Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 24 Nov 1921, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1921 Page Five BUSINESS CARDS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2,00 per annum in advance. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. ARMS FOR SALE 50 ACRES--IN CRAMAHE TWP, i/2 Mile from Mor^anston DENTAL W. G. ROBERTSON, D.D.S., L.D.S., Dentist. Office: opposite the Fire Hall. Colborne. and a spring. Fir rooms, water inside, Barn 50x34, tie-up 0 cattle; open yard. r.ieadn w. ise of 8 : and 15 A. C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D.,'|> CM., Office opposite the Fire 1 Hall, Colborne. Telephone No.:1 123r2. Residence. King Street East--Phone No. 123-r3. |{ r~ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.CP.. ' L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Scotland. Office and residence, Division Street, Colborne. Ont. Coroner for the United Counties of North-1 umberland anS Durham. " L< LEGAL CSTIN D. HALO, 1. tor, Notary Public, {• -posite the Fire 1 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Telephone No. 86, Cobourg, Ont. W. L. PAYNE, K.C, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Conveyancer. Office first door east of Registry Office, Colborne. TRICK, McARTHUR & Co.--Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Special Examiners in K.B. Special attention to professional agency work. 416 Mclntyre Block Winnipeg, Man. FRANK L| WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, etc. Offices, King St., Colboruey. Ont., and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne Office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court days. AUCTIONEER I 60 acres workable, balance pasture. Orchard of 40 trees. 10 acres in j meadow, 10 acres fresh seeding. Clay I loam soil. Watered by 1 well and the | Bay of Quinte. Frame house, 7 rooms, cellar, cistern. Bank barn 50x30, tie-up 6 horses and 12 cattle. Hog pen, hen house. School and church on farm. Rural mail; telephone. Possession arranged. Price $1,800. Terms arranged. 40 ACRES--IN THE VILLAGE OF BRIGHTON 2 Blocks Off the Main Street 35 acres workable, balance pasture. 2t> acres orchard. Clay loam soil, level. Good water, 1 well and a creek. Brick cottage of 9 rooms, town spring water inside, cellar, cistern, furnace, electric lights. Bank barn 50x30, tie-up 6 horses and 2 cattle. Good hen house. High and Public- Schools in Village, also churches. Possession a rrainged. Price $9,000. Terms arranged. COMPOSITORS LINOTYPE OPERATORS There are still a few good positions oped in Toronto. $36.00 per week, guarantee of permanent position, open shop, Transportation will be paid. Over six hundred Writ ,nfid • W. A. SUTHERLAND, Secy. TOKbNTO TYPOTHETAE FARM WANTED-- Stock and Implement sales a specialty. Address: Colborne, Ont, Phone 64 J. S. E. ROBINSON. AtK-timwr. Farm Stock and Implement Sales ,a specialty'. Sales conducted any- [] where. Satisfaction guaranteed. '■' Real Estate Broker. Address: j R.M.D. 5, Colborne. Phone 7Sr23 ,'• Colborne: !• NORMAN MONTGOMERY, Auction-, eer. Pure bred stock a specialty. Real Estate Broker. Several grain and fruit farms for sale.; Box 186, Brighton. Phone No. 101. j S. J. PHILLIPS j COLBORNE, ONT. I J. M. SPENCER BRIGHTON, ONT. representatives of WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY FOUND--Bunch of Keys. Owner may ve same by paying for this advt. Express Printing Office. 44-3 FOR SALE--A good parlor cook stov( Apply at Express Printing Office. 41-2x ' SALEM The snow has vanished. The rain which has fallen is needed to replenish the wells which have gone dry. Much of the outside work is now completed, and farmers will have a breathing spell. Mr. and Mrs. McGinn.ts of the State of Connecticut, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Peacock, and have returned. Mr. and Mrs. Archio Ventress of Ptor., State are visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. Ven'ross was ence one of our school boys. We hope for a »ai;;iv settlement of the Conference at Washington, re the disarmamend and aslo of settlement i of Irish affairs. Miss Gillespie, our teacher, is preparing to give us a concert before ths cose of the school term. If the evening be" suitable, we feel sure tbat it will be a success. It has been the opinion of the people that Salem Church needed to be repaired, accordingly, the. work begun in good time, and is now pleted, and presents a fine appearance. Mr. H. A. Grant put on lew seel shingles and repaired the teeplo which had leaked for many ears. Mr. Lake of Brighton mor-iscoed tire ceiling and walls, and Mr. Donaghy of Colborne furnished and id down new matting. New lamps have been installed, and to our sural pleasure Mr. and Mrs. A. Irw.in presented the. Church with a beautiful and expensive Bible, which highly appreciated. On Sunda; WHITE WYANDCTTE COCKERELS for sale. W. A. SEED, Colborne. Phone 74. 