Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 1 Jul 1903, p. 7

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THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in -Trade Centres. MARKETS OF THE WORLD. Toronto, June 30. -- Wheat--Market is firm, with fair demand. No. 3 white and Nol 2 red quoted at ,7*J to 75c east, and 74|e middle freights. No. 2 spring at 70c middle; No. 2 goose at 66 to 67c an Midland. Manitoba wheat firmer; No. 1 hard quoted at 86c Goderich, and No. 1 Northern, 85c Goderich; No. 1 hard, 92c grinding in transit, lake and rail, and No. 1 Northern, •91c. Oats -- The market is firm on limr ited offerings. No. 2 white quoted at 32 to 32Jc middle freight, . No. 1 white at 33£c east. Barley -- Trade is quiet. I extra quoted at 44c middle freight, arid No. 3 at 42^ to 43c. Rye -- The market is steady -52c east for No. 2. Peas -- Trade dull, with No. 2 white quoted at 64 to 65c high freight. Buckwheat -- Nothing < prices nominal at 39 to 4 Com -- Market is firm; erican yellow quoted ; track, Toronto, and No Tore , and £ , Tore feed do medium......... 3.00 do light ... ......... 2.75 Feeders, short keep.. 4.40 do medium ......... 4.00 do light ............. 8.60 Stodkers. choice ...... 3.50 ......... 2.75 each ...30.00 per cwt 3.75 do bucks, dulls, each ..... Spring lambs, e Calves, per lb. Hogs, selects, pi do fat, per do light, per ... 2.50 .. 2.50 . . 0.04* .... 2.oo : 3.00 40.00 3.90 3.00 BOAT-DRAG THE HEARSE And the Aged Parents Were the Only Mourners. A St.. John, N. B., despatch says: MOTHER LOVE IN 1 DOG, SOME REMARKABLE ACTS 01 HEROISM. "Budge" Saved the Lives of Two Puppies at a Fire--Sad Death of "Daisy." Tho cases on record in which dogs have risked their lives to save their erous as the acts of heroism chronicled in the annals of humanity. The finest medal that was ever struck would not have been too great a reward for the noble act performed by Budge, a spaniel, in a recent Ho-boken fire. Budge lived at 413, street, together with 50 3r pigeons, a dozen fancy rab-and her own four puppies only for three days, when he dirty, bedraggled, and lame, to my knowledge, did he ever enter that kitchen again. He had made a noble efijort to save his friend, and it was not his fault that the density of one rruan's comprehension hhd prevented his succeeding. ROADS IN TEMISKAMING The Government to Build Thirty-. Three Miles. A Toronto despatch says: Tho >uld REAMsERY BUTTER. time, and tho House went pe (Compton) said that ie should bo very careful in ating between creamery and ttor. If there were any ttaching to dairy butter it ot be made impossible for owning forty or fifty cows, ing his own butter, to mark Befc Mr. s the t roll s ight't Queen's County. , and abou -..aged rico"!fe ^ .month ago, their ^^ut been away working, ■ ,p| ( |v (;.. He became ill with fov-j ged to escape wit! tho currier pigeons, i t hi- puppies were Long Lake, and 1 ;-- up some fiv ictly, besides 1 at (eivd.a: ment she stoc flames, and ther dashed through y and once more returned burning building. Again i back with another puppy -freights, in buyers' sacks, for ex port. Straight rollers of specia brands for domestic trade quoted a $3.25 to $3.40 in bbls. Manitoba flour steady. No. 1 patents, $4.10 to $4.20, and strong bakers', $3.85 to $3.90 in bags, Toronto. •MSllfced -- Bran is firm at $18, ; outside Jtcd i $16.50 THE DAIRY M-ARKE' Butter -- The market w succeeded in making am i crude receptacle, but as r was it server! its purpof was another difficulty to lift the coffin i the paij rm\ REFUSED TO LET HER GO. i't . Had ho not done so she would so-1 have gone to her death. So badly 'he ! burned was the bravo animal that at- j an ambulance was called, and she ch, ; and tho pups were taken to the dog re-; hospital, where they were detained ing; for nearly a week. ~Of a)l the live s north, P°n-six to#hipS giving conn !lma~ forty miles QJ*iavl8" able waters lying north-wes Lake. It is expected that boat will be put on Long I that a stage line for tho <" freight and passengers wi/ 1 lished on the sixteen mi/ h navigation between Tousfo1 Long Lake. Abou like and ■rying of Tends! tin t .his ye. DOUBLE-TRACING G.T.R. Montreal to Chicago to be Covered Before Spring. A Montreal despatch says: It is the intention of the Grand Trunk to have the whole of their system from. Montreal to Chicago double-tracked before next spring. A contract was given on Wednesday . Mes farmer tnd muk bat butter as creamery. It was lot established that creamery but-er was superior to dairy butter, ind tho House should not give the atter inferior legal status. Mr. Fisher replied that the marking of butter as . creamery simply stamjped it as the product of co-op-Mr. Gilmour (East Middlesex) argued that the product of fifty cows on a farm would have a better chance of being really good butter than that from various farms collected at a creamery. Several other iraairbcrs of the House also spoke. There was a groat divergence of opinion on the subject of the grades of butter, which, as laid down in the Act, are creamery butter, dairy butter, and renova*cd butter. 