2 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE. ONT.. THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1921. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR AQiuncmlsi. 73 Adelaide S Selecting Seed Potatoes. I And that I get far better results by selecting my seed potatoes from the Mite as they are dug. I have never experimented with this on a big scale, for I am not a big potato grower, but it pays me on a small scale, and perhaps would pay even better on a bigger one. In selecting the big nice tubers from the pile of potatoes in the spring of the year, you do not know that you will get a good yield of big nice potatoes even with a very favorable season. You may be getting discs tubers from hill; dry rot, and the like, West Toronta. grow potatoes successfully on either a small or a large scale. Fall Work in the Orchard. The practice of plant sanitation to prevent parasitic diseases and rotting of farm produce, if heeded in time will save many of the trees and keep vegetables from rotting. The raspberry patch should be "caned" to remove all dead and badly diseased stalks. This is more or less of a sanitary measure and it gives the sound canes a chance. In fall pruning of apple orchards tbe farmer has a chance to rid the trees of cankered limbs. In deciding infected with scab, I what cuts are to be made, the vigor „ though the1 and freedom from disease of a limb Individual tubers may not show it to j should be borne in mind, any marked degree. Whenever pes- Any pruning cut exposes the heart •sible, I like to dig my seed potatoes wood of the tree and opens the way by band with an ordinary potato fork, for heart rot fungi. As soon as the This takes little extra work when only cut surfaces are dry1 they should be a few bushels of seed are needed, and painted with a white lead paste (not by turning out each hill to itself 11zinc white). Common barn paint or en sure of getting no bad potatoes ready-mixed house paint has smaM mixc I with the desirable ones as they! protecting value for pruned surfaces. We t rated up. I Tne pruning cut should be made flush !ien I come across a bill of nice,'with the main branch. The healing f:. • le tubers, free from scab and \ of wounds comes about from a "cal-o'.: • diseases and with a generous1 his" growth from the cambium. If yii'l. I know I am getting strong, \ stubs are left the projecting parts Vig.. - 0U3 stock that should produce! prevent the healing. Well the following season. For such j Hold-over cankers of fire blight i a bill could not have been infected be located by the blighted twigs with disease, and it is vastly superior. which the leaves have withered and for seed to that from a puny neigh- dried. The canker is at the base of bar. A good-looking potato may come the twig. These should be located and from a bad bill, but the disease germs' removed. Thorough winter enadioa-will get in their deadly work after tion coupled with vigilance tasks, and willingness to undertake and try to perform well whatever he commands. A Scout's training makes me gener-_ ally useful. Into the lives of two Scotch Boy! 1 s. me knowledge of photo-; Scouts there has come Adventure ^aphy, microscopy, electricity and with a capital "A." They have started ; trigonometry. born and bred OCTOBER 23. and| Paul's Last Journey to Jerusalem. Acts 21: 1-17. Golden Text--Gal. 6: 9 (Rev. Ver.) ns-wvHatpH with Time and Place--56 A.D.; from the A echo cf Judg. 1: 31, and is not assocaatea wicn M1]etug tQ Je;rasalem_ , Acre Saluted the brethren; greeted id Vikmg tradi-| Connectlng Links--After Paul had and hold converse with the Christian labored at Ephesus for a period cf society which, as Ptoletmais was on 2, Oct. 19; the great highway by the coast, had founded by the disciples dispers- voyage of 30,000 miles, through uncharted Antarctic seas, upon a little *to™J climate, and have schooner scarcely bigger than an i outof sigh* of the - ~ -oyster boa*. And, what is as import-; . lne °rkneys ant to them, they are serving Sir Ernest Shackleton, the explorer, as cabin boys. A few weeks ago it became known that tbe little Quest was to put into London for her finishing touches before starting on her long voyage of, "~m~ "7": more'cortventional Scotch!for his coming,'he planned to'remain Paul'"s present visit was the third he exploration in the South Polar re-raid to - , es oh 9:.30; gions. And then Sir Ernest Shackle-1 We. with blue eyes and lean jaws, is gfcay however wae brought to a sud- 18: 22). Philip the evangelist. "Evan-ton casually announced that he would • student at Abwdeen University. He den end by the riot instigated by gelists were an orJsr or bxiy of men probably need a cabin boy to go along, has played Rugby football and tennis Demetrhls> of whidh an account is in the early church, .