43-2* FORD TON TRUCK FOR SALE-- Good as new. C. SOUTHON .& SONS, Lakeport. THOROUGHBRED GREY CHiNA GEESE for sale. Apply to F. C. Marshall, Lakeport. 10-2* the 13th i ed by the ■v. Mr. Ror; nduct :< lien 43 VICTORIA STREET INSURANCE . E. JONES, Castleton, Ont. Conveyancing Brunswick Blo(k NOTICE is herery given that NOTIC Haldi nnmd > i.l be re . -ved by the Star.'l ard Bank at Co«-.i. •;. grfcfttti Co borne, and Castleton, also the Unioi Bank Roseneath. or at Collector': horn Wir Grai Taxes are due Dec. 15, 1921, after which 3 per cent penalty will be charged. By order of the CouacH*. WM. KNIGHT, Collector. EXPRESS ADDS BRING RESULTS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, map.t to the Statutes in that << .-1 tho Estate of John Austin Lemon of the Village of Colbor.ie, in 'C'o-miy of Nortl umb«rlanu, Mereh deceased, who died on or .about ISth Day of August. A.P., 1-121,ARE REQUIRED to send or deliver Hallie M. Lemon. Executrix of tire estate of the deceased. Colborne. Ontario, on or before the 3rd day of December, A.D., 1921, their names and addresses and particulars of their claims, duly verified,, and that after said last men tioned day the Executors will distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have received notice B>ted Nov. 1st, 1921. HALLI^M LEMON CLARENCE M. LEMON 44-4 Executors SOUVENIR PARLOUR COOK STOVE for sale at $10.00. Enquire at the Express Printing Office. 43-tf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, known as the Burley place in East Colborne. Apply at Express Printing Office. 45-4tx. RY SLAB WOOD for sale, cut hi stove lengths. Delivered if desired. W. W. Mutton, Colborne R.R. 2. I r 22. 29-tf. «I WANTED TO RENT--Abor.' 5 to 400 acres. Convenient to inning factory preferred. Apply > John Westrope, Colborne, R.Ji.. o. 2. 41-lx. . On Tuesday evenii served in the Church Hall, the tables were crowded for two or three s, after which a good program carried on in the church. Music le violin and guitar and piano by Mrs. McDonald and Doonan and wife. Mrs. Barnes assisted. Solo by Mr. GaM. Readings given by Mr. Doonan and the two sisters, the" Misses Ventress of Colborne. were much enjoyed. The Rev. Mr. Rorke gave a good address. Rev. Mr. Clare acted as 'chairman. The proceeds amounted to $132.50. The balance will be made up by subscriptons. It is sixty .years since the church was built and stands as an evidence of interest i zeal of those who took part in erection. - Clai MORGANSTON t the home of Mrs on Friday. Mrs. Frank V OPERA HOUSE COLBORNE Saturday, Nov. 26th Douglas Fairbanks -IN- The Mollycoddle Just as "The Love Flowey" delighted our patron3 last week, this attraction is guaranteed to satisfy all WILLIAM s. HART --IN-- SPECIAL 2 REEL DRAMA FOR SALE--7 Room Dwelling ITo'ise en Percy Street. Colborne, equipped with furnace, electric fixtures, cistern, etc., owned and occunled by Printing Office. Ex FOR SALE--Dwelling house property situated on North side of Creek Street, in Village of Colborne. Large garden, about 1 ac-e. wi.h good fruit. For particulars apply For particulars Wilson, Insuranc Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 41-4 FOR SALE--A few Shoals, 50lbs in weight. 2 choice Brood Sows with large litters. One colony Movable Hen House. Book your order now for Baby Chicks next Spring, any from Mai Gordoi Mac Colbc Out. MOUSE FOR SALE--On the East side of Elgin Street, formerlv oc-c; pic-d by Mr. James Stanton All n odern conveniences. iiicludin.