THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XXI.--No. 4. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year A WEDDING PRAYER. Our Father, we adore Thee While we Thy promise claim For those who stand before Thee United in Thy name. While in that pathway treading Which leads to relms above Thou art upon them shedding The precious gifts of love. Their footsteps Thou hast guided As their unerring Friend more divided, Their lives in oneness blend. Id warm affection plighted Before Thy throne tbey stand In wedlock's ties united As one in heart and hand. And we Thy throne addressing Present this one request. May Thy most gracious blessing- Upon their union rest. Through all their days direct them Where streams of gladness flow: From every snare protect them And all good things bestow. May faith and love excelling, Cast out all fear and pain; And where they have their dwelling May sweet contentment reign. On Thee their great Defender, Teach them their care to cast Until tlioir home of splendor They liud in heaven at last. . Watson. Mrs. (Kev.) Ross and little daugtiter Ruth are visiting friends in Belleville. Miss Cora Shortt of Buffalo, is spending her holidays under the parental roof. Mrs. Thorne and family from Belleville, aie enjoying their vacation at Mr. W. L. Sprung. B. A., has returned to Toronto after spending part of his holidays at home. PENELLA. Mr. Thomas Montgomery is very ill again. The farmers around here f ly through haying. Mrs.Thos Redford, Port Perry, is visiting her niece, Mrs. A. Sherwin. Mrs. J. Ferguson, Oak Heights, visited friends in this vicinity re-Several from this neighborhood attended the Orange walk at Hastings last week. Mrs A. Sherwin and Mrs. T. Bedford visited friends at Dundonald and Ed- villo recently. CARRYING PLACE. Mrs. W. Glenn has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Francis Hall. Mr. S. Kemp has gone to Orono, to i assist the minister of that circuit dur 1 ing the summer months. • Miss Libby Lovett and Miss Helen I Alyea, were the guests of Mrs. Henry j Fliudal!, for a few days recently. Miss Sara Pierson and Miss Nellie Biugley, have returned after spending a week with friends near Consecon. SCHOOL REPORT. Report of promoth Lakeport Public School, Names in order of merit. Sen. Ill to jr. IV:--Harold Marshall, Grace Peebles, Allan Nichol!, Gordon Smith, Harry Brown, Stanley Winter. Jr III to sr. Ill:--Fanny Knight, Sr. II to jr, III:--Archie Cowey, Colin Campbell, Mary Brown, Walter Kirke, Claude Mathews, George Kirke. Margaret McKenny, Teacher. Dalesvi e., 1903. BABY'S VITALITY JUMPING UP Is a great deal harder than jumping down. And yet people who have been for years running down in health expect to jump back at once. It takes years generally to make a man a confirmed dyspeptic, and he cannot expect to be cured in a few days. There is no quicker means of cure for dyspep-■ other forms of stomach trouble than by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other and nutrition and'builds up the body with sound nesb and solid muscle. SILVERWARE For Wedding Presents. Last week we advertised gentlemen's solid silver watches at $8.95. This week we want to draw your attention to Silverware. Our assortment is particularly large just now. Some of our new goods comprise Tea Sets from $15.00 to $25.00. Pudding dishes 5.00 to 10.00. Salid dishes 5.00 to 9.50. Kern pots 2 00 3 00 5.00 and 7.50. Biseuil barrels 2.00 to 4.75. Sujfsir, i ream, bon-bon cake and bread dishes. ALSO Full assortment of knives forks and spoons. We Fit Spectacles. R J. MAYHEW, JEWELER and OPTICIAN. Coiborne, - Ont* Pure Paints and Oils Church's Alabastine Builders' Hardware, Farmer's Tools, j Complete stock of Binder Twine, ; Stoves, Ranges and Peerless Machine Oil. j Gasoline St*: ves. We carry .in stock everything Coiborne Hardware Store, OUTRAN! & CO, Opp. Victoria Park, Coiborne, Harvesting Machinery Miss Edith McColl of Toronto is visiting her cousin Miss Elsie McColl. The many friends of Mr. E. M. Shaw of Sault Ste. Ma. ie are pleased to see him again in our midst. Mrs. Fred Griftis of New York and Mrs. J. Leigh of Rochester are visiting their sister, Mrs. James Mitchell. Miss Gertie Young, who was visit ing her cousin Mis- May Weasels, has returned to her home at Dartford. Mrs. S. J. Arthur left last week for her home at Los Ar.geles. California, after spending some time with her mother Mrs. VVm. Uutisin here. Hair Falls "I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling. One-half a bottle cured me." J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, 111. Ayer's Hair Vigor is certainly the most economical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of it goes a long way. It doesn't take much of it to stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray hair. $1.00 a i»uie. All druggists. druggist e;,rm >t supply yoii, me dollar ml v e v ill expi e.