Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 18 Jun 1903, p. 1

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THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XX.--No. 50. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 3903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of yea FAREWELL. After all these years of gladness Comes at length the parting day. Doubts there need not be nor sadness Since the Lord directs onr way In His wondrous love he hides us. When the tempests rase below; And since He in mercy guides us, Where He sends us we will go. In the bonds of love united We have been of one accord, And our hearts have been delighted With the visions of the Lord. Much we prize the faithful labors. Of the helpers we iave kniiwc; Much we love the friends and ueigh- Who have constant kindness shown. Mav the Lord of life protect you - As the seasons enw-ard move: May he through 1J in word direct you In the paths of truth aDd love WTUn the morning dew drops glisten | Making all the earth rejoice, I May your waiting spirits listen For the music of His voice. g When the night is dark aud cheerless And your path is marked with care, May you still he slrong and fearless Know!, g :hat the Lord is there. May the church His grace possessing Eveiy gift for Him employ. May each heart receive His blessing And each home be rilled with joy. Thoagh the farewell word is spoken Friendship's ties remain the samt «- For that love is never broken Which is centered iu His name. GRAFTON. Rev. C. S. Lord is attending the General Assembly in Vancouver. We hope he may have a delightful trip. Mrs. Nobles, Eddystone, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Piatt Hinman, Haldimand. Mrs. Robert Runciman and Mrs Haig were delegates from Grafton Auxiliary to the Peterboro Presby-terial Societv of W. F. M., which recently met in Port Hope. Miss Jessie. Robson, daughter of Mr. John Robson, Vernonville, is home from Toronto for a visit. She called on friends in the village last week. Three former pastors of Grafton Methodist circuit have been signally honored bv the Bav of Quiute. Con-ference recently in session. Rev. T. J. Edmison, B. 1)., was elected Presi-nent, Rev. David Balfour, Secretary, and Kev. H. V. Mounteer, Journal ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the East Northumberland Reform Association will be held in the Town Hall, Wark-worth, on Friday, June 26th 1903, at 2 o' clock in the afternoon WOOLEE Colborne 1903. T. Wa RESERVE FORCE. The healthy body has a certain amoont of strength reserved m case of emergency attack by disease or usual physical exhaustion, without this pcwer of resistance a person is an easy prey to every, ill that comes along.. By enriching #ie blood and creating-'new nerve cells, Dr.*Chase's. Nerve Food keeps the health at high water mark and fills the body ' with tire vigor and vitality that overcomes defies disease .'.'"**.* Miss Ethel Chisholm of Belleville is visiting Miss Eva Wessels. Miss Melissa Casement of Pictou is visiting relatives here. Miss Sarah White of Glen Ross is spending a few days with her friends in this section. Miss Ethel Coltman of Smithfield was visiting friends here for a couple of days last week. One of our old and respected residents passed away on Sunday of last week in the person of Mr. Win. Ruttan at the ripe old age of 86 years. The funeral services were eqnducted by the Rev. S. F. Dixon oh Tuesday at 2. p. ni. in the Methodist Church, after which the uiter'-ment took place iu the Stockdale Cemetery. The saw mill mi this place was completely destroy: tire on Tuesday of last week. Considerable damage was also done.to the machinery. The .fire is supposed to have been started by sparks from the engine- By the COLRORNE BAPTIST CHURCH being with us over eleven years. Mr. son preached from St. Luke's gospel, 21 chapter, 50 and 51 verses. full of that deep thought which appeals to the heart and conscience, and that carried conviction aid inspiration to all those who had the privilege to hear him and no doubt will be a means in God's hands of leading all to a higher life through believing and trusting more on the finished work of Christ. The Rev. P. Duncan, Presbyterian minister, was present also, and offered prayer. The church was filled with a very large and attentive con gregation.who expressed the wish that God would abundantly bless Pastor Watson and his family." W. BARTON, is G. Hine,' Struction f v house Road work is beginning ; Mrs. Hirnian Flood is ver; under the caie of Dr. Simnic low and sallow, and they feel tired and worn-out all the time. In a large proportion of cases when women are weak, run-down and falling off in flesh and looks, the root of the trouble can be traced to womanly diseases which undermine the general health. The proof of this is that women who have been cured of painful womanly diseases by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have recovered their general health, gained in flesh and in appearance. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures the womanly diseases which sap the general health. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness-. whim's Athletic "'tub), of I02 Sycamore It., »tep toward recovery. In nine weeks I.wise a different woman; my flesh which had been I great change within from pain and suffering to I health and happiness." I "Favorite Prescription" makes weak i women strong, sick women well. Ac-I cept no substitute for the medicine ! which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. FANCY CHINA! We have on hand a large stock of Fancy China of the most up-to-date and Artistic Designs and of the best qualities made which we are offering for sale at very low prices* CALL AND S"E THEM. H. J. MAYHEW, optician™' Colborne, - Ont* </iC\TRETO>' Mr. Wilber Wilton visited his parents on Sunday of last week. Mrs. Albert Watson was visiting friends in Colborne this week. Mr. Win. Newton of New Ontario is visiting friends here. Mr. Orossen, of Cordova, is in this section for the purpose of buying a carload of cattle. Our Sabbath School has arranged for on hit i.,,K.- Thursday, June 18th We regret, to learn that Mr. Thos. Coffee, sr. is very ill. We trust lie may soon recover. The congregation of St. John's Church have decided to have a strawberry festival on July 1st. Quite a number of th'e people here are taking advantage of the fishing at Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Dudley of Colborne were visiting at the home of Mrs.Dudley's father Mr. D. H. Taylor. Mrs. John Merriam is improving the looks of her house by building a new summer kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nobles visited ker parents, Mr. and Mrs. Justice Blodgett last wek. Mr. R. B. Holland is improving the appearance of his farm by putting a new wire fence along the front side. Mrs. T. McCutcheon, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert Elliott, at Roseneath, has returned BABY'S WELFARE. '■iy loilie el fare of her little ones, and Baby's Own Tablets is the best medicine to make baby well and keep it well. Thousands of mothers keep the Tablets constantly in the house -- they say they would not be without them. As proof of this Mrs. Geo. Kilgore, Well wood, Man., says:--"Having used Baby's Own Tablets for some time I can truthfully say that they are the best medicine I have ever used for little ones. I think so highly of the Tablets that I always keep them iu the house." A medicine like Baby's Own Tablets, which so many mothers praise, is the right one for your little ones. They are guaranteed to contain neither opiates nor other harmful drugs, and can be given to the youngest infant with perfect safety. Good i for teething troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, simple fevers, worms and all the otlier minor ailments of child-j ren. Sold by druggists, or may be ' had by mail at 25 cents a box, by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockille. Out. Raris Green Bluestone Spray Pumps SCREEN DOORS AND WIDOWS. Hj^^est Cash Price for Wool Colborne Hardws outram & co. Opp. Victoria Park, Colborne, No Hair? "My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once."-- Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. S1C0 a bottle. All drugjista. I^your drngj-st entrant »ui>ply P". vou a bol . He sir.- • :.:!.■ ,• j cho r>f ™„>- r»,r».t ..r.wi nlhce. Addre63, vjii.rji'hi. BRIGHTON. We are to ha-e Uncle Tom's Cabin again next Friday, this time under tent. The Canadian Jubilee Singers gave an entertainment here last Saturday evening. Brighton is to be favored with the Orange demonstrations for this district on the 13th July. The usual large crowd is expected. The Rev. Mr. Edmison who was formerly in Colborne succeeds Mi. Wilso^n in the pastorate of the Methodist church here. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. Fife were D. L, Simmons of Colborne and J. H Dumble, Police Magistrate of Cobourg The latter was a brother-in-law of the deceased. The Division Conrt here on Monday was the shortest on reeord lasting for about 15 minutes. Someone remarked that the Judge should be presented with a pair of white gloves as there-was not a single disputed case for trial. An old resident of Brighton passed away last Sunday in the person of Mrs. (Dr.) A. E. Fife. Her husband predeceased her about 18 years ago and was in his day the leading phy.si cian in Brighton. Mrs. Fife was a kind hearted intelligent woman and was deservedly popular. She is survived by two sons and three daughters. Miss Annie MacKenzie of Park Hill is visiting at Mr. P. H.iig's. Mr. Walter MacGregor spent a few days visiting at Lakeport last week. Mr. W. Coffee and Mr. F. Lippy spent Friday evening at Mr. P. Haig's. Mr P. Haig has completed drawing the stone for a foundation of his Mr. F. Lippy has been very busy for the past week at the carpenter The Misses Carruthers of Lakeport spent Tuesday at Mr. Chas. Mac-Mr. Dean MacGregor had the misfortune of losing a valuable horso last week. Our Neighborhood is being greatly improved by the erection of new fences and outbuildings. Miss Jennie Rutherford and Miss Annie McCullough of Campbellford are visiting at Mr. Alex Rutherford's. A number of our young people met at Mr. Robert. MacGregor's on .Monday last and spent, a very enjoyable evening. A young man of this neighborhood while (hiving some young ladies home one night last week, narrowly escaped being seiiously injured by driving We hear that we aie to have a strong opposition to the Springdale Valley Mill Co. The material for the pond is all ready and operations will be commenced in a few days and the mill will be erected as soon as possible. We wish the young man every success in his new enterprise. to those that "waite" Our factory under the management of our new cheese maker is doing a record breaking business this season, twenty cheese averaging 90 lbs. being turned out in one day. The monthly bills with checks are already out for the months of April and May. The average price per lb. realized being 11 ceuts. Never were matters conducted any more satisfactorily to all concerned than at present, THE EVIDENCE i'OU VALUE, By word of mouth from friend to friend Dr. Chase's Ointment has received more unsolicited recommendation than Drob-ably any medicine you can mention.' The SMITHFIELD. Quite a number from here are attending the summer Sebool at 12 O'Clock Point. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Morganston spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Twiddy. Rev. W. G. Clark of Little Brittain spent a few days recently visiting his sister Mrs. G. W. Bullis. Mrs' Motley Cariington and Mrs. Jerry Kemp of Ameliasburg spent Monday with friends here. The Ladies Aid are having a Strawberry Social on Friday 19th; come and get all the berries you can eat. We are glad to report that Mr. "red Sweetman, who has been very ill, at time of writing is some better. Mrs. Church of Trenton, Mrs. Smith aud daughter of Hamilton are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White Mr. and Mrs Geo. Flindall of Hillier and Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson and son Gerald were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ferguson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haffener and Mr. and Mrs. William Haffener and familv of Trenton spent Sunday at the homo of Mr. H. Head. The Eckhart Family, bell ringers intend giving an entertainment in Geron's Hall on the 23rd inst.; come and hear a good program. Mr. John Hubble and mother Mrs William Hubble of Rawdon spent Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs L. W. Johnson. Mr. Charlie Johnson aud sister of Sydney spent Sunday with Mr. L. W. Johnson aud on returning took their sister .Miss Ethel,who has been spending several weeks in our village, home with ttiein. Summer Millinery. The display in our millinery show rooms is now at tne height of its perfection, and comprises assortments that would do credit to a much larger " place. Side by side with a select lot of dainty imported hats and bonnets there's an array of the handiwork of our own expert trimmers that has been pronounced to be most creditable. A goodly assortment of fashionable shapes in untnmmed millinery, and an immence selection of the newest things in flowers, foliage and fashionable trimmings of all kinds awaits your choosing, and our experienced milliners are prepared to have your order executed in a way that's sure to please. A Sensation in Shirt Waists. Beautiful New York shirt waists in many different styles MISS K. CULVER, Colborne, - - Ontario. Messrs. Barton & Son have a few sets of Single and Light Double Harness left from the stock recently purchased from Mr. M. J. Doyle, which they are offering at a slight advance on cost. w. barton & son, Colborne, - - Ontario.

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