■RdBORNE, JULY 9th, 19< Hiss Etliel Purdy is home for her wMiss O. Hales spent Dominion y with friends in Cobourg. Hiss Crosby spent Wednesday vith her sister in Cobourg. --Senator Cox, of Toronto, spent riday last with his Colborne friends. --Mr. W. Bellamj and Mr. F. M. Brintnell have leased a cottage at the lake. --Miss Ruby P. Gale who is located in Rochester, is home for two weeks . vacation. \ W. J. L. Bell and family of are" guests at the home of Mr. J. Davis. I --Mr. F. 0. McGlennou and family are occuping their pretty summer cottage at the lake. --Mr. Robert Snetsinger and family have taken up their residence at their cottage at tho lake. --Mrs. Win. Pomerov and Miss Emma Young spent the first of July riemb i Cobo rg- --Miss Ada Garbett and Miss M. fcadd, of the Brunswick spent Sun-} day with friends iu Cobourg. J --Miss Alice Gordon, of Toronto, is •>a guest at the home of her grandmother Mrs. G. N. Gordon. | --Mr. and Mrs. J. Reives returned on Saturday last after a two weeks visit with friends in Kingston. -- Mrs. Jos. P. Griflis and her daughter Mable, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. Elliott Port --Mr. II. J. Mayhew has opened his cottage at the iake and intends moving his family down during the .--M. Darsonville, a Frenchman, has submitted to the Academy of Science an invention for typewriting by telegraph. --Mr.J.C. Weller of Bipon, Wisconsin and Mr. Hugu Kiel of De-pierre, Wis. are guests at the home Mr. 0- Larke. --Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Simmons, --iiias Simmons and their guestS.Mr.and Mrs. J. Webb, of Spokane, are spending a few days at Loughbreeze. --The Trenton Courier says that Mr. James Spaulsbury of Hampdo Road Va., is in town and will spend month with Mr. and Mrs. S. L May- -- Miss Violet N;'ylor of Campbell-ford, and Mr. F. Johnston and Miss Bessie Johnston of Stan wood are visiting at the home of Mr. Geo. John- --Rev. Hugh Shaw has accepted 8 call to become the pastor of the Baptist churches in Colborne and W'ick-low. He expects to arrive in Colborne a July 19th. ttages at the lake proving the appi ises by erecting a row of lights of 100 candle powe --Miss Helen Ford wl of their prein n has been several weeks iu town visiting her • many friends here, goes to Colbi and fiom thence she will proceed to her home in Walkertou.--Trenton Courier. --Dr. Geo. Cross of McMaster Uni versity conducted the services at thi Wicklow and Colborne Baptist churches on Sunday last. The Doctor was greeted with large con gregations on both occasions. --Nine stables on the Winnipeg fair grounds were burned Sunday night. The loss is $10,000, but as the Industrial Exhibition was to open in two weeks it is a serious inconvenience to the directors. --The assize list for the fall sittings of the High Court of Justice has been announced. Chief Justice Falcon-bridge will try the nonjury cases in Cobourg en November 16th, and Mr. Justice Britton will try the jury cases oi, October 5th. --A despatch from Brighton says that John Hyderman, a laborer from Deseronto, about forty years of age was killed ou the Grand Trunk, about two miles and a half west of Trenton Monday. Hyderman had a ticket from Deseronto to Trenton and came up on No. 3 Westbound express. It is supposed lie tried to get off the train after it had passed Trenton station. A passenger had his head ont of the window and saw Hyderman steps in the act*of stepping track. He fell vrnder the car and had his skull crushed and left leg cut off j iaj at the ankle. Coroner Sauford view- j ont ed the remains and deemed an inquest unnecessary. The body was identified by a DeseroDto man and sent to his friends there. -The latest in men's straw hats at i ugale's. -H. Gale, editor Enterprise, is is-ot marriage licenses for the county of Northumberland. For men's and boy's bathing suits and hot weather goods go to Scotgale's Mrs. Hartman, Ernestown Station on the G. T. R., on July 1st celebrated her I02nd birthday. ■Mr. A. E. Donaghy's fine new delivery waggon may be seen almost daily delivering furniture to the citizens of this section. Miss Culver announces that she i large assortment of trimmed hats and shirt waists which she will clear out .at reduced prices. On Thursday evening last the members of the Colborne Methodist church gave a hearty welcome to their new pastor, Rev. Mr. Taylor. The new sailor for wo men just in at Scougale's. Prayer and praise service will be held m the Colborne Baptist oh on Sunday evening next July 12th at 7 p. m. All will be made elcome. --A raspberry festival will be held nder the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church, Colborne, the