Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 30 Apr 1903, p. 8

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COLBORNE, APRIL 30th, 1903. --Miss Jennie Hicks, of Rochester, is home on a visit. --Mr. Jas. McGlennon is atFenwick looking after the spring shipment of the Chase Bios, nursery stock. --Mr. Harold Batty left on Monday last for Weston where he has secured a position in the office of the Guide and Times of that town. --On Wednesday Mr. Wallace McGlennon received an order from Vancouver, B. C, for a setting of Silver ■Grey Dorking eggs. --Quarterly meeting in Salem circuit will be held in the Sharon church next Sabbath at 10 a. m. Rev. Mr. Stratton will be present the Quarterly Sermon. --Mrs. S. McGlennon and son desire to express their gratitude to their friends for the prompt assistance which they rendered and the kindly words of sympathy expressed at the time of their recent bereavement. --On Thursday last Mr. R. J. Cochrane introduced Messrs. Jas. Stewart Edward Still and John McD. Allen to a number of our citizens. These gentlemen are endeavoring to promote a scheme for the establishment of a cold storage system and pork packing establishment. --A former well known resident of Cramahe passed away at his h the village of Campbellford on April lltb, in the person of Mr. Join George. The deceased was in 84th year of his age and leaves aged widow and grown up family. Mr, Frank Chapman of Dundonald is a s_^Ph^°geutineUStar SayS._Tilel.e is a rumor that an autombile service will be inaugurated this summer between Cobourg and Rice Lake points. The cars are to carry about twenty passengers. We trust that the ruinoi is true, as it would be a great convenience, and our citizens would be able to fish and shoot on Rice Lake --The Post says that Miss Sutherland is expected to arrive in Cobourg this week to prepare the Arlington the coming season. From present dications the prospect is very bright for a most successful season. Ahead; a large number of rooms have been secured and daily Miss Sutherland is in receipt of applications from people who desire to spend the summer in Cobourg. --A despatch from Clinton says that many fat cattle have been raised and fed in that neighborhood, but there is yet to hear of one that can beat a farm er of the 12th concession--a calf eleven months old. weighing 780 pounds. The animal was sold at 5 cents a pound, the farmer realizing $39 20. What it would have been worth in another year or two is hard to conjecture. --A despatch from Ottawa says that Dr. Vroomah urged that the government should institute a system of free rural delivery of mails. It would make farm life more comfortable and happier. It would keep the boy on the farm. He believed the rural telephone was coining. This was one of the most important questions in Ontario. Rural free delivery and telephones would make a new people out of the farmers of Canada. The government should do something in these directions. --The directors of the Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, and Pontypool Railway Company authorize the announcement that final arrangements have been made for the immediate construction of the railway. A staff of engineers will at once go on to finally locate the line between Lindsay and Burketon. aud it is intended to proceed with the construction simultaneously at several different points. The work will be pressed forward vigorously, confidently expected that the line will be completed anil ready for traffic be-foie the end of the present year. --A cable from London England Pays that Peter Ball, Canadian agent in the Midlands, states that English --Wanted:--Second hand chair swing. Apply at the Enterprise Office. --H. Gale, editor Enterprise, is issuer ot marriage licenses for the county of Northumberland. -- The people of Port Hope are considering the advisability of establishing a hospital in that town. Mr. J. E. Fisher of Cobourg has been appointed organist and choir leader of the Colborne Street Methodist Church, Brantford. --In another column Dr. Mallory advertising for a man for general nrk. Good wages and steady employment is offered. --The steamer Corsican will leave Toronto to-day for Montreal and intermediate ports, which will open the season of navigation between.Toronto d Montreal. During May the R. & O. steamers will leave Moudays and Thursdays. -Jack Dingwall, alias Martn, of Brighton, appearad before Judge Ben-for trial, charged with having set fire to hotel Proctor, Brighton, on the evening of April 11. The Judge sentenced him to eighteen months in Central Prison. --Tlie cheese inspectors for factories west of Kingston, are as follows: Lindsay District--Wm. Hali; Peter borough District-- Robert Ward: Campbellford District -- Thomas Thompson: Belleville District--Hugh Howey; Picton District--Mr. Dougan; Stirling District--J. B. Lowery; Madoc