COLBORNE, MARCH 5th., 1903. CRAMAHE COUNCIL. audadopte Moved b Mr. Sabins, e read LIFE'S LITTLE ILLS ARE THE ONES WHICH CAUSE TH GREATEST AMOUNT OF SUFFERING. It is every day ills that distres seize, you Midden] make and Gerow. seconded bv he reeve, Mr. Ityck llory be a committee r Old Dundonald iu , u March 10th, at 2 p. m , for the purpose of selling timber if necessary.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Ryckman, seconded by Mr. Gwow, that this council ap point James M.irginson as operator of the new road grader during the pleasure of this council in their sessions in office, at a salary of $1.25 per day. --Carried. Mr. Mallory gave notice that at the next regular session of this council he would introduce a by-law to commute statute labor in the Township of Cramahe at the rate of fifty cents for each-day's labor, to divide the town ship in road divisions and appoint commissioners over same. Upon the application and to the satisfaction of the. trustees of school sections No. 10, 20 and 14 sep., the clerk was instructed to place the following properties in their proper sections, respectively, It finding. The r lies in the blood and nerves, am i canuot get rid of them until th blood has been made rich and purf ;he nerves strengthened and sooth Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do and will do it niost speedily ant\ with more lasting results than any other medicine. In proof of this Mrs, James Patterson, Chilliwack, B. C, says:--My daughter was in poor health and her system badly run down. She was pale, and suffered from severe headaches and very nervous. We decided to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aud after using six boxes, she is a strong, healthy girl. I gladly recommend the pills in similar cases." These pills cure all blood and nerve troubles, such as anaemia, neuralgia, indigestion, heart trouble, rheumatism St. Vitus' dauce, partial paralysis, troubles and th hick afflic get the genuine pills lame "Dr. Williams' I Jalo People," printed o irouud the box. If in ect to the Dr. William Brockville,Ont., and th Be sure yoi with the ful 'ink Pills for ii the wrapper loubt send di-i Medicine Co., pills will be ADDITIONAL LOCALS. --Window shades and curtain poles t Doiiaghy's. -- White curtain poles only 25 cents tDonagey's. --In another column Mrs. Robert Inetsinger is advertising for a good eueral servant. --In another column Mr. L. W. R. i Hell ■ille be dm police after w, pany v , the 5 o'clock train ie east, a well dressed nan, stepped from the hack, and asked to s possible to the Tin ibby o , fei eyed i ids she : ith office Con. S. S. 1 S pt '29 S i 30 4 100 20 Si 34 4 100 20 ■ !N i 34 4 100 14 sep S $ 33 5 100 14 sep. NWpt28 3 50 10 N pt 29 3 40 10 N pt 28 3 25 10 Moved by Mr. Sabins, seconded by Mr. Gerow, that Messrs. Ryckman a * Mallory be. a committee to meet March 14th, at 2 p. m., to dispose of the timber on concession road, E $ lot 13 concession 7, south of Morganston. --Carried. Mr. Ryckman gave notice that at the next regular session of this council he would introduce a by law, pro vidiug for the appointment of pound keepers, boundry line overseers, road overseers and fence viewers for the year 1903. Moved by Mr. Mallory,^seconded by Mr. Gerow, that the tender of Mr. L. Harnden for 2000 feet white pine 'plank at $15.50 per M and that of Mr. T. Boyle for 1500 feet cedar stringers at $15.00 per M be accepted.-- Carried. The taxes against the following property was returned as uncollect, able and allowed the collecor on his roll. Property returned: F. C. B. Greer, N. pt. 27, con 1, $9.63. Moved by Mr. Ryckman, seconded by Mr. Mallory, that the following re-hates be allowed on the collector's roll for <)r.....i .r,VV --cT/^l!*'^'^^ F. L. Webb, W assessment. -- Carried. Moved by Mr. Sabins, seconded by Mr. Ryckman, that ihis council pay Dr. Willoughby his bill for medical . attendance of family of Albert Arthur, case of diphtheria, and that we then collect the same from Albert Arthur. --Carried. Yeas and nays being called for were recorded as follows :--Yeas, Sabins, Ryckman, Turney. Nays, Gerow, Mallory. Moved by Mr. Mallory, seconded by Mr. Sabins, that the reeve sign orders on the treasurer, in favor of the following persons for the sums set opposite; their respective names: Geo. Goodrich prop, returned $ 9 63 Geo. Goodrich rebates....... 