Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 9 Jul 1903, p. 6

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THE MARKETS other good run at the cattle market to-day, comprising, all told, 86 cars of stock, consisting of 1,090 head of Nearly Tw. MINING DISASTER Prices of Grain, Cattle, -etc in Trade Centres. MARKETS OF THE WORLD. _ Toronto, July 7. -- Wheat. -- The market was quiet, with the demand less active. No. 2 Ontario red and white quoted at 74-J to 75c middh freights. No. 3 spring is quoted a1 71c middle freights; No. 2 goose at 66c on Midland. Manitoba wheat easier; No. 1 hard quoted at 86c Goderich, and No. 1 Northern, 85c Goderich; No. 1 hard, 92c grinding in transit, lake and rail, and No. 1 Northern, 01c. Oats;--The Market is steady, with sales of No. 2 white at 32c high freight, and they are quoted at 32^c middle freigh' 34c tith attle, 1,311 sheep and lambs, 1,690 I hogs, and 39 calves. There was a fair demand for good cattle, both exporters and butchers, but for i rough grass cattle the trade was a little draggy. The top price for choice butchers' cattle was about $4.70, several loads of very nice quality light cattle fetching that figure. The rough and heavier grass-fed cattle a slower sale at from $3.35 up to $1. There was a fair market at steady prices for good export ewes, but lambs were a little easier towards the close of the market, owing to the rather heavy delivery for the past vo markets. Tho hog market is weak. The notations were unchanged to-day, but lower prices are spoken of as probable for next week, i The tops to-day are $5.75. Export, heavy .... $4 Export, light ....... 4 Bulls, export, heavy, s freight, and No. 3 i No. 2 white- Hundred Men Are Entombed. Hfcama, Wyoming, dospa»Wh says: Probably the worst disaster in the history of Wyoming ocLU.-red here on Wednesday, wihen a terrific r of fi're-daonp in Union Pacific Mine No: 1 ttJu-t cU tlhe nisam escape of 200 rutin, wjrio wore 'king in the pit. The fire, wihioli started immediately,' is defying all efforts of the resauors, asrAi Where slight hope of saving any of the men. Twenty-eight bodies of those working near the mputtfi of the mine have been brought out, all of them horribly iruangled, and sefflao still 'rig slight evidences of life. The lulls, light ............. '• Seders, light, 800 lbs. and upwards . < Stockers, 400 to 800 lbs....................... Stockers, 900 lbs. .. 4 00 3 50 pay i Union Pacific Railway Company wbich owns the mdr.e, has a large foipe working to reach the im sionod men. So internee is the it that no one seejnls able to the disaster occurred. The on is that a careletts iimver i fflre-damp. LATER EtEPORT. the latest reports, stock bulls, 2 29 . 30 00 . 5 m t $16, and shorts at. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Jo. 1 timothy is 1 on track, Tore lots at $1.35. Poultry--Spring chickens are quoted at 65 to 85c per pair, and old hens at 9 to 10c per ib. Turkeys, 12 to 18c per lb. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter--Receipts fair. The demand for choice grades is good PREPARING FOR WAR The Premier of Bulgaria Is Very Apprehensive. The Belgrade tyorpespor: London Times says that Bulgarian Premier, has t the Sultan oi garian Gove* posed to war, but tihe sitl.uatioi G<3!ViEiR(N<MiE)NT RAILWAY. Tlie main features of t|he Govern n-Mnt's policy ia connection with the ,,Hi, 11 uraruJcoMtitn'euft'al railway lia.o have practician y been deter-nlvitfi. Ttoe G'otvwijiniont undertakes to comsruflufct a lino Sr.om J4onfotion tp Winnipeg via Quebec, aUd t/o leatse it to t1}ie Grand Tli'uinlk Pacific Oorr[pany for fifty yearns. Fw the fiWst rive years ttoe coirjjmn will -emits! to the Govei'ctuetiiit, scpould five ywauls- tthey wild the net surplus of receipt!