its waves White crest. Not for thy streets and pavements; But the haunt of the nodding violet and all that nature Loves best. A song to thee. Glen Miller, The weary's retreat. Not of thy artificial beauty; But of nature's own bright Rustic seat. Not of thy zoos and gardens But of the low and neigh of cattle and the lambs Bleat, bleat. Birds love, Glen Miller, Nature's home. Thou givest them haunts and nooks better than A cathedral dome. Thou givest to the sad and weary -- sympathy--»s they Wander along. Therefore I love thee, Gleu Miller, My home. Glen Miller, July 20th, 1903. CARRYING PLACE. Mrs R. Harris is visiting here for a short time. Mrs. Wells, Mrs. (Rev.) Adams and her sister, Miss Cobbledick visited the Thousand Islands last week. The trustees of the Methodist Church with the Ladies Aid intend renovating the inside of the church in The Sunday School of St. John's Church purpose holding their Annual Excursion Tuesday, August 11th, by Str. Varuna, to Mohawk Grove near Deseronto. The boat will call at the Canal Bridge, Trenton and Dempsey's Wharf. Tickets as usual 25 cents. As this will be the most eujoyable sail of the season, one should not miss it. Baskets will be conveyed from the boat to the grove free of charge. WEATHER PAG. ERTIOn DKEADEI) AND WORK SHUNNED. "Fagged right out,-' is an appropriate way to express the feelings of many people during the hot summer months. No strength, no vigor, no snap, no ambition, too weary to work and to languid to take any keen pleasure in life. You need a tonic for this summer fag, ana the very best summer tonic in th'e world is Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People. Every dose males new rich red blood, tones the nerves, sharpens the appetite, stimulates the liver, and banishes weakness and weariness, headaches, backaches, languor and despondency. The only tonic that can do this for you is Dr Williams' Pink Pills--it's a waste of money to experiment with anything else. Mr. Louis Doucet, Grand Etang, N. S., says: "I was very much run down in health appetite was variable, my nerves unstrung and I often felt a complete in disposition to work. After trying several medicines without benefit, *I decided to cry Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and after taking a few boxes I felt better than I had for months, and equal to any exertion. I don't know anything to equal j)r. Williams' Pink Pills when one feels fagged out." You can get the pills from any dealer in medicine, or they will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Btockville, Ont. Be sure you get the genuine with the full name "Dr. Wil liams' Pink P.'lls for Pale People" on the wrapper around the box. intends fall. Fred Farrow ii his place this BALTIMORE. Mr. Harold Burwash, Toronto is home on vacation. Rev, G. Nickle attended the E. L. convention at Detroit. Mrs. Henry Lapp, Williamson, N. Y. is visiting her son Mr. Justin Lapp. Mr. E. C. Campbell returned to his home, Cayuga, after spending several days here visiting his son Mr. Camp bell. His many friends are gladly welcoming Mr. John Baptist, jr., Butte City, Montana, who with his wife and childred, is spending a couple of weeks with relatives here. EAST COLBORNE. Our barreli factory is now in full blast. Mrs. Werden of Deseronto is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brown spent Sunday with friends in Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ives of Belleville spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. Ira Ives. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Mallory of Oak Hills spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. R. B, Scott. Mrs. Warner and two daughters of Coe Hill are visiting at the home of Mrs. W. McDonald. Miss Lena McKenney of Rochester is spending her vacation with her mother Mrs. McKenney. Mr. J. Chapin and grandaughter, of Manitoba were the guests of Mr. and Mis. S Chapin for a few days recently. Rev. C. M icMilliau of Iowa, nephew Irs. I). H. Alger occupied the pulpit of the Baptist Church 'iere on Sunday evening. He also iddressed the Sabbath School in the tfternoon. Mr. VVm. Anderson has been iu Coe Hill for a few days. Miss Lillie Anderson is visiting hei sister Mrs. G. H. Wade. Mrs. Samuel Dorland of Frankford ? Mr. W W. Gould will spend three weeks comping at Pusey. Mrs. W. Spicer. of Trenton was recently the guest of Mrs, R. Bell and Miss Bell. Five of the pupils of our school were successful at the recent Entrance examinations. The home of Mr. R. Maybee was recently the scene of a bright gathering when a large number of friends assembled to congratulate his son Descum, upon taking to himself a