139 72 Geo. Goodrich salary, collector 75 00 Wm. Wolfraim, work on road 2 00 C. A. Wilson, books......... 9 75 C. A. Wilson, election supplies 5 42 Mrs. Fanny Hart, indigent... 4 00 Abner Colby, indigent....... 5 00 Auson Ellis, indigent____.... 3 00 John Ghent, care of hall..... 1 50 Geo. Kelly, refund --Carried. Moved by Mr. Gerow, seconded by Mr. Mallory, that this council do now adjourn to meet the last Friday in March'.--Carried. THE AGE OF BRAIN WORK "In these days, half our diseases come from the neglect of the body in the overwork of the brain. In this railway age the wear and tear of labor and intellect go on without pause or self pitv. We live longer than our They Farm for Sale. I65'Acres' bei'.igi"loU 321 loam.'>f There is In the'Vai'm a dwelling, uearlv new, two barn stables " attached, and a drive and stable. The farm is watei having access to the 1 expected that the sceue, but there »ld as charily. :■ told nd a .- situated ing orchard. The farm two miles south-west of th Colborne, and one mile east of Lake-port. It is suitable for grain, dairying or stock raising. It is within the range of two cheese factories and the Colborne butter factory. For terms apply to JOSEPH CLARKE, near'fhe farm or to GEO. SANDERSON, Colborne, executors for the estate of the late Richard Clarke. Colborne Dec. 31st, 1902. $10 Reward! The undersigned will pay the above reward to any oue giving information that will lead to the conviction of the party or paaties who broke into her cottage at the lake. ■ann'if/e. simmons" For Sale. 33" shocks of con nd about a $10.50. Payment Enterprise offce. i Held at Salem m of hay, all for ' be made at L. W. R. TERRY. Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lareest cl year: f our monthsfw. Soldbyali newsdealer*. MUNN&Co.3™--' New York Branch Office. 625 F SU Washington, D. C. business-like ma: spouse that the next trai would leave in a few n that there was a hack at t very sarcastic tones she she regretted that there wi in it for two. The man tui of a well boiled lobster, an the part in other respects, at his wife and then a , and he could havt he door. In added that is only room •ned the hue d he looked He looked the police- When the Bowels are Constipated It is a serious matter to neglect const!-pation. You may do u> for a time, only to find that your health has been undermined by bodily derangements of the most fatal kind. You should have a movement of the bowels every day. To accomplish this, avoid concentrated foods, use vegetables and fruits freely, and take one of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills before retiring, two or three times a week, or oftener if required. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are not an ordinary cathartic. They have a specific and combined action on the kidneys, liver and bowels, and consequently cure constipation and the accompanying derangements thoroughly and well, by removing the causes. For the information of those who are not yet familiar with the peculiar merits of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, we might add that they are purely vegetable in composition, pleasant and natural in action, and remarkably prompt and far-reaching in effect, even in the most serious and chronic cases of constipation, kidney and liver diseases and stomach troubles. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. Dr. base's Kidnew*4iw@r Pill^ For Sale. --CANADIAN CRYSTALS,-pages containing 111 poems by Re-I'. Watson, cloth binding. Pu'blishe time to swap horses when you are crossing a stream." Wanted. COMPETENT girl for general ouseworK. Wages $9.00 a Applv to MRS. R SNETSINGER, Colborne, Ont. A. Oa U. W. been bought for a cent. There was nothing toj do but obey, and in less that five minuits the two were speeding on their way to the station. The young woruatf left the hotel shortly after. When England is Swamped. I Kalhci v.illowcil ixtent to Gib-nwall and the square miles rock far out in the oce nee stood a church which he center of the village, aid, has been thi of the - gnu great, hi al, but steady, that the tol ' who had been : listener. area of England, which 32,549,019 more than 40,000 acres. Thus' Plained. England is being swallowed up oL«he AUa,,tic at the rate of about 2,000 acres annually. *i UJi°Z ,ong wiU u take t0 swa"y UP the hull dom country?" asked Muleahey. a intensely interested c see," replied the geologist ate mentioned it will take ' hundred years to engulf a res, and