S. S. Hall on Friday evening the I7th inst. Admission 15 cents, children 10 cents. --Rev. Father MacCarthy, Frank-ford was recently presented by Mrs. Robert Lithgow with a beautiful gold atch and chain and a ten dollar gold piece in appreciation ef his unremmit-ting attention and kindness to her husband, who died recently from injuries received in a runaway, --Belleville City Council decided to sell the rails of the defunct street railway to the Belleville Portland Cement Company, the price agreed on being $10 per ton. Some time ago the Council was offered $16.50 per ton for these rails, and now Win. Curtis has served the various aldermen with an injunction forbidding tin > sell the rails at tlie price mention: , and threatens to hold them personally responsible. --A letter from the managers of the steamer Argyle says that they are anxious to give the people of Colborne the advantage of the cheap trip to Toronto every Thursday, but owing to the bad condition the wharf they feel that they are putting the great danger every time she lands if there is any wind blowing, and it is on this account that occasionally trips have to be missed at this port. The boat will call here every time that it is considered safe to do .--The Executive of the Dominion Exhibition, Toronto, to be held from August 27th to September 12t made a decided hit in securing the Jubilee presents of the late Qi Victoria for exhibition. The King himself has graciously directed that they shall be so exhibited. It is hardly necessary to say that they aro of immense value aud are of rare and wonderful variety. There are upwards of 600 of them--613 to be exact--aud come from all parts oi the world and from all sorts and conditions of people. Every colony, every state aud province of India, every country nearly in the world is repre-stuted. includiug Syria As it 1 the intention of the Dominion Ex hibition Executive to have the full list printed shortly in pamplet for; particulars of this wonderful collection of presents, richer and more m tudinous by far than those of Queen of Sheba, will be east1;-tain able. showing of parasols in some of the best values we have ever had. See them when you are in. We are making an extra spurt for the next two weeks. It would make interesting reading to tell how these exceptional offers came about but after all is said and done, its the price and saving they represent that appeal most to your fancy. Money-making is no consideration while this sale lasts. Its a chance to make your dollar do the work of two or three. Read the details. Parasols. We have a splendid JULY SPECTATS. AN EVENTFUL SALE OF DRESS GOODS, Regular 35c, 40c, 50c and 60c. This lot is composed of about 500 yards of black and colored dress-goods in plain and fancy] weaves and brocaded effects. In the collection of colored goods is a splendid assortment: of | light, medium and dark color grounds suitable for wrappers, house dresses or children's wear. ! The collection of black goods comprises.some very rich brocaded effects and neat pattern ;. suit- f ablt in weight for all seasons of the year. These goods represented good values at 35c, 40.. 50c, | nd 60c per yard. Every yard goes on sale this week at J Silk Waists $3.75. These waists are up-to-date styles and made of fine, soft finish taffeta silk. 2 only cream"] waists, sizes 34, j and 36. 1 only rose, j pink waist size 34. j 1 only.sky blue waist, size 32. 1 only old rose I pink waist size 34 ' 6 black waists sizes 32, 34, 36, and 38. Regular $5.00 and $6.00 values Special clearing price. ' J 3.75 EACH. Towels 5c each Fi\e dozen onlyV| good quality linen towels, bought | to sell at ioc each. I We are not anxious \ to clear them out in I a hurry and would ! like to-give several j customers a chance j to test their qual- i ity so will sell not more than two pair to each custom- 5a Each Table Cloths. 4 only unbleached linen table cloths size 64x90. These cloths are fine quality and firmly made. They are finished with bordered edges made of neat and artistic designs. Reg'lar price was $1 and good value at that. As a special inducement we will clear the lot at EACH Rain Coats. At Special Reductions. 