Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 16 Apr 1903, p. 4

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Wit $ttte*p*fei. COLBORNE. APRIL 16th., 1903. The tremendous inflow of population into the West is the greatest fact of the present crntury, so far as Canada is concerned. During March 12,267 settlers entered western Canada through Coutes, Emerson, Portal and Winnipeg, the largest number yet recorded for March, and 70 per cent, in excess of the arrivals for March of last year. So great is the rush that tho ordinary accommodation has proved insufficient, and the Militia Department has been forced to send sufficient tents to provide protection for 15-00 people. The settlers are conriug from all quarters of the world, and a dozen strange tongues may be heard as each train load de posits its burden at Winnipeg. Roumanians Alsatiats, Austrians, Hungarians, Swedes, and Servians which are all pouring in together. Included in one recent list of arrivals, there was, says the Globe's staff correspondent, a small colony of Nestorians, herdsmen from the nioun tains of Persia, olive-skinned, dark-eyed nervous little people with quick, active gesture*; IN THE SPRING. A LESSON THAT TIEED MEN AND WOMEN SHOULD FOLLOW. The spring is the season when nature prepares for summer. All the trees and plants are filled with new sap to build and brace theur up to withstand the coming hot season. Without new sap in the spring a plant would wither and die beneath the midsummer sun. It is the same with men and women. All physicians are agreed that everyone needs a fresh supply of new blood in the spring of the year. Without the new blood you would be as helpless iu the suui- W'hat you need at this season is a tonic to give you new blood, and the very best tonic medicine science has discovered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Every pill makes new. rich, red blood Curious Bits of New*. Professor D. J. Cunningham, F.E.S., i a discourse on giants at the Royal Du! lin Society, said that though a disti.". guished French Academician reckoned that Adam was 123 feet in height, an, Eve 118 feet, and though in mediaeval times there was a general opinion that giant was a person about nine feet high he did not consider there was any conclusive evidence to show ti!i!t the human stature had ever exceeded eight feet. Statistics in the "Lancet" show that twins ar- as one in eighty births. Ol triplets .acre is only one instance in 0,400 which justified a claim on the "Nine's hountv;" and quadruplets are as one to 512.buu; while the chances <-a quintette are even more remote, the ratio being one in 40,980,000 births. The figures are grateful and comforting, although the "Lancet" goes on to ™|n:ti°,; husband with seven successive triplets. Mi>s Maude Gonnc, wiio wa» marriei the other day to Major M« ih-i e, late oi bra. s the eadacbes, backaches, of appetite, skiu en ;atod The; tions and other troubles s spring. This is an established fact, proved by thousands in every part oi the world. Miss A. M. Tuckey, Oxdrift, Out,, says; -T do not know what would have become of me had it not beer; for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My blood seemed to have turned to water and I was troubled with dizzyncss. headaches and nervous prostration 1866. She is been present sho reigned a », A married to Colonel Pilcbei i.--.;i»iied himself in the wai ■ii.ide, though a member of th feel, is an Ulsterman. the Cambridge Philosophic.! a Kngland, recently, Proftsso i which all t 2 th; i the liar ngo p< .pie, who, alter suiter decided to transplant their ancient religion and customs, old almost as time, to the new. and to them almost unknown land. Theirs is the language which their priests claim was that used in the earliest period of human history, the language in which Adam spake to Shem and and Lamech, and by Shem to Abraham and Isaac. The words "Talitha eumi," spoken by the Saviour, Lave exactly the same meaning in the speech of these people to-day, and they firmly believe that they have the very language spoken by Adam, written by the Angel in the, wall of the banfl.net room at Bel-sbaemU'i IVast, and spoken by Christ during His Koujouru on earth. Hut these peopl" from strange lands do not come alone. Mixed with them are crofters from Scotland,tenant farmers and laborers from England, and farmers and farmers' sons from Ontario and the United States. In one day 2,000 settlers passed through St. Paul en route to the North West, and 70 car loads of settlers' effects left Wheaton, Minn., in one week for the Englishmen who "want to learn farming" are there too. One of these was placed on a farm the other day, but a few days Jater turned up at the immigration office, asking for a new place. On being asked for an explanation of his reason for jumping his job lie