Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 9 Jul 1903, p. 1

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THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XXI.--No. 2. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year A CHILD. To make their happy home complete An infant came so pure and sweet In beauty andefiled: Then brightly beamed affections flame Until the silent message came To call that only child. Only a child the stranger said As on he walked with fearless tread To where conteutiuent smiled; But one whose wish had been denied Just then in deepest sorrow cried This was my only child. He who"beliolds all hearts that bleed Bestows the sympathy they need When storms aro fierce and wild: He makes His presence mauifest, While safely to His gentle breast He folds each onlv child. SMITHFIELD. STOC'KDaLE. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lee spent \ Some hay has been cut and this Sunday ar Wooler. ! part of the harvest promises to be Mr, G. H. Rankin spent a few days very good, visiting friends down East. The village road work was complet- Miss Clara Williams of Trenton is ed this week having been delayed by the guest of the Misses Lee. the ra,ns of ,ast week. MisS May Moffat has returned home A good number from this vicinity after visiting relatives at Bethel. ! attended the special meeting of the i rr « Holiness brethren at Franktord. Mr. and Mrs. Henry May are visit-ing friends and relatives at Hilton. Raspberries are beginning to appear Miss C. Carnrike a few days visiting rille. d mother speut . iends at Belle- ijjjfjj liih visiting relati nt. liss Ruby Cbu and brothe at Presqut Lei Mrs ! who lias bei ■it for bet Hon It. McMurter isday of last e celebration ves me great pleasure to say word for Baby's Own Tablets, ige of two months my baby :eadfully constipated. He it digest his food and scream- ilarri gton. Norn has Many a man would better go without lunch at all than eat the hurried lunch which forms the noon-day meal of many a business man. Hasty eating, foods hard to digest, and no time allowed for digestion are the cause of many a case of stomach "trouble." Disease of the stomach seriously threatens the health of the whole body and should be promptly cured. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach of digestion and nutri-les the perfect assimilation d the proper nutrition of the deb physical strength depends. I ' lost i sis been well aud is growing y." Such is the testimony . Craig, 329 Bathurst street and thousands of other Miss Ethel Kemp visiting friends at Prince jcuwaru nas returned home. Mr Gladstone McKee and Wesley Fawcett have gone to Muskoka to spend the summer. Miss Frank Ca my h s the er «i' Mrs. The' °Willia] Brockville, Ont. BUY THE TRUTH. PIIOVEKBS23: 23 portals never can possess; liam it springs sublimest pleasure, Through it comes all true success. "Buy the truth", and do not falter At the greatness of the cost; Place your all upon that altar. Where alone no gift is lost. s. L.W. Johnston, D. J. White, driver and- Edward Seriver. Mr. a id Mrs. John Green of Mar- from here tetum io has been u^ing friends iu iffelel parts of New York State is their sister Mrs. W. A. White. Mr. C .!,_:! an barlie Poole who came from Vi.vmly h- visit J,U |......i.,r , i- g-tiingbet' lort time. The f urn •nded Much symp Eor the bereaved far. very much to hoar of hi as teacher. Miss Hinds respected by all of her Dr. Cross preached a m i Toronto , Mr. Jai s H. . truth p •cur i "Sell it not" although it keeping May be your most trying task: Those who sow i;s seed with weeping Soon shall in its glory bask. Truth will make your life victorious Over weakness, fear and diead, And at last a crown most glorious Truth will place upon your head. Dalesville. Que 1903 T. Watson. s ago my hair was 1 failing out badly. I purchased a I bottle of A; ;r's Hair Vigor, and 1 soon mv haii stopped coming out. 1 Miss Minnie Hoover, Pans, 111. | Perns? ?s your mother J had thin hair, but that is 1 no reason why you must I 20 through life with half-» starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. cannot supply you &nd we win «P«S; RCO., Lowell, Mas Mr. Charlie Tweedle spent Sunday at Colborne. x Miss Edna Drewry has returned home from Albert College Belleville. Miss Edna Jinks of Melleville is i e guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hanna. Mrs. C. T. Head and son Charlie of Colborne spent Saturday at H. Head's. Miss Lida Coulson of Niagara Falls is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Tweedle. Mrs. A. A. Backer of Hilton spent Saturday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fulford. Miss Clara Herringtou of Orland is visiting at the home of Miss Retta HerriDgton. Wo are sorry to report that M William Fritz at the time of writing is no better. Mr. Henry Weller who has bee spending several months in Kent C< has returned home-Mr. Fletcher