4.00 only rubber^ cloth coat, navy / blue, regular $6 1 clearing sale price J 1 only rubber "cloth coat black, f n fkf\ reg. 3.50, clearing v JbtmXjVJ sale price ) 2 only craven-ettejdustor showpr j proof tout- A O length, fawn and Hr«^r<# dark grey colors, j Regular price $6, | clearing sale price j Time was when but a small percentage of ladies indulged the luxury of more than one summer] hat. How. different these days. How indicative, too, of the improved times. By the way, what | about that hat you have been thinking of ? For the next two weeks we are offering some extra inducements. Here's a chance to own one at a surprisingly small outlay. Ready-to-wear hats, regular 1.00 f and 1,25. White rustic straw, regular 1.00. White sailor hats, regular 1.00. Colored fancy straws, regu- j EACH, jar 1.25 and 1.50. Every trimmed hat goes on sale at exactly cost price. J 50c 13 Cents Raid For Eggs. SCOOGALE BROS. COLBORNE, ONTARIO. --Fcr Sale:--Good clean buckwheat. Apply to E. D- Card, Wick- MARRIED. WEDDING BELLS. On Wednesday July 1st, a pretty and quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. W. H. McCrackin of Colborne when his second daughter, Sadie was united in marriage to Rev. E. Baker of Toronto. The bride looked charming in her gown of white" voil with applique trimmings. Miss Annie Baker of Torouto, sister of the groom who acted as bridesmaid was prettily dressed in white voil. The groom was assisted by the Rev. Isaac Snells of Point Traverse. The ceremony was pert ormed by Rev. J. J. Reddittof Barrie. A daiuty luncheon was served by R. Vogan of Toronto in the dining room. The table was prettily decorated with pink and white-roses and ferns. After luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Baker left on the noon train for Niagara Falls. The bride's vejlin of blu cloth. On their return to Toronto they will start, for their new home in Suiidbridse followed by the best wishes' of their many friends. They were the recipents of many useful and valuable presents. Baker--McCracken--On Wednesday, July 1st, Rev. E. Baker, of Toronto and Miss Sadie McCracken of Colborne. The Rev. J. J. Redditt officiated. McCracken--Insley--At the home' of the bride's parents, in the town ship of Cramahe on Tuesday July 7th, by Rev. P M. Duncan, Mr. John McCrackin and Miss Alberta May Insley. BRIGHTON. Brighton is to ha-e a half holiday every Wednesday afternoon during July and August. About fifty young ladies and gentlemen from town spent a very enjoy able day at Presque Isle on July 1st. Rev. F. J. Edminson the new Methodist minister here preached last Sunday and his sermons were much appreciated. The Brighton Cricked Club played Campbellford Wednesday at Camp- 1 bellford. We did not learn the results of the game. Brighton is this year to celebiate the glorious twelfth, this lime to be observed on the 13th as the 12th is on Sunday. A number of prominent speakers expect to be present. Rev. A. G. Westmacott, the Church of England clergymen here for many years has removed from town and is at present travelling in the North West and British Columbia. A man named Hyderman from Deseronto was killed on the Grand , Trunk between Trenton and Brighton Monday morning. He had a ticket for Trenton and it is supposed that he slept past his station and tried to jump off. He was seen to jump by a passenger. Coroner Sanford issued a warrant for an inquest but afterwards withdrew it. Strayed. THERE came into the premises of the undersigned, some time ago two young cattle. The owner can have the same by proving and paying expenses. ROBERT FENTON; Colborne. For Sale. Aframe dwelling situated on Norton Lane,containing seven rooms. Apply co GEO. SANDERSON Colborne, Ont. The Smithfield Methodist Church will run an EXCURSION TO 1000 Island Park on JULY 24-27 The Steamer Varuna will leave Brighton Dock on Friday at 6 o'clock a. in., Trenton 7.15, Belleville 8.30, Nortbport 9.30, Deseronto 10.20, Pic-ton 12 (noon.) calling at all other Bay Ports if flagged. Returning, will leave the Park at 7 a. m. arriving at Brighton duel; at 7.30 p. m. on Monday th.- 27th. . kets can get meals on the boat or at the Park for 25c each. Tickets good for round trip, returning on this or any subsequent trip of same boat. From Brighton $1.00, Below Picton 75c, From Kingston 50c, Children Half Fare. Rev, T. S. McKee Chairman F. Snider, Treasurer. Chas, Breakenridge, Sec'y. CASTLETON HARNESS SHOP. A full line of all kinds of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS is carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing will receive prompt and careful attention. R, COLEMAN, - - Castleton. We are still trying to run off the balance of our SHOES at a price. A good line of men's and boy's heavy boots, a5so women's and girl's every day shoes. We have still a fair assortment of WALL PAPER ! If you need anything in that line do not wait too long. Specials. Strawberries, Pineapples and all kinds of fruit in season. We are handling Nasmith's bread. A new line of toilet sets and dinner wear Justin, Peterboro tenderloin and sausage in every Tuesday. W. S. DOYLE, COLBORNE, ONTARIO.