in about sixteen bil-.1011 yearsjthe whole of England will be "Bully for that," fervently exclaimed Muleahey. "It serves V.m' good an' right, bad cess to 'cm. I only hope I'll live to see the day it comes to pass" and he went behind the bar to fill an order for the drinks. "Let ■ millio forefath $500, ikssment btste: $1,000, $1,500: or $2,000. FAITH LODGE, no 123, Colbonie.Ont., meets in the A. O. U. W. Hall every second 01 Ourth Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m. ViRiting brethren are. always welcome JOS. BELLAMY, M. W. WM. H. IVES. Rec. For Sale. Large Stock and Grain Farm easy terms. For further paitieul; FRANK L. WEBB, Barrister Colborm Out WATCH & JEWELERY REPAIR SHOP When we repair a watch comnlote, we adjust it to run both in cold and heat. This is why our repair business is RneefiBS, because we have expert knowledge of them. We can offer exceptional inducements to watch and jowelery repairs. Special attention is paid to the repair of watches of every kind. We will be glad to have the work and guarantee a first-class job when possible Colboi Apply For Sale. WM. H. IVES Sec. of Trustee Board, member of the Board. That was those who v Civ'ilenera Lincoln's famous reply tc •ged him to make a change at a critical period of ths For Service. W. H. COLTON, Tomatoes. THF- Lakeport Preserving Co. have advanced the price of Tomatoes for the coming season and are now prepared to close contracts at 25c. a bushel. LAKEPORT PRESERVING CO. For Sale or Exchange. U.S. JONES Watch Maker and Jeweler. Colborne, - Ont. For Sale. E undersigned offers for sale a thoroughbred 2 year old Holstein bull, also a Yorkshire boar for service. JOSEPH CLARKE FARMERS ! Do not forget to call on M.J. DOYLE for all kinds of Farm Implements, Wagons, Carriages and Buggies of every description. Harness of all kinds and all othei articles used upon the farm. Money to loan at the lowest possible rate. Also agent for real estate, both farm and village property also first-class hotel property in East Northumberland for sale at a bargain. By placing your order with M. J. Doyle at his office you j save the expense that other i firms incur by sending travel-: ers to your home. _ Lincoln's saying is worth remembering, especially when you are asked to "swap" Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for a bootless bargain, described as "just as good," at the critical time when health is at stake. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine which has a record of ninety-eight per cent, of cures. It is an absolutely reliable family medicine, nonalcoholic and non-narcotic. It always helps; it almost always cures. Why should any one who is seeking a cure for sickness, and is persuaded that the "Discovery" will cure him, "swap" the substance for the shadow at the risk of health ? s Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. What is popularly termed " weak " stomach is the common cause of various forms of physical weakness,--such as "weak" heart, "weak" lungs, "weak" or sluggish liver, "weak" nerves, etc. The entire body and its several organs are dependent for strength upon the food prepared in the stomach. The "weak" stomach cannot provide the food-strength for the various organs, which in their turn become " weak " and unable to accomplish the work for which they were designed. "Golden Medical Discovery " cures through the stomach diseases which have their cause in a diseased condition of the stomach and the allied organs of digestion and nutrition. It enables the perfect digestion and assimulation of food by which the body is built up into a condition of sound health. It purifies the blood, driving out the poisons which breed and feed disease. Prof erred to Die. M. J.DOYLE, Colborne, - Ont. Was Bedfast. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing 1008 pages, and over 700 illustrations, is nent free on receipt of stamps to defray expense of customs and mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the book in paper cover, or 50 cents for the book in cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Be jabers, Pat, isn't it noice to be ridingjalone inja" j McLaughlin Rubber-Tired Buggy, when your swateheart is wid you If a body meet a body coming through the If a body kiss a body need a body cry ? Not if it is in a McLaughlin Buggy. he undersigned. GEO. PUUDY. J. H. CHAPMAN, COLBORNE. Dealer in high grade buggies at low prices.