wife. The friends of the Christian Endeavor Society, of which Mr May-bee was a member, presented them with an address and a carving set. The young people of Bethel Epworth League, with which Mrs. Maybee was identified, were present and presented her with an address and a beautiful chenille table spread. During the evening speeches were made and refreshments served, and all spent a very enjoyable evening. The Brass Band also enlivened the evening with music. Mrs. Cooper, Lewis and Theresa Brintnall'are on a visit to friends in Toronto. Mr. L. Scott of Gildertleeve Ave. Toronto was visiting at Mr. Averys repently. Miss Ethel Gummer returned from a j visit with friends near Londan on Thursday last. Mrs. Sherman of Rochester is visiting at the home of Mr. A. T. Walker, for a short rime. Mr. and Mrs. Roobeck of Prince Edward were visiting at tlio home of Mr. George Stimers on Sunday last. Prof. Mesener's lectures here Wednesday nights on old Bible history are both instructive and interesting and are wel attended. Mr. James Drinkwalter anddaught-er,Mrs. Charles Fiddick, have returned from a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. Wm. Drinkwalter at Streetsville. "I lost courses and thought I ou/d naver regain my health." "Three years of delicate health trying doctors' prescriptions and patent medicines" without benefit might well sap the courage of any woman. And yet Mrs. Bryant proved that the question of the cure of womanly disease is only a question of using the right remedy. A few doses of 'Favorite Prescription' restored her courage and revived her hope, because she could see "a decided change from the first." Three Hair Splits for thirty years, a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends."-- J. A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, II!. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hairsplitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. $1.00 a bottle. All Srcf.ists. If your druggist of your "^^^YEEco^^Wen^Mass! GRAFTON. The school is being renovated and improved. Mr. A. Ross is spending a few days in the village. Miss Jessie Stephens, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Elmer Lapp. Mr. Blacklock has taken possession of his new and attractive smithy. Mr. James H. Johnston and Mr. John Johnston visited our village last Rev. Dr. Workman spent a few days during the past week with his friends in this section. New verandas are adding greatly to the appearance and the restfulness of the homes of Miss Parks and the Doctor. Encouraged by Presbyterian success the ladies of St. George's church are preparing for a lawn party on the rec tory grounds during the moonlight of August. Mr. Edwin Brook of Indian Head, N. W. T., has been visiting his brother the Rector here, whom he had not seen for thirty years. Mi. Brook is delighted with the West, where he has greatly prospered. Mr. James Humphrey, of this place who has been in the employ of Mr. M. T. Gillard for the last five months in the Spring Valley lumber mill, will leave about the first of September for Mud Bay wheie he has se-ranch. Before ■ of Wei will months' use of the medicine 3tored her to perfect health. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescript] ' rregularity, dries weaken:' _____ heals inflammation and ceration, and cures female weakni Mrs. Sarah Bryant, President of Mem] Social Science Club, residing at 271 Atkni '"fL0?"!^?.*.?".^..!0"?-,^, doses of SILVERWARE For Wedding Presents, Last week we advertised gentlemen's solid silver watches at $8.95. This week we want to. draw your attention to Silverware. Our assortment is particularly large just now. Some of our new goods comprise Tea Sets from $15.00 to $25.00. Pm'ding dishes 5.00 to 10.00. Sal id 5.00 to 9.50. Fern pots 2 00 8.00 5.00 and 7.50. Biscuit barrels 2.00 to 4.75. Siijrar, < ream, bon-bon cake and bread dishes. ALSO Full assortment of knives forks and spoons. We Fit Spectacles. H. J. MAYHEW, JrST Colborne, - Ont Farmers, i Threshers. veek. . Wolfli! Wolfr, James Johnston, aged 67 years, a former resident of this place died in the old peodles home at Cobourg. The remains were interred in the Salem cemetery by the members of the Orauge Order of which the de ceased was a member. On the loth iust Mr. Wesley Prout received the sad news of the death of his daughter, Mrs Harry Stinson, who was living at Moosjaw. The remains were brought home here and interred in Castleton cemetry. She leaves a husband and four small children to mourn their loss of a kind and devoted wife and mother. Her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Prout, have the sympathy of the intire village