-.iter apostles, and and that he thought a Boy Scout for many year3' Two years ago he'given in ch. 19- 23-40. Having escaped- before pastons and teacher* (see would fill tbe bill best i saved a young girl at Banff from from the danger that threatened his Bpbes. 4 :11). They corresponded to rw j r> q„ ,„_____rt 'drowning, and immediately afterward life, he oroceeded to carry out hid our foreign mis?; maxim " This was a° / ■ i \-T X7k a made a gall-ant but ineffectual effort plan of going to Macedonia and then- ilii.Sp the deacn . ,1 ,. r.: S: 5. 2ft); appued fer the job. If the -others had „ , , • ., , „. to Greece or Ach-;i:<. cb. liU: I. :t. -• r "-,'..->',■ ■ '-.a Philip the heard of it in time, they probablyj jn„-„, tL »,J, wnT1 " a three-mon^'stay in Greece (ch. 20: apostle, John 1: 43, etc. He must have also would have begged to be taken ^JaZ^JL, " ™ ""^l*), he was about to sail for Syria ' Arctic explorations a Mooney is the slighter and also the three years, (se_ _. more reserved of the two boys. Until Acts 19: 8-20) he determined to i he left bis native Orkneys for the first visit Macedonia and Achaia, ch. 19:' ed from Jerusalem after the death of time, to come to London, he bad never 21. Having sent Timothy and Erastus Stephen, ch. 11: 9. Unto Caesarea; seen a train or a large city. ; into Macedonia (ch. 19: 22) to prepare thirty or forty miles further of the" of the storage. By selecting your seed digging time, you can store these better-producing tubers separately, and thus keep your seed stock in first-class condition. Good tubers sttored in a bin with,. decaying spuds will become weakened : floor and a straw or crate chimney, in vitality, and be less able to produce' Black heart of potatoes and black early part of the growing season will control fire-blight. Ventilation is necessary in the storage cellar if disastrous rotting of the produce is to be avoided. Vegetable pits should be provided with a straw a good crop. I know from experience that it pays to select and store -seed tubers separately, especially for late potatoes. I have helped plant fine-appearing spuds from a bin where the potatoes were from one-third to one-Walf decayed, and I have never known such to make a stand. The heat from the diseased tubers of ttimes destroys the eyes of those remaining. Such tubers may look all right, but they wiill not sprout and produce. For best results it will pay you to select your seed potatoes in the fall, and to store them in small well-VwiitiiAated compartments; this rule holds good whether you expect to specking cf cabbage are due to lack of oxygen in the storage room. A cleanup of all trash from the preceding crop should take place promptly in the garden. Many fungi survive the winter in such trash. Sanitation is the gardener's greatest protection. In the field sanitation is obtained by crop rotation. Those who followed corn with corn, beets with beets^ or beams with beanis, have this year found that disease has been portant factor in their farming. Aside from its relations to soil fertility, crop rotation is necessary to avoid disease intensification. The demand for the well finished, milk fed, crate fattened, chicken has always been in excess of tbe supply and where this condition exists, it goes without saying, that the price must be enticing or attractive to the careful and systematic farmer, who prepares his product for market, in the most economical and attractive manner, and who reaps his reward in an enhanced price and a ready demand for what he has to offer. The marketing of lean scraggy chickens, straight off the range, allows but a small profit, or possibly ro profit at all, and is decidedly from the ground, and some absorbent, such as ashes or sand spread underneath to catch the droppings. The crate should be placed in some rough shelter, preferably, where most of the light can be excluded when the birds are not feeding. Vermin. Before being placed in the crate, the birds should be weld dusted with fine sulphur. Feeding. They should be starved for 24 hours and then fed only sparingly for the first two days, gradually increasing the quantity, up til! the third day, when the troughs should be kept filled until they settle down and refuse to take more. Feed twice a day, with as long interval between feeds as possible commensurate with light, and " satisfactory to the farmer, the dealer j mediately remove or-empty troughs an-: the consumer. | after feeding. If possible, darken the The consumer is gradually realizing; crate and leave birds quiet till the t' ■: he is the greatest loser, as the'next feed. of: 1 and waste from tbe unfinished Ration. A satisfactory ration chicken, is the same as from the well! should be exceptionally palatable and fattened bird. In the first condition j one that will produce the whites* and this waste may run to fifty or sixty! fines* texture of flesh, in the shortest per cent, of the whole carcass, while! period. For this purpose, finely in the fattened bird it- will not exceed! ground oats, mixed with sour skimr