and Tweed district--Herb Morton, Bancroft District--Jas. Irwin; Napanee District -- Geo. Bensley; Kingston District--A. M. Feiguson. The inspectors or instructors will not be compelled to carry a Babcock tester this year as they doing away with this,: is required to provide use. The inspectors Alkaline test and the Fermentation test, which will nake a ]oa(i without the Babcock. They will commence work about the first of May. --The impression has gon it that only tailor made suits are manufactured in the dress making department by the Cornwell Clothing Company. Mr. Cornwell wishes to announce he has a thoroughly competent staff who are engaged in general dress making and who may be found in the very convenient and appropriate rooms lately occupied by Mr. Geo. Cor- ran in Coyle block. Stairs first door east of the Cornwell Clothing Co's. store All work is made under the careful directions of Mr. Cornwell. N; B. Orders do not leave the establishment until perfect. Our aim is how good can garments be made and not how cheap at the Cornwell dress making dep.Covie Block. gradually .nc1. each factory MARRIED. Shields--Deakin: at 7020 Parnell Avenue Chicago, on Wednesday April 22nd, by Rev. Mr. Tnrney. Mr Geo. Shields and Mrs. Blanch Deakin, both of Chicago. BASEBALL. A base-ball club was organized Colborne on Tuesday evening with the following officers:-- Hon. Pres.--Dr. A. E. Mallory, Hon. Vice Pres.--Chas. P. Brown President--Robt. Coyle, Jr. Vice-Pres.--John Yeomans, Secretary--E. F. Rawson, Treasurer--Wm. Pomeroy, . Captain--Arthur Mttlhall. Managing Committee --■ Austen McGlennon, Fred Wilson, Sam Seed, Jas. Coyle, and Arthur Mulhall The Secretary would be plea-'d to hear from Warkworth with reg ni tc arranging for a game in Colborne on May 25th. CRAMAHE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Township of Cramahe, met in the Council Chambers. Castleton, on Friday April 24th, 1903 at 11 a. m. Members all present. Mr. Turney, Eeeve, in the chair. Minutes of previous session were read and adopted. Moved by Mr. Sabins seconded by Mr. Ryckman, That Fred Swain and Jos. Peacock be set aside from R. B. o d placed on a new R. B. No. 95, and Jos. Peacock be appointed overseer, and W. Ainsworth be set aside from R. B. 5 and placed on R. B. 91, and said R. B. No. 91 be extended to the ravel Road. --Carried. Moved by Mr."Sabins seconded by Gerow, That Ryckman, Mallory and Gerow be a committee to inspect the bridge at Jas. Kelly's, ou Wednesday May 1st, at 4 p. m., and repair the same if necessary. -- Carried. Moved by Mr. Ryckman seconded j Mr. Gerow, That the petition of W. Lacey and forty other ratepayers, asking this council to purchase a gravel pit, be so far entertained that a committee of the whole council be appointed to meet on Lot 20, Con. 3, Cramahe, on May 16tb, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of considering the same, also to meet at or near Wm. Samis, on same date, to inspect a culvert,and let a job for building the same if necessary.--Carried. Moved bv Gerow seconded by Ryckman, that this council be appointed as a committee of the whole to meet at Hugh Ross', on Saturday May 23rd, at 2 p. m. as to the ad visibility of opening a road from Mr. Boss' house to Gravel Road.--Carried. A large petition was received asking this council not to pass a by-law allowing a second licence to be granted iii the township, and after having tho question fully discussed, and pros, and cons, given. Mr. Sabins decided not to introduce the by-law of which notice was given. Moved by Ryckman seconded by Sabins, That the Court of Revision for the township of Cramahe, for the year 1903, be held in the council chamber, Castleton, on Wednesday, May 27th, 1903 at the hour of 1 p. m. Carried. Moved by Ryckman seconded by Gerow. That the following changes bo made in the ownship officers. Rich-d Morgan, James Arkles and John Gordon erased as road overseers and G. L. Duncan, O. W. Huyck and John Tweed placed in lieu thereof ■espectively, also Benj. Perry and R. Lapp t.-rased as pouud keepers and John Finley and Wesley Newman appointed in lien.thereof respectively. Carried. Moved by Gerow seconded by Ryck-an, That in regard to the resolution passed in March session for granting a bonus of 25 cts. per rod for wire fences, that it be granted only at approval of council mid parties wishing to build such fences must first make application to the council.--Car-Moved by Gerow seconded by Ryck-an That the Reeve sign orders on the Treasurer in favor of the following for the sums set opposite their respective names:-- B. Brintnell, damage to apple trees and culvert while building bridge.................if 5 00 H. S. Clark R. of W. of road.. 2 00 Mrs. Herrington 50 yds. gravel 2 50 Jas. Baudeu woik on G. Road 2 00 C. A. Wilson sup. marriage reg. 1 65 John Finley covering bridge in swamp ...........'