Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 25 Jun 1903, p. 1

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THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XX.--No. 52. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of yea Toronto with music is ringing; Her features are bright as the sky: Her sons from afar she is bringing To meet on the first of July. Toronco discerning her duty, Invites all her sons and their friends Toronto the city of beauty, A welcome most cordial extends. The city of schools and of churches Of order and wisdom and wealth, The city where Liberty perches And dwells with contentment and health. The city of commerce increasing, The city of steeples and domes, The city of progress increasing, The city of beautiful homes Here youth is^most faithfully aided To conquer earth's discords an strife; Here homes with that peace are pervaded Which leads to the stre nuous life Her 'sons at truth's foun drinkicg., In regions far distant the„ This day they are gratefully thin lei Of all the endearments at homo. LINLITHGOW. Our co-operative milk drawers are having a hard time of it drawing the milk over the muddy roads. Our two new buggies and their owners were in evidence at the festival at the home of Mr. Mcintosh on Friday-evening last. R«cent events indicate that one of our vacant houses are soon to be occupied as one of our citizens appears to be learning the value of advertising. After much anxiety and vexation of spirit, Mr. James Dudley has finished drawing wood to town. He is now enjoying a well earned holiday at SALEM The Rev. S. G. Rorke has been preaching a series c parable of the sower. Miss Florence Dixon has gone to visit relatives in Lamsdown, Brockville and other places in the east. Mr. Stafford of Leeds has recently been the guest of Mr. S. E. Dixon, r.iey were schoolmates in their boy- A number of young people from here were disappointed in not being iiblo to attend the Summer School at Twelve O'Clock point, owing ' to the- CASTLETON Mr. J. Vansicklin picked over 500 btjses of strawberries on Mondays" Mr. and Mrs. Winn and daughter spent a few days in Hilton last week. Miss O'Neil of Chicago recently spent a few days with her cousin Mrs. J. Warner. Mrs. John Flynn of Port Huron is visiting at the home of her father Mr. W. Winn. Mr. Daniel Alesworth, of Belleville is visiting at the home of his uncle Mr. John L. Mullett. Mrs. D. Morres nee Miss Daua Welton from New York city is a guest at the home of her aunt Mrs. J. Gaf-field Mr. Coon of Rochester is a guest at the home of Mr. Nathen Gaffield. He a resident of this place for a number of years. Our cheese factory turned out the largest number of Cheese on Monday that were ever made here. All large 80 pound cheese 38 in number. There was such a quantity of milk the wagons could not bring it all in. The Besii Trail 'Of disease is often the trail marked by a woman's gown. A recent investigation showed a horde of microbes, including those of influenza, consumption and a dozen other varieties, gathered in the trail of a woman's dress. The microbe is everywhere, but its prey are the weak and feeble people Whose blood is "poor" and digestion «weak." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other orgai:„ of digestion and nutrition and purifies the blood. ____ It strengthens the body by increased \ nutrition to resist § or throw off dis- 0. Wife FANCY CHINA! We have on hand a large stock of Fancy China of the most up-to-date and Artistic Designs and of the best qualities made which we are of' fering for sale at very low prices. CALL AND SEE THEM. H. J„ MAYHEW, Colborne, - Ont Raris Green Bluestone Spray Pumps SCREEN DOORS AND WIOQ4¥S. KNEW DR. CHASE IN 1867 One of Dr. Chaee's oldest patients in Canada is Mr. G. W. Parish of Sturgeon Bay, Simcoe Co. Ont., whom he cured of kidney disease in 1&67 by means of his now celebrated Kidnev-Liver Pills, Mr. Parish writes that he does not think there is any medicine half so good and that ne always keeps Dr-(Ghase!s Kidney-Liver Pills in the house as a family medicine. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the East Northumberland Reform Association ■will be held in the Town Hall, W ark-worth, on Fridav, June 26th 1903, at - -Ii^sk-ok in the afternoon. rray i ailing out and ast. But your the falling and color."