Til ^35 THE ENTERPRISE OF EAST NORTHUMBERLAND Volume XX.--No. 34. COLBORNE* ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1903. $1.00 in advance, or $1.25 at end of year WICKLOW Miss Maude Card visited friends in Port Hope last week. Miss Mac Card spoilt last week wwfli friends at Presquc Isle. Mr. McKeuzie, of Park Hill, visited ; a number of farms in this section on. ; Monday Mr. Meeds lias '"an re-engaged as cheese maker n - .o factory here for the coming sea .a. Mr. H. Gorman has sold his house I aud lot In Shelter Valley to Mr. Harn-| den of Grafton. Mr.Pale;] attended the funeral on Monday oc his brother who died very suddenly at his home near Wooler Mjv-D. S. Wait has purchased a piece of land and a young orchard adioiuing his property in Shelter : Valley. Trooper Brace who foi march'at Pictor, weie Mr. Beck audi Mr. Auston McGlennon of Coiborue. I Mr. IE. A. Preston formerly of I Brigiiton but now on the staff of the! Standard Bank Picton was in town i over Sunday. Everybody was glad to j see him. The Brighton young men who atrf tended the ball in Warkworth last! week were Dr H. R. Harndeu, Hairy j Fife, James Auston, II. B Phillips aud j If men suffered with head-nen do, business would be tanstil!. Does not the fact FIT YOU PROPERLY? A n nber. i fai As a living church of God. We believe that Christ in splendor Will return to earth again; Kighteous sentence He will render. And His saints with Him shall reign We believe our present duty Is His message to proclaim. Till attracted by his beauty All shall glorify his name. Colborne Out. 1903. T. Watson. BRIGHTBABIES. ONLT THOSE PERFECTLY WELL ARE GOOD NAT0KED AND HAPPY. When a baby is cross, peevish or sleepless, the mother may be certain that it is not well. These are little ailments coming from some derangement of the stomach or bowels which the mother's watchful eye may not detect, which nevertheless make themselves manifest in irritability or sleeplessness. A dose of Baby's Own Tablets given at such a time will speedily put the little one right aDd will give it healthy, natuial sleep and you have a positive guarantee that there is not a particle of opiate or harmful drug in the medicine. 'i housands of mothers give their children no other medicine, u::<l ail mothers who have pie had a edvill:; Mrs. Wallace JJunnett is away to Perth on a visit to her brother Mr. Marcus Jacques. Tberessa Brintnell who had her leg broken lately while riding down hill on a handsleigh is doing well. The young people of Edeu rather excel in big loads as 32 persons in one sleigh came out to the special services at Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Murphy have gone to Stanwood to see their son Thomas win is reported to be in poor iiealth. The Sunday School Convention for the township of Brighton held at Hil-. ton last week was largely attended and proved quite a success. Miss W Philin, daughter of Mr. I Robert Philip of Port Hope, and Miss ! Barret of that place are visiting ! friends in Shilrb and Eden. ! The Rev. Mr. Rorke has just closed a term of four weeks of revival ser- Wal of Bri The >rt Hai iltoti Satui place at the Methodist Church here on Tuesday. He was 75 years of age and leaves a wife and several grown up children. The Senior Hockey team played an exhibition game with Picton on Thursday evening last at Boulter's new rink in that town and were defeated by a score of ten to three. The train •onnection was bad,the train being 1 ite and there was no time to get supper after ariiving in Picton at nearly 8.30 and our boys played on empty stomachs aud before the game was over they played out. We are expecting a return match with Picton on Brighton rink this week. Mr. Beck of Coiborue acted as referee and his decisions gave general satisfaction. ROSENEATH. "Favorite Prescription" has the testi- of thousands of women to its plete cure of womanly disease proved sub- FrBH. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay for customs and mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 50 stamps ir.r the cloth-bound volume. Address R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. . CARRYING PLACE. [r. Carrhas been engaged to teach English Settlement School, he Misses Hayes are visiting nds in Consecon and the vicinity. Mr. fotlll We have made a special study of Fitting Spectacles, No charge made for testing your eyes. We only advise the use of glasses when necessary Call and have your eyes examined We have all the necessary appliances and We Guarantee Satisfaction. H.J. MAYHEW, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. - Colborne. mto udiii othe Dr. Wiilia WOOLER St. Valentine's Day was duly celebrated tu our midst. Mrs. Wersley ot Belleville, is visiting at Dr. G. H. Wade's. Mr. Harold Palmer was under the parental roof over Sunday. Miss Plater, of Sidney is visiting her aunt Mia Catharine Scott. Mr Jack King is home again after srjendiug the winter at Dorset. Arthur Ruttan of Brockport, is ] again under the parental roof. Miss Lillie Anderson of Glen Ross is visiting her sister Mrs. Wade Mrs. W. W. Gould has returned home from visiting friends in Colborne Miss Bessie Anderson of Campbell-ford is visiting her uncle, Mr. Wm. Anderson. Miss Emma MeCall has returned to Toronto after spending a couple of months at home. Quite a number from here ^recently attended the anniversary at Mt. Olivet and the tea on Monday following. Mr. aud Mrs. A.G. Abbott and Miss Elsie McCall, were in Shannonville couple of lays last week visiting Rev. and Mrs. Coombe and attending the tea meeting there. Belleville and Campbeilford one of j whom was the Rev. Wm. Tomblin I who was our pastor fifteen years ago. I They found Mr. and Mrs. Tomblin quite smart and active. I The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. I Hodgins will regret to learn of their i removal to Colborne. He intends to I visit the North West Territories in the near future. Mr. Demurest, his suc- been here 1 the. the aking fo A FAMILY NECESSITY 'Owing to artificial modern life, almost everybody suffers more or less from constipation, torpid fever and sluggish kidneys, and as Dr. Chasa's Kidney-Liver Pills are the most prompt and thorough cure for this derangement, they have come to be considered a family necessity. Hosts of families would not think of being without them. One pill a dose 25c a box. GRAFTON. When it Hurts To Cough The eoug-Ii that hurts, the cough that gets tight in the chest is daily getting ieeper and deeper into the bronchial tubes and is making directly for the lungs, to become pneumonia, inflammation of the lungs or consumption. Such coughs are sometimes referred to as "graveyard coughs," because they usually bring their victim to that last resting place. