Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 23 Apr 1903, p. 4

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®iw (fntcrpvist. COLBORNE, APRIL., 23rd, 1903. Lieutenant Colonel Domville lia been appointed to the Senate in tin place of the late Hon. Mr. Gillnior and was introduced and took bis sea on Monday. The Colonel is not now in Parliament life, but sat in the Housi of Commons from 1896 to 1900 a: member for King's, N. B. exception. Sir Oliver Mowat died Sun day m ing just before 10 o'clock, Sir Oliver suffered a fracture of the neck of the right thigh bone on the 8th of January. He gradually recovered from this and was able to walk with some assistance. On the night of Sunday, April 12th, while beiug undressed for bed, the thigh bone was broken some six inches below the previous break. Sir Oliver stood the immediate effects fairly well, but on Tuesday of last week alarming symptoms set in, and on Wednesday lie lasped into partial unconsciousness which lasted until the end came. Sir Olver Mowat was the son of one of Wellington's Peninsular veterans, and was born at Kingston in 1820. He attended school with John A. Mncdon-ald, an 1 afterwards entered the law offic. of his former fellow pupil. His first experience of the public life was when he was elected a member of the City Council, Toronto, in 1857. In the same year be was elected for South Ontario, defeating C. Morrison by 800 votes. Sir Oliver was a member of the shortest lived Ministry as well as the longest lived Ministry in the history of Canada. Iu August,1858 lie became Provincial Secretary in the Browii-Darion Administration,' which lasted only four da.\ s. As Premier of Ontario he held office from '72 96, a period of 24 years. Prior to coming Premier of Ontario, he f< time held a seat on the Bench. A his retirement as Premier of this Province lie joined the Laurier Government, and after holding position there for a time he became Lieutenant-Governor for his native Province, which office he held until bis death. Mr. W. Martimer Clarke K. C, a well known Toronto barrister succeeds Sir Oliver Mowat as Lieutenant-Governor. He was sworn in on Tuesday morning. Mr. W. Mortimei Clark K. C, is a Scotchman by birth, the son of Mr. John Clark, General Manager of the Scottish Provincial Insurance Company, and founder of the Caledonian Bank. He first saw the light in Aberdeen, Scotland, on May 24th, 1836 and was educated the West End Aoademy Grammar School, the University of Edinburgh, where h« is a life member of the general council of the university. 1859 Mr. Clark completed his studies, was made a writer to; her Majesty's signet, and came to Canada, settling n Toronto. He was called to the bar in 1861, and was made Q. C. by the Ontario Government in 1887 He practised for some time by himself but was in partnership on various occasions witli Mr. Frank M. Gray and Mr. W. H. Baird, and afterwards with his sou, Mr. Gordon Mortimer Clark, whose death occurred last year Mr. Clark is a Presbyterian, and has been oonnected with Knox church since he came to the city. He is a regular commissioner to the General Assembly. He lias been chairman of the Board of Management of Knox College for 23 years, and for 10 years past delegate from Knox to the Senate of the University of Toronto. His wife was Miss Helen Gordon, sister of the late Mr. John Gordon of Toronto and they, with two daughters, now reside at 303 Wellington street west. HOW TO GAIN HEALTH. If you could buy back your health on the instalment plan--say 50 certs a week, for a limited number of weeks until cured --would yon do it? Here is a plan worth trying:-- Taking into account their power to cure, Dr. Williams' Pink pills, are the most economical medicine, withou These pills have effec casesof rheumatism, partial paralysis St, Vitus dance, indigestion, kidney trouble, anaemia, anc7 other serious disease of the blood and nerves. They have cured hundreds of cases where ordinary medicine had been tried and failed. They have restored helpless invalids to full use of limbs that had long been powerless. That is the, best guarantee that, these pills will not disappoint when used for simpler ailments. Taking one, pill alter each meal, (as required for minor troubles) a fifty-cent box of pills gives nearly two weeks treatment. For chronic diseases, wlieu the larger dose is required, the cost of treatment does not usually exceed fifty cents a week. If you are sick or ailing, is it not worth your while to give to effective a medi cine as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial? What the pills have done for other people they can do for you. Every dose makes the new rich red blood that brings robust health and strength. They are the best tonic medicine to take at this time of the year when the blood is sluggish and impoverished. Do not waste money on ordinary medicines, or