said: "That man (the farmer with whom Le had engaged) awakened me before d'y," returned the Englishman, excitedly. " ' E awakened me from my slumbers before d'y and 'e took me to the barn with a lamp, and 'e asked me to lead a blawsted bull to water in the dawk." The particular part of this, immigra- expected is that which ovves its origin to Rev. Mr. Barr, of England. Mr. Barr has organized a wholesale immigration scheme from Great Britain and 1964 immigrants sent out by him arrived at St. John Saturday and are now on their way by special trains to the Northwest, where a large tract of land has been set apart tor them. The party,large a.s it is.is merely the advance guard and it is predicted by-one of the leaders in the party that next March 10,000 Barr Colonists will come out. "The eyes of the world," he says, "are on this advance guard and all England is to-day sounding with praises of the possibilities agricultural Canada offers intending settlers. The greatest exodus in the history of the Mother Country is about commencing." These new comers are said to be splendid class, just :he sort of colonists Canada is looking for. The Barr company is not in charge of all the immigrants who are coming from the Motherland. There is a great independantjniovoinents as well. Eight hundred and fifti en immigrants arrived Monday, and they were almost all English or Scotchmen, aud were not connected with the Barr move- Prof. J. H. DeSilberg Optician from Germany SPECIALISE Eyes tested ft eo of charge. He has always on hand a fail assortment of nine sinds of spectacles and eye glasscsifor young and old persons ef- Optical .- ILwxioa at aaroi TgiBc, i£!li«ess>»iJtB afs-xaqo i»i t Doi as good as" medicines which some dealers push because of a larger profit. See that the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is found on the wrapper around every box If in doubt send direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockvilie, Ont., and the pills will be mailed at 50 cts. a box or six boxes for $2.50, Crook's Act Notice. Province of Ontario, LICENSE DISTRICT OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND, 1NSPE C TORS OFFICE, Warkworth,April,ist, iqoj I hereby certify that the total number of Licenses issued \ and in force in this License district for the current Iscense year igo2-j is Twenty-One, being Seventeen Tavern Licenses Three Shop Licenses and One Wine and Beer License, P, GALLAGHER, Inspector. I also certify that the total number of applications for Licenses for the ensuing license year igoj-4 is twenty-one, being Seventeen Tavern Licenses three Shop Licenses and one Wine and Beer License. There is one new application being for a six months summer resort License for Loughbreeze in the Township of Cramahe. ..A MEETING .. Of the License Board will be held at the Village of Warkworth on the 21st Day of April, 1903, instant, at the hour of Ten O'Clock A. M. for the consideration of applications. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board, P. GALLAGHER, Inspector. rs yachting. And yet she likes tvel. As a Christmas gift. Captain son proposed the touring ear. The t the itfant silk drape thickest oi e. it nd the softest and thick?.-! rill almost conceal it Bathrooms, very appliance, will be built. Then e at least four sUferoonvs, a p and » kit The *hed >■ he in commission at all linns or 11 /if ! 11 Mrs i-i s° ' 1 ,,01 ,d tint a'i ■ c «-. '. -it'll" 1 d'tli'u di\id ••would see every foot of this w< H as Canada and Mexico." lem is given by a disgruntled Frenchman Vhen we talk of France they alway ly, "Oh, but you should see America! 'hey reckon up their buildings by th eauty of an edifice is the number o uide-book and study the exact measure bie'.'.-st machine. I dare sav 11 really like to have the biggest to cat the bit-rest dinners, tar the biggest feet to cover ground. The highest ideal the "j can imagine is the biggest ; machine, and lie is always tali and trying to invent it. iust ai ways trying t way e He work at the highest pressure, only tc create machinery. To do this he fill: his 'head with cog-wheels, which he set: going at such a rate he can never stoj them, and they go 011 turning and turn ing, even when he has no more work to do. He goes off with such a rattle that he cannot stop the machine until it breaks him down. He has given up real eating long ago, and in ten minutes finishes off a meal it would take a Frenchman two hours to get through, and as his teeth are bad he stop them all with gold. He has trained himself to work until eating is a nuisance, so he invents tabloids and can carry a pound of beefsteak and a The only idea the >at pocket, m" has of rid play.- the tune while he waves U'.d. The tune does not matter if Eccentric Numbering. Houses are not numbered according te> their sequence in ifapan, but according the order of their erection. That is say, No. 72 may adjoin No. 1, with -.