--Mrs. ohoes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair! Perhaps you. are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, jjj use Ayer's Hair Vigor. I In less than a month your I gray hair will have all the I dark, rich color of youth. r" ;';,!t cannot supply yon, md m win express e and give the name ess omee. Address, 1 CO., Lowell, Mass. Tin; family of our cheese maker, Mr. Egbert Demorest, was increased on t 1 s'16th inst, by the birth of a little girl. A number of the young men from here left on Tuesday last for their annual military drill at Barriefield, near Kingston. St me slight disturbance was noticeable during the church service here on Sunday last when the liome boy. Leonard Godwin, who lives at Mr. Charles Hinman's was overcome with a fainting spell. Nothing serious has resulted we understand. VERNONViLLE. Everything is booming 1 the ass Maggie Blacklock who has , spending » jveek in Grafton re :ed home on Sunday hist-rs. Hairy Blacklock of Rochester, ;". is spending a couple of weekvij" iiehome of Mr. James Blacklock sr. |P M. Robertson row sprayer attach! fastened to the back of the rig by means of a couple of of strips. This r>w sprayer is a piece of half inch piping to which nozzels are at. tachea at intervals of twenty-two inches. It will spray a strip about thirteen feet wide. The solution is prepared by dissolving 8 lbs. of blue stone in 2 gallons of lint water. Strain this into a barrel. Then add enough cold water to make 40 gallons of the solution. The best time to spray is when the mustard is between six and seven inches high and just before it is about to bloom. If rain follows within twsnty-four hours of the application, ild rcpea tho strawberry festival at the home of Mr. Mcintosh. They report having a good time and hope that, there will be EAST C OLBORNE. Mr S. D. Dudley left, on Monday for Kingston camp. Major W. W. Brown and a nunber of others, left on Tuesday for Kings-Miss Edith Turney is in Trenton spending a few day with her aunt, Mrs. C. L. Turney. Mr. R. Heseltiue returned last week from an extei.ded visit with her sons in Michigan. Mr R. N. Turney was in Trenton on Monday purchasing a car load of lumber and shingles. W. R. Scot. make > den repanng to on his resi-1 by building a kitchen to the I week with its for twelve days dri of red A, four year rope-ate for istard •hich Mr. Andrew Robson has been treat iug his house to a new coat of shingles clapboards and paint which adds greatly to the appearance of the prem-ices. The work was done by Messrs. Boyd and Wait contractors, Vernon-ville. The car which was to leave with coffee fot Cobourg did not depart on the-day expected owing to the driver getting badly shook up by the tumbling of coal the night before. He 5thinka he will be around in about a Mrs. A. T. Wait and Master Roy, who left some time ago to visit her mother and other relatives in North ern Michigan, whom she has not seen for some nine years, reports having found them all well. They a^e enjoying enjoying their visit. lily be pulled by hand. this pest without losing a season's The yield of gram will bo increased on account of the destruction of the The cost of the bluestoue need not exceed eighty cents an acre. One man can easily spray 12 to 15 acres a day by this method. Do not spray mustard in a pea crop as the peas are injured by the solu- Tlie solution has no injuiious effects on clover. Thoroughness is the secret of this method of treatment. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bai proi Inch held in the Baptist Churcli day evening passed off vei_ fully; the proeeds amounting to $19.00. Mr, B. X. Turney had the tion to loose his horse last week. The animal was in a pasture field near where he was working and was found in the field with its leg broken. Industries are just begining to boom here. A barrel factory is about to start in the building known as the Head sash and door factory. We vinderstand the proprietors are Mr. J. H. Goodrich and Mr. G. M. Peebles R« f. H. Shaw preached a very ini pressive sermon on Sunday evening in tho Baptist Church taking his text from I Peter 2nd chapter 24th verse. It is hoped that the church here will give him a call as he comes very highly recommended. Colborne Hardware Store, outram & co. Opp. Victoria Park, Colborne. Summer Millinery. The display in our millinery show rooms is now at tne height of its perfection, and comprises assortments that would do credit to a much larger place. Stde by side with a select lot of dainty imported hats and bonnets there's an array of the handiwork of our own expert trimmers that has been pronounced to be most creditable. A goodly assortment of fashionable shapes in untnmmed millinery, and an immence selection of the newest things in flowers, foliage and fashionable trimmings of all kinds awaits your choosing, and our experienced milliners are prepared to have your order executed in a way that's sure to please. A Sensation in Shirt Waists. Beautiful New York shirt waists in many different styles MISS K. CULVER, Colborne, - - Ontario. Messrs. Barton & Son have a few sets of Single and Light Double Harness left from the stock recently purchased from Mr. M. J. Doyle, which they are offering at a slight advance on cost. W. BARTON & SON, Colborne, - - Ontario.

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