thirty per cent, med milk or buttermilk, to the eon-' This convincing economy, and the! sistancy of thin porridge, so that it improved texture and delicate flavor j w,iH pour into the troughs is best, of the meat, of the milk fattened | If a quicker gain in weight is de-Chickens, has created an unlimited de- j sired, corn meal or buckwheat flour mand at home and abroad. It is' may be added, but it must be remem-therefore, well worth while to consider i bered, that the addition of either to the following simple method of fatten- J save time, is at the expense of "tex-ing when it is time to market, either; ture" in the finish of the flesh, large or small quantities of poultry. The addition of corn to the ration Crate Feeding. Crate feeding has! will put on fat, but in some markets a proved the most satisfactory method j fat chicken will be accepted as equal of preparing poultry for market with '■ to the best finished poultry, the exception of broilers, turkeys and The fattening period will vary from! waterfowl, which are usually con- j 10 days to 3 weeks and the gains srfdered to do better in limited pens, i will be from 1 lb to 3 lbs. on good Construction of Crates. The large1 robust chickens, that have been care-metal commercial batteries, usually j fully fed. used where great numbers are avail-; As it is possible to put on a pound able, can be purchased, but for home! of gain to 3 to 4 pounds of grain con-use, crates can be made measuring' sumed, plus sour skimmed milk, it is about 6 feet long, 16 inches wide and j easy to see that the successful fat-20 inches high, divided by two tight! tenting of poultry is a profitable partitions into three compartments^; undertaking. each capable of holding fcui* birds of j __... from 4 to 6 pounds each. ] Tbe frame, of 2 inch by 1 inch; Despite the easier feeling in tl material, is covered by" slats I inch' ^ee<^ market, every precaution wi wide set 2 indies apart and running: have to be taken to prevent waste i lengthwise on three ?*ides and per-i feeding this winter or a shortage wi pendicular on the front, to allow thejresult- ,#hfckens to feed from a V shaped- -- |rough, made from two pieces of 3J If you do not think it a privilea ftich by i/3 inch hoard, nailed together to have children and a place for the! «pl_set on protruding brackets, so as.' to play, try living in a large city for trough | a year. As for providing childr ilon-g. The spirit that sends the Englishman out to the ends of the earth in his wanderings still is pretty much in evidence, despite what thi simists say about the decline c empire. (That is not to mention the spirit which would prompt any normal boy of any Anglo-Saxon country to volunteer for- a little jaunt such as the Quest's.) The 1,000 applicants were narrowed down to ten by the Boy Scout headquarters at London, and these tee boys were called to London to interview Sir Ernest, in order that he might choose one of them. The choice narrowed down to two, both of Whom seemed equally good. Sir Ernest solved his dilemma by accepting both of them. If there two prouder boys in the British Isles at the moment when the explorer made known his decision, persons who watched tbe faces of the two chosen Scouts would like to meet them. Speech was impossibk them; they simply stood and beamed as Sir Ernest, standing before . chart, outlined to them the route which the Quest would foliloi Both of the Quest's cabin boys are from the north of Scotland. They are: Patrol Leader N. E. Mooney, aged' seventeen, Kirkwall, Orkney Patrol Leader J. W. F. Marr, aged eighteen, Aberdeen. Young Mooney, before he knew he had been chosen, gave the following reasons for wishing to go with the expedition: The pleasure of serving a British hero, whether in difficult or ordinary Scout decorations. • "I was going to be my father, but I don't said after his i . .., ; when a plot of the Jews obliged him to entertain so large a party. Four . farmer, like to change M,3 and return to daughters .' . did prophesy: that think I shall Macedonia. From Philippi, he went to ;,s, they belonged to a class in the Troas, there joining the company who early church who edified the church municated to him. peditions with Sii if he will let me, t I hav :I have had to get boys for the Far South," Sir Ernest Shackleton's only con ment, but it was obvious that he wa highly pleased with the result of hi appeal. had been com-1 were to sail with him to Jerusa "I shall go on ex-|ch.'20: 4-6. After the incident relat-Ernest Shackleton,1 ™g to Eutychus (ch. 20: 7-12) Paul'; e next time as well, companions set sail ftfr Assos, when ted for this." I Jie J™"* them- h.avlnS, gone . jf.ch.ing under the direct influ-• of inspiration interpreting the 1 of God, revealing the secrets of • life £ I Trcas to Asses 4. ..I. u xt ..i.' >" ^u.., ch. 20: 13-16. go to the Far North The farewell interview with the elders of the church at Ephesus, for