Fulford of Rochester ade his father, Mr. J. Fulford, a short visit this week. a Mrs. Sabins and Mrs. daughter spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. M. Snider's. Messrs. D. J. White and L. W. Johnston spent Sunday at Sydney the guests of Mr. M. Johnston. Miss Buelah Johnson of Cherokee, Iowa, spent a few days at the home of her uncle Mr. H. Head this wTeek Miss. Carrie May has returned home from Belleville after attending the graduating exercises at Albert College. Mr. Alfred Herrington who has been a resident of Uncle Sam's domain for several years, is home to yisit his father Mr. R. Herrington, Sunday was review for the Sunday School and the church was beautifully decorated and Mr. A. Burke (if poke to the children Rev. H. Shaw bus accepted tne call from the Baptist, churches here and at. I Wicklow and will commence his work \ as pastor of the church here on Sun- I day evening July 19th. We hope that the members of the church and congregation will welcome Mr. and Mrs. Shaw here as a neighbor and friend as well as a minister of the Gospel. PEOPLE OFTH1S PLACE There are people in every town and .illageof this country who haye been cured of itching, bleeding and protruding piles by the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment. Ask your friends about this great preparation, they can tell you of its great soothing, healing and antiseptic powers. More reputable people have endorsed Dr. Chase's Ointment than any prepara- d to round off the angles he form, is not fat but tar tissue. By enriching increasing its nourishing base's Nerve Food add: tissue to the body as wel and energy Yon can noting your increase in ising this gn LINLITHGOW. Our stock of watches is larger than usual. Gentleman's solid silver watch with a good Waliham or Elgin Works for $8.95. Special' T*iis Week Only.: Colborne, Pure Paints and Oils Church's Alabastine Builders' Hardware. Farmer's Tools, Complete stock of Binder Twine,' Stoves, Range*? and Peerless Machine Oil.j Gasoline Stov s. in the hardware lirief ; Colborne Hardware Store, OUTRAM & CO. Opp. Victoria Park, Colborne. Harvesting M Miss Park of Detroit ii aunt, Mrs. Rosevear. Mrs. Fred Wolfraim 'ill <: ^We are sorry to say that M Mr. Carman Duke has thoroughly ! yy-repaired his house, which adds greatly ; to the appearance of it. Rev. Mr. Rorke preached an interesting sermon to the Sunday school on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson of Rochester. N. Y, are visiting with Mr. Wm. Wolfriani and other relatives. On Saturday of last week a little stranger come to stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hart. It's a girl. At 2 o'clock Tuesday morning the house and contents of Mr. W. A. Winn was destroyed by fire. The cause ot the fire is unknown. The loss was partially covered with insurance. Much credit is due the superintend- Miss Kachel Johuston spent a few day-H in this neighborhood. Mr. P. Haig was a guest at the home of Mr. Robt. MacGregor on Sunday. Miss Nell Oarrutheru visited .,t the home of Mr. Chas. MacGregor on Friday last. A number of the young people of this neighborhood speut a day last t her j „ tek at t]le ]ajje ,t. t,, | Mr. James Rutherford spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Rout. Ruther stunt ! ford «f Wicklow. | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MacGregor and John . granddaughter Madge Donaghy are aided trip to the North Mr. Walter MacGregor, accompanied by Mr. James Carrutherg of Lakeport spent a few days last week in Toronto. Congratulations are extended to Miss Grace MacGregor in taking honors in both her musical examin- Our two new buggies and their owners were in evidence at the festival at the home of Mr. John Kellie in Vernonville on Friday evening last. CATARRH CUI^.1. The undersigned have in stock a fu'l line "f ha. vexing machinery which they are offering at lowest pi lets and on most l,i\o:.i.>.c terms. These machines are the best that money can buy. Get our rates on BINDER TWINE It cannot be beaten in price or quality. Machinery, etc, can be seen at the premises of Dr. J. E. Alyea, Percy street. J.E. ALYEA, ■ ■ S. H. SCRIPTURE, Colborne, Ontario.__ als. . Fred Si ng addre " tin life Harness! Harness! W. Barton & Son, Harness and Collar Makers, Colborne, Ont., wish to inform the public in general that they have t ntered into an engagement with Mr. G. H. Post of Albion, New York,-which will enable them to fill all orders with great promptness. Harness of every description made to order on tho premises from the best stock that can be-procured. Those parties that a?6 thinking of showing horses at the coining fall fairs are respectfully requested to give in theirioridpra as soon as possible so that we can make up special harness to suit^hem and' we guarantee to make all the harness ourselves W. BARTON & SON, Colborne, - Ontario.

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