'Mr. Bell (Pictou) suggested another grade, which might be known as "private creamery" butter. This suggct'iion met with some favor Dr. Spr defiwi the c tablishm •y lull tor to be ured by the ondi cocrtri Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA, elph City Council have de cided to take over the street railway. Moscrip, of Stratford, is now id of the 28th Regiment. Four members of the new Britisl Columbia Ministry are Irish-Canadi- Another installment of six Scotcli engines for the C. P. R. have arrived at»Montreal. St. Catharines barbers have agreed to close their shops at 11 o'clock each Saturday night. Twenty-five Chinamen were captured on the frontier while stealing across from Canada, and imprisoned at Ogdonsburg, N. Y. The report that Sir Henri Joly is to leave British Columbia is authoritatively and emphatically denied. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gunn, formerly of London, Ont., were drowned in the recent flood at Heppner, Ore- The parishioners of St. Mary's, Win peg, have decided to erect a $50,-lodern school opposite their 000 rnia tunnel IcCrac!" The work will be con-1 east through Watford, Strath-London, Ingersoll, and Wood-Of the system between Port i and Chicago 107 miles has iuplicated, and this leaves only niies, which will be finished, it lected, before the year closes. IRA D. SANKEY BLIND HOG PRODUCTS, d hogs are steady, ire unchanged, with a Wo quote: Baeon, 1 MONTREAL. 30. -- The loi TROLLEY CARS MEET otorman Hurt and Passeng Badly Injured. , ,' i he freight ear, was fatally All Hope of Saving His Sight Has 'V beautiful ° little Been GiV6n Up' daughter of Mouse, A Newark, N. J., despatch says: inner, the property All hope that the eyeseight of Ira Stevens, a promi- D. Sankey, evangelist, will ever be Daisy belonged to restored has been adbandoned by who has charge of his friends. I. Allen Sankey, the - son, said on Wednesday' the i ther i reconciled per on rvew near s Day, ana sne was the hig Wte. proudest parent in all New York f State. 4 _ ._. In tho second week of January 1 last Captain Woodall mad,- the dis- >VNTA.SI0 HINTERLAND. lol but the (id- a;,, !..» end t !>.>!-.. ' .. , * eJN'01-h- was no current to carry it away. «| ^ aUghan M. Roberts, C. E., ■ to her ■ has just returned to Quebec, : one was , u long exploration trip in Northern Ontario and Quebec. The .„,„,, Pehce River country, most of the Pope suggested that clause : which enacted that a farmer nms have fifty or more cows before li could brand his butter as "crean ery," he allowed to stand for fu: Mr Fisher appreciated the in portance of the matter, and a. quirwcil in Mr. Poj'c's sygges-t ion. Mr. Henderson (Hulton) said tht the word moisture might be used i place of water as to the percental to be allowed. Mr. Fisher said that after muc time, trouble, and investiga ind 16 per cent, had be The incorporation of Regina as a city was celebrated on Saturday in the j'erritorial capital with a great demonstration. Kingstonians residing in Ottawa propose going down to the Limestone City on July 25th, to tho Home Comers' Festival. Geo. G. Doggott, of Anticosti, was fined $200 and sentenced to a ith's imprisonment for whiskey iggling on the Gaspe coast, pike McManus, a notorious Win-is sentenced t Eng the f i- thin i,m,nles, Only However, out of 150 the Dominion analyst had boon found to have exceeded this percentage. Dr. Sproule did not think where the percentage of adulteration was 30 small there was any reason to put in a clause defining 16 per cent, as the limit. After some discussion the bill was passed through committee, exception, however, being taken to the last clause giving the Governor-in- mpr tho theft o The 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlanders, have presented a handsome trophy to the Royal Canadian Rifles as a memento of their campaign in South Africa. Tho action of Mrs. James Quirk, of Brantford, to recover insurance usbund i 'all Asm- life < til, Andrew Gillespie, who was educat-d as a lawyer at Cornwall, Ont., as recently been raised to a judge-hip in Chicago, where he has been or the past 20 vears. The salary is I 15,000. The Montreal Street Railway Com-lany have subscribed $700 to the lolice benefit fund t of the 1 of WENT W71.I) WT The Liverpool qluotai 5-3s 6d for w%ite, a. colored. Grain -- hard wheat, 81c; 79£c, afloat Foi as, 63c high , 46 t side of tho body. Bay, arid the Ungava country have^ all been Visited, by Mr. Roberts. Interviewed in regard to Northern On-' Ml. Rober 58 Jc afloi 46ic; oats Flour -- Manitoba j«at> nt $4.20; seconds, $3.80 to bakers', $3.40; Ontario s UNITED STATES MA Buffalo, June 30. -- FI TRACHOMA IS EPIDEMIC he Disease is Spreading in B' United Stati ivcr were too much for tin .red dog, and though___ riost heroic efforts to save herself nd the puppy, which she fondly vards the j iastic ovtr the -s of the! ers of fclftt telle gently j supply ol pulp 1 after a ived, y, and the ____d for tho mar.li- if *hich tho powers in question might be utilized. 