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has long been known as mother'a favorite remedy for croup, bronchitis, coughs and colds. -It gains in popularity every day and now has by far the largest sale of any similar preparation. It loosens the tightness in the chest, ftllays the inflammation, cures the cold nption oubles. 25 cei son. Bates & C Or. Glass's Syr^P of Llgiseeci and fyrpunti&ie. Rev. Mr. Irwin left on Monday for a short visit at the home of his father. Miss Bella Calder entertained a number of young friends very pleasantly on Friday evening,of last week. Mr. James Carey shipped cattle and hogs from here and Colborne to Toronto and Montreal last week. Miss Agness Roberts,of Vernonvilh has been visiting at Mr. Jas. Johnston's for the past two weeks assisting in nursing Mrs. W. E. Johnston. The farmers in this vicinity are making active preparations for the rebuilding of the cheese and butter factory as soon as the season opens. A number of our citizens would like to know why the Grafton branch of the Sons of Temperanoe, which has been talked about for some time, does not materalize. Mrs. Deviney,of Trenton, daughter-in-law of Mr. David Deviney of this village, was in Cobourg last week, attending the Royal Templars of. Temperance convention held there Mrs. Deviuey having been appointed as delegate from Trenton. We regret to learn that Mr. Ben Mallory recently met with a serious aecideut. While driving home from Cobourg the horse in some way was turned into the ditch, throwing Mr. Malloi v out. A barrel of sugar it tho rig fell on him with such force that three of his ribs were broken, gi him a bad shakingup. The in j first thaught and we hope to see around again soon. Miss Laura Cameron, of Hastings, is spending a few days at home. McMillan Bros, were trying to buy horses here on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Wm. Taylor and daughter Carrie are visiting at Mr. Hiram Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hill entertained a few friends on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr, Bert Brown, of Duluth, is visiting at the home of his father, Mr. Robt. Brown. Mr. John Camp, of Alnwick Twp., was tal. en suddenly ill with pleurisy, in Hastings, on Monday and was unable to return homo. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Wm. Jewell, of Fenella, whose wife died on Saturday, Feb. 14. The funeral took place on Tuesday. The social at Mr. Richard Arnold's on Wednesday evening, Feb. 11, was not as largely attended as was anticipated, owing to the inclemency of the weather. Proceeds about $15 to be applied towards the libiary at Merrill's Sabbath school. One pleasing event of the social was the presentation of gold watches to the Misses Heal, who have been organists at Merrill's appointment for a number of EAST COLBORNE Mr. and friends he Mrs. C. Bradlev re last Thursday afte Not u Colds I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it gave me immediate relief." W. C. Layton, Sidell, 111. How will your cough be tonight? Worse,probably. For it's first a cold, then a cough,then bron-y chitis or pneumonia, and I at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Major W. W. Brown is prepai for making additions aud improve- interest is manifested is ward in regard to the Town Hall for Colborne. Letters recently received from Mr. Willet Workmaa tell of his increasing satisfaction with the good prospects of the Northwest. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Hollenback whose youngest daughter, Ruth, is so seriously ill that there is very little hope of her recovery. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Wm. Usborne and his bride nee Miss Swain, who last Wednesday were united in marriage in the presence of a very large circle of friends who wish for them a long,prosperous,and happy life. The lecture given in the Baptist S. 8. room by Rev. P. K. Dayfoot M. A. was very much enjoyed. The weather was extremely cold but there was a fairly good attendance and all present were much profited by the bright, instructive and suggestive lecture. P. Gallagher, Warkworth. We have always on hand a well assorted stock of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready made Clothing, Crockery, Glassware, etc. at the lowest possible price Also agent for the Wl'C^LAND^LO ANc^MPANY, PORT and the NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ENGLAND, 100 years old. Money loaned and safe Insurance effected at the lowest current rates CASTLETON HARNESS SHOP. A full line of all kinds of LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS is carried in stock, also all kinds of harness goods including BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC. Repairing will receive prompt and careful attention. R, COLEMAN, - - Castleton. VERNONVILLE. Miss E. Haig Campbeilford, is visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mr. Geo. Gillespie of Cobourg, was in this vicinity on business on Tues day last. Miss Nettie Hannah, Cobourg, spent Sunday at home, returning to Cobourg on Monday. We regret to hear that Mr. James Carey, our popular drover, is quite seriously ill, in Colborne. We understandand that some of our young people are making arrangements for a surprise party some evening shortly. They always make them enjoyable affairs. The young People's Mission Band held their February meeting on Tuesday evening last, the subject, "The Apostle of Modern Missions" was very interestingly and profitably taken up. The Sacrement of the Lords Supper in connection with the Grafton and Vernonville congregations was dispensed in Vernonville on Sunday morning. Rev. C. S. Lord B. D. officiated. This is the season of the year to use Cattle spice WE SELL Herbageum TRY IT Coxall & Co. Colborne, - - Ontario.