Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 5 Mar 1903, p. 5

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BUSINESS GAUDS, MSDIOAL. Dr- Mallory PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . Office : Reive Block, Colbom A. E. Mallory, M.D., CM., L.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., Ed. pHY . HEWSON, M. D., , l. r. c. p., Edinbuik HYSICIAN, SURGEON,. &c. Colborne, Ont, Oepice : In the residence, 3 doors east of Registry Office. J H PURDY, DOS, LPS, . DENTIST, COEOURG. W. G, ROBERTSON, D. D, S., L. D. S. DENTIST. OFFICE, SCOUGALE BLOCK. Castleton every Thursday. Frank L.Webb, B A, LLB, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, N 0-TARY, Etc. OFFICE--King St. Colborne, Ontario Company aud private funds to loi on the most favorable terms at 4£ per cent. BY-LAW NO W. L. Payne, M.A., LL.D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Public and Conveyancer. First Door East Registry Office, COLBORNB. H. F. HUNTER, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,NOTARY ETC, ETC. BRANCH OFFICE. COLBORNE. First door West Division Court Office Ground Floor, Yeomen's Block. Attending every Saturday afternoon and Monday until 4 o'clock, p, m, HEAD OFFICE, BO WM AN VILLE. MONEY TO LOAN at 4 1-2 Per cent George Drewry, B.A. gARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Office :--Nesbitt Block, Brighton. E. C. S. HUYCK, K C. BARRIS! at LoCobourg. MISOELLANHOtrS. Smith Hinman ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Lot 13, Concession 4, Cramahe, Dundonald P.O. O. S. Moore Office and Res ce, Castleton. G. E. R. Wilson &ENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL Estate Agent, J»TMoney to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent Office :--Yeoman's Block. Liverpool, London & Globe Insurance Co. Invested Fund........$30,000,000 Funds Invested in Canada, 900,000 Dwellings, Churches and Farm Property, Apply to GEO. SANDERSON, Agent, Colborne. Dr. James E. Alyea, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist honor graduate ontario veterinary college. Officr-Residence, Percy at. Cotborne All Domestic Animals Treated Scientifically. Lameness and Castration a Specialty. Calls day or night promptly attended R A HART, H. Hicks, Licensed AucriOr I AS RETURNED TO IU A by-lawto authorize the , purchase of a site, the building of a town hall, lock up and public hall in connection therewith and to provide for furnishing and heating and lighting the same In the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, and to provide for the issue of debentures of the said village of Colborne to the amount of $lo, 0O0.00, and to raise the sum required therefor. Whereas it is advisable that the Mun pal Council of the Corporation of thi Village of Colborne should purchase a id build a Town Hall, Lock Up and Public Hall in connection therewith and to provide for furnishing and heating and lighting the same. And whereas in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Municipality for the sum of $10,000 as hereinafter provided which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By Law, the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the purposes aforesaid and to no other. And whereas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of twenty years, being the currency of the said debentures with interest thereon at four per centum per annum payable half yearly, the yearly sum of $71000 being the respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year foi principal and interest in respect of said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal he amount so payable in each of the er nineteen years of the said period hown in Schedule A hereunto an Dated at the Couucil Chamber the Village of Colborne the day of A. D. 1903. Reeve. Village Clerk. Schedule A.--Referred to in tl foren'oin<; By-Law showing how tl amount of $710.00 required to be rai <■<! ai aurally by special rate is appor- Year Principal, Interest - Total, 1903 $500.00 $400.00 $900.00 1904 500.00 380.00 880.00 1905 500.00 - 360.00 860.00 1906 500.00 340.00 840.00 1907 500.00 320.00 820.00 190S 500.00 300.00 800.00 1909 500.00 280.00 780.00 1010 500.00 260.00 760.00 11*11 500.00 240.00 740.00 1012 500.00 220.00 720.00 1913 500.00 200.00 700.00 1914 500.00 180.00 680.00 1915 500.00 160.00 660.00 1916 500.00 140.00 640.00 1917 500.00 120.00 620.00 1918 500.00 100.00 600 00 1919 500.00 80.00 580.00 1920 500.00 60.00 560.00 1921 500.00 40.00 540.00 1922 500.00 20.00 520.00 $10000.00 $4200.00 $14200.00 20 year s, $710.00. ed. And whereas the total amount required by "The Municipal Act" to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is $710.00. And whereas the amount or the whole ateable property of the Village of Colborne according to the last revised ass-sment roll thereof is $291.890.00 And whereas there is no existing debenture debt of the said Municipality of the Village of Colborne. