JEWS IN RUSSIA.V= I by-the Ottawa, Jui --Private bills leg-ftlation, which has preference on Mondays, was speedily disposed of by the House, and the Government was able to get a large amount of work done yester Day. The bill granting aid to the Canadian Northern Railway Co. was considered in committee, and the clauses in reference to the security to be given the Government in return for the guarantee of bonds were thoroughly debated. Objection was taken by Mr. McCarthy, who has charge of the G. T. P. bill, that the Canadian Northern, being a transcontinental railway, should toe subject to the same restrictions respecting the shipment of freight via Canadian ponts as it was sought to im-igpse upon the G. T. P. Material process was, ahso. made in commlttt ulock's amend Material y'JScrease in the salaries (railway mail clerks and letter-carriers. (Hon. Mr. Ritzpatrick introduced a pill to amend the criminal code, 1892. Mr. Walter Scott introduced a bill for the relief of Florence Gray. Mr. Borden moved that the papers !3n<d correspondence in connection with IJje proposed autonomy of the North-pfeet [Territories be printed. Tfhe following bills were given third ■readings:-- Respecting the Century Life Insurance Co.--Mr. Morrison. Respecting the Brandon & Southwestern Railway Co.--Mr. Morrison. To incorporate the Columbia Rive* Improvement Co.--Mr. Galliher. The bills respecting the Nicola, Kamloops & Similkameen Coal & Rail-pay Co., (Mr. Galliher), and to incorporate the Alliance Bank of Canada (Mr. Russell), were referred to committees. Southamptot June 29.--Testeraay ere walking along the SHAKY NERVES. Outside Agitation Will H feet in Their Case. \ j sufferers from nervous troubles I . 1|a«|IsM»||A St. Petersburg, June 30. --\ are in a state of continuous | Q|CK nWuaun\9 amendment to the "temporary reg\ torture--suggestions tions" of May 15, 1882, permitting Je\ how the trouble to reside and to acquire real esta\ BE overcome. , 8T,tem out of order-HeaHk in 101 additional towns within the palVWhen your nerves are shaky your « wtored „, Dr. ch..e', nerve r»oi. of Jewish settlements is thus explained by the Jewish journal, The Voskhad: "The temporary regulations which have been in force during the last twenty-one years were hastily issued, and we: not brought into conformity with oth laws. Their enforcement caused nea ly all the Jews Jiving in the rural districts, amounting to about twenty pe cent, of the whole Jewish populatioi in 1882, to be driven into the towns am cities. The pale of Jewish settle ment, previously embracing fifteen provinces, suddenly shrunk to ited number of towns. The of towns open to Jews has co constantly to diminish. As ; the towns with Jewish populatio been officially pronounced breeding-places for physical and psychical dis eases. The Ministry of the Interior, in view of the dangers, has decided to open no new places to Jewish settlers. "Among many expedients for driving out Jewish settlers tinder the " porary regulations' one of the successful was to demand written charters from the towns. Those which could not produce a charter v, once pronounced villages. Ir way all the towns in Poltava wiped out of legal existence in 1895, and all the towns or Cliarnigov suffered the same fate in 1899. In othei cases old towns decayed, or shifted to wards newly built railroads. flit Jews were, however, not allowed eith- Joseph Jeffory of Hamilton aitted suicide by shooting himself. and Indigestion Choice Groceries, Fresh Meats. > the i that streets of old towns. "The temporary regulations,' it may be briefly stated, forbid Jews to move into cities and towns where they had not been living when the regulations were issued, to remove from one hamlet to another or to acquire or rent STRATFORD SAFE-BLOWING. The Cracksmen Were Unable to Open the Door. Stratford, June 30.--An attempt was made yesterday to blow open the safe of the Perth Flax & Cordage Co., BASEBALL IN GEORGIA. One Man filled and the Umpin Hurt. >f a bail game near here betw :omposed of negroes from r is shot by at ? the spectato and dyspepsia, 1 1D shattered--your will is broken. Sudden sounds JgEfSd rie^SST« "inonk the vou: your temper is irritable; symptoms of nervous exhaustion, and ands tremble; weakness ^this account are thoroughly and permanenUy knees; your skin is pale and' i restless at uight and wake. It all comes exhaustion, perhaps due and worry, late hours, want of blood. Dr. Pills is the only cure, rich, red blood. They gled nerves and strength-They give health and weary, despondent Strong proof is of Mrs. Wm. West- health was in a .ubjectto headaches exhauston. My _ I was so badly stand the least iveral medicines For Choice Groceries and Provisions call on jos. e. vassaw, Castleton His stock is well assorted, new , and fresh. His teas are byacourseoft NaerFrrr- Ch"eS I the finest in the world. QJ^s£!??M I Oysters in bulk or by the Ont., and whose husband ! glass. Canned goods, etc. is^h:Xed\^ewith j Fresh and cured meats and nervous, sick headache, j jish always IB Stock Prices Right. TO HORSEMEN! The undersigned having leased the Colborne Driving Park grounds are offenni: tree box stalls and straw to horsmeu who wish to train on the track. The sand roads in this district are unsurpassed for jogging pur- ^The track is being placed in first-class condition and will be kept in that shape throughout the season. JOHN COYLE J. S. YEOMANS Colborne, April 8th, 190?. it doctors, but bad state, dizzinees and appetite was „ run down I couh exertion. I ti and consulted they did not neighbors strongly Dr. William's Pink id box ing point for the bet5 reached, and by the tnk half dozen boxes, to tl my friends and neighbo_. enjoying good health, ant been strong and weli. I do'Vot know anything to equal Dr. William's pink Pills when the system is run ilown." What tho pills have done for others they will do for you, if you will give them a fair trial. Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent post paid at 50 j cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by 1 addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. good, and my nervous system generally was quite out of order. I am ^pleased to say that I found ™- Chase's Nerve Food most satisfactory Mrs. Brown nerve tonic and health restorer that I have ever tried. I can^fully recommend this preparation, knowing it to be very beneficial in my case." _ Bv noting your increase m weight wnue using this great food cure, you can prove that «ftm fiesh and tissue is being added to he fcody. To protect you against irmtetions the strait and signature cf Dr. A. W. Chasejthe famous receipt book author, are on every box. J.E.VASSAW CASTLETON, - ONT. CRAMAHE -COUNCIL. e Municipal Council of the 1 ship of Cramahe, met in the council chamber Castleton on Friday, June 26th 1903, at 11 a. in. Members all present- The jsjorth Grey Provincial election protest has been reinstated. Pains in His Back for Twenty Years \ Kidney people learn to trot in Dr Chase's r-Livor Pills, for when all other s fail this I Mr. Tu Mr. Get Heevc the juld i ci! ;- appointment ot ti collector for ear 1903. Mr. Mallory gave notice that at ext regular session of this cou he would introduce a by-law for open a road between lots 11 and town lino, Cramahe and Brighton be used as a winter road on!y.^ Moved by Mr. Rycknmn,' 'secon by Mr.Gerow: That Wesley Newma sed as pound keeper : that of B. P. Gaffield placed in i f, and also that Edward IV •;-d"V.vArM'r. Mallm-y, ^'cww. That the Beeve sign favor of ASSAULT CASS Benj. Johnson Arrested on Complaint of a Little Girl. Benj. John-iteamer Bri- THE ST. CATHARINES FIRE. i Collingwood, Jui j son, a deck hand 1 ! tannia, about fort) ted yeste Chief Wile Best Loss ,n the Carpet $45,ooo-The Insurance. June 3°- -The Em- entirely de- Aye-; 10.30 s St. Catharines, pire carpet works £thermgton> , S£. sfated that so far a he , :ould learn the originthe fire v. ing ro0m from P q£ ^ k 1 \°n- a £ the main warerooms of the placed in the mam utter factory on Fnda>Mast, ^ loss. In the stoic quantity of o£ the ^^"/t? this was slight yarn. The damage ro e and was caused by iact0ry. Tooling -mpames a- merest John W ^ ^ -T^Suf C*2S^> others made against Hon. D. H. Mc- Q.ueenL-„Sln;a Vn each have not been « ^ provincial Secretary, by The by Mr. _ orders, on the Treasure the following persons, 101 set opposite their respecti v James Kelly repairing «« John McGregor " Benj Andrus for Gr R. McGregor " Jacob Moore Wm. RycVmiat 38 and 39................ ThosWilce, R.B. 38...