-s «>re«t oicpref 3 oflfe'e. Address, J. C. A.Y£lt 30., Lowell, Mass. On the 11th inst. death visited the home of Francis Masters, when Mrs. Alma Masters passed away in the 24th year of her age. » Deceased had been sick for the past seven months with that dreadful disease, consumption, and on Saturday evening she passed to her eternal rest. Mrs Masters was a faithful member of the Met! odist church and an active ber of the league. She leaves bus .and and two little girls to thu loss of - faithful wife aud loving BALTIMORE. Mr. Evan McDonald, Rochester, is a guest at tUe Arlington. Miss Minnie English, Calso, B. C, is borne for her vacation. Mr. Frank Lorsch, Toronto, is visiting his cousin, Mr. Ed. Pickering. Mr Douglas Mann is spending his vacation with his uncle, Mr. A. P. Haig, Grafton. Miss Lottie and Master Norman Greeuaway. Toronto, are vis;tin«• their cousin, Mr. T. A. Chapman. Masters David and Aleck Haig, sons of Mr. Donald Haig, Toronto, are spending their vacation with relatives here. Mr. J. O. Grey entertained his sister Mrs. MacGregor, of Duntroon. and his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Grey, Garden Hill, recently. The C. E. Society -at its last meeting elected tlie following officers for the ensuing term;--Pres., Mr. J. 0. Grey; Vice Pres., Miss C. W. Peters-Rec.-Sec, Miss M. Haig; Cor.-sec, Miss M. McDonald: Treas. Miss Marv he farmers have not as yet taken he remedy of blue stoafe solution which has b«en suggested by the Agricultural Department us a means of getting rid of the troublesome wild mustard weed. Tbey to regard the uisha'oie, possibly because many such vaunted remedies have previously tailed. Tlie department is, however, thoroughly convinced of tlie efficacy of the bluestone, aud Olds^ strators are out in the showing the people ho\i In addition the depar ing plots of the weed In a Run Down Nervous Condition Subject to bnclcaclie, heartache aiul dizziness for years--cureil by V>\: Chase. Mrs. Andrew IIewey, St. John Street, Fredericton, N.B., states :--"Last spring I had a sickness which left me in a very run down, nervous state. In fact, for a number of years I have suffered to a great extent with nervous-, and frequently had attacks of headache and dizziness. I also seemed to be very weak and was distressed with pains in the small of the back. "I have spent a great deal of money for medicine but obtained little or no relief until I began taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and Kidney-Liver Pills, and can say that the Mrs. Hewey resuUs of this combined treatment have been most remarkable. I never had any medicine build me up like the Nerve Food, and I give the credit for curing the pains in my back to Dr. Chase's Kidncv-Liver Pills. I cannot speak too well of these remedies since they have done me so much good." To protect you against imitations the • ~a „:---.„„>~frir A w m.-- plots at each fair, o with bluestone and will lie able to jud; as to whether the any good or not. and Richmond .tisplaut-jht differ-There will be two ue to be sprayed Th 'airs selected ound, Brant-31th, Renfrew Prof. D. ii. DeSiiberg Optician from Germany SPECIALIST. Eyes tested free of charge. He has always on hand a full assortment of nine, kinds of spectacles and eye glasses for young aud old persons affected with weak eyes with red veins. He guarantees to give entire satisfao tiou to everyone. Fiee consultation may be had at J. T. Clarke's Jewelry Store, Cobourg, from Monday August 10th till Wednesday August 12th. and at the Brunswick House parlors i from Thursday August 13th till Satur- j day afternoon August 15th. J. H. DeSILBERG, Optician Specialist These machines are tlie best that money can buy. Get o BINDER TWINE It cannot be beaten in price or quality. Mr.chini s of Dr. J. E. Alyei J. E. ALYEA, Coiborne, Ontario. S. H. SCRIPTURE, Harness! Harness! W. Barton & Son. Harness andCoihu inform the public in nenera! that 'hey have Mr. G. H. Post of Albion, New York, which i, Coiborne, Ont, wish to mro an engagement with ibje them to fill all orders premises from the best stock that can be procured. Those parties that are, thinking of showing horses at the coming fall fairs are respectfully requested to give in their orders as soon as possible so that we can make up special harness to suit them and we guarantee to make all tlie harness om selves W. BARTON & SON, Coiborne, - ■ Ontario^