substitutes; see that the lull name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is printed ou the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dialers or sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, b\ addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A New Regime. A careful perusal of all the healt' sals and text-books being publishoc , study of lectures given tlmmglic esulted in the i o preserve your Anybody with the usual number ii 1,1 ■ oi standing' the BUGGIES ! , this will be duly appre ise at four o'clock in the ;akc a sen-bath. For this pater should be used, anc! J. consulted a specialist antes will be all that St. This can be in •ow stronger. Immuring from the bath go i a large number ten hi- will improve the •iiuous tissue. Now, gallon of hot wa-ready for i should small capsules of nutty nut ounce of selected grainy grain wine-glassful of prepared crc-ai which the casein, albumen and f; been withdrawn. This should bath under green of ellow lass, the actinic r, blue refully cp-brcal ossmlly ral -lass irmly to >ved. : ton °RStiic\h(-l the ceiling and CROSSING THE PRARIES. A despatch from Saskatoon, N. W. T., dated Tuesday, April 27th, says:-- Twenty-five waggons which left for the Ban- colony were mired five miles from carup. The general movement begins to morrow. Forty transport, teams with heavy supplies leave tonight. Fifty additional teams hired by the Government have arrived from Batoche, Duck Lake and Battleford. Stations with good food supplies have been established every twenty miles. Ttansport teams are offered constant work by Rev. Mr. Barr breaking three thousand acres of land at $3 per acre. Useless horses are offering, but good motive powers lacking. The colonists are becomming restless and three of them left for England to-day. One hundred belated members of the col- Prof. J. H. BeSilberg Optician from Germany specialist. WOOLER Miss Alice Palmer, of Toronto, was >tne for a few days. Miss Gertie Ruttan, of Picton, was at home for a few days. Mr. Hugh McCormick spent Easter at his home in Campbellford. S. Andtrson, of Toronto University, was home for the holidays. Miss Tlorella Brock, of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. Walter Adams'. Miss Lillian Clarke is in Toronto visiting her aunt for a few weeks. Miss Helen Fen-ill, of Pickering College, was home for Easter holidays. r. Harry Richards, or Albert College, Belleville was home for Easter. Mis. R. M. Bell and Miss Bell aie spending the week with relatives in Trenton. The Woman's Missionary Auxiliary had charge of the service on Easter Sunday morning. They gave some very impressive thoughts on the study of Missions. r else •mnpa ied by a pia. a bass-drum, i ,o dilate. If a iic helps else fails, try a urass nana. At noon you will begin to feel liungn but do not let this disturb vou. liniu is an abnormal condition. You wil gradually get over this. For dinner, talc a baked apple, from which the pulp ha been removed, and scrape off the insicl of the skin. This will afford the incut: Nervous Headaches lent i -stem with • e pnei alkia. with t e-haek, et« » kites seientitie formulae because tendency to make you forget ~ vourself. This is fatal. Remember that each muscle is a sponge, and needs to be contracted and expanded. Learn the names of all the muscles of your body and contract and expand them in alphabetical at the same time keeping the full of nd o Do of a two-grain capsule of nutty nut ant! a pinch of grainy grain. ■ The equipoise of the mind should no! be neglected. Spend your evenings therefore, in reading the health journals the whole idea being to think abov.' yourself as much as possible. By rigfhth adhering to this system, in a few week.--you won't know yourself.--"Judge." Mrs. Bailey, 63a Queen's Ave., London, Ont., whose husband is with the Globe Casket Co., states:--" My nervous system was in an exhausted condition. I could not sleep well and suffered a great deal from headaches. Experience has proven to me the remarkable value of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I have found it a splendid tonic and can now say that I am free from headaches. I rest and sleep better than I have for a long time and feel real well in every way." Nervous headaches can only be permanently cured by enriching the blood and setting the nervous system in perfect order. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is not a 1 ■■■•j relief for headache but a thorough and tune ho w lasting cure. It creates new, rich blood of the tnbi and nerve force and makes the weak and j their e.itti; sickly strong, well and vigorous. It is nature's greatest restorative. 50 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. A Convincing PropV.et The undersigned is getting in large number of up-to-date rigs ii steel and RUBBER TIRES which are built by the Canada Car rfapj Coin piu iv whi--!t i< !