'lire Abiiihi River, for instance, which at & qistance of a liundr-d "i's from its junction with the Moose average four hundred • idtih, contains numbers of magnifi-1 cent water povers, awaiting develop- 1 m° , which 1 by local, -ery 'section of th >ved that the elis ttle while she gave up tho attempt as a bad job, and before help could come she sank, carrying tho puppy with her. Captain Woodall was almost as of an ' grief-stricken for his pet as Daisy i OIK) horsepower each. TI M,had been for iier offspring, and of- "he river are lined with ti lb. "Vis-' fered a big reward for tho two bod-j pulp wood of all descripti '" "" 'f " , among the ' ies. which was secured by a bargee.1 is practically valueless, however, un-'f0?!,, t ncl-.wnVm Steel Am attempt was made to bring up j til it is made a^ilable by the con-a ,.,,'m i-r the three little orphans on the bot- stru*o~ of a railway into the ter- "I'-i'i.v. u"7" '"'"'• ,,, Which succeeded so well that, ritory. 1 trachoma have been t.eat-, ^ ^ now g.rowJ11g up and al-j The other b-iblltaries of the Moose most old enough to understand the River possess powcra equally good story of their mother's heroism, | if nft bett»i, ^an those of tjio Abitl. which Captain Woodalls little son tibi. There is ne alone on the Mis-! tired of telling them. ! sanabie, not £arfrcmi t.he proposed ■ossing of the ri clause 3 was referred back I the vai the number of cows in a far as ery," the bill saying SO. An ! jilovei-lent by Mr Krnderson being j to ente to make it 25 cows, was holding \ dan-y" was declared to t'apt' aco where tho milk or cream has rr than fifty cows is manufac- Dnndoo ill was then given a second I thaiT HOG CHOLERA. law illegal prevent an ing his era] ■%c higher; No. 1, ninal; old, 80?. TV>r C ATTLE MARKET. . Juno 30. -- GeneralJ;rade a bad attack i placed under >m Brantford, i leads to to- which is capable do'.vlojrii COMMITTED FOR. TRIAL our Indian Boys Charged With Arson. A Brantford despatch says: Constable Donnelly on Wednesday ar-k Winney, a 13-year-old Thursday he was arraigned on a charge of being connected with tho recent fires at tho Mohawk Institute. He pleaded guilty, and implicated Roy Wilson in the burning of the havfcg The en 1 Wi nine' < tho We Market "to-day were about steady| with those of tho last market day. \ The run of cattle was fairly good,! aid with The exception of export cattle the demand kept abotut steady. Exporters aro quoted slightly easier, in sympathy with Chicago markets. Butchers'- ran i ,out steady, and prices of other live stock aro unchanged. The total run amounted to 89 cars, and included 1,230 cattle. 1,28© sheep, 1,-518 hogs, and 85 calves. Esxport cattle, extra ,,;.r),:co ............$4.90 $5.10 confessed to the the institute, but claim-had nothing to do with fire. All four Indian it-, Louino, Johnson and e committed for trial. CANAL TO COST $50,000,000 Will Extend From the Firth of Forth to the Clyde. : It is re- M'dium . 4.70 4.30 4.90 Bulls, export heavy , A London despatch says ported that the British G approves a scheme which is pruu " " iy London financiers for the i struction of a great canal, which be used by tho largest vessels, f the Firth of Forth to the Clyde. The cost will be £10,000,000. The ca al will be of strategic importance connection with the great nav base on tho Firth of Forth, which now being constructed for the British North Sea fleet, as it will enable this fleet to reach the Atlantic by lawn. Jack gavc travelling a distance of about only I friend, put his no 40 miles 'ran off, and I did altogeth capable of a million horsepower, its great wealth of wood, there i-cultural land and ihdicati eral wealth. hi a strip of country width, v and other tributaries of and these deposits hav nanic of "Coal River to tributaries of t.he Missanabie, lin, which is much s< manufacture of chim , found on the banks of the Abitti while an enormous bed of gJ'Ps^ extonds for at least Blissaniabie. The Abittibi through a magnificent country, having a large clay n Mr. Roberts believes this territ to be as good as any in tho c* try. Immense quantities of peat to be had in it, the bed in s> places being twelve feet deep, Roberts mentions Another case in which £ a heroic attempt to save -- a friend occurred in the house .of the leas! a quarter of present writer. Jack was a wire- A MILLION h4Epower haired terrier, a«d after ho had been Aboye this fall ther'^ in tho family for a few months a ers lithin a dlste"e* stranger was introduced in the Rhn.no 1 ,----i-- of a fluffy little black Km5 ^ spaniel. Jack and the now arrival --who was called Ojueenie-- became firm friends, sleeping in the same basket and eating from the same plate. Ojueenie was devoted to the fire, and would lie inside tho fender and go to sleep very peacefully. Whenever Jack found her in this dangerous position .he would look at her for a moment and then, taking her by the neck, would PLACE HfER ON THE RUG. One evening he came to his master with a look of anxiety, making a. peculiar noise, half bark, half whine. He looked at me for a moment and then left the room. Returning again made the same noise and started the door, looking back at every step. But I was busy just then and took no notice until for third time he returned, when I and followed him. He led through several passages and finally into the kitchen, walked up 1 range, and placed one paw o oven. The fire was out, f maids had gone to bed, and ening the door there I saw poor Quoenie at her last gasp. She had not been burnt and I thought I could have saved her, but sho was too far gone. I tried every means in my power, while Jack stood beside me, a look of the most intense anxiety on his face. But it was no good, and I took the little body m-the garden and laid it upon tin Bruce county. Mr. Fisher replied ocessary any distr but he eason for picking county for exceptio Clancy feared cukrr ial hat owing tt he presence of three trunk lines ol ailway running through, hog chol-ra could not bo entirely stamind ut, although the officials of the department had mddo every possibli effort to do so. Sproule contended that Mr Clancy's explanation indicated th< necessity of quarantining the whole All the items under the heading ot CHEESE AND BUTTER. Mr. Monk asked what was the report of tho investigation held by the Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce into tho weighing of butter Mr. Fisher roplied that the report of tho commission had not yet been made out. Complaints with legard :o this matter had been matle 1 lumber of tradesmen, and tho e nission was appointed to invcstii hem, but as the report had not scuss the justice of the compla ! soon as the report of the c issiori was received it would be the tabic of the House. The nso of the investigation so irrjhad amounted to $428.95. ting ti right Rev. Fathe awa University ttencl the confe ho Allied Color jorwlon, Englai shortly for the old c parried by Prof. Stocl By their dog barkir UNITED STATES. e abandoned the si 'crsity of Chicago li 3,000 by John D, T. Medcalfe, of the money Uni ■ i Pe superintendent ler system of ths t-oflico Department along t. THE KING INTERVENED flows for 2(X> m'l-Nponsible for the Release of P. Air. his McHugh, M.P. despatch says: The release McHugh, M. P., from Sligo 20, appears to have been initiative of King Lord Lieutenant of Earl of Dudley, having ith Judge interest: fact that the whole of this country [ Rosbssly interceded is supplied with provisions "vTa E»g- j tary,\ Kinl ' land and Hudson's Bay. The flour the JfCnolly and pork respectively which are con- wishesxpressmg jjis Majesty sumed there are shipped from winJ| \ subject, nipeg and Chic ro to Englan' thence to Hudson's Bay. R have ripened 200 miles far r ^ sccrefWch asserts that o^ltXan^Bav' and ? Roberts power k of a certain foreign of Hudson s a^<(,.(.in let- against IhA the Servian plot ^/radishes and currants at Moose that the laVg Alexander, and I danger. I warned of his The American Tinplate Company as signed tho annual wage scala dth tho tin workers' International 'rotective Association, thus benefit-sg about 10,000 workers. The widow of Robt. G. Ingersoll ! suing the heirs of the late An-rew J. Davis, because her husband id not receive the $100,000 for ser-ices from the heirs for winning . Butte, Factory. A CITY OF PYRAMIDS. b Has Been Discovered in a Mexican Forest. A Mexico City despatch says: The mote part of the '"tate Of Pueblo, has been found to bo of the greatest archaeological importance. The Fed- tho sub-director of the National Museum, Senor F. Rodriguez, to vis-, it the ruins. Nicholas Leon, an archaeologist and enthnologist, accompanied the sub-director to the Dr. Leon reports that the i the irld c I

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