------ Thomas Morgiuson, grading,. George Pabuateer grading. - -Albert Spencer grading .... A. Spencer repairing cuiven B Warner raking stones... Wm. Carr equalization Go . bridge' rel R. B. real medicine seems to go directly to the diseased part, and promptly affords relief and cure. - * Mr. David Misbh««. &rmer, Port Robinson, Welland County, Ontario, writes:-' I wish to state to you that \ had a pam m my back and left sjde for over twenty years. At times I could not turn Over in bed, I was so badly used up. I had cramps in toy feet and legs, and my hands were so entirely useless Eat I could scarcely lift anything. "Kidney disease was, no doubt, the cause of all my suffering, and sometimes the urinary ■^-•ible would be so bad that I would have to r six times during the night. For-egari using Dr. Chase's Kidney-arid they cured me completely. nd quite well now, but 11 occasionally use these pills to keep my system" in eo0^- crcler. Several persons to -'have recommended Dr. Chase's Kid-1 Liver Tills have been equally benefited." Dr Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, the comfort ,;e pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers. Portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase on every box. Wanted i COAT-MAKER and also a girl t \ learn coat making. E.J. COX, Colborne. Wright's Rheumatic Remedy. I am agent for this great Canadian Rheumatism cure. I can refer you to many people in this section and also produce many testimonials proving that it is one of the most wonderful medicines of the age. JAMES McGLENNON, 39-D«c 03 Colborne, Ont For Service. premises lot 30, Con. 6 Crmahe. N. LAN! get up five headquarters for Seeds All kinds of garden and field seeds. Oilcake At $2.00 per hundred. Paints gents for Sherwin-Williams and other makes. Oils e, boiled, bought when market was lowest. Hardware .wail paper e 79 ye.-r I Hotel. DENNIS DOUD, Prpp, n St; West, Cor, Plymoth Ave. Coxall & Co Colborne, ■1 Ontario. s ROCHESTER, N. Y. j Wheelmen! UP-TO-DATE. lust received a carload of l1 Flour and Feed Wh ich we are , few lines of Boo and Constabh charge of assault or, u old daughter of Mr. street, Collingwood. connected in town, at ail his life. He has . £aesemade o« Way "evening, at his " diverts, R. ' ^n re^VncthwhtehXis % SUS -- . feSlde The accused will appear Q^ Mc(Jracken tied to sell at the lowest prices, i Shoes left over which we are y out below cost. borne S. ^. ------ - .... „ Wesley Goodrich, building 2 j •ork < THE MANITOBA SCANDAL. gravel road......- McConnell supplies t"Ik.i rase Enlarged " attendence, V. Andrus, The Free Press Libel Case ami* g ^ indigent . for a Week. Wm Lapp 84 yds. grave Winnipeg, June 30--The charge ol Wol£ram work on road. referred against Mr. w Wo1fram 214 yds. graV M.Brown 70 yds.gravelR- a,d . 4 20 133 00 10 70 3 50 The amounts 1 out yet. given rexalT»&%b- dyes, ^ ' ' W. A. DOUGLAS, A,et BRANT^R^^LLED-Miss Myrtle Lacey Run Down by a Train. -Myrtle Lacey, before Poll' yesterday. l"e u .."til Tuesday, Ju'y m The information upon cotton,silk,|7wtjlcatthe ^ ,as based_ sworn out, not by H' den, but by E. J. L"' Free Press, came u Magistrate Baker case was enlarged v D H. McFad-Chief of Pro- ?^y^ea?inPb^ F. I. Black 50 yds. Grave? _ ± B. 57.........■""J K- Hiram Carr 70 yds. gr^ _ _ g B. 45......"/vert W. Peterson cedar tor..... 6 R. B. 38.........-'alvert W. Turney cedar to_..... g R. B. 45......--'gravel Ttios. Weils 27 yds....... R.B. 67........-&. B. 44 T. O'Grady worl$ad -"Mr. Brantford, June 30- r-old girl widowed mother the Boyne marsh, c^nbuteo. «. UiTs Mr. Macdonell was pa.d a a 'sum of money due htm by the ^ e ment. Subsequently he failed to fc 1 35 13 75 3 00 2 50 who lived with her I £^£"10 these funds " iord street, j suggestionsjhat^hejhoui red by the I made b sngine of at a crossing here > was slightly deal, and bulance, bundled aj^ .nquest reaching there. ,rday. She j ™"^n months* longer, despite repeat-is supposed , fourteen ■ Government t°Pa> train She ed appeals to the^ ^ ^ d ^ ^ HaR the am- i the estimdic immediately aftei job50inmitting vagrant D. Richie r of wf-or cuivert Geo. Graham c/_......... Base Line.gravel jj. b. J. Lawson 35........... 1 71 33......-nd raod work Wm. Eakini........... 3 00 R. B. 76-road work R. R. Clark re............ _ _ 4 00 lUbnoening wit- Chas. Tu,n trial........ 11 80 ness for cutting Henry............... 35 00 5 00 50 00 1 50 2 00 15 00 wmgKkm® VSSs stew .ithheld ms successor." j jlfraim-gradtL... WTtewas announced yesterday that Hon , ^ by mK Gerow secorjde(1 by Hugh John MacdonaU:. -.vtio '.\v0 Ains: That this council do now •-^ro^^ ^ Ia8t Fliday iD Fresh Groceries of all Kinds. Seed Corn for Sale. £o9:^,I',MRS.'A. S. HINDS, Colborne, Ontario... Be jabers, Pat, isn't it noice to be riding alone in a McLaughlin Rubber-Tired Buggy, when your swateheart is wid you ? CHAS. A. WILSON Township Clerk. Ii*a body meet a body con i; through the rye, If a body kiss a body need a body cry? Not if it is in a McLaughlin Buggy. Lj. H. CHAPMAN, Agent. - COLBORNE. 1 Dealer in high grade buggies at low prices. 1