* o,vei working exiponses. For tme remwun-ing forty years they agree 3 per cant. -- 'llhe Government will guarantee ip£ boiMs for the slUrettlh which the company themeelivi nstruct. In the ciase of the prairie qoc-t'ioxk the guarantee will be -- - - cent, of tlhe actual cost of Gwvwrnnsemt 3 oofctt of oonsitrtuc- f 26*2 i i killed in U.e explo-slday. The majority are KiirUuVders a-i<: n(f>r,ljer at tihe ith They riosperate energy all night, tell of pitijul scenes in tiie mil: Some of the survivors were djii insane, and fought furiously agaii rescue. Dazed, listless surviw were found sitting on curs ar lyi _ an the floor, careh as of wfi.etihor tfhey lived ot died. el 20 bodies v efore had s t.hoy ' fu jnes. aind blackened by flan ro .cuers wilso pometr-i Tho 11 tfhus far t a body. nd for this ■ill ai*) be uial cost up 000 a mile. The rtaies to be cfciorgcn are to b M-bUs-t tw titie control oi the 0<ovw nor in Council or tire Bjailway Com-the Gk»\*sr The present time is most favor able for the production, fattening and marketing of farm chickens.] There has been such a substantial [' increase in the consumfptioi chickens and eggs within the last | ^"rVe^rimher ^suitable ; brated his Eirket chickens than can be sold j actn, c. th profit. Last year there were | J »e crea it sufficient chickens sold in Can- j &,BonQ01 ada to supply the home markets. As ; ~i or >-suit of the shortage of chick- j 1 or t the trade with Great Britain , the Cai lessened. This is unfortunate Montre; ccomnt of the great demand or raw cai Canadian chickens in Great. Britain j Brant nd the good prices that are paid. encing The Chief of tire Poultry Divi-j curing ion, Mr. F. C. Hare, states that fear anothsr sno een received; According to produce merchants poulterers C. P. R. freight ■mimdssion merchants who de-j the congested co ,o learn in whal localities different points diickens can be bought in great age of cars. numbers and at reason-:,!de prices, j Fred J. Bailey, storehouseman at several Canadian - Mies, and tho Esquimalt naval yard, was shot especially from Montreal, produce and killed by Alfred J. Frith, an, firms have asked to c. > informed other employe, who had been di» where market chickens si. table for . charged J or drir.'.ung. Britain could be obtained ini Alex:. McFee, President of tin ura»itee| the greatest numbers. British .Montreal Board of Trade, says th( .poulterers and commission mer-, results §30,-1 chants have repeatedly asked for aboliti ' the 1 j the i FIGURES FROM THE WEST Sales of Land for the Year Just Closed. A Winnipeg despatch says: All reports for the fiscal year ending on Tuesday give substantial proof of western Canada's rapid progress. For Juue, 1903, the Canadian VafiiSfrj; Railway land department .sales were 1349,524 acres, for $1,221,651, as ■eleas-! compared with 244,673 acres for s been $877,62'2 in 1902. Land sales of - Choi selected dai - quote I-lb. rolls Eggs-- The market is uni with good demand. Choice brings 15c per dozen. Cheese--The market is qui prices ruling at 11 to 11 Ic ; HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs are unchangei BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, July 7.--The local ma kets fair! m of ported us saying, is the deliberate extermination of the Bulgarians in M'ace-ctonia by methods seaice-ly sihort of massacre, alnd tihe high ttthcials in Turkey are promoting tS.e war movement. M. Pehroff antieipahes a war arid expresses contempt for the Turkisth artmy, which, he Hays, can-Hot mobilize inside of t wSiereas Bulgaria can mtobilfee arfmy of 250,000 well armed i very quickly. It is possible, t'Mnks, that the Sultan, in order oJviert a war, may make concessit but unless he docs so a cahastiro is imminent. RICH STRIKE IN YUKON. Twenty to Fifty Dollars a Day Per Han Taken Out. A Seattle, Wash., despatch s J6.454 acres for $5,145,842. . Canadian Northern Railway lai depart ment sales for the year ending to-day totalled 263,051 acre $911,346. Immigration arrivals for the year „re estimated at 110,100, as ag<< 5.0,261 arrivals--for K-"6' Winnipeg customs office collections or June totalled $228,036.83, n June last year $139,802.64, ncrease of $88,234.19. Foi seal year ending June 30 collec-ions amounted to $1,933,082.87, nd for the fiscal year ending 30, 1902, $1,499,236.88, an ' of $433,856.04 for the year. C.P.R. TO MAKE OFFER ig Corporation May Set-the Fast Atlantic Service. from Dawson, says since March from from Eagle to St. ana, Koyuka and and Kuskokwin W Tuesday on the^ has passengers fri 1 declined and as a result the highest quotations | $50 i: for flour have been withdrawn, all 1 The s miners now selling Manitoba patents \ here at $4.20 and $3.9©. Butter is easy, $40,0 but dull, factorymen and exporters gers. having different ideas about prices. | was di Cheese is decidedly lower, and there ■ depart ought to bo a good export business j loss o done at