Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 16 Apr 1903, p. 8

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COLBORNE, APRIL 16th, 1903. --Mr. C. A. Yule was home for Easter. --Miss Ethel Purdy is home for thi vacation. --Miss F. Coyle spent Sunday ii Cobourg. --Miss Harriet Mallory is visiting friends in Toronto. --Miss K. Culver spent Sunday with her Cobourg friends --Miss Madole, of Napanee is a guest at the Parsonage. --Mrs. J. R. Smith and daughter are visiting friends in Toronto. --Mr. W. A Hawkins of Trenton was home for Good Friday. --Messrs. F. Walsh and J. McGuire spent Good Friday in Brighton. --Mr. Walter Wilson of Trijity College is home for the vacation. --Mr. John Purdy of Cobourg spent Sunday with his Colborne friends. --Mrs. M. J. Doyle is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. --Miss L. Culver of Cobourg, spent Saturday with her sister Miss K. Culver. --Missjinox bpent a few days during this week with her Colborne friends. --Miss Annie Hawkins is spending the holidays at the home of her mother. --Andrew McGuire of Albert Collage Belleville was home for the holidays. --Miss A. Young of Toronto is spending the holidays at tht. home of her mother. _Mr. Frank Griffls of the Ontario Collegeof Pharmacy Toronto was home for Good Friday. --Mr. Jas. Gale and two s<ms, of Bowmanville spent Good Friday with Colborne friends. , --Miss Cora Larke, of St. Margaret's College Toronto, is spending the holidays at home, --Mr. B. Morton Jones and Mr. W. Neil of Toronto spent Good Friday with their Colborne friends. --Mr. Geo. Chapin of Campbellford visited his Colborne friends for a few days during the past week. --Lieut. Mc Laughlin of Bowmanville was in Colborne on Tuesday attending a meeting of A. Squadron 3rd Dragoons. --Mr. and Mrs. M. Snetsinger and daughter of Thornbury spent a few days during the week with their Colborne friends. --Miss L. Crossby of Kingston and Miss N. Crossby of Cobourg spent Easter with their sister Miss M. Crossby of this place. _,vir. Geo. T. Macklam, a former resident of this place was recently elected Alderman of Ludington Mich, polling the highest number of votes --A Sugar Social will be held Colborne Baptist church on Friday evening next, the 17th inst. A good time is guaranteed and every be made welcome. Admission 15 cts. --The Toronto Saturday Nigh last week contains a hue picture of the officers of Trinity Medical College Literary and Scientific Society, Prominent in the groap is a very natural figure of our young townsman Mr. J. A. Brown, secretary of the society, who is the son of Mr. Thos. Brown of this placo. --At the meeting of the Council or Monday evening last arrangements were made for the purchase and erection of a steel bell tower at a cost of $63 00 and also for the purchase of a fire bell at a cost of $74 00. Forty-five dollars had been contributed by the citizens towards the purchase of a bell but the amount was not enough to secure a bell that would be of any service und a grant.of $211 was made to be ad( hands of thh F \ to the amount now in-thi littee. --Miss Rachel Johnston and Miss J. Rutherford are spending the holidays with friends at Anson. --The Librarian of the Public Library has a number of standard novels which are damaged but reading ii eomplete which he will sell at a very low pricealso a large number of magazines and illustrated papers. ■Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather of Tuesday evening last, the entertainment held under the aus-of the Young Men's Bible Class of the Meth. church, passed off very successfully. Over thirty dollars realized and every one was pleased with the entertainment. A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Andrew Robson, Sr., when his daughter Miss Bella was united in rriagetoMr. Wm. Broomfield, of Vernonville. Rev. C. S. Lord, B. D., of Grafton, performing the ceremony. --Miss Wigmore of Napanee, acted heroically on Wednesday in saving a s life at Kingston. Keppel Hill, four year old son of Mr. D. L Hill of the Dominion bank, fell into a cover of which had been displaced. Miss Wigmore, an aunt, 8 cries rushed to the well, grasped the pump log an;1, clipped to the water, which was eight feet deep. She grasped the boy and held him until relief came. Men put down.a ladder and the lady climbed up. Her act is well worthy of the Royal Humane