and neighborhood in the sad and sudden loss of their eldest daughter. Protruding and Bleeding Piles It is popularly believed that nothing short of a surgical operation will cure protruding piles. That this is not so has been proven again and again where Dr. Chase's Ointment has been tested. Me. Geo. Baker, painter, 103 Fuller St., Parkdale, Toronto, states :--'|When one has received great benefit from a remedy after being disappointed many times, it becomes a pleasure and a duty to recommend it to others. Such is my experience with Dr. Chase's Ointment. For the last eight years I have been a continual sufferer from protruding and bleeding piles, which seemed worse when walking or working. In fact I was in agony with them most of the time. "I tried every remedy I could learn of without any success whatever, until I obtained Dr. Chase's Ointment. From the first application of this preparation I felt an improvement, and on each application I experienced wonderful relief from suffering. I feel sure of a permanent cure, and shall be delighted to recommend Dr. Chase's Ointment at all Dr. Chase's Ointment is the only guaranteed cure for piles. 60 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates and Co., Toronto. to his vift itted tl e first Successful answering message She liv',viiii't1 that one >f th» copper energy tin- jugh the wat 'rwas'i Angled An imn. eusocrow'dj 1......' on the river bank wheie the queer 1 mkiug tran.smit.tii gr apparatu was. Many as thei measured he space ove r the m eraud he additi. nal fifty fe< t betwe bu the bank Mini the receivn g instr mieuts that the iu essage must traverse Their expression of doubt changed rapidly to one of wojder when they sat at the small end of the table, placed the receiver to their ears, and caught words of the answering message. At times the words were not distinct, but in the main all who heard said that the voice was very clear and resonant. Mr. Collins says he intends withiu the next week to place his system iu direct working contact with the Marconi telegraph, to demonstrate that it will be uuaffected by the bigh voltage of the Hartziau waves system. The wireless telephone, he asserts is not in any way an imA'itaHon of the wireless telegrapli but is a secret of his own which took him five years of study and experiment to evolve and perfect. A WONDERFUL BOOK. As a work for family reference there was probably never completed a more useful book than Dr. Chase's Receipt Book, Besides containing the symptoms of disease, their cause and cure and the great prescriptions gathered together during half a century of medical practice, this book is replete with receipts for cooking and has a complete department devoted to the care of farm stock, bees domestic animals, etc. For full particulars write Edmanson, Bates & Co. Prof. X ilTD^e^iTberg Optician from Germany SPECIALIST. Eyes tested free of change. He has always on hand a full assortment of nine kinds of spectacles and eye glasses for young and old persons affected with weak eyes with red veins. He guarantees to give entire .satisfaction to everyone. Free consultation may be had at J. T. Clarke's Jewelry Store, Cobourg, from Monday August 10th till Wednesday August 12th. and at the Brunswick House parlors rroni Thursday August 13th till Saturday afternoon August 15th. J. H.DeSILBERG, Optician Specialist Binder Twine, Forks Rakes radles Scythes dies Mitts Ha^hiniflp. ♦ <4w Cylinder & Ms fine Oil, Pipe & Pipe Fittings9 Threshers .litts , pe Leather^ |rrier Chain. Colborne Hardware Store, OUTRAN! & CO. Opp. Victoria Park, Colborne. Harvesting Machinery The undersigned have 111 stock a full line which they are offering at lowest prices and ( These machines are the best that money can buy. Get our rates on BINDER TWINE It cannot be beaten in price or quality. Machinery, etc., can be seen at the premises of Dr. J. E. Alyea, Percy street. J. E. ALYEA, - - S. H. SCRIPTURE, Colborne, Ontario. Harness! Harness! W. Barton & Son. Harness and Collar Makers, Colborne, Out., wish to inform the public in general that they have entered into an engagement with Mr. G. H. Post of Albion, New York,'which wil! enable them to fill all orders with great promptness. Harness of every description made to order on the premises from the best stock that can be procured. Those parties that are thinking of showing horses at the coming fall fairs are respectfully requested to give in their orders as soon as possible so that we can make up special harness to suit them and we guarantee to make all the harness ourselves W. BARTON & SON, Colborne, - - Ontario}

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