the prices quoted. Grain-- No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat, 81c; No. 1 Northern, 80c, afloat Fort William; peas, 63c high freights, 72c here; rye, 52c East, 58£c afloat here; buckwheat, 46 to 46Jc; oats, No. 2, 38Jc, in store here; flaxseed, 91.IS on track here; feed barley, 50c; No. 3 barley, 52|c; corn, 60c for No. 3 yellow American. Flour r --Manitoba patents, $4.20; seconds, $3.90; strong bakers', $3.40:; <jii- ; a,,n tario straight rollers, 98.50 to tal $3.60; in bags, $1.70 to $1,715; pat- lowj ents, $3.90 to $4. Feed--Manitoba j bran, $10; shorts, $21, bags incluri- j ne;t ed; Ontario bran in bulk, $19 to 1 „„'],. 919.50; shorts in bulk, $19.50 to[iong 920; middlings, $21. Provisions-- Heavy Canadian short cut pork, $22.50; short cut back, $22; light short cut, $21.50; compound refined | take t lard, 8$ to 9c; pure Canadian lard, he vast stretch o! tho Yukon Basin Michael and Tan-Ramhart Camps ter Shed carol steamer Rock Is-ski. The stea .n all camps l ,i Tanana. A big de on Hog Creek, from Nome, .Alaska, bringing 10 in gold and several pa£ The Lawrence Hotel at N SHOULD AVOID ALCOHOL A Berlin d i n i 1 1 ' t ety, Count Huelsen-Has-st popular of the retired _'i'als and a supposed to- he > a fiigfi'rie t(h|ait prevent tho company frodn paving pe arar.(ual rental. Othier railway com|[m«ries are to 1 Oi-cnu-d running rights over tl U'iMnipeg-?lonct.e.n Bocfiori.. This to bo a matter ot nipn.-ul agre ment, and in the event of failure 1 arrive at a friendly uwdorsll«w«di!i: the Govej-nnicnt will pj-cseaii.be tii 'ctto, subject, of courte, tto tl iglits which tSie Grand Taunk Pa-:iltc possess as leseecfi aj:)J opariit-*rs of Use lino. MATEIUALS TO BE CANADIAN. In view of the Government coi structing the eastern section of the railway, the Grand Trunk Pacific Company have reduced their capital from $75,000,000 to $4.5,000,000. The company, as an evidence ol good faith, will deposit $5,000,000 in the Bank of Montreal in cash or approved securities. As far as possible the materials used in the con-, struction are to bo of Canadian manufacture. The Govcrnme made a point of stipulating that, it could be di i for $9,C«.ii:'.950. with 5 ^ . veral Mini f his i It i with the fast Atlantic vice. When tenders were called recently for such service the C. I did not put in a bid, but now that tho Government has definitely decided not to accept either of the offers, it is the general impression that the only corporation- which can grapple successfully with the problem has been engaging the attenti the public men and the press ol ada for the past No i clcs that enter into construct!! should be bought m Canada, ai :ompany readily agreed to th: ajority of tho directr-s must ent in Canada. Mr. C. ] j is to be President of the coi pany, and Mr. Wainwright Vi< dent. Among the directors w no of the Rothschilds--probably Rothschild, the head of the giTt financial house--Lord Welby, Sir Charles Rivers Wilson and Arthur Sruithers. Mr. Hays and his associates ar earnest in the desire to begin struction and push the work pletion as rapidly as possible. ! Of 1 % ill Govei jous'lv at fifteen different point 5CCn" the Atlantic and Pacifii struction will be under control x commission appointed by ' i Monci nod. The nio'st modern appliances will be used, ami an effort will be made pjote the lino within from 1 three and a half years. The Grand Trunk Pacific Company are to equip the line with rolling .-lock and they undertake that there will be no dc-Bci, u« i- s in that regard. Those who know how fully the needs public are met by the pi-Trunk management aro so6farqas rolling stock will be fully met. DEMAND FOB CHICKENS. NEWS ITEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From AI] Over the Globe. CANADA. • larrard, Guelph, has cele« 94th birthday arid is still ditors of C. W. Anderson Oakville will receive about cuts on the dollar, i first time in tour years ia Sugar Refining Co., ol has received a cargo oi sugar from Demarara, rd coal dealers are experi-nsiderable difficulty in se-equate supplies of coal and ' irtage next winter, a statement at th( , offices at Montreal, mdition of freight af, 3 due to the short Law' tho f well established London, England, last week. This fir undertaking pose of importing C try to Great Britain, formation as tc ss of such a