society medal. --The sugar social at Salem on Friday cvevening last was a grand success. There was an abundance of sugar and an interesting program was . A pleasing feature of the was the presentation of a d an address to Mr. S. E. Dixon, assuring him of the good will of his many friends in that section and of their appreciation of the ser-which ho had rendered the com-ty and the helpful influence which he liad extended to h°> issoci-ates during the past quartet i century. The address was signed on behalf of the friends by Mrs. M. S. Gould Joseph Bellamy and Miss Verna istrong. On Friday last William Alger passed,away in the 80th year of his The deceased was one of ihe oldest residents of this place and was widly known throughout the disttict. In his younger days he took an active interest in municipal affairs and for a number of years was Reeve of the township of Cramahe and after settling in Colborne he filled different posi tions iu the council and school board in a very acceptable manne was also a Justice of the Pea' was of a geuial disposition was •■ good neighbor and was always wiiiing assist in any enterprise that was < ciliated to benefit the community in which he lived. Mr. Alger was among the oldest members of the Masonic Order in this place and on Sunday afternoon the brethren attended the funeral in a body and at the conclusion of the church service the impressive ceremony of the order was conducted bv Past Master H.. J. May- --The Easter services in the Colborne Methodist Church passed off very successfully notwithstanding the inability through illness of Prof. Mac-Laughlin of Victoria College, to be present. The morning service reflected greac credit upon Miss Walker pianist of the S. S., and others who had the arrangement of the programme in hand. The niush vas highly appreciated. The sob nc duet were excellently rendered. ! iss Mallory sang the solo "King of Kings' in an exceptionally pleasing manner. Mr. Parker and Mr. A. M. Peterson gave very interesting talks to the children in the afternoon. The nion in the evening by Rev. --H. Gale, editor Entekpbise, is issuer of marriage licenses for thecounty of Northumberland. --The Grand Trunk line will be double tracked from Hamilton to Sarnia this coming summer. --The new aud more stringent regulations adopted by the Provincial Board of Health on March 5th, regarding diphtheria and scarlet fever have been printed, and are now being circulated among the medical profession. --Auction Sale.--The undersigned has received iustructiont to sell by public auction on lot 22, con 4, Cramahe, known as the Herriman homestead, on Saturday, April 25th, a quantity of hay and graiu, live stock, household effects, etc. Sale to com-at one o'clock.--H. Hicks, auctioneer. The schooner Annie Faulkner which left Cobourg at 6.30 Friday morning last for Oswego, did not reach her destination owing to the snow storm. On Saturdtoy morning she was blown with sails in tatters into Char-lotto harbor and struck on a sand bar. The Rochestei life crew took off the three men and a woman who had a terrible night drifting across the lake. --Sentinel Star In the May Delineator the pages lustiated cookery portray an important feature in trays for invalids. The diets suited to various kinds of illnesses are described, and in each ;ase the repast is shown attractively served. Also the art of makingbread is explained in detail, as well as other dainties made from dough. Rhubarb somewhat neglected delicacy in r erica, affords a number of apparently excellent recipes and the secrets of other seasonable dishes are mparted --Mr. J. L. Bradshaw, who went to South Africa as a soldier, was killed ilway there about the 18th of March. At Paardeberg, Bradshaw was shot through the neck, but an operation saved'his voice. He returned ouie iu Picton, and after his ■y he went again to Africa, aud was advanced from lieutenant to captain in the Imperial Yeomaiuv. --This week Messrs. A. B Turner aud A. E. Pond, of Boston, two gentlemen interested in the Cornwall and Toronto Electric Railway, were in town. They spent several hours at the car works and made numerous inquiries, in reference to the car build ing industry and appealed to be delighted to find so well an equipped shop on the line of their purposed railway. They fully expect to start the work of construction at an early date. Cobourg