whom Paul had sent to meet him at Miletus is recorded in ch. 20: 17-38. I. The Voyage, 1-9. Vs. 1, 2. Gotten from them (see ch. 20: 36-38); "torn from their embrace," says one interpreter; a painful and difficult separation. Launched; set sail. A straight course. Luke "has keeping bees safely the true Ureek feeling for the sea" One of these is a-and generally "records the incidents 1 3r to harbor" (Ramsay i. land southwest of the (lis . _ _ ria in Asia Minor. Rhodes; great island due south of Coria. ~ *" the south- Wintering Bees. There are three important pointe to be observed ■in the winter. strong populous colony consisting from harbor to harbor" mainly of young bees; another is an Coos; an islar ' abundant supply of wholesome stores; trict^of^ Coria in the combs, and the third is ade- late Dominion Apiarist, Mr. F. W. L.| (Rev Ver.); a larger" merchantman Sladen, who recently met his death by which. instead of hugging the coast, drowning, in a bulletin published re- as the voyagers had hitherto been decently, says tbat, as tbe winters are ing in their smaller vessel, was going consistent in Canada, if these to stand straight across the open -- believers. II. The Warning, 10-14. Vs. 10, 11. Tarried . . many.days. Ramsay, in bis reckoning of the time occupied in tbe" journey from Miletus ti. Jerusalem, courts the period spent at Caesarea. as ten days, just before Pentecost. From Judaea; that is, from Jerusalem, or its neighborhood. A . . prophet . . Agaeus. See ch. 11: 28. Took Pad's girdle; the band, sometimes of leather, but mostly of silk, cotton or wool, by which the loose, flowing Oriental robes were drawn together at the waist. It might be from three to ten inches broad and several yards long. Bound his own hands and feet. Such symbolic acts were often employed by prophets in the Old Testament, 1 Kings 22: 11; Isa. 20: 2; Jer. 13: 1. Thus saith the Holy Ghost; who gave to the prophets their ravel at ions. 2 Pet. 1: 21. Vs. 12-14. We; those cf Paul's company. They; the disriilcs belonging to What do ye? (Rev. Ver.) are observed, bees winter bet- Unto I'henicia; the strip of coa.st Oa«M term this country than in England, ™rth°f^e*ne. ^ do^ ouj. >t. . -j^-- in the Southern States. When cold | J^\^^X^^^e U prepared." ,ay, $. -1 "the burden weather sets m the bees gather in a Up out 0f the sea." Luke is careful IS "ffht. Would not; because duty cluster, from which warmth emanates to give the exact details of the tri > k-'Pt calling him, and he dared not to all. Colonies that are not strong in Cyprus; the island formerly visitor f;'^!f ^tv" i'"' ,."-"'*'\ IIe™was r*?dS the fail should be put together so that by Paul and Barnabas, ch. 13 contains enough bees to Unto Syria (Rev. Ver.). So the Ri crowd over at least eight combs of province Langstroth size before the weather cold enough for clustering closely. Clover honey is an excellent winter Importance. In view of the decreasing prices of farm products generally, it is of increasing importance to the grower tbat his farm returns be n tained by increased yields per acre. The value per bushel may decrease, but if more bushels are grown to acre, the total returns from the crop do not decrease in the s'ame proportion, and this points to tbe necessity, during a period of deflation of prices, of paying particular attention to the quality of the seed sown. In spite of the fact that the use of better seed in increasing yields per acre is self-evident, for a large proportion of the acreage sown to grain crops in province, seed cleaned with the hand fanning mill only is used. This is largely due to the fact that seed cleaned with suitable seed cleaning machinery is not easily available, and to the fact that heretofore commercial quantities of registered seed have not been produced in the province. Two Circumstances. First--Assist-given by the Ontario Depart- med which include;. ' perly care for and market the seed produced in these competitions, that the benefits of such competitions' (Rev. Ver.). be not curtailed. | disciples tbe sufferings that Organization. The agricultural! j Paul in Jerusalem. Their Ir _ t, He v to die for tbe Lord's sake. The will of the Lord. In Paul's decision they saw divine purpose, which they could net oppose. III. The Arrival, 15-17. Vs. 15-17. We took up our carriages; Rev. Ver., "baggage." The . distance between Caesarea and Jerusalem was about sixty miles, and Ramsay stays- that the journey was . taken on horseback. The usual belief require*this time for unloading ar ( ■ that the tr.p was made on foot, the taking m of fresh -cargo. Saul M'nason of Cyprus, an early (Rev. through the Spirit. See also Ver.) disciple; perhaps, one of the converts of the day of Pentecostr He bad met Paul's company at Caesarea, Phenicia. At Tyre . . to unladi Tyre was one of the chief ports of Phoenicia, and a very ancient city. V. 4. Having found the disciples (Rev. Ver.); looked them up: they would be a small company in a large city. Tarried seven day:- ^ The ship must have been a ,arge ;i - taken society, instead of handling the pro-j^e™ position itselif), might properly < duty bade bin ) hold him back; awaited ajK} jnvited them to his home, iu« moved jerosia,].em. Brethren received us gladly; hastening to Mnason's house with go forward. (Compare ^^on^te greetings. courage the competitors to organize j 'Vs. Accomplished those days; the I Application, an association of their own for clean- ?cveI1 days of v. 4.' We departed, etc. ! Don't be a discourager. Friends as ing and marketing their Registered Paul refuses to yield to the persua-; well as foes threatened to relax the Seed. Where the local levator is j sione of the Tyrian dSsdples, because retsoluticn of St. Paul. Well-meant owned by a farmers' co-operative as- he hears the call of duty. Brought us pessimistic talk still does the cause ' tion, or where there is a co-on our way; reluctant to part from of God a deal of harm. The folk of operative association in existence, the *e apostle, and grieved because he the churches may be divided into two seed cleaning and marketing might: - ^tnfcch ThT^tenerTare^- advantageously be added to such busi- (Rev_ Ver } A j^j candy bead) ways ready to beMeve that hard things ness. The Department will assist in (such as the Greek word describes) ] can be done. The heart-melters al-formmg such organizations. ; extends for a considerable distance en ways say that the task is too great Costs. If seed cleaning machinery' both sides of the site of a-.cient Tyre, and cannot be achieved. When the only is needed the cost is nominal. A Prayed; those who were to remain Forward Movemer; Fund was launsh-clear.er can be purchased foranl those who were to go, commend-Led, many had misgivings and express-$500 and upwards. A small; in« on<\ ****** to the loving care'ed them. But the stahvarts said: "For °-asolim- <~w = 'l nm m„,Ww and protection of the God who would the name of the Lord Jesus we are , , , . 1 " . 1 , th them all The farewell is in 1 ready." During the South African Added .o this is the cost of purchas- nla.ny ways like the scene at Miletus, | war this telegram came from Lady-hut without the same intimacy. The I smith., "A civilian has been sentenced acquaintance here bad been short, by court-martial to a year's imprisr "The scenes are familiar, and yet how i different. Such touches cf diversity i and resemblance could be given only ' renting a small building, and, engaging a compel operator. If a more ambitious pla: decided upon the Department is j. pared to furnish outlines of plans e from Tyre. Vs. 7-9. Ptolemais; thirty i »uth of Tyre, a day's sail. It to) leave the bottom of the j|bout 4 inches above the bottom of tbe «rate, and the upper edge about 2 Inches from the front. The bottom slats of the crate J a™ «... $ould be nasled on the upper part of - Thousands of peopl, with the normal food for growth,-- eggs, milk, cream, good butter, fresh vegetables and meat,--it passes wage city dweller's ability. out of work $e frame to prevent injury to the! in Toronto, and "the bread ^cW feet should the crate bother centres are steadily lengbhen-•bood upon the ground. The crates! ine. To the discermiw there i,™ jflhouM tie placed on stands 16 inches' need of pointing the moral. t of Agriculture toward the tablishment cf seed cleaning centres, building suitable for elevating and'b7 This assistance takes the form of binning, and for cleanng and handling! *K shlp (Revi Ver->' ,Th<t loans to co-operative associations: grain and grass seeds. The costs of; - - 3 which undertake to install and operate such plants, of course, vary with the suitable seed cleaning machinery and size of the plant and the local condi if necessary market the cleaned seed.; tions. m To any co-operative association or! Demonstrated. The beneficial re-co-operative company, the Govern-; suits from the "installation of a powei ment loans up to fifty per cent, cf the' cleaner have already been demon-value cf the property upon which the strated. At Certain, in Essex County, loan is based, but no loan to any one: such a plant is in operation in connec-association to exceed $3,000. The loan'tion with a farmer-owned elevator, is without interest for two years and | and the members state that the pur-at six per cent, thereafter. It is re-! chase of the cleaning machine has payable one-half in five years, and proven to be tbe best and wisest one-half in a further period of five' in connection with their business, years with the privilege of repaying Lynden, a private individual i at any time. This loan is also avail- j chased a cleaner, and this spring able toward the establishment of cleaned the grain for seeding 75 farms potato warehouses and potato grad-: in the district. At other points in the ing and marketing associations. j province power cleaners have been Second--Some fifty