project and bility of obtaining poultry, pecially fowls), IN LARGE QUANTITIES, and the best districts for the tion, etc., of them. Last fa] firm in Cape Colony wished a ] •y trade developed with that ly. One shipment of Cana llckens was made to Cape Cc hich arrived in a satisfactory ition and pleased the trade New York firm wrote that thej import Canadian chic and were recommended by the partment to a firm in the Mar Provinces, from whom they chased chickens and were impr favorably by them. The above and similar request difficult of solution even by on< touch with the Canadian pre id packing houses that The go ill t probable; . is of the Royal Cam ■ Association at Harm ardod a medal to J« ir conspicuous couragf uerthon Lambe frori he WellaTLd Canal o* perinterident McGulgau a Stratford paper a* ie building of the pro-* of probably $1,500,000 imprc n magistrate dismissed a St street railway men wfca prosecuted for working He waived the stricl ie law in view of the ne-f the work and the fact company could not ceasi i daj buyi majority are "equipped with a for marketing in Cai Britain several " they erchai srthe- Cape Colony, the United States and even in Australia are looking to a supply of Canadian chickens to sat-1 isfy their growing trade. Tho problem. of supplying this wonderfully increased demand for, chickens can be solved by the farmers alone. Instead of the farmer rearing fifty or a hundred chickens that receive little attention or feed,1 he should rear from 200 to 1,000 chickens annually. These should be of a utility type, such as ean be, found in the popular nreeds, Ply- j mouth Rocks and W.vandottes. The chickens should bo hatched and reared by Incubators and brooders, j and when ready for market tho cockerels should be placed in fatten-. ine crates and fatted. The equipment reouired to do this work - cattle. BRITAIN, of Egypt, is larg-o against Canadia to $500 esc UNITED STATES. Andrew Carnegie has given $100,* 000 to Hamilton College. John Davis, of Tarrytown, N. Y., was stricken deaf and dumb t after. • '~ iildmgS trades war lias been renewed in New York, work being stopped on all buildings except Tho Independent Labor Leage of: America, tho "non-union" union, issued a prospectus defining its and objects. One convict • was shot and killed) and another was fatally wounded by guards at the Colorado penitentiary while the prisoners wero trying to COST OF INCUBATORS, brooders, houses crates for finishin of the satisfied that Judge Cardwcll, of Jackson. Ky.,; ho lined two men brought before, im on the charge of firing an hotel,! and fattening1 has received notice of a threat of, 1,000 chickens, assassination. It is as necessary for realizing the According to the report ofthej greatest profits from the poultry Controller t.io expenses_of N< business as threshing and mowing City, including salaries and machinery is for general farming, gencies, amounted t„ The work connected with finishing $13,000,000 for the 1,000 chickens with the proper ap-.th" ; qiuarter of for! of ot hi a rual tei of su > st ii vith- lent were made that a contract had l!°P.CR.e will agree to furnish a ,-oekly 20-knot service from Quebec ind Halifax in winter. 10 t UN- UNITED STATES MARKETS. BuffalS, July 7.--Flouri--Steady. Wheat--Spring, higher; No..l Northern, 86fp: No. 1 hard, 88,Jc; winter, no offerings, nominal at 83Jc for No. 2 white; No. 2 red, 81c. Corn --No. 2 yollow, 55Jc; No. 2 corn, 54-Jc. Oats^--No. 3 white, 43c; No. 2 mixed, 39ic Barley--Western offered 52 to 58c. Rye--No. 1 57c asked. Canal freightSH-Higher; wheat 4{c; corn 4c, and oats 3c to New York. Milwaukee, July 7.--Wheat--Weak; No. 1 Northern, 86c; No. 2 Northern, 85 to 85ic; September, new, 74fc bid. Rye--Steady; No. 1, 64-|c. Barlcj*-- Steady; sample, 45 to 53c. Corn--September, 49fc. Duluth, Julv 7.--Wheat--To arrive, 83ic; No. 1 Northern, 82ic; No. 2 Northern, SOfc; July, 82ic; September, 74-|c; December, 7-2Jc. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto July 7,--There was an- SHOT HIMSELF DEAD mto despatch says: Coi jrge Weston, who had bee ronto police force for ovi SAVED THE TRAIN Wreck Averted With Lantern and Red Handkerchief. An Ottawa despatch sayis: Thej Pembaofce lc/c-al on the C. P. R. a narrow escape oin Wtedim*<c>ay. Vvihton wiiihin a mile of Pe ill o*« bin OBngiiieer noticed the glimmer of a rioid light a aHort distatneo abend, ■Mti ap(pliod tlhe air brakes. The tr'iain vons brolught to a standstill arid i,|«m iiiveafigaitian it w:a.s foiund tlltlat tfsiroe telejphone poles had been blown itovn by hhe storm, an)d were lying acnofc's tire track. A high board fonoe used to protect the track from snow d»-ifls was also lying on. the rails. The red light w,as fourrt to be am ci'dinary lantern, ai-ound which a red baiidker-cliiei had boon tied by a man luamckl Lcgge, a factory employe of Petm-bi-oke. the head. ) Weston' De- -o. 'i- .' AN ALABAMA LYNCHING Sheriff Shot Down and the Negro Taken From His Cell. A Scottsboro', Ala., despatch says: A mob of fifty persons mjcy-cbed fr.om Larjdirville on Tuesday night and took Andrew Diggs, a colored man, from jail hero to the woods and hanged him after he Wad confessed his crime. Diggs had boon aifresfeed for assaulting Miss Ataa Smith, white, at Larkh.ville, lais't Satui'diay night- Slier iff D. 0. Atustiri resisted t.Jie mob until he was si!sot down and they keys taken frbsm 'hSm.', son for ending his life. He was fined five day's pay by Chief Grasset the otl-ei day for a minor offence, had been in poor health for s years, and during the last week had suffered considerably from inte rubles Shropshir Decer England, and ddow and four children. LARGEST IN OUR HISTORY An Increase of $4,566,860 Over Last Year in the Customs. An Ottawa despatch says: The Customs revenue of Canada for tl -cai vear which closed on June 3( been $36,619,659, an increase < $4,566,860 over last year, ar much the largest in .the country history. For tho nLnth of Jur alone the collections buve been $3 579,685, an increase of, $602,4.71. SWEDEN'S LABOR TROUBLE A Stockholm despatch says: \Vit;h-i a year of the national sJt'r-ike " .as ciesig-red tto compel Parlia: o grant manhood saiffrage Sw ■ dis;t\i.r! and e ving irty tries and their depantionts. The e pJoyes demiand the recognition of fixed minimum wage, amd tlhe abc tion of piecework; The entploy refaise to grant these diera;aS:jt.'as, a tS&eaten a lockout unless the n withdraw.' them. Several works*;cvtr,s in the south Have been already closed, and the National Employei ' V«.-o" UitinJt lias fixed T:i».<vb>v ais t. dlate, far' a general lockout if a s< tleiment is not reaCbrid by t$mt 'the trades unions aire torm'ir.eid to fig.a, but Ujey probably lose if tihey dkit i'lai 200 ' t by the Ala. J. W. Pac loped in the sam ..otter, cheese and substantial profit c the poultry busin ied < de- . holding negro the : ' e, of Mbntgom-found guilty ol| oluntarymnnnnnj adju be made from! Owin rhen it is car-! urban trolley c it to farming, held up by big ■eful attention! Portland, of s : of Ag- and with the and financing. Tho Dominion Depart culture is endeavoring he poultry trade of Canada; to en- Stat ourage the growing of 1 he greatest been number of high class chickens, assist in the market-- edit Profitable Poultry Farming" just been issued, and will be n without cbargo on applicatic the Cor ' ecently, at' inpany has, mted all its conductors and motor-' <en with revolvers. Within less than a month in the, tate of Massachusetts there havej at least four deaths from glan-j and ders in human beings, and many cat-j i them, tie have died with the disease, bulletin; Wm. Mac-Queen, the English anar-, died t >'chist. who v ,1m i gn i interested poul- | the pe. QGORGE STATION BLEW UP Terrific Explosion Near the Niagara Whirlpool. A d&sjfvatch from Niagara Falls,; Omit., aays: A terri ,c ctxplopiou oc-QUt>ned abiout eight o'clock TtoH^day". o\i-.;ing in the large electric railway sltatiirti half-way bridge a buiMing i the G. T. R.! .era! luitaiU'etl iveighH sxploded. The buildi aincd a fancy demoMsbed, the sotnid bci. utterly King Pet The Em i Court has gone of Ser aided the murde In speaking to officers in 1 , raiser William said: "My a ,d 9feen.7hpBriti'sbUver remain the instrument A^rik The6 UniS Itltt jneed to _ support my poll los? a s^atctel containing $15,000 , necessary.^ worth of jewels, which she prized i pape Booker T. Washing ■ departure j colored educationblii "NewportFortiiimtely they j Lord Grey's rcquc* nto good hands ar,d were re-1 Rhodesia, with a vu the i that iTady'lIea-bert before sail-j upon a system of educa New York, [nogroea.

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