Post. --As the close season for game fish is approaching, it may not be out of place to remind the public of period when catching is prohibited, is as follows : Bass from loth day of April to the 15th day of June; Pickerel from loth of April to tho loth of May Speckled trout from 15th September the 1st of May. It must be re-iinbercd that both days above named i inclusive. The season for maskin onge iu Rice Lake ends on the 1st oi The same restrictions or netting and the use of explosivei hich governed fishing in the past an i force this year. Spring-Time Fancies These | goods are likej the limited,! they go fast. I Park the hip of Haldimand If' ed v lllfol nd ! Just as surely as springtime follows frost, so will a lady's thoughts turn to her wardrobe. With this fact in mind we have made great preparations for spring and have collected a beautiful showing of all that is new and up-to-date in dress goods and suitings. We know you will be delighted with this show-in g-t he most select ever exhibited in town--and equally pleased with the very moderate prices fixed on such fine qualities. Fashion's Latest Decree. Crepe de chene dress Eoliennes dress goods, Etamine dress goods. Aramure dress goods. Albatross dress goods. Canvas cloth dress goods, Crepoline dress goods. Our dress-making Homespun suitings, department is over Zibeline suitings. crowded with the rush of spring trade j but )ou are next! after. the rush if you leave your order now. Covert suitings. Venetian suitings. Satin Amazon suitings. Vicuna suitings. Cheviot suitings. Top notches in every thing but price. Here's where good taste, style and economy centered TASTEFUL MILLINERY. Springtime is the thought suggested by a glimpse at i our beautiful showing of millinery. Never before have we |j shown such a vast assortment and never before have our j! customers shown their appreciation in such an enthusiastic j manner. It has the tastefuilness and distinction that makes | us friends. Exquisit styles and exclusive designs are our forte. These values remain long unsold. Don't feel that you must be a purchaser in order to see the new things. If we. have what pleases you best that is an after consideration. Scougale Bros., COLBORNE, - ONTARIO. Potaotes Wanted. Will pay from 90c to $1.00 per bag for all the sound, well assorted potatoes and from 60c to 75c per bag for seed potatoes delivered at G. T. R. station, Colborne, N. D. SNETSINGER. Wright's Rheumatic Remedy. I am agent for this great Canadian Rheumatism cure. I can refer you to many people in this section aud also produce many testimonials proving that it is one of the most wonderful medicines of the age JAMES McGLENNON, 3>-Dec 03 Colborne, Out. Eggs For Hatching. I have three grand pens of prize winning fowls of the following kinds: Black Langshans, Silver Grey Dorkings, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Settings of_I5 for $1.00. WALLACE McGLENNON, JAMES McGLENNON, Colborne, - Ontario. CHINA HALL UP-TO-DATE. Special Bargains in Boots & Shoes. As we wish to run off the balance of our stock we offer s shoes, regular long leg boots Come and get vour 2.50 now 1.50 1.50 " 1.00 3.00 " 2.00 ar 3.00 " 2.00 2.00 ' " - - 1.50 1.50 " : - 1.00 1.56 " - - - 1.00 I-25 " ■75 1.00 - - .50 P. Gallagher, Warkworth. We have always on hand a well assorted stock of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, etc at the lowest possible prices. Also agent for the MIDLAND LOAN COMPANY, PORT HOPE NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ENG_ LAND, 100 years old. Money loaned and safe Insurance effected at the lowest possible rates i debtedness ti i aud to ail wl spring-Wall Papers we can supply you with papers from 3 cents per roll up. MRS. A. S. HINDS, Colborne, Ontario .. When we consider the quantity of Wall Paper We have sold and are still selling, we wonder if everybody is papering this spring. Or is it that we are doing the lion's share of the business. But when we tell you we are selling Staunton's celebrated papers, at 25 to 50 per cent, below ' regular prices, then the mystery is solved, Boots and Shoes. Sizes broken but prices right Crockery and Glassware. Large new stock of lamps, water sets, dinner sets and toilet sets. Groceries and confectionery, if yon want the best buy from W. S. DOYLE. COLBORNE, ONTARIO.

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