„. 102 on the opposite side. No. 2 is probably a mile down the street. The eity of Tokio is made up of thirteen hundred and thirty streets, in which are e hundred and eighteen thousand i hundred and twenty houses. These es are divided up into fifteen wards, street passes through more than one 1 the houses are numbered 1 aecord-;o the wards in winch they are--that , street passing through ike hunting for a needle i It c for do this by bavin business the one study of I h sufferer fmm iaekache Mr. W. Gilroy, general merchant, Blenheim, Ont., states:-- ' I am rather enthusiastic in the praise of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and believe I have good reason to be. For several years I was a great sufferer from kidney .disease, and had pains in my back almost constantly. I tried a great many remedies, but did not succeed in obtaining more than slight temporary relief. " A friend of mine advised me to try Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and I did so, with great satisfaction. I had not taken half a box before I began to feel better, and now realize that I have entirely recovered. I often wonder now why people go after new-fangled remedies when this tried and proven medicine is so easily obtained, and so certain to cure." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills have an enormous sale because they radically cure serious and chronic disease, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box. All dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills For Sale. THE property known as "Quoran Cottage" comprising between five and six acres of land with nice grounds 1 and orchard. There is on the premises a commodious dwelling house well finished and in first-class condition, which must be seen to be appreciated. There is also a conservatory, in connection with the house. The premises are supplied with suitable out-buildings and the situation one of the finest in the province. For terms xtid particulars apply to CAPT. DOUGHERTY, Colborne. --CANADIAN CRYSTALS,-- 162 pages containing 111 poems by Rev. T. Watson, cloth binding. Published by Wm. Briggs, 75 «ts. Subscribers to this paper who desire copies for New Years gifts may secure them on special terms at the Enterprise office Cloborne. Wheelmen lMAPLE" LEAP bicycle which 1 am selling for S;!O.0O, which 1 House to Let. On Toronto street, at present occupied by Mr. R. H. Rutherford. Apply to •:I1SSES R0BERTL0N. ror service. Wanted. A housework. Wages $9.00 month. Applv to MRS. R SNETS1NGER, Colborne, Ont. BUGGIES ! The undersigned is getting in : large number of up-to-date rigs ir steel and RUBBER TIRES which are built by the Canada Car tinge Company which is known to be one of the best companies in Canada He is also agent for the National Cream Separator and has samples in stock. Any one Second-Hand Bicycles Wanted ACOAT MAKER and also a girl to learn coat making. E.J. COX, Colborne. Agricultural Implements The undersigneel is agent for all kinds of agricultural implements and BINDER TWINE The stock was purchased from v! ■ best factories n Canada and " en i be seen in the Reeves Block, • . ' i .M implements of any kind it wili pay you to seb this stock. G. E. WALKER, Ont. J. G. WAIT, Wicklow, ! Colborne, | For Sale or Exchange. THE Undersigned offers for sale on easys terms six houses in the j Village of Colborne, or woultl ex-el ange same for good farmland. Frank L. "Weub CASTLETON HARNESS SHOP. A tun line of all kinds of light and heavy harness is carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including blankets, bells, whips, etc. Repairing will receive prompt and careful attention. R, COLEMAN, Castleton. Ira Edwards, Reeves Block, Colborne. dHOTCE^ROCERIES, Fresh Meats. For Choice Groceries and Provisions call on jos. e. vassaw, Castleton His stock is well assorted, new and fresh. His teas are the finest in the world. Oysters in bulk or by the glass. Canned goods, etc. Fresh and cured meats and fish always in stock. Prices Right. J.E.VASSAW CASTLETON, ONT. HEADQUARTERS FOR Seeds All kinds of garden and field seeds. Oilcake . . At $2.00 per hundred. , t Paints Sole agents for Sherwin-Williams and other makes. Oils Pure, boiled, bought, when market was lowest. Hardware A full stock of nil kinds of shelf and heavy goods. wall paper Oroceries We always have a large and fresh stock. Coxall & Co. Colborne, - - Ontaroi. Be jabers, Pat, isn't it. noice to be riding alone in a McLaughlin Rubber-Tired Buggy, when your swateheart is wid you? If a body meet a body coming through the rye, If a body kiss a body need a body cry ? Not if it is in a McLaughlin/ Buggy. ,...... - COLBORNE. De .[ h t yj . . u .{ 5 low prices.

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