>i«>»vn tola one of the'best companies iu Canada He is also agent for the Nations! Cream Separator iD want of the above, will find it pro- For Sale. THE property known as "Quoran j Cottage" comprising between five | ; and six acres of land with nice grounds ! and orchard. There is on the prem-i ises a commodious dwelling House j : well finished and in first-class coudi- ! tion, which must be seen to be appreci- i 1 ated. There is also a conservatory. I iu connection with the house. The premises are supplied with suitable ! ' out-buildings and the situation one of I 1 the finest in the province. For terms ! aid particulars apply to CAPT. DOUGHERTY, j Colborne. j --CANADIAN CRYSTALS,-- 162 j pages containing 111 poems by Rev. ' j T. Watson, cloth binding. Published I by Wm. Briggs, 75 «ts. Subscribers | ! to this paper who desire copies for 1 j New Years gifts may secure them on j I special terms at the Enterprise office I j Cloborne. House to Let. On Toronto 6 cupied bv Mr Apply to ' THE MISSES ROBERTLON. ror Service. THE undersigned has a thoroughbred Tarn worth for service on his premises lot 30, Con. 6 Cramahe. N. LANE. Wanted :. J. COX, Colborne. Ira Edwards, Reeves Block, Colborne. The steamer 'ALEXANDRIA9 will commence the season with a Grand Popular Excursion To Charlotte, Port of Rochester, N.Y., Wheelmen I MAPLE LEAF Second-Hand Bicycles Agricultural implements The undersigned is agent for all kinds of agricultural implements and BINDER TWINE The stock was purchased from the, best factories i 11 Canada and 1 can be seen in the Seeves Block, ' d'w'ie. If you require agri-■ 1" : u-dements of any kind ! it v, ill pay you to see this stock. |c. e. walker, Colborne, - Ont. and return. Fare for round trip. $2.50 schedule Leaving.--Fiction Sat. April. 25. 7.00 p Deseronto........... ____8.15 North port ................9.00 Belleville................10.00 Rednerville..............10 30 Trenton .................11.30 Canal R.R. Bridge. Sumbiv. 12.30 a. Brighton...................1.30 ! J. G. WAIT, j Wicklow, 36 3m Ont. For Sale or Exchange. Village of Colborne, or would exchange same for good farmland, Frank L. Webb 'ort ' Roch- -, N. Y.) at ( April, 1903 Returning.--Will leave (this trip only) Mondav evening, April 27th at 8.30 o'clobk. Tuesdey, Bay of Quint., pons for Montreal, and will son on last year's schedule. 2Jal;c Sundav and Mon-Udya, day in Rochester, affording ample time to visit Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and other points of interest. a. w. Hepburn, Wanted. COMPETENT girl for gener; housework. Wages $9.00 month. Applv to MRS. R SNETSINGER, Wanted. amily. Good wages. A| MRS. E. Mi 1H Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 23rd till Saturday April 25th ulay April 2 J. H.DeSIl 1ERG, Optical Specialist. themselves, and appai of r a climbed to t the leaped into the When they were found to be dead, is only reasonable to suppose that the survivors set upon the false prophet and killed him. Nothing of the sort! On the contrary, he explained that the dead men had not been sufficiently devout, and he found no difficulty in inducing others to follow their example. At last, after he had initiated over nventv men into the process of flying 1 the tops of i Peggy Westend--Whom do I tal Hostess--Mrs. Farris. Reggy Westend--But she's uglier diss Purdy. Hostess--I know that, but she's ied and used to being neglected. For Sale, riMOTHY seed for sale. Apply t WIL BERT EDDY, Col born < j CASTLETON HARNESS SHOP. j A full line of all kinds of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS J is carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including j BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing will receive prompt and careful attention. ! R, COLEMAN, - - Castleton. HEADQUARTERS FOR Seeds All kinds of garden and field seeds. Oilcake At $2.00 per hundred. Paints Sole agents t'oi Sherwin-Williams, ami other makes; Oils Pure, boiled, bought when market was lowest* Hardware A full stock of all kinds of shelf and heavy goods. wall paper The lamest stock in the country to choose from at honest prices. Groceries We always have a large and fresh stock. Coxall & Co. Colborne, - - Ontaroi. Be jabers, Pat, isn't it noice to be riding alone in a McLaughlin Rubber-Tired Buggy, when your swateheart is wid you ? A Rapid (Fire) Calculato Teacher--Now, Johnny, if a ni rn convert five heathen in < how long will it take to conver sand? Johnny -- Two years, ma'am Teacher--Oh, no, Johnny. Johnny--Oh yes, ma'am. The second year his govern raent would send a gunboat an' some soj isionary body meet a body coming through the rye, body kiss a body need a body cry ? Not if it is in a McLaughlin Buggy. J. H. CHAPMAN Dealer in high g«- i Agent, de buggies - COLBORNE. ;t low prices.

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