........ 4 00 Dr. Willoughby exam. S. Bull and milage................ (! 20 Dr. Hewson " " " 5 00 Geo. McCrackin wk. on G. road 11 70 C. A. Wilson part pay salary lerk.................. 25 00 C. A.Wilson deliv. ballot boxes 4 00 C. A Wilson coal oil ......... 75 C. A. Wilson express & postage 2 80 Mrs. F. Hart indigent____.... 4 00 Abner Colby " ........ 5 00 John Ghent care of hall....... 1 50 N. D. Snetsinger rent of shed at G- T. R. station......____ 6 00 W. Goodrich work R. B. 28____15 00 Carried. Moved by Gerow *econeed by Sabins That the council do now adjourn to meet on the last Friday in May. Carried. Chas. A. Wilson Tp. Clerk. The Climax Of Excellence. Our dress goods are always up-to-date, never more so than at the present time. Our showing is composed of the latest styles and designs made up for the present season. Countless differences in weave and texture but all up to our high standard of excellence. Distinguished goods for ladies You can come with the conviction of being fully satisfied and and select your spring gown from some of these lines to your entire satisfaction. Zibelines Cheviots Venetians Broadcloths Homespuns Vicunas Satin Amazons. Is the best too good when the price is right? Albatross Crepoline Eolienne Crepe de chene Etamine Landsdowne Melrose. goods are made "The Melancholy Days are come"--The house cleaning days. What about that new set of lace curtains? Our showing is especially attractive this season. We have put in stock a beautiful assortment of Nottingham curtains,fine . quality lace and particularly handsome patterns in superior imitations of Battenburg and Brussels net, the prices are moderate 25c to $7.00. Dame fashion and the public Scougale COLBORNE, - ONTARIO. Wright's Rheumatic Remedy. I am agenr. for this great Canadian Rheumatism c««»- 1 can refer you to man v people in this section and also produce many testimonials proving that it is one of the most wonderful medicine.- of the age JAMES MCGLENNON, 39-Dec03 Colborne, Out. Eggs For hatching. I have three grand pens of prize winning fowls of the following kinds: Black Langshans, Silver Grey Dorkings, and Barred Plymouth Rocks, Settings of_15 for $1.00. Wallace McGlennon, james McGlennon, Colborne, - Ontario. P. Gallagher, Warkworth. We have always on hand a well assorted stock of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, etc at the lowest possible prices. Also agent for the MIDLAND LOAN COMPANY, PORT HOPE NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ENGLAND, 100 years old. Money loaned and safe Insurance effected at the lowest possible rates r best ith Ball thinks that Canadian apple shippers ought to abandon the use barrels and adopt instead bushel boxes, with each apple wrapped in paper. Apph i En.: ,nted. He ithing etted to see a barrel of Ca nadian apple 8 in Birmingham which was bad in the middle. He consid rs that there are splendid openings for canned and tinned fruits and r leat The An icii- cans have now got the market. Mr. Ball advocates the establish men t of storage warehouses in the prin cipal FOOTBALL. An interesting game of foot-ball will be played on Friday evening of this week. May 1st, between two picked teams. The teams, are well mated as to speed and weight and an exciting game may be expected. The lineup, it is expected, will bo as follows: -- Goal, T. B. Fowler; - Backs, Dr. Robertson, F. J. Smith; Half Backs,W. Warren, W. Pomeroy, R. Martin; Forwards, W. Schelton, Captain, W. Bradd, W. Vandervoort, J. McKenny, and Jno. Cheffins. Goal, A. Mulhall: Backs, Ira Brown, Sam Seed; Half Backs, C. Brown, A. Hawkins, S. Tnrpin; Forwards, A. Hplden, Captain, A. Ilollenback, F. Wilson, II. Gale, aud F. Rawson. j The game is called for 0 15 shaip nd all reqi ested t be i the CHINA HALL UP-TO-DATE. Choice Breakfast Foods. Shred wheat biscuit, Malt Food, Grape Nuts, Force, Malta Vita Vim, Banner Oats, Swiss Food, Granola, Mcintosh R. Wheet and R. Oats, all fresh in. Just received a large shipment of flour and feed of all kinds- FLOUR--Choice Family, Lily White, Strong Bakers or Star Brand. FEED--Bran, Oat chop, Barley chop, Oats, Buckwheat and Oil Cake. Come and get prices on Flour and Feed. All goods guaranteed or money refunded. MRS. A. S. HINDS, Sr.: When we consider the quantity of Wall Paper We have sold and are still selling, we wonder if everybody is papering this spring. Or is it that we are" doing the lion's share of the business. But when we tell you we are selling Staunton's celebrated papers, at 25 to 50 per cent, below regular prices, then the mystery is solved, Boots and Shoes. Sizes broken but prices right Crockery and Glassware. Large new stock of lamps, water sets, dinner sets and toilet sets. Groceries and confectionery, if yon want the best buy from W. S. DOYLE, COLBORNE, - ONTARIO.

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