or more agri-"| stalled or are being installed and cultural societies in the province are,; all instances the increased yield per for the first time this year, holding'acre alone, from the use of better ibined Feld Crop and Threshed' seed, has justified the small expendi "loney. Five and a quarter mfilli« Ontario are sown to grain r. Registered Seed on these e and a quarter million acres would each | materially increase the wealth of the If individual farmers and of the pro- ment for causing despondency." tan struck no blow for -the enemy, ie was not intentionally disloyal; but herever he went his mouth driipel discouragement. Ho was breakin ; down the morale of the men. He was doing barm and the courtmartia! did perfectly right. Happy is that church whose pessimists are dummies! Grain Competition. In each of these I ture of competitions, fifteen contestants are j Need, growing a total of 75 acres of grain acres ii crops, and all competitors with but I every y one'kind of grain of Registered Seed. < five and Fifty societies with 75 ac total 3,750 acres for the pro' the yields from this acreage pass thejjvince. The opportunity afforded" to field and bin inspection for Registered < the agricultural societies and to seed Seed, there will be available for the | producing districts should not be ne-first time, Registered Seed in com- j glected until the seed is ready to bar-preparations should be made ial quantiti But--It is important that this Registered Seed should be properly cleaned before sale; only large plump seed, as well as pure seed, should be included in registered stock. The hand fanning mill is not suitable for the purpose. The agricultural societies conducting these competitions should, therefore, inqui necessary steps to be taken to pro-1 IMPORTANT. now to handle and market to the best advantage. The Co-operaticn and Markets Branch of the Department of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, will be glad to give assistance te any society or district in establishing seed cleaning plants. FIND OUT ABOUT THIS. IT IS food and buckwheat honey has been refrigerator, using wood construction found satisfactory where buckwheat or combinations of materials, flourishes. Dandelion honey is un-j " The cheapest material, as well as wholesome and the honey of the hard; the most satisfactory, seems to be the maple is not favored. A pure syrup' type constructed of some class of made by stirring two parts of! masonry, either stone, concrete, or granulated sugar into one cf boiling tile, or combinations of these mate-water and allowed to cool if given to [ rials. The structure is then banked the bees about the middle of Septem-'up on the ends and sides, or even ber or a little tetter, wiM afford them: the roof, with earth, since a layer of time to cap over most of the syrup; earth is a cheap means of maintain-while the weather is yet warm and j ing an even temperature, to consume sufficient to form an area I The essentials of a good storage cel-of empty cells in the lower part of the! 'ar are drainage,, ventilation, insula-midd'Je combs for the winter cluster, j tion, and a proper amount of mois-The syrup should- be given in feeders; ture. A cellar I saw tbe other day placed in tbe hives. A ten-pound! is constructed cf native field stoma honey pail with small holes punched ■ built up in arch form and covered with in the lid and placed unside down over' earth. The entrance doorway is to-the combs makes a convenient feeder, j ward' the north, and forms a vestibule Bees can be protected from cold out of j or air lock. Ventilating flues are of doors in oases filled with packing; brick construction. As the cellar is material, or indoors in the cellar, carried down a few steps below the where the temperature should be surrounding grade, a drain is pro-about 42 degrees and not exceed 50 J vided to carry off seepage water that dlegrees F. The bu'letsnl, contains might find its way in during wet s illustrations of bees wintered at the Ottawa Experimental Farm in four-colony cases besides a deal of essential information tbat cannot be gathered into a brief space. A Handy Root Cellar You Can Easily Build. Oftentimes in regions where cellars are impossible to locate under the house, the upground cellar is resorted to for the storage of fruit and vege-is. These cellars or storage houses may be built in the form of a earth floor holds moisture, and insures the vegetables against shriveling. The bin floors are raised a few inches off the dirt floor, and the bin walls are also in-dependent of the side walls. This secures better ventilation for the stored products, and is an additional precaution against frost. Hollow tile and concrete storage cellars have been built with success. These materials may be handled easier (ban stone, and may be used in a greater variety of construction work than stone, owing to their adaptabiHty of steel reini£orc*m«n,t»