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Colborne i as follows The Municipal Council of the said Viljage of Colborne shall expend the sum the purchase of a site, the building ofa Town Hall, Lock up and Public Hall in connection therewith^and furnish heat and light the same in the Corporation of the Village of Colborne id for the purpose of raising the said m of money debentures of the said Village of Colborne to the amount of "10.000.00 as af.n-esaid in sums of not ss than $100 00 each shall be issued on the Thirtieth day of June A.D. 1903 each of which debentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall be payable within twenty years thereafter as follows:--$500.00 thereof on the Thirty-first day of December A. D. 1903 and on the Thirty-first day of December in each and eyerv year thereafter at the Standard Bank of Canada in Colborne. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the reeve of the said Village of Colborne and by the treasurer thereof of the said Village of Colborne and the Clerk shall attach thereto the Corporate seal o fthe Municipality of the said Village of Colborne. 3. The said debentures shall bear invest at the rate of four per centum per nnum payable half yearly at the Stand-rd Bank of Canada at Colborne on the Thirty-first days of December and the Thirtieth day of June in each and every-'ear during the currency thereof and hall have attached to them cupons for layment'of die said interest which cupons hall be signed bv the Reese and Treas-irer of the said Village of Colborne 4. During the currency of the said lebentures there shall be raised annu-lly by special rate on all the rateable iroperty in the said Village of Colborne he sum $710 00 for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said for principal and interest in respect of the said debt as shewn in Schedule A hereto annexed. This By-Law shall take effect on hirtieth dav of March A. D. 1903. The votes of the Electors of the said Village of Colborne shall be taken on this By-Law at the following times and places that is to say on Monday the teenth day of March next 1903 cornicing at the hour of nine o'clock in forenoon and continuing till five lock in the afternoon of the same day by the following deputy returning officers rancc Hall in Polling Sub-r, West Colborne by Wil-'- Deputy Returning Officer i Mai 1 at G. W. Bat llh.g Sub-divisu rne by Charles ning Officer. s by the Clerk o sing the passing of this Shop t Col TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Municipality of " Village of Colborne (iu the event ot the assent of the electors been obtained ; hereto) after one month from the, first publication in the Colborne Enterprise Newspaper the date of Inch first publication was Thursday, the twelfth day of February, A D. 1903, aud that the votes of the elect-of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and places therein fixed. GEO. KEYES, Village Clerk. G T R TIME TABLE GOlnG WEST Express, (except Mondays),.. 3.523.1 Loca...................... 6.34 a.n Passenger..................12.06 p.i Express.................... 6.04 pi GOlnG east. Passenger.................. 5.0/ p.:. Passenger..'................ 8.14 p.r A.D.MARITN Announces that he has put ir. stock flour and feed in connection with his baking and confectionary business.- Manitoba flours for bread, made by one of the best Milling Co.'s in the west, also Grahan past-rey and family flour made by local mills.' Bran, shorts and chops of different kinds. Any of the above in any quantity at close prices. A. D. Martin, BAKER, COLBORNE. Card of Thanks In returning thanks to our customers for past favors we would intimate that we are now ready to fill orders for Builders' supplies at the Builders' Emporium. Estimates furnished and contracts taken. Those intending to build will do well to place their orders early aud thus avoid the rush. Ornamental, Leaded, Chipped and Plate Glass on hand and to order-- ome small plates very cheap. WM. H. IVES. Contractor & Build er. Now is the Time To get ready for spring. Our goods are all in and you will get first choice of the nobbiest goods in Smiting, Panting, Overcoatings, Hats, Caps, etc.,v Order your suit we have ever shown, early and avoid the rush. E.J. COX, Merchant Tailor, Colborne, Ontario. tf&kCock's Cotton Boot Compound HS3l Is successfully used monthly by ovei WZ/>10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask r your druggist for Cook's Cotton Boot Compound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. a, 10 degrees e tronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 3, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont Bg-Nos. l and 2 sold and recommended by a] responsible Druggists ia Canada. Nos. 1 and 2 are sold in Colborne by '. C.Grilfls arid W. A, Douglas Colborne. >--=r Dizzy? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from biliousness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. Aiidagfr«.. FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers.his farm for sale on easy terms. It is situat-on the Kingston gravel road one le west of Colborue, in the township of Haldimand and being lot one Con. A, containing 130 acres more or less. There is a good frame house 22x30, wing 20x22, wood shed 18x30 also small dwelling for hired help, barn x36 82 with wing 30x40 all on 8 foot wall granery 18x24. There is a fine spring creek a good site for trout pond also good running spring water in house, barn and stable. Four acres of orchard which sold for between $250 and 300.00. There is also eight acres of 'oods. For terms apply to S. J. rtJCKER, UNDERTAKER COLBORNE Jas. Black lock, UNDERTAKER, GRAFTON. A Full Line of Caskets, Coffins, etc. the tinest goods always in stork. Embalming successfully done when required. Prices and Terms that do not burden. Stock for Sale. bred Yorkshii J. H. Douglas, Warkworth, Ont. Pumps. WE MANUFACTURE the w, handle MODEL and PUMPS from the BEST MATE at the Old T. Card Factory. A all kinds of pmnpsjiro MR. R a PHIL? Pianos & Organs, 8 ' The Clerk , f the Council of tl, said village of Coll orne shall attend a the Council Ciiamb' r in the ,-aift Villag of Colborne at Elev 11 o'clock in the fore noon of Tuesday th .- Seventeenth dav 1 March A. i). 1903 t 1 sum up the nuiribe of Votes for and aga 1st the by-law. J .}. McCOLL, HEN WICK, On odist Church, Pc start classes in Piano a ing also Voice Culture may be seen at M time from 12 o'clock 11 The People's coal co. Will deliver coal on short no. tiee to any part of the town. Jas. Redf earn & Son, AGENTS, Colborne, - - Ontario. Dust Proof Coal Sifter. $ & ?g % % % W. L. Mitchell can supply the great F. S. Sifter which is positively dust proof. These sifters are well made and will give perfect satisfaction. Will Save a Ton of Co a Call and see them. W. L. MITCHELL, Males Block. king street. Colborne Come One Come All FRESH FISH ed fish at All kinds of fresh and the Oyster Parlor. W. H. Edwards, Proprietor 15 MONTHS EOR $3. The Editor of The Toronto World Makes Our Readers a Special Offer. W. F. Maclean, M. P., is desirous of creasing the circulation of The To-nto World to 30,000 before the end of the year. The World is considered the brightest newspaper in Canada, is published every weekday morn-g at 4 o'clock. Its market reports! e the most accurate, particul " ose in which the farmers and me its are interested. Any reader of this paper who 11 ms this offer, and who sends $3 fore the end of the year will recei receipt up to April 1. 1904. The nlar price of the World is $3 for year. It is the only one-cent mori of I'll mail or by postal note t Newspaper Co., Toront World and give WILLIAMS a call. Bargains in Ready Made Clothing. We are clearing at low prices to make room for other Stock. We guarantee good value iu all other Dry Goods. Best value in Boots and Shoes in town. Our Grocery Stock is fresh and complete. Highestf>rice for Butter, Kgga, an.I Oried *pp!«s G. A. Williams, CASTLETON. fTT»<c lVT^-H-f^cc is wltnout a doubt the best! I 1 Illb lViauicSS made today, and along with all j 1 other kinds can only be found in this county at Dona-gghy's. He carries only up-to-date goods. His Prices are the Lowest in Record. "Let the GOLD DUST twins do your work," Befo^ After. PkoEpkodine, _____English Bemeay. Sold and recommended by al' druggists in Canada. "-*- or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive m_____ bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt 1 of price, one package Jl, six, $6. One will plane, ' fix wHl cure. Pamphlets free to ai---"---- The Wood Company, V Are you a slave to housework ? GOLD DUST has done more than anything else to emancipate women from th« back-breaking burdens of the household. It cleans everything about the house--pots, pans, dishes, clothes and woodwork. Saves time, money and worry. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. New York, Boston, Montreal.

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