-' l.alb room. Large garden. Some Apply W.'l mt, Colborne. and Real Estatt HOUSE AND GROUNDS for sale, situated on North side of King Street, Colborne. The said property consists of 1 acre of land, good frame house with cellar, living spring, 28 choice apple trees, pear, plum, cherry and quince trees, grapes, rhubarb. For particulars apply to G.jp:R. Wilson, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. Colborne. When In Cobourg Call at the ALBION HOJEL Good Meals and Service EDWARD LISTER, Prop. Mr. Belleville visited Mrs. Alvin Peters, on The Literary Societ: successful meeting last be held every Friday. here on Friday evening at Guess what for? Mr. W. Harding had his party on Thursday. held i the i Friday night ith friends- i:i [y praver m of Mrs. Peter report that Mrs. Thomas Wilce is in very poor health. Th'a anniversary services held here were well attended, and the concert on Monday night. Everybody seemed to enjoy the singing, and Rev. Mr. Horwood's sermons will long be remembered. The Literary Society was organized and introduced by a masquarade that was well attendee and all had a good time. Starting the second week of November a meeting will be held each week. The evening and place will be announced in time for all to be present. Mr. Frank Dingman of the North West is visiting Morgan ;ton friends. Mr. and, Mrs. Twiddy of Stirling visited friends here recently. itgomery o* Colborne visited at the home of Mr. W. Turney recently. Brunswick House Colborne UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT First-class Meals and Accomodation Give us a cal! when in Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM, Proprietor SHILOH This Week ps, Wm. Peterson of Trenton wa recent guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs. S. Darke-, Mrs M. Knapp and Mrs. Taylor an e guests of Mrs. W. A. Philp. Mrs. Gordon Lovett and little soi Charles left for their home in Sas'i Monday. Her father, Mr. Charle: Mutton accompanied them as far a: Bowmanville. Mrs. W. S. McDonald spent a fov in Colborne last week, •s. Wesley Darke spent ^i.st wee irlan d. •. and Mrs Robert Darke have re Ed from their wedding trip. ie Rev. Mr. Bick of Wooler too! ge of the service here on Sunday good number from Shiloh attend anniversary Services at Eden oi lay; also the concert and Socia Children 20c. To Begin at 8 p.m. No War Tax The present Canadian Houss of vided among the provinces as follows:--Ontario, 82; Quebec, 65; Nova Scotia 16; New Brunswick, 11; Manitoba. 15 British Columbia, 13; Prince Edward Island, 3; Saskatchewan, 16; Alberta, 12; Yukon, 1. As there will be mi redistribution before the general election, this represent """ bo unchanged in the new Pa Last week. I Miss Myrtle Mutton V.B.H. School! I and Miss Grace Mutton, . spent | Thanksgiving at their home here, j Miss Lena McDonald returned home j latter visiting Miss Myrtle Wright of | j °Mi\rland Mrs. Henry Mutton open-! led their home last Tuesday evening] to the people of this neighborhood, i where Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Darke j 'were presented with a "M'iscellan-] [kneous SKower". Mr. and Mrs. 'Darke were the recipient of many j useful gifts. The evening was spent in playing games, after which lunch EXPRESS ADDS BRING RESULTS. Overcoats! SPECIALS FOR 2 WEEKS JUST LOOK AT OUR PRICES BELOW AND COMPARE ANYWHERE-- WE FEAR NONE! Men's Overcoats, light grey, heavy cloths,-worth 835.00, just for 2 weeks at half........$17.50 Men's Oxford Grey Tweed..............$18.75 Men's Oxford Grey Tweed . . . . '.........$15.00 Men's Checks, of blanket cloth, very heavy .... ................/......$19.50 to $22.50 Men's Rain Coats, regular $14.50........ $S.50 Men's All Rubber, black.............. $6.00 Cloth Top, all wool water proof .... $10.00 to $15.00 Boys' Overcoats, 4 to 8 years.......... $5.50 Boys' Overcoats, 10 to 14 years.......... $8.00 Youths', sizes 32 to 35............y. . . $12.00 Good range of Men's Suits at............ $15.00 Good range of Men's Suits at............ $17.50 ALSO BOOTS AND SHOES AND RUBBERS We lead in these lines in prices . .Verily. J. J. SAYER LEHIGH The Coal Tiio'i Sat C. P. R. Telegraph Dominion Express Money Orders Agents for C.P.R. Railway and Steamship Tickets JAS. REDFEARN & SON Phones--Office-lr2. ResideK.ce-66 Grafton West End Garage We have Secured a First-Class Mechanic from the City for Repairing Cars Agents for Gray-Dort and Ford TIRES OILS We also handle Elictric Light Plant for Farmers sabins & mikel, Phone 49 Grafton, Ont Car Load New Fence Wire TO BE SOLD AT OR BELOW SARNIA